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One team, just need some advices.


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Hello, Reborn players,

E16 is almost here! And as such, I want to be sure to have a good team to travel with.

And since I like having immunities to a particular type, I created this Main Squad in order to maximise the number of immunities while not having the same type twice. Here it is :


Eelektross@Leftovers (Expecting an Assault vest later)

Nature : Quiet

Ability : Levitate

EV's : 252 HP /252 Spe.Atk/4 ATK


-Grass Knot



Bisharp@Life Orb

Nature : Adamant
Ability : Defiant

Ev's : 252 ATK/252 Speed/4 HP

-Iron Head

-Sucker Punch
-Sword Dance
-Night Slash


Azumarill@Nothing (Expecting a Choice band Later)

Nature : Adamant

Ability : Huge Power (Can be alternated with Sap Sipper)

Ev's : 252 HP/ 252 ATK/ 4 Speed

-Play Rough

-Aqua Tail


-Waterfall (just for the HM currently)


Chandelure@White Herb

Nature : Naive

Ability : Flash Fire

Ev's : 252 Spe.Atk/ 252 Speed/4 HP



-Dark Pulse



Gogoat@Leftovers (Yeah, I have two of them)

Nature : Brave

Ability : Sap Sipper

Ev's : 252 HP/ 252 ATK/ 4 Def

-Horn Leech

-Earthquake/Aerial Ace

-Leech Seed

-Milk Drink


Nidoking@Life Orb

(Totally, there's 2 LO in this game to obtain, just hard to find them)

Nature : Mild

Ability : Sheer force

Ev's : 252 Spe.Atk/ 252 Speed/4 HP

-Sludge Wave



-Surf/Shadow Ball/Whatever I need.

And I don't count the reserves, because this is the squad I really want to use.

But maybe it's not perfect at all. I would like to know, from you, if I can somehow improve this team by replacing one pokemon or another, or movesets.

I'll consider all advices you can give. Thank you in advance.

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I recommend you to add some speed in your team, as of now you don't have anything (really) fast and this could be a problem. If you could tell us some more pokémon you'd be willing to train i can come up with some suggestions

Now, onto your main 6:

-Breed Aqua Jet on your Azu, it's slow so Priority would be good on it (plus Aqua Tail is kinda bad)

-EQ > Aerial Ace on Gogoat, it gives you better options for the incoming Gyms (hi Titania)

I don't see much change other than these, i'll be back if something else comes to my mind

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I recommend you to add some speed in your team, as of now you don't have anything (really) fast and this could be a problem. If you could tell us some more pokémon you'd be willing to train i can come up with some suggestions

Now, onto your main 6:

-Breed Aqua Jet on your Azu, it's slow so Priority would be good on it (plus Aqua Tail is kinda bad)

-EQ > Aerial Ace on Gogoat, it gives you better options for the incoming Gyms (hi Titania)

I don't see much change other than these, i'll be back if something else comes to my mind

I agree with these, I just forget off the top of my head if EQ is possible at this point via past ep breeding. Probably? I think it shares an egg group with Smeargle, which you can also get Rock Slide and Bulk Up from because of how breeding worked in previous eps. Anyways, definitely recommend some speed, your fastest speed tier is base 85, and that's Nidoking, and even then you don't have a + speed nature on it. Without repeating the same type, it's hard to up your speed that much. My idea is to go Honchkrow > Bisharp(similar ideas, lose poison immunity but gain ground immunity + flying STAB over Steel STAB) and Jolteon > Eelektross. You lose coverage yes, but you gain an insanely fast and strong special attacker, another Electric immunity(the loss of Poison immunity isn't huge, you have something that 4x resists it in Nidoking anyways), and more importantly you keep the Sucker Punch utility on Honchkrow, trading Defiant and SD for Roost(if you want to breed it in previous eps using I want to say Swanna?)and Moxie. You also gain +1 to the base speed stat so that's also a plus, if horribly minor. Trying to think of decently fast Pokemon with good immunities that are available is tricky.

Edited by Ssbmfreak36
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I recommend you to add some speed in your team, as of now you don't have anything (really) fast and this could be a problem. If you could tell us some more pokémon you'd be willing to train i can come up with some suggestions

Now, onto your main 6:

-Breed Aqua Jet on your Azu, it's slow so Priority would be good on it (plus Aqua Tail is kinda bad)

-EQ > Aerial Ace on Gogoat, it gives you better options for the incoming Gyms (hi Titania)

I don't see much change other than these, i'll be back if something else comes to my mind

In my reserves, I actually have a Delphox and a Heliolisk (and if you count it, a DD tyrantrum) in the Speedy Department, and Sylveon and Steelix in Resisting Department. I also plan to breed and train a Hawlucha, since I lack Fighting and Flying STAB.

Plus, I have a Final Gambit Accelgor, but he is just a Joker against hard PULSEs or other mega-bosses.

I agree about Gogoat, but I keep Aerial Ace as an option against Grass Teams (Hello Fern!). and about Aqua tail, it will be replaced, for sure. It will cost me another Azuraill training, but it's K.

I agree with these, I just forget off the top of my head if EQ is possible at this point via past ep breeding. Probably? I think it shares an egg group with Smeargle, which you can also get Rock Slide and Bulk Up from because of how breeding worked in previous eps. Anyways, definitely recommend some speed, your fastest speed tier is base 85, and that's Nidoking, and even then you don't have a + speed nature on it. Without repeating the same type, it's hard to up your speed that much. My idea is to go Honchkrow > Bisharp(similar ideas, lose poison immunity but gain ground immunity + flying STAB over Steel STAB) and Jolteon > Eelektross. You lose coverage yes, but you gain an insanely fast and strong special attacker, another Electric immunity(the loss of Poison immunity isn't huge, you have something that 4x resists it in Nidoking anyways), and more importantly you keep the Sucker Punch utility on Honchkrow, trading Defiant and SD for Roost(if you want to breed it in previous eps using I want to say Swanna?)and Moxie. You also gain +1 to the base speed stat so that's also a plus, if horribly minor. Trying to think of decently fast Pokemon with good immunities that are available is tricky.

First point, even if I could use the Past Breeding mechanic, I won't use it, since I don't want to go back into a past episode, even if it could improve my game.

And yep, I know my team is not that quick, that's because I'm used to have a resisting combat style (and particularly, Life-Stealing/Regenerating)

And about that, that's the final idea about Eelektross, when the time will come about having Giga-Drain over Grass Knot. I don't really know if trading Versatility for Speed and a little more Spe.Atk is worth it.

But Honchkrow could be a good idea, plus I realized while writing that there's no need to go to a past episode to breed this move, since it's also an Egg-Move. And on the other hand, it's true that I already have enough Poison resistances. The thing is, the next Gym could be the Fairy one, so I'm hesitating to replace Bisharp now.

That being said, as I've written above, I have speedy mons I could use.

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I primarily am not going to suggest changes to your team because you'll obviously prefer to keep the most you've chosen for your own reasons. I'll instead recommend changes to the sets.

Chandelure could use something other than dark pulse, which is redundant for the most part. Try substitute, or HP Fighting or Grass if you're lucky. Flamethrower is also more consistent and can get fairly powerful if you remove white herb for an item that actually boosts power, like that life orb (Bisharp can use black glasses for a similar effect because most of its moves are dark type anyway) or a charcoal if you wish.

Aqua Jet is really useful on Azumarill, and iirc doesn't need past gen breeding, but I could be wrong. Aqua tail is kinda worthless if you have waterfall which is more consistent and has a better side effect.

Gogoat really likes EQ, aerial ace is meh. You could always try a flying type.

And now, assuming you are open to a change of mons as well, a fast flying type or so isn't bad for your team. Noivern is good there, gets nice moves albeit at a high level. You also have quite enough firepower, lol, so getting rid of fire coverage on some of your mons might be useful. In that case, Magnezone is better as a bulky electric type than eelectross, and offers more utility in general besides being stronger. If you keep eelectross, ditch one of the electric moves for something that gives utility. TWave support can be nive with your general slow team, and can also help spread status for Chandelure's hex. Getting a Metagross or a Bronzong may also help; Bronzong makes a fine Trick Room user if you like that. Also though it requires breeding, Roserade is worth considering. Tangrowth is also a bulkier grass type than gogoat in general. DDrantrum is a fine choice.

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