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I've stepped into your lair, and now I introduce myself.


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Hello all, just call me cordialChaos. I am semi-new to Pokemon Reborn. While I have been enchanted by the game for quite some time now, this would be my first time joining a forum community. So, strange as it seems to me, I will do my best to learn how to chat on a forum.

I'm a strange Seventeen year old person, currently in Guitar class as I write this. My interests lie in all forms of art, including drawing, dancing, singing, acting, writing, and roleplaying~

I'm looking to make friends so please, don't be shy. I'm a friendly person. Tell me about yourselves in return~

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I see, a new toy has stepped into our lair.

Good... Our last toy has gotten kind of worn with all the playing we've done

Do be wary of the various boulder-, poison dart, and pitfall traps in the area ~

We wouldn't want you to have an untimely demise now, would we?

"And he even comes willingly, is this bravery or stupidity? Only time will tell"

Surely this is fate, you see. He even signed the blood contract upon entry!

"What? Really... Just like that? He handed his soul over that easily..

Yes, he just clicked on the "Agree to Terms of Use" without even reading it!

"Perhaps his entry was stupidity after all? What type of person would willingly enter our lair..."

Don't worry, we will make good use of him, his mind will be stolen and assimilated into the hivemind.

"And his body will be used for manual labour to build more shrines to our Lord and Savior, Ame"

Good, we are in agreement on the due course of action.

"Now, let us greet our never member, he seems to be having some troubles navigating the Wasteland"

Now, son of Man: CordialChaos. Praise our name, and offer yourself as a sacrifice to gain entry into the godforsaken holy land of ours~

Many funs are to be had here, at a prize... Though you seem willing enough to pay it.

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Well... there's certainly more than a few music lovers in this forum, so I'm sure you'll fit right in. So welcome! I can share the pain of being 17 though... thank god I'll be 18 soon, and I can finally head to college. Since you're posting from class, I can assume you get bored as all hell from class too.

Anyways, feel free to ask any questions you want of me. I promise I don't bite. Oh and, make sure you join the Showdown server. It's a place to battle and chat with other members of the community. There's a link in the top left. It's a party, I swear.

Enjoy your stay!

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Thank you all for your welcomes! I never expected so many responses, I must say that I feel as if I will fit in here.

I hope we have future discussions as well, Yeshwa. Let's both be as actuve as we can.

Tartar.. I thank you for your warnings, though I had made note of the traps as I entered. I have paid many prices to find this lair, none of which I regret.

<I step further in, skirting around the traps. As I move closer my grin never wavered, and I stop in front of you.>

I plan to stay, though I will not lose myself. My mind will remain my own, and I shall stand on equal ground with you.

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