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Ice Mono overview [E17 CONTENT]


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Well, some time ago I wanted to start a challenge run of Reborn, specifically, a monotype run, using my favorite type: Ice. Despite some hurdles, I have completed the main story of E15, and I figured, why don't I give my thoughts and show off my mons?


First of all, the Pokemon that I've been using, very different in many ways, but united in one: All are at least part Ice-type, which makes them all alright in my book. They will be showing up in the order I acquired them, and only those that I have actively used for at least a small period of time.



Moveset: Blizzard, Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Mist.

The starter, the mammoth herself! A true powerhouse throughout the entire run, her power only grew with Earthquake and evolutions. Part of my team at all times except for Ametrine Mountain + Terra, as I wanted to use Blake's team for that which originally didn't have Mamoswine, more on that later when I go over the battles.


Moveset: Hail, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat.

The Ice Cream of doom, a consistent special powerhouse in my team. Never truly dissapointed. Used since I got her after Julia until defeating Terra, except was unused against Charlotte.


Moveset: Surf, Rain Dance, Hail, Ice Beam.

A surprisingly tanky and very fast mon who performed well, although her offenses started to really waver at around Noel, which is why she was the first one to go into reserves. Used since I got her before Florinia until just before Radomus, then used one more time against Charlotte.


Moveset: Icicle Crash, Faint Attack, Brick Break, Hone Claws.

Ah, the dark one himself. Ever since I got him from the Mystery Egg, he proved to be a very powerful, if very fragile, member of the team. However, he, as Sneasel, started to fall behind in power at around Route 1. That's when I was offered to sell my soul and give in to damnation for a Razor Claw to evolve Sneasel. I took the opportunity and did not regret it at all. Used since I got him from the Mystery Egg all the way to the end of E15 without break.


Moveset: Icicle Crash, Blizzard, Superpower, Hail.

The giant bear was quite powerful. Not as powerful as some others, but was able to hold his own very well. Overall I was not disappointed. Alas, as more mons became available post-Agate, he ended up getting the short end of the stick and was put into reserves. Used since after Shelly until right after Samson.


Moveset: Blizzard, Confusion, Lovely Kiss, Nasty Plot.

Jynx...*sigh*. I really wanted to like you, and you're quite fast and got decent power behind your attacks. But...while you had power, you didn't quite have enough of it, and then came the problem: Extremely weak durability. Not even Lovely Kiss ultimately could convince me to keep you on the team. Used since after Shelly until right before Luna, then one more time for Samson.


Moveset: Frost Breath, Mirror Coat, Blizzard, Hail.

Of course, I can't exactly run an Ice-mono without using my favorite mon in it. Taking up the role of Special Powerhouse, while also possessing surprisingly good survivability, she performed amazingly at all times. Used since right before Radomus until the end of E15 with no breaks.


Moveset: Ice Beam, AncientPower, Freeze-Dry, Blizzard.

He may have the worst dual-typing possible, but does that matter? Not to me. Snow Warning is an incredible ability, doubly so with an Icy Rock. Perfect accuracy Blizzards for the entire team without even needing a turn to set it up? Snow Cloak activators? Yes please. He was also quite decent offensively, making him a solid addition to the team. Used since around halfway to Luna until the end of E15 except for Ametrine Mountain + Terra.


Moveset: Surf, Rest, Waterfall, Blizzard.

This is actually the second Walrein that I've caught. I was offered a shiny, I went for it and was not dissapointed at all. Solid bulk and good offenses meant he was a powerhouse in my team. Used since right after Samson until the end of E15 with no breaks.


Moveset: Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, Water Pulse.

Ah, Froslass. You seem quite good and you performed well against Blake. 'tis only a shame that I didn't really get to use you more... Used only for Ametrine Mountain + Terra.


Moveset: Discharge, Pain Split, Substitute, Blizzard.

Ah, Rotom...I was quite hyped to use you for a while. You...did not do as well as I hoped, to be honest. Rotom didn't do badly, just that the other team members were doing better. Not even the ever-valuable Discharge was of much help. Used for Ametrine Mountain + Terra.


Moveset: Ice Shard, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Dragon Dance.

And, finally, the latest addition, the graceful Lapras. Only got him near the very end of the run, so don't really have a solid opinion of him, considering the battles he's been in weren't very kind...still, looks very solid and, with a huge health pool, can bulk well. I'm sure he'll do fine. Used for the Mansion Gauntlet + Ciel.

And now, some descriptions for the Gym Battles + more notable battles that I've faced. Note: I'm using the pictures from the Reborn Boss List guide. Tell me if that's a problem and I'll cut them out.


PIVRHtH.png You...the first battle caused me a LOT of trouble simply because at the time I could only use a Swinub. I think I had to fight him about 10-12 times before I broke through his Budew's offense. The other battles were not any easier. Second time I had the same problem as the first time: Vulnerability to his attacks. Third time he actually necessitated me to grind my team up. Fourth time wasn't AS painful, but still needed a bit of setup, plus the Serperior + Roserade caused a lot of trouble. The FIFTH battle was the only time I crushed him on my first try. So...yeah, congrats Fern, you actually have the largest number of victories against me spread out over all the battles...

HGO8S31.png All the battles against her except the very first one...really nasty. She proved to be a very painful rival to fight and, in fact, has probably the second highest number of total wins against me, behind only Fern himself (And that's because Fern fights us more times). Fast fighting-types kind of hurt me. A lot.

9eUg7pk.png Compared to the other 2 rivals? He was nothing. Sure, he did get a few victories (In particular he beat me 3 times in Vanhanen), but overall, compared to the other 2 rivals he simply could not put up as much a fight against me as the others.

bdhpGQT.png I can see why you're not normally supposed to be able to get Ground-types before Julia, as Swinub just shut her down completely. Attempts needed: One.

pImnEXF.png For the exact same reason why I kept struggling with Fern, I struggled with Florinia. 3 mons vs her 6 AND 2 of them have a Grass weakness? You can imagine how it went. I needed a lot of setup via X items before I was able to then move in and take her team out.

C4oAJPz.png I did not have any trouble with him at all. I needed 2 tries for his first battle because of the PULSE-Tangrowth, but otherwise he was not very hard. And yes, this time, unlike the first 2 times I fought him in the Water Treatment Center. Turns out when 2/3'rds of his team have an Ice weakness...yeah.

TNdDs4U.png ...ZEL. I've already made my opinion clear: I do NOT like fighting ZEL's team because...well, by this point I'm sure you know why. Don't get me wrong, I actually like ZEL as a character, I just don't like fighting against...xym? So I'll talk about the PULSE's. The PULSE-Muk was cheesed to all hell. Turns out Muddy Water + Factory + Ground-type = laughter. As for the PULSE-Abra...Hyper Beam one, send in Mamoswine, EQ for massive damage, switch out for someone else, Hyper Beam that, send in Mamo again and EQ again.

tx4JpLZ.pngCorrosive Mist because, well, what else? He actually took quite a few attempts for everything to go well. Turn 1 Mist to counter the Mist, then Sneasel sets up +6 Hone Claws (Hopefully without Venom Brench), then go to town with a mix of Faint Attacks and Metal Claws.

post-14474-0-97361400-1369508096.png Passed over the first battle with these two. To be honest, these two aren't that tough, though the very last battle against the two of them actually got rough. It was close, but I finally took them out, with only Glaceon left (Aya had been knocked out)

post-14474-0-13297900-1376855213.png I...honestly don't remember much from the battle against her, just that she took a few attempts. Her Masquerain, plus Struggle Bug spam really weakened my offenses which allowed her team to wear me down, especially the Masquerain and Ariados.

post-14474-0-42760500-1377574765.pngShade. First boss I faced with a full team, and he put them through their paces. I actually had to beat him 2 times because first time I defeated him I accidently F12'd instead of Print Screening. Anyway, the first half of his team: Gengar, Doublade and Trevenant fell easily. The other 3, especially Chandelure...not so much. Ultimately I was able to bulk an Energy Ball and defeat the Chandelure. Took a few attempts, fewer then Shelly anyway.

post-14474-0-34424400-1377674816.pngBelieve it or not, I beat him second try. Piloswine with Earthquake just tore through his team. (First try his Magmortar tore through MY team instead). Probably my second biggest surprise the entire run. Of course, where there was a pleasing ease...

post-14474-0-87985900-1380331658.png ...soon comes a painful nightmare. Meet the trainer with the single highest victory count against me in one battle. While Victoria and Fern, over all their battles, won more times, Kiki won the most times in one battle. Strength OHKO'd everyone on my team, and using Charm to weaken her mons doesn't work very well when Meditate actually outpaces the attack debuffs. Eventually - and I do mean eventually - I got really lucky and was able to land a trio of Charms on her Gallade, the only mon without an attack buff. Then, after a long time of setting on with Piloswine, I sweeped her team away with Earthquake. It was very painful and it took a few dozen tried, but eventually Kiki fell...

post-14474-0-66180400-1388769655.png Despite taking ~3 attempts, it was almost all due to one mon: Gengar. Outspeeds everyone on my team and Focus Blast. However, I was able to outlast her toxic assault and claimed victory and putting this nightmarish chapter to a close (Seriously, Victoria, Kiki and Fern gave me a TON of trouble)

post-14474-0-31866800-1394642134.png His team might have been suboptimal overall, but a Chandelure/Hitmontop lead still tore through my team until I was able to knock the two of them out. The rest of his team failed to keep the pressure up from those two, though, and he fell.

post-14474-0-56785600-1395095622.png Two battles against him, both times I beat him on my second try. First battle I forgot that Signal Beam is extra-painful on the Mirror Field. I rapidly fixed that problem next battle. Before Luna, again, his Venomoth defeated me with Signal Beam spam, but again, second try and he was the one who lost. And...yeah, that's it about him.

post-14474-0-19540100-1395105068.png Ah, the first of two Ice vs Ice duels. At first I tried to take advantage of the field with Vanillish and Mirror Shot. Soon enough I EQ'd the field away, though. Her team put up a good fight but was unable to withstand my assault in the end, proving that I was the superior Ice trainer.

jJf1Dx4.png Sigmund, unlike Sirius, only took 2 attempts. First try...to be honest I don't even remember what happened, probably got destroyed by his Electivire. Overall, I think this is the battle I remember the least about.

G91I5tb.png Yet again, 2 attempts. First try I tried to brute force the Steelix. You can imagine how that went. Second try I was able to nerf it via Charm spam, then wear it down.

post-14474-0-28460700-1395282047.png ...yet again, two attempts. First try I, once again, tried to brute force my way through, something that his Cinccino shut down very quickly. Second try I set up with a bunch of X items on his Wigglytuff with Vanilluxe. The Ice Cream proceeded to sweep his team.

post-14474-0-51756700-1395093063.png Focus Sash + Mirror Coat on Vanilluxe is my go-to strategy for Dittoceus, no different this time. In fact, Reborn has caused me to gain a HUGE amount of respect for Mirror Coat.

post-14474-0-69283900-1403038807.png Ah, the one of many hats. Game me quite a bit of trouble. Turns out when Psychic gets a double buff, it becomes VERY dangerous (1.5x damage AND Rock-typing which I'm weak to). That, and I went for a tactic of putting his team to sleep with Jynx. It...sort of worked I guess. This is a rare battle where every single mon of his was a threat, from Contrary Malamar to Psychic G.Gardevoir. After a grinding session I was able to find the correct play and checkmate him, though.

post-14474-0-60368600-1410314901.png The Dark Dreamer had two threats on her side: Malamar and Tyranitar. The first few attempts those two would destroy me. Eventually I was able to bring her Tyranitar down after it used one Earthquake on the cave field, then I EQ'd double KO'd Mamo and Malamar with a second EQ. After that, Honchkrow, Sableye and Umbreon simply did not have the ability to take me down.

post-14474-0-35494300-1417989381.png Hoo-boy. I admit I was terrified of Samson, expecting it to be Kiki 2.0. I was pushed into a first try basically "See how far you can get". Turns out not only was I able to beat Samson on my first try, I beat him first try after having lost a grand total of just two Pokemon, Jynx and Aurorus. Setup and OHKO on Hariyama, then Jynx falls to Mienshao via U-turn (Sends out Lucario), I use Mamoswine to EQ it and Blaziken away, then I send in Aurorus to set Hail for Snow Cloak because Mienshao's back...only for it to use Poison Jab on Beartic. One more OHKO later, and Glaceon took out his Conkeldurr (Hawlucha U-turned into it, only for Glaceon to 2HKO it with Blizzards, with Hawlucha one more Blizzard later). Wow...

post-14474-0-88067600-1419316036.png For Charlotte, I went full on preperations, making sure I can both eliminate her field and nerf her fire. Even then it took three attempts. I came THIS close on the first one (Rotom and Ninetales left, both in red). Second try fell apart instantly, third attempt, again, VERY close but I eked out a victory with Aurorus spamming AncientPower.

Q3LYHx0.png I decided I didn't want to deal with it and simply had Froslass use Destiny Bond on it. Simple as that.

post-14474-0-39879500-1420862222.png With Blake I did something different: I went in using his team (Except using Glaceon instead of Jynx, both because I really like Glaceon and because Jynx would have probably contributed almost nothing to the battle before getting OHKO'd). Turns out I underestimated him, especially his Rotom and Walrein and, despite winning in one attempt, it was VERY close. Only had Glaceon up, and she was at 8 HP left.

ZZOOJJw.png AKA Mewtwo. Glaceon Mirror Coat. Next!

post-14474-0-78643300-1422224947.png Terra proved to put up a REALLY rough fight, all because of one move: Stone Edge. Every single one of them except the last one hit. Had to pop a Max Revive, something I haven't done in a long, long time. Still got her down in one try, but that Hippowdon and Excadrill...ugh.

pBkrWBk.png Blizzard completely invalidated it. It really does rely on the field heavily...

OZfczdM.png Glossing over the first battle in the Mansion Gauntlet (It was easy), then we get to these two. They were REALLY painful. Walrein lead did a LOT of damage to my team, and Fern's Serperior can sweep my entire team by itself. It took 4 attempts to finally crack through them and win.

post-14474-0-56096900-1388720485.png At last, Solaris. Pyrous Mountain he destroyed me, just getting that out of the way. His Scizor managed to deal a lot of damage with Superpower, and his Garchomp was able to bulk an Icicle Crash from Mamoswine. Tyranitar, again, Superpower dealt a lot of damage. However, Mamoswine quickly tore through most of his team, including the Excadrill. Not only did I beat him first try, but I still had at least one mon (Glaceon) still able to fight (Unlike the previous 2 times where Florinia had to finish the battle by herself)

pL9FKB6.png And, at long last, we took to the skies and danced among the stars. I horribly underestimated her Archaeops, but the rest of her team simply was not able to pressure me as much, not even Talonflame or Noivern. Eventually her Mega-Altaria got OHKO'd by Weavile's Icicle Crash and it was over.

Overall, I really enjoyed this run. I really liked using my favorite type and, despite some hurdles, overall I did not have that much trouble. At least I had an easier time of it then the first playthrough I had, at least in terms of resets required. Fern, Victoria, Kiki and Florinia proved to be the main hurdles for me to overcome, while Julia, Serra, Samson, Terra and Ciel were all gym leaders I defeated on my first attempt.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this post. If you have any comments, please point them out. This is not my last challenge run of Reborn, but I think I'll wait for E16 before pursuing them. Until then...I might play through Reborn Hardcore for the first time, should be fun.

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Good job on writing the After-Action-Report. It was pretty fun to read, and it's good to see the underappreciated ice typing get some exposure (no pun intended).

Here's your prize:


Edited by Tartar
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Good job on writing the After-Action-Report. It was pretty fun to read, and it's good to see the underappreciated ice typing get some expose (no pun intended).

Here's your prize:


Heh, thank you :) And I agree, I feel that Ice is underappreciated. While I can't deny that it's bad as a defensive typing, that doesn't mean that Ice-types can't be able to endure some hits, and it's still very strong as an offensive typing. And Ice-type mons really are not bad, some people just gloss over them in "Oh, it's an Ice-type, which means it's automatically bad" which is simply not true.

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Just chill, Ice types are cool. People may give them the cold shoulder, but as long as you don't get cold feet, you'll easily ice your opponents.

I guess there are snow problems here?

Edited by Tartar
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Looks pretty cool! Good luck with that, because with the most weaknesses of any type it takes some doing...

Um, Rock and Grass have 5 weaknesses each, Ice has 4. Though I know what you mean. Still, I prefer it like this, besides, us Ice-types can handle ourselves without many resistances.

Edited by Anstane
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As a fellow Ice-type trainer (Yeah, I know, I still have to finish my own MonoIce, but it's just a matter of image uploading), I had to see this.

That's a pretty nIce job. And you didn't even took an Avalugg as a potential Starter, and more, in what seems to be the Hardcore version. I really feel you had a pretty hard time with these early Fighting trainers.

If I had to say something about this roster... Well a really tiny thing. You could have save yourself most trouble if you have chosen to NOT evolve that Smoochun until she can learn Psychic. Yep, totally, these GF incoherences, with that evolved form unable to learn a powerful attack, but the base form can... Not logic at all.

And I REALLY feel you'll need an Avalugg for later (and in case of a sneaky Victoria rematch in E16). Curse + his incredible defense stat allows him to tank even the most powerfuls Close Combat and Steel attacks! Yep, I love this Pokemon.

That being said, once again, Good Game.

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As a fellow Ice-type trainer (Yeah, I know, I still have to finish my own MonoIce, but it's just a matter of image uploading), I had to see this.

That's a pretty nIce job. And you didn't even took an Avalugg as a potential Starter, and more, in what seems to be the Hardcore version. I really feel you had a pretty hard time with these early Fighting trainers.

If I had to say something about this roster... Well a really tiny thing. You could have save yourself most trouble if you have chosen to NOT evolve that Smoochun until she can learn Psychic. Yep, totally, these GF incoherences, with that evolved form unable to learn a powerful attack, but the base form can... Not logic at all.

And I REALLY feel you'll need an Avalugg for later (and in case of a sneaky Victoria rematch in E16). Curse + his incredible defense stat allows him to tank even the most powerfuls Close Combat and Steel attacks! Yep, I love this Pokemon.

That being said, once again, Good Game.

First of all, this is not Hardcore. Not yet. In fact, I only just started my first normal playthrough of Hardcore.

Yeah, Victoria and Kiki gave me a lot of trouble. Though, as things went forward, things got a bit easier simply because I had more options.

I didn't take Avalugg pretty much because I forgot about it until I ran into it in Ametrine Mountain. I didn't train it up simply because I didn't see how I could really fit Avalugg into my team composition. (Well, that and I got sick of grinding after training first Rotom, then Lapras up)

As for Psychic...yeah, I only learned that you need to not evolve Smoochum to get Psychic after the fact. I was worried that it would have screwed me over on Samson, but ultimately it didn't matter.

I might train Avalugg up at some point. I can see the value of a very high defense mon, though I am worried about the low speed. Eh, the team overall seems to have some speed issues, I'll probably live.

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  • 1 month later...

Ah, it feels good to return to this run! I just finished the main story part of E16 and it is time for an update on how things went. This will be me going over all of the main battles and events.


First thing I did was...go get every single sticker because I wanted Hyper Potions. Even when 30 levels overleveled, the Tech Glasses puzzle still sucked.


Anyway, first things first, I had money, I bought a bunch of Rare Candies and got my entire team up to level 76. After that, it was time to assault Devon Corp.


The battles against the orderlies were completely one-sided. My team just steamrolled through them all, even when I had to run them alone. I think only, like, 3 Pokémon total were even fainted during the entire assault.


...alas, the same could not be said about "Devon Corp?". First battle was against Victoria the Dreaded. Every single battle (except the very first one) against her was a nightmare for me. I was hoping this would be Samson 2.0 while expecting Kiki 2.0. It ended up being in the middle, though. I won on the third attempt, after her Mienshao missed it's first HJK. Her Gallade made a major comeback, but, eventually, Weavile was able to clinch the battle in my favor.


Next up was DJ Arclight. He...did not put up anywhere near as much of a fight as Victoria, and fell on my first attempt. Surprise Superpower from Luxray got him a good start, but the rest of his team was not able to keep up. The Mega Ampharos was a nice touch, but, well, Dragon vs Ice, there was only one way that was going to end, especially on a mon as slow as Mega Amphy.


Finally, it was time for ZEL AKA that battle I don't like doing because of their team composition. The battle took only one attempt, however. Gotta love the Aurorus Lead, which empowers my team while merely activating a single Snow Cloak on theirs. IT was not pretty, but eventually I struggled my way until only one obstacle was left.


The PULSE-Magnezone. (Fun Fact: Even though I don't really like Magnezone, I have to admit I like the PULSE-Magnezone's design).


My attempts to have Glaceon Mirror Coat Discharge back failed when she got OHKO'd. Plan B was to heal Weavile up and try for it, but then I found out something: The Short-Circuit field kind of invalidated the Magnezone when I sent out Mamoswine. Turns out 2 of it's attacks were completely useless, while HP Ice did not do too much damage. A number of Icicle Crashes later (The PULSE has Levitate) and...





Also, can I just point out? I want an Alolan Ninetales on my team. Badly. And yet, I know I won't get it until the very end...


Anyway, that just left the dance with Adrienn. Xe put up more of a fight with xys team then every single Gym Leader since Luna, actually managing to defeat me three times before I broke xym. The main threats in Adrienn's team were the Florges Ace, the Granbull and, to a lesser extent, the Mega Mawile. MOSTLY the first one. It's Dazzling Gleams are really powerful, especially when it's super fast with Tailwind. However, in the very end...




Not even xys overleveled flowers or Mega Steel-types were able to hold me back for too long. Lapras, after a pair of Dragon Dances, took out Gardevoir, Weavile OHKO'd Togekiss, then Mamoswine and Glaceon, together, took out the rest of Adrienn's team. And with that, the next badge is mine, my quest to bring winter to the top of the league moving along smoothly.


The team at the end of E16: qqtrx5.png.



Well...time to wait for E17 then I guess.

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  • 1 year later...

Well, it's been a while, but we have reached the next episode, E17. While it is still the community release, I believe that it was time to continue this run.


Without further ado, let's get started with my adventure through E17.



The first thing I did was start exploring everything ever for new items, Pokemon and other assorted goodies. It did not take long for me to start increasing the size of my Ice power.


First of all, the Mon I was waiting for the most, A-Vulpix. She would replace Frosty the Aurorus from my rotation. He did well, very well in fact, but I feel like it's about time I moved on. As for Shinori here, quite a beauty, isn't she?




Sonic the A-Sandshrew here...alas, I never actually used him on the run. My team is already so well established that even with Slush Rush, I couldn't really fit him in. Still, I'm sure he would do amazingly well, given the chance.


More in-depth exploration would lead me to a number of items, both in the desert and out of it: Another Focus Sash, a number of seeds and various memories, new TM's and other assorted goodies. Part of the exploration led me to an extra-special sidequest.



Meet Ferocity. Despite having had to sacrifice a few of my non-Ice type Pokemon (And I feel bad about it...) I believe the payout is well worth it. Despite not having used it much, it's in a condition that I can bust it out at any point and it'll perform well.


However, I must say: Who thought putting the Ice Memory at Teknite Cave, near the end of it, was a good idea? Because let me tell you, it is not. Ametrine Mountain would have been a much more appropriate place to put it in. Like, I dunno, same place where you get the Riolu egg? Just saying.


Anyway. After spending a lot of time Grinding Shinori and Ferocity up, it was finally time for the desert. First of all, just so you know, this is a run where I battled Taka in the WTC, therefore this is the Zekrom route. Anyway, I spent a bunch of time just exploring the desert, collecting a number of items, inclusing a number of Magical Seeds, a few TM's, the Ice Memory, a Focus Sash and an assortment of other stuff. Eventually I got to the Scrapyard and after quickly clearing the puzzle out, I got to the small community waiting on the other side, where I happened to run into a certain someone special: Corrin-Rouge. After some words, it was time to fight. He actually put up a good fight (Inferno Overdrive caught me off-guard), but by the end of it, he was down to his "Ace". As in, his level 5 Magikarp. You can imagine how well it went for him.


All in all, the journey felt a little...eh, a little boring and empty, but, well, joke's on me for not seeing two episodes into the future, huh? Whatever. Anyway, eventually I arrived in Fairy Tale land. After fighting through a number of Mons, including a Scizor and a pair of Nidos, I got knocked out by Lin. Then it was time to fight Zekrom after agreeing to trust Titania. Zekrom did not last long, in case you're wondering. Ninetales and Glaceon broke it down quickly.


After Titania ganks Lin, it was time for the battle I was not looking forward to the most.


Vs Titania


The battle took me a number of attempts in order for me to assemble the pieces of the puzzle. My first attempt and first strategy fell apart on the first try because, apparently, Excadrill OHKO's Mamoswine at +6 Defense with Smart Strike. Slowly, I was able to piece together the puzzle, between losing to Snowslash, Excadrill, Mega Scizor and, once, to Aegislash. Furthermore, Destiny Bond was bugged, preventing me from taking out her Mega Scizor out like that.


So, what was the solution? Magical Seed on Mamoswine to block Snowslash. Using an X Defend on it to force out Excadrill on turn 3, right into an Earthquake after Mist was up on turn 2 (Snowslash used A-Veil at that point.) After that, there was a bit of luck involved. If Titania used an Ultra Potion on Snowslash, I was good. If she had Snowslash Iron Head Mamo, it was as good as an instant reset. After that, she sent out her Mega Scizor. For this, I needed to use Focus Sash Froslass and Magical Seed Lapras to wear it down. It was a painful affair, but, eventually, Mega Scizor fell. Klefki and Empoleon both fell to an EQ from Mamo each.


Then came Aegislash.


First time, it immediately SD'd, pretty much dooming me. Second time, it went straight on the offensive. It KO'd Mamo and Lapras, but Weavile was able to jump in and knock it out. I had a Focus Sash on it, but I did not need it.



Just saying, but this image is my Mark of Pride right now. Not even Titania can do more than slow down this train.


With that, Flash Cannon and the 15'th badge were ours.


After this, I went and did the Mega Z-Ring quest. In case you're wondering, I think it's been too overhyped as an item and is not as good as people claim it to be. And no, I'm not using either of Ice's Mega's. Anyway...after that, it was time to deal with Amaria.


Getting to her was a pain because I went off in completely the wrong direction and ended up swimming in circles. Eventually, though, I was able to get to her and, after some chasing, was able to battle her.


Vs Amaria


I went doubles against her. The battle was...very very easy. Air Balloon Froslass + Air Balloon A-Tales basically destroyed her team. The only two Mons I lost were Froslass to Surf spam and Lapras to a surprise Gigavolt Havoc. But, it was all merely delaying the inevitable victory of mine.




With that, got a TM I can't even use and another badge. And with that, E17 was done. A bit more exploration and a few more TM's later, I am ready to wait for E18 to come out and it's new challenges.


Finally, the main team used and current core team:




I hope you enjoyed this newest update and I hope to see you in E18.

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Just now, NickCrash said:

So you are not even considering to use the Crabomination? 

...right. I had completely forgot about it. To be honest, I'm not planning on using it. If I need a physical powerhouse alongside the ones I am already using, I can always use Snowslash and Beartic instead, Slush Rush gives them a huge boost in speed.

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