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Starting a GameCube collection...any recommendations?


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Hey all,

So when I was a kid, I wasn't allowed to play video games all that often. This was during the golden age of the PS2/Xbox/GameCube, so I often had to go to my friends' houses in order to play Smash Bros, Metroid Prime, the original Call of Duty etc. A few days ago, I was discussing this era of gaming to my roommate (an avid PC gaming enthusiast who similarly wasn't allowed to play games as a child) and how I missed the general feeling from that generation, with late-night split-screen gaming to loading a new disk and hearing any one of those consoles' startup jingles. I was discussing the multiplayer of StarFox Assault (which is still one of my favorite games) when I came to the realization that a.) I am an adult with an income now, and b.) If I am responsible in how I do this, I can find the games from my childhood and play them, nearly a decade later.

So, Reborn Community, I need your help! I came across a person selling their GameCube, StarFox Assault and Adventures (and a Nintendo Power magazine featuring Assault) online and I just received it from the mail. I'd like to start building a collection of GameCube games that I wanted when I was younger, or that might be hidden gems that are still fun to play.

So far on this list is:

StarFox Assault*

StarFox Adventures*

Super Smash Bros Melee

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Mario Kart: Double Dash

Custom Robo

Metroid Prime 1 and 2

Pokemon Colosseum/XD

* Denotes what I have so far.

If you guys know of any other games I should be on the look out for, please recommend them to me!

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If you're willing to invite friends over to play along with, Mario Party 5 is remembered as one of the best Mario Party games

Also, Pokemon Colosseum is for the N64 - only XD: Gale of Darkness is on the GCN (and it's a top-notch game)

I would also recommend Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, which is a remake of SA2 for the Dreamcast. It's a pretty good game in and of itself, you don't need to have much experience with Sonic besides the fact that he goes fast and has to get those chaos emeralds

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Kirby Air Ride and Mario Party 4 (occasionally 5-7) are games I frequently go back to when with friends.

If you're willing to invite friends over to play along with, Mario Party 5 is remembered as one of the best Mario Party games

Also, Pokemon Colosseum is for the N64 - only XD: Gale of Darkness is on the GCN (and it's a top-notch game)

I would also recommend Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, which is a remake of SA2 for the Dreamcast. It's a pretty good game in and of itself, you don't need to have much experience with Sonic besides the fact that he goes fast and has to get those chaos emeralds

You're thinking of Pokemon Stadium. Colosseum and XD make up the Shadow Pokemon duo of games (which needs a 3rd game...)

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Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is really good. Good luck finding a copy cheap though, it goes for over $100+ these days. (I had to ebay snipe for mine. Keep at it though and you'll eventually get something decent. Mine ended up being about $35)

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Kirby Air Ride and Mario Party 4 (occasionally 5-7) are games I frequently go back to when with friends.

You're thinking of Pokemon Stadium. Colosseum and XD make up the Shadow Pokemon duo of games (which needs a 3rd game...)

Kirby Air Ride is a necessity as a multiplayer option

And my b about colosseum I guess I'm just used to pokemon games coming out across successive console generations

It'd be Super Colosseum or Colosseum 64 the way I'm remembering it huh

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Soulcalibur 2 is an absolute must if you like seeing scantily clad characters go all out with weirdly shaped swords !

Oh and it's a really nice game to settle arguments between friends, like who's gonna pay for that extra pizza you ordered.

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Wind Waker is missing from this list, so let me remedy that. If you have one of those game boy connection things, you can also play one of the strangest and most uncomfortable Co-op experiences available.

I also had a lot of fun with Mario Sunshine, but I can't say if that's just the nostalgia talking. (And screw that pachinko level.)

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One game I can recommend, is Yugioh: The Falsebound Kingdom. Unlike the traditional yugioh games, this plays like a strategy game with turn-based combat and rpg elements. It's pretty fun in my opinion, though it can take some getting used to.

Edited by Aurorain
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Wind Waker is missing from this list, so let me remedy that.

Whoa I almost forgot about Zelda games

Now that I have remembered though you MUST get Twilight Princess

The graphics and style are still so good, even after this many years

Best Zelda game imo

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I would have to suggest all the resident evil games on gamecube: Resident Evil REmake, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil 0, and Resident Evil 4. RE4 was one of the greatest games ever released of all time, usually always making every "top 10 best games of all time" lists and Resident Evil 2 has been a fan favorite since release. The others are also just as fun.

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If you still play GBA games, then I definitely recommend getting a Gameboy Player for the Gamecube. It's a nice addition to the console, blends really well with all colors, and you can play Gameboy games and record them with a capture card. Of course, there's always emulators, but what's better than recording the real thing?

I also recommend getting Zelda Four Swords Adventures, it's a pretty good game. If you don't have it for Wii or Wii U, I would definitely get Twilight Princess. (I have it for Gamecube, and I'm STILL gonna get it for Wii U). There is also that Zelda Master Collection if you enjoy getting collections.

Warioware Mega Micro Games was also a good party game too. Definitely put Mario Party 4, 5, 6, and 7 on your list, because the Mario Party games are always fun to play.

If you enjoy Sonic games, there is also Sonic Adventure Director's Cut, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Heroes, Shadow The Hedgehog, and also Sonic Mega Collection and Sonic Gems Collection, which both give you a whole set of games.

In terms of Pokemon, Colosseum and XD are good, but there is also Pokemon Channel to play with Pikachu!

And you CANNOT start a party without Donkey Kong! There are plenty of Donkey Kong games to choose from, such as Donkey Konga, Donkey Konga 2, and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. Great games to play with bongos.

Stepping out of Nintendo boundaries, there are also games like Beyond Good and Evil, which is a pretty fun game. I played it for Gamecube, and have it for Xbox One (Backwards Compatibility from 360).

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Alright here's some must haves:

Super Mario Sunshine

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life one of my alltime favorite games btw

Wind Waker

Ocarina of Time/Master Quest

Twilight Princess

Wario World

Taz idr the rest of it but it's pretty hilarious

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I don't think the following were named..

Baten Kaitos

Battalion Wars

Bloody Roar

Eternal Darkness

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

F-Zero GX

Killer 7

Luigi's Mansion

Metal Gear Solid Remakes

Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica, and 4.

Pikmin 1 and 2

Tales of Symphonia

Ultimate Spider-Man

Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2

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Oh man, Gamecube, the lunchbox powerhouse. I assume you are gonna ROM these cause many of them would prolly be difficult to find on your own nowadays. Either way here's my lengthy list:

Tales of Symphonia (One of the best RPGs ever)

LoZ: Wind Waker

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (more of a multiplayer game but still good single)

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life (best game in the franchise, easy)

Animal Crossing (If you never Played one)

Custom Robo

Super Mario Sunshine

Luigi's Mansion (much much better than Dark Moon)

Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (an unsung SEGA game that deserves much more)


Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix (if possible, Waluigi is the villain yo!)

Dokapon Kingdom (Imagine Monopoly, Final Fantasy, and Mario Party rolled into one. Fun on single player but even easy mode is so god damn difficult)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Ike appears!)

Kirby Air Ride

LoZ: Twilight Princess (my favorite zelda game ever)

Mario Kart: Double Dash (best mario kart ever)

Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (it's just solid 1 and 2 but if you never played them, do it)

Metroid Prime I + II

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (the BEST Mario Rpg ever)

Pikmin I + II

Pokemon Colosseum

Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

Resident Evil 4

Skies of Arcadia Legends (a very good rpg game)
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Sonic Heroes
Super Monkey Ball series
Viewtiful Joe series
and finally, a game no one ever seems to know and one of my favorite games on the GC.

Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest

This game, is so goddamn fun, for only being a tiny box that eats other boxes in order to become the dominant box species in the world.

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tales of symphonia

super mario

TTYD-favorite rpg ive ever played which says a lot with tales on this list

Sonic heroes is fun

Sonic adventure 1/2 are both amazing and the last time i replayed a sonic game on a console

Bomberman is dope

This list is hard Gamecube is nintendo's second biggest library i Think. Next to GBA

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