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Poke-squad help after beating E15

Mr. Penglog

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Finally, after making it through E15, I am planning on adding some of my bench mons into the main team that could potentially help me with the upcoming E16 super hard battles(so excited!!). I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on my mons moves, evs/ivs, natures and strategies as well as additional mons that you guys think would help my current squad.

My main squad:

Tentacruel - Black Sludge
Ability: Rain Dish
Nature: +sp.def/-atk
EVs: 252hp/128sp.atk/130sp.def
IVs: 31hp/ 17atk/ 30def/ 30sp.atk/ 31sp.def/ 31spd
Moves: Sludge Wave, Surf Toxic Spikes, Rain Dance
* basically she's my setter. Using rain dance and black sludge to recover her hp and toxic spikes to inflict status to enemies. Pairing this with my Mismagius proved a quite effective setup sweep on most enemies.
Magnezone - Metal Coat
Ability: Analytic
Nature: +sp.atk/-spd
EVs: 252hp/130def/128sp.atk
IVs: 30hp/ 12atk/ 30def/ 30sp.atk/ 31sp.def/ 31spd
Moves: Discharge, Flash Cannon, Thunder Wave, Magnet Rise
* It's main role is to paralyze speedy mons and help Mismagius with its para-fuse setup combo. But mostly, all this GOD pokemon does is OHKO anyone that is non-resistant to flash cannon.
Blaziken - Wide Lens
Ability: Speed Boost
Nature: +atk/-sp.atk
EVs: 6hp/252atk/252spd
IVs: 31hp/ 31atk/ 17def/ 31sp.atk/ 31sp.def/ 30spd
Moves:Hi Jump Kick, Flare Blitz, Brave Bird, Baton Pass
* I use baton pass when hp is low due to hp-reducing moves or helping some of the other mons to stack speed.
Flygon - Draco Plate
Ability: Levitate
Nature: +atk/-sp.atk
EVs: 6hp/252atk/252spd
IVs: 31hp/ 30atk/ 30def/ 16sp.atk/ 31sp.def/ 31spd
Moves:Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Rock Slide
* Another physical attaker i use. Planning on changing draco plate with soft sand but i keep forgetting to search for it.
Gardevoir - Twisted Spoon
Ability: Synchronize
Nature: +spd/-atk
EVs: 6hp/252sp.atk/252spd
IVs: 31hp/ 30atk/ 30def/ 31sp.atk/ 31sp.def/ 31spd
Moves:Psychic, Moonblast, Calm Mind, Hypnosis
* Sweeps everyone when properly set up with hypnosis + calm mind.
Lilligant - Life Orb
Ability: Own Tempo
Nature: +spd/-atk
EVs: 6hp/252atk/252spd
IVs: 31hp/ 0atk/ 30def/ 31sp.atk/ 31sp.def/ 31spd
Moves:Petal Dance, Giga Drain, Quiver Dance, Sleep Powder
* The same with Gardevoir as it sweeps every mon when properly set up with sleep powder + quiver dance.
Mismagius - Spell Tag
Ability: Levitate
Nature: +spd/-atk
EVs: 6hp/252atk/252spd
IVs: 31hp/ 29atk/ 31def/ 30sp.atk/ 31sp.def/ 31spd
Moves:Shadow Ball, Hex Nasty Plot, Confuse Ray
* What I do is set-up toxic spikes with tentacruel then switch to magnezone to paralyze the current enemy pokemon. I switch again into this destroyer for para-fuse combo and set up nasty plot for hex (which doubles power when inflicted to enemy mons with status, which in this case is poison due to tentacruels toxic spikes)
So that's about it :Kappa: Thanks in advance! ;)
Edited by Mr. Penglog
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