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I've been playing a lot of Elsword lately. I couldn't find a thread on this game, so I figured I'd make one asking what your favorite character is? What's your favorite dungeon? Why? Etc. etc.

To answer my own questions: Eve, Ara, Add and Aisha; The black crow gunship, with Raven as the Boss. He's really balanced and still a challenging fight, with a good backstory.

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I'd say my personal favorite character in terms of appearance/personality is Add, though my actual favorite character gameplay-wise is Raven. As for my favorite and least dungeon...I'd have to say Heart of Behemoth for my favorite, Sunken Lysia for my least favorite(the clunky movement is bad enough without underwater mechanics thrown in, ugh).

I like most of the characters though, except maybe Eve(she's just...kinda uninteresting to me), and Rose(she's a cameo character from DFO with little to no impact on the story).

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I haven't gotten to either of those dungeons, but I'm excited now! (I'm only level 43 with my mains, Eve and Aisha.) Even if the underwater mechanics aren't the best, it should still be a challenge just to get the hang of the movement.

I've tried Raven, and while I do enjoy the character, his gameplay just doesn't... fit with my style. That is not to talk smack on him-I'm just not good with him. As for Add, I like his playstyle but his character is just... he creeps me out XD

Although he reminds me a lot of Accelerator from Toaru Kagaku no Railgun.

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