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As you might have already known, Toxicroak has always been one of my favorite pokemon. Building with low-tier pokemon in regular OU is usually a challenge, but when it finally leads to creating a good team, I get instant gratification. Here, Toxicroak is a lowly UU pokemon that's supported by OU Legends (aka Gods), and is capable to keep up with them. The strategy is based on bulky pivots dictating the rhythm of the game and applying constant pressure to the enemy team. This team has been quite successful, so I decided to post it here and ask you guys what you think of it. Of course, no team is perfect, so all feedback is welcome. Let's meet the members, shall we?

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Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Drain Punch
- Gunk Shot
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance

Full offensive set with wallbreaking potential. Toxicroak can outspeed defensive Tankchomp and threats like Breloom, Azumarill and Bisharp, take little to no damage from their attacks and proceed to OHKO them with either Gunk Shot or Drain Punch. The latter even prolongs the sweep providing some recovery. Sucker Punch is prefered to Knock Off as Toxicroak cannot rely on its speed to deal with the speedsters of OU, priority is always nice, and it also allows me to play the 'prediction game' with my opponents. Last slot goes to SD to boost my Attack to insane levels. Given Toxicroak forces quite a lot of switches, I always get a chance.


Landorus-Therian @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 212 Def / 28 SpD / 20 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power [ice]
- U-turn

I know this choice does not qualify for an innovation award, but it does have some new features. Lando-T is awesome thanks to its ability to adapt to any circumstances, especially when defensive. My SR setter and occasional pivot can also deal with opposing Lando-T, Gliscor and Garchomp by exploiting their X4 ice weakness, while they take Rocky Helmet damage with every hit. The EV spread allows me to take a few hits on the special side as well, and outspeed 252 Adamant Azumarill if I need to get out of there fast enough or damage it with EQ before going down a hero.


Tornadus-Therian @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 168 HP / 132 SpA / 208 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Knock Off
- U-turn

Another awesome god-like creature joins my team. Ass Vest Tornadus-T might not have the damage output of the Life Orb set, but it sure wins in survivability and pressure. The EV spread allows me to outspeed all 115 jolly mons while keeping some for bulk. It still can OHKO Keldeo with Hurr-Durr-icane, damage steels with Heat Wave, have some utility usage with Knock Off removing items (as Toxicroak can't do that), and U-turn helps scout sets and chip damage. I used to have Icy Wind there for some extra speed control, but the team does not really need it.


Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 240 Def / 20 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

I can always work with some extra bulk on the field. Given my Lando-T doesn't really check bird spam or Weavile, Rotom-W comes in to finish that job. Of course it's also a reliable pivot with Electric type coverage and the ability to WoW its opponents, as well as troll pink fat blobs for dayz. It's existence in the team may confuse my opponent into thinking Lando-T is scarfed, so I can use that to my advantage. In short, it's the connection between offense and defense in this team, and the momentum it provides helps turn the tables at some unfavorable situations.


Diancie-Mega @ Diancite
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 16 HP / 8 Atk / 240 SpA / 244 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Moonblast
- Diamond Storm
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Protect

The Mega of the team and the second part of my offensive core, Diancie is key in the team's success. Its godly offensive stats allow me to boost in both SpA and Atk and punch holes in almost any defense. Moonblast and Diamond Storm are the main STAB, and HP-fire is there for the Steel types that resist the above combination. Given HP-fire reduces my Spe IVs to 30, I will always be outsped by 110 base Spe pokemon, so I decided to tweak my EVs to just outspeed Keldeo et al, while giving a little extra bit to HP and Atk. The difference is not that big, but helps turn a few 2HKOs into OHKOs.

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 72 HP / 252 Atk / 184 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- Heart Stamp
- U-turn
- Healing Wish

Say hello to my little friend! Jirachi is a pretty cool pokemon steadily rising in usage, as it can take both offensive and defensive roles. Here it works as a hax-abusing-revenge-killer with the ability to bring members back from the ER. The EV spread allows Jirachi to outspeed Scarf Adamant Lando-T, so I usually just need a single flinch to take it down. Jirachi is the 4th pokemon with pivot abilities in the team, and one of its biggest stars, as it can turn a negative into a positive by abusing its ability, Serene Grace. Dual STAB with an Adamant nature hits pretty hard even if the moves themselves have low BP, and as I said above, Healing Wish brings a member back, giving me another chance at a sweep with either Toxicroak or Diancie. By flinching my opponent to death I may destroy a key threat which is always nice, but most importantly, the comments are always fun to watch.

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So that was the team. Feel free to rate and comment. I welcome all feedback and suggestions, and if something is good enough to give it a chance, I might as well make a version2 of the team and try it. Thanks for reading this far, and stay awesome!
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Nice. I remember Barkcroak: Mega Houndoom + Toxicroak in OU. That stuff should've seen more use tbh. And I always like slapping HP Ice on random mons, lol. Hp Ice Tangrowth, Hp Ice Yanmega, HP Ice Mienshao, etc. Lando-T is a less creative choice even for the HP Ice, I agree, but it does its job.

Heatran is annoying to this team imo. Especially since it has too much fun spamming lava Plume and your diancie doesn't even have epower. Rotom-W is not enough if you're facing any guy with a Heatran who's clever enough to wear the washing machine down. Maybe try focus miss or even Superpower on tornadus; unreliable (and Superpower is very weak with timid and whatnot but Heatran is usually spdef) but gets the job done especially since you have HP fire diancie to bait ferro. Or maybe try epower mdiance or anything more concrete really. A Lati is the easiest solution. If you're being innovative I don't see why you can't try mega Lati over mega diancie. Lati helps versus other Rotom-W as well, which is also annoying.

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Like the aforementioned Heatran, opposing Rotom-Washes can be pretty annoying, as it can easily cripple Toxicroak and Jirachi, due to it outspeeding the former at max speed and taking pittance from the latter's attacks (except for Heart Stamp against frailer builds), and it can wear either one down with WoW. It also deals supereffective damage to everything else on the team, and is therefore very tricky to switch into for this team. Slowbro and Starmie are similar but can be taken down by your own Rotom-Wash though. I'd suggest something like Serperior over maybe Lando-T and rocks on Diancie perhaps? Serperior can be really useful, trust me. Leaf Storm boosts, 113 base speed, boosting on Bullshitdoze and Sticky Web, and Substitute and/or Glare. It's good. That team already covers a lot of things too.

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HUH, where do I start...

First thing, what is the point on outspeeding Garchomp with Toxicroak if you lack Ice Punch?

I can't describe on educate terms on what i think on HP ice landorus. Dragonite takes about 50% max without multiscale, that should be a proof of how weak it hits.

Can you explain me the reason to waste Tornadus' speed? those HP won't make a difference... FOR THE LOVE OR ARCEUS. CHANGE THAT NATURE!

Consider running speed EVs on Rotom. Gliscor can stall the Hydro Pumps and you really have nobody that can reliably take on Gliscor.

Use Earth Power on Diancie. You will hit Scizor very hard anyway, plus Rotom can wall it out.

By the way, Heart Stamp sucks. Ice Punch is a better alternative to beat bulky ground types (no, Landorus won't be there to kill Gliscor in the long run. All the scorpion needs is to hit with Toxic on the switch, use Protect to reveal the HP ice, and on the next switch stall your entire team to death)

Oh, and nobody with more than two functional neurones will think this Landorus is Scarfed. You have no other bulky pokemon that can pass for a Stealth Rock setter for them to confuse it.


Edited by SJMistery
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I've had more people suggest Ice Punch over Heart Stamp on Jirachi and I am testing it, so thanks for that.

Toxicroak's set is the most optimal given its low speed, so running Ice Punch means I'd have to remove a STAB move, Sucker Punch or SD, and I need all of them.

Tornadus is fine. It's not meant to use Knock Off to deal much damage anyway, so I only need the SpA EVs. The HP makes quite a big difference with no negative nature on my defenses. Regenerator helps alleviate my lack of survivability which is nice.

HP-ice on Lando serves mostly to surprize opposing Lando-T and Gliscor which think they can wall me. Dragonite is hardly an issue. Especially Fly-nite does hardly any damage to this team. The regular Outrage, EQ set is more of a problem but it gets into a 4-slot syndrome, and Lando/Rotom tanks the band one.

Well it's either Lando-T or Jirachi or none that would set rocks. Quite a few people seemed to be confused by the way I played it, but I see what you mean. It's not the primary purpose anyway. I just felt like adding it, because it happens.

Earth Power on Diancie helps alleviate issues with Heatran much faster, but then I would have no Fire coverage on it, which means I'd have to switch out on Ferro everytime. Worth trying tho.

As for the suggestion for Serperior, what can I remove that does not break the team apart? An option is to replace Rotom and turn Jirachi into a defensive one, but that creates a different team all together.

Anyway thank you all for your input.

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