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How would you narrow down my army into a team??


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So I've been playing the same savefile since I started this game and I have created an army of pokemon (All of them EV trained and all of them at around Lvl 70). That being said; I think its becoming too much to handle, so I woud like some help reducing the number of pokemon I have to "keep trained" as I play through the game.

I basicaly want some advice about:

What should be my main team?

Who should I keep in rotation?

Who should I Retire?

What would you change in terms of moves, natures held items etc?

Here's my army:

The Mighty GENGAR
IVs: 31/21/28/31/31/20
Shadow Ball + Hex + Destiny bond + Confuse ray
He's a new adition to my team (after finishing ep 15) so I have never really used him in battle
Waterfall + Earthquake + Hammer Arm + Mud Bomb
Vaporeon (Bulky Baton paser)
Water Absorb
Aqua ring + acid armor + baton pass + wish
Shell Armor
Surf + Ice Beam + Confuse ray + Sing
Flash Fire
Heat Wave + Flare Blitz + Outrage + Morning sun
I know, he’s a mess.. I have to fix him..
Flamethrower + WillOWisp + Extrasensory + Nasty plot
Iron fist and quick claw
Sky Uppercut + Hammer Arm + parting shot + Crunch
Umbreon 1
Assurance + Screech + Confuse Ray + Wish
I really enjoy playing him. I constantly alternate wish so it lasts, Screech lower foes defense so assurance and confusion hit harder. Confusion also makes assurance hit harder after the foe hurts himself.
Umbreon 2
Wish + Baton Pass + Curse + Yawn


Superluck and scope lens
Wing Attack + Night slash + Tailwind + Brave Bird
The mighty “Night slash” critical hitter
Inner Focus
Poison Fang + Acrobatics + Cross Poison + Venonshock
Liquid Ooze
Acid Spray + Sludge wave + Toxic + Sludge bomb
I love him, and although people say it’s not viable this late in the game, he never fails me.. Whether it is by defeating an enemy of a weak type or acid spraying + poisoning an enemy as a support
Discharge + Thunder + Thunder wave + Electric terrain
As you can see I have no coverage, I don’t mind that too much since by having a shitload of high leveled Pokémon I can just rotate him out when electricity is not the answer.
Discharge + Flash Canon + Metal Sound + Zap Cannon
I know that he is “One of the best pokemon in reborn” But I hate playing with him.. I don’t know why, it’s just boring to me.
Leaf guard
Grass Pledge + Poison Powder + Leech Seed + Solar Beam/Synthesis (can’t decide)
Leaf blade + Curse or Swords dance + Baton Pass + wish
Cute Charm
Minimize + cosmic power + stored power + moonblast
Sheer force
Crunch + Iron Head + Play Rough + Baton Pass
Compound Eyes
Gust + Sleep Powder + Poison Powder + Bug Buzz
Ice Body
Frost breath + Baton Pass + wish + Barrier
I also have a Lvl 1 litwick with great IVs (No dusk stone to evolve him), a Jinx I HATE, and a rapidash that I kind of already decided I'm forgetting about..
Best Regards,
Edited by Aloha
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What should be my main team?

Who should I keep in rotation?

I think that at this point you should stop thinking about your pokemon like "A team + Rotation" and start thinking about a pool of pokemon from which you choose the best six for each task. In my opinion, once you've taken the time and effort to have such an army of EV trained and high leveled pokemon, these distinctions make no sense anymore.

For episode 16, we will be fighting Adrienn, who's the fairy type gym leader. So, poison and steel types will be very useful against them. Crobat, Swalot, Magnezone and Mawile will definitely be helpful. Besides, I would expect them to have a (mega) Mawile, which is hard countered by fire, so Ninetales or Arcanine will be good too. I would pick your Ninetales over your Arcanine because I think it has a much better set, but that's up to you. The final pick can be whatever. Just don't bring any of your dark types since they won't be able to do much. I see Clefable a good option, as it will probably be able to set up in front of some bulky fairy type (Florges, Togekiss, another Clefable) and just sweep their entire team.

In general this is the way you should reason for every fight. Just look at your pokemon, look what you're fighting, and pick the best six pokemon for the job.

Who should I Retire?

Why would you want to retire any of them after having trained them so much. Just keep them all. At this point, the only thing you need to do to keep them up to date is to level them 5 levels every episode, which is nothing compared to the effort you have already put in them. Besides, any of them may suddenly become useful at some point for some specific boss battle you might struggle with otherwise, so my advice is to keep them all and don't discard any of them.

What would you change in terms of moves, natures held items etc?

In general you tend to have too many moves of the same type in a single pokemon, which is useally not too useful. For example, Gengar has both Shadow Ball and Hex, Swampert has both Earthquake and Mud Bomb, Pangoro has Hammer Arm and Sky Uppercut and Swalot and Crobat have 3 poison STABs each. Try to keep a single STAB of each type (maybe two if they give you something unique like Acid Spray in swalot) and look for either coverage or utility status moves. You should avoid having two moves that do practically the same thing, like Sludge Bomb and Sludge Wave in the same pokemon.

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There is no perfect team, so trying to put together the most efficient team ever is a waste of time. I would say pick your favorites that have the most versatility, optimize them with ev training and such, and call it a day. The rest can always be called in if you need an edge. No need to get rid of them.

Your best bet, in my opinion, would be swampert, clefable, arcanine and one of the eeveelutions. I would also for sure put in magnezone if your looking for versatility, but your not much for that so its up to you. You could just keep the ampharos in that case That last one would be either gengar, swalot, or crobat. You couldn't go wrong in the upcoming episode with a poison type as a fairy gym is very possible.

You for sure don't want to get rid of pokemon with a mega-evolution, eg, mawile or gengar. I don't believe mega evolutions are coming in e16, but it would be a huge waste to throw them out now, and they would definitely give you an edge down the line.

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I have....18 pokemon in 'rotation' and I'm working on 4 more. They are all my team and I pick and choose what I need when I need it. It's not that bad and well...I crush things dead. So really, all of them.

First let me help you with that Arcanine. I got Morning Sun on mine as well so I run


Flare Blitz

Crunch(never really use it)

Morning Sun

Pretty much Outrage and Flare Blitz destroy everything and I use Morning Sun to heal the damage taken from Flare Blitz. Crunch is situational but it's useful when you need it.

For Ampharos I run


Power Gem/Signal Beam

Confuse Ray

Dragon Pulse

Not the best set but it works for me.

If you're up to it, your missing a few types. If you want a new steel type how about Metagross? You don't have any psychic types so that would help with coverage. Gardevoir is also a good psychic type to think about getting. Aggron could be another option.

Pretty much it's better to have a bunch of pokemon rather than a few.

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I think that at this point you should stop thinking about your pokemon like "A team + Rotation" and start thinking about a pool of pokemon from which you choose the best six for each task. In my opinion, once you've taken the time and effort to have such an army of EV trained and high leveled pokemon, these distinctions make no sense anymore.

For episode 16, we will be fighting Adrienn, who's the fairy type gym leader. So, poison and steel types will be very useful against them. Crobat, Swalot, Magnezone and Mawile will definitely be helpful. Besides, I would expect them to have a (mega) Mawile, which is hard countered by fire, so Ninetales or Arcanine will be good too. I would pick your Ninetales over your Arcanine because I think it has a much better set, but that's up to you. The final pick can be whatever. Just don't bring any of your dark types since they won't be able to do much. I see Clefable a good option, as it will probably be able to set up in front of some bulky fairy type (Florges, Togekiss, another Clefable) and just sweep their entire team.

In general this is the way you should reason for every fight. Just look at your pokemon, look what you're fighting, and pick the best six pokemon for the job.

Why would you want to retire any of them after having trained them so much. Just keep them all. At this point, the only thing you need to do to keep them up to date is to level them 5 levels every episode, which is nothing compared to the effort you have already put in them. Besides, any of them may suddenly become useful at some point for some specific boss battle you might struggle with otherwise, so my advice is to keep them all and don't discard any of them.

In general you tend to have too many moves of the same type in a single pokemon, which is useally not too useful. For example, Gengar has both Shadow Ball and Hex, Swampert has both Earthquake and Mud Bomb, Pangoro has Hammer Arm and Sky Uppercut and Swalot and Crobat have 3 poison STABs each. Try to keep a single STAB of each type (maybe two if they give you something unique like Acid Spray in swalot) and look for either coverage or utility status moves. You should avoid having two moves that do practically the same thing, like Sludge Bomb and Sludge Wave in the same pokemon.

Thanks! I actually have been thinking of them exactly like that, but lately I have started to think I might be better leaving some of them in storage (not releasing them but not keeping all of them at a good level either).

About the repeated stab moves I often do that because since I have many pokes of each type, I'm not usually in need of much coverage (if poison isn't the answer I can always just swap crobat with another pokemon of a proper type). In gengar's case I'm keeping hex to pair him with ninetales in double battles. No reason in particular, I just think they would look cool together haha..

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I have....18 pokemon in 'rotation' and I'm working on 4 more. They are all my team and I pick and choose what I need when I need it. It's not that bad and well...I crush things dead. So really, all of them.

First let me help you with that Arcanine. I got Morning Sun on mine as well so I run


Flare Blitz

Crunch(never really use it)

Morning Sun

Pretty much Outrage and Flare Blitz destroy everything and I use Morning Sun to heal the damage taken from Flare Blitz. Crunch is situational but it's useful when you need it.

For Ampharos I run


Power Gem/Signal Beam

Confuse Ray

Dragon Pulse

Not the best set but it works for me.

If you're up to it, your missing a few types. If you want a new steel type how about Metagross? You don't have any psychic types so that would help with coverage. Gardevoir is also a good psychic type to think about getting. Aggron could be another option.

Pretty much it's better to have a bunch of pokemon rather than a few.


I know I'm lacking on psychicness a little bit. I'm very interested in a slowbro or a starmie, since they're finally obtainable in ep 16.. always wanted a slowbro and starmie has great moves and stats

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Just my opinion and well, I'm not exactly a great battler by any mean.

Everytime I use Pangoro, he seems really lack-luster. Seeing you need psychic and potentially a fighting-type to replace pangoro. I'd say get Gallade.

Ampharos , Gengar, Swampert, Arcanine. Crobat will be good enough.
I'm not one to have 15+ pokemon in rotation because it makes me less attached to the pokemon. You should be just fine with 5-6 main pokemon.

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