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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Sea of Crossroads OOC


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~~You knwo that if dance us we can... kill the units threatening you right? That's... sorta the point. So if you never dance us cause you'll be in range of enemies you'll never do anything.~~

I mean it's a bit silly to assume that we'd expect that anyway lol. If someone gets themself in the mess you shouldn't sacrifice yourself for it ((unless we can unstick them without losing too much in the process making it not a sacrifice but following up on an aggressive move..)) firstly if we play smart we'll never get into that situation in the first place.

We have an OOC for planning etc... make sure to read it before doing anything too crazy lol.

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I don't want to be that one dancer that dies early-game due to someone missing an 89% hit.


  On 11/4/2016 at 1:32 AM, InnocentBoy said:


"How the heck am I braver than you?"


"Dunno, but I'd rather not see my own blood. Or blood in general, but that's kinda hard to avoid."

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  On 11/3/2016 at 8:49 PM, Zetaark said:

Indeed. But uh...yeah, there was a point where the boss had a stupid base damage so some stuff had to get changed.

yeah, helps to have a calculator handy to easily check these types of things, don't it? :3

  On 11/4/2016 at 1:32 AM, InnocentBoy said:


"How the heck am I braver than you?"

"Maybe because your loyalty is actually more important to you than self preservation..."
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  On 11/4/2016 at 1:32 AM, InnocentBoy said:


"How the heck am I braver than you?"

  On 11/4/2016 at 1:53 AM, Sutoratosu said:


"Maybe because your loyalty is actually more important to you than self preservation..."


"Wait... where'd you two come from? I don't think we've met before. How'd you get here anyways?"

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"Well, they obviously didn't come in through... oh, I don't know, the front door maybe? I mean... it's not like one of you left it hanging wide open or anything, right? Right?"

*a sudden draft low key blows through the room*

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  On 11/4/2016 at 6:18 AM, Anstane said:


"Who left the door open in the first place?" (On phone, can't change text color appearantly, pretend the comment is purple)


"Does it matter which one of you did it? They're here now...someone needs to get rid of them."

  On 11/4/2016 at 5:57 AM, Adamance Ascendant said:



"You see? Not even five minutes here and already, they're trying to peddle religion to us...just like those odd men in the black slacks and white blouses, carrying those strange tomes and little slips of parchment around a while ago...."

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Felt it was necessary for us to have a place for us all to gather around to discuss our strategy. If you have Discord, go ahead and join the server. If you don't have Discord, get it, because it's much better than Skype.

EDIT: Removing the link for now. I'll open it back up, if needed. Feel free to contact me if you want to come in, and I'll see what I can do about it.

Edited by InnocentBoy
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And since he has appeared onto the scene...

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This will be your official Royal Guard captain, in addition to the first NPC character you have. Hope you get along~
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so if Madante dies, is it game over for the party?

His class is lord so that's what I'm thinking but I'm just wondering. :)

Anyways excited for this and that it has started. Interlopers from another universe, you're not welcome here lol. :P

Can anyone join the discord or just the party members?

Also no one has actually shut the door yet so can someone? ;)

Have a great time. Hopefully I can appear soon.

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aight, so new phase ya'll...

not to be that one guy, but I've gone through and looked over shit and talked with zet a little... and here is the prescribed plan as it currently stands on the discord server...

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keep in mind, I'm not trying to be that guy and tell folks what to do... but just from what I can tell, this might be the best path through this turn to keep things from going south. think of it more as an advisory of sorts... something to consider as you make your moves.

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After several days of work, something beutiful has occured.

And no, I don't mean getting the Fucking Deflect skill axed from pirates... that's just a nice plus.

On the Reborn FEF discord server, checked the pinned messages. I've a present for all players.

Merry Christmas in november, kiddos...Zet may slap santa hats onto everyone's mug, but... I'm the real santa 'round here

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I'm confused about something and whether it's okay to do it.

I notice now Huk and Suto are having a full fledged conversation which should be saved for support convos AFTER a battle/chapter NOT DURING right? It adds a lot of fluff to the thread which if people want to catch up later in the future or something and see how the battles went, they have to endure through the pointless fluff.

The enemy is not going to let you just sit around and chat so how can they have this conversation while battling the pirate army exactly lol.

Just my opinion but I would think it's reasonable that you can't have a conversation while battling an enemy army tbh and would rather wait till after the battle to chat to your heart's content. :P XD

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Considered it's done in Ashes quite a lot and the host hasn't said anything pretty sure it's fine.

Also it's pretty rude and insulting to jsut straight up call our convo "fluff" it has importance and character development within it. So it's not fluff and it's harldy pointless.

Further Support conversations I dunno... HAPPEN IN BATTLE IN THE GAMES so it hardly that outlandish in Fire Emblem for it to be happening.

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