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Klefki and Shellder + Goomy are the only new ones I'm seeing. Everyone else has already been previously accessible and they're just increasing the encounter rates.

Pinsir and Heracross have been obtainable for a long time now, so....

The other pokemon were somewhat limited - like they were only available in the mystery egg so you couldn't even pick which one you got. I don't really count that as "accessible" since they were not available for all people.

Pinsir and Heracross were there already but it was not possible to catch both. Now it is.

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But weren't Elekid and Magby already available?

I swear there was a magmarizer and electrabuzz's equivalent by Calcenon that you could exchange for magby and elekid...


You can find Electirizer and Magmarizer near Route 3 exiting the south exit from Calcenon*. In Calcenon you can talk to a guy but my only option there was to trade the Elictrizer with him, in return I got an Elekid, and so the Electirizer is gone and I still have the Magmarizer but no Magby and no way to evolve my (soon to be) Electabuzz. For now.

* once you've fixed teh stairs.

... or I did something wrong.

Edited by jnsvda
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You can find Electirizer and Magmarizer near Route 3 exiting the south exit from Calcenon*. In Calcenon you can talk to a guy but my only option there was to trade the Elictrizer with him, in return I got an Elekid, and so the Electirizer is gone and I still have the Magmarizer but no Magby and no way to evolve my (soon to be) Electabuzz. For now.

* once you've fixed teh stairs.

... or I did something wrong.

The Magby is in another house in Calcenon. I think there's a school using the pokemon as a heater, and you trade the Magmarizer for it. As for getting the items back, people think that they'll be available for sale in the Department Store.

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The Magby is in another house in Calcenon. I think there's a school using the pokemon as a heater, and you trade the Magmarizer for it. As for getting the items back, people think that they'll be available for sale in the Department Store.

Oh yeahhh, that's right

I totally forgot about that one! I should go and pick it up right away :) thanks for reminding me

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*Shroomish/Breloom not available* Ame why? Breloom was the one Mon I was looking forward to the most :(

Interesting field, though. Expecting legendary battles now?

You can catch Shroomish on that island that you rescue Cain from, between Apophyll Academy and Reborn City. I assume that you'll still be able to keep your Shroomish when updating to E16.

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You can catch Shroomish on that island that you rescue Cain from, between Apophyll Academy and Reborn City. I assume that you'll still be able to keep your Shroomish when updating to E16.

Shroomish was removed from there a long time ago, but yes you will get to keep it.

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Well, I guess we know what the last boss is...

Anyway, just had a brainwave; how about for every save, we get a random legendary to fight Arceus with?

That'll be pretty cool; with the PVP now being implemented.

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I hope we never ever get a legendary. The reason I love pokemon Reborn is because of the whole idea to raise the bar and force the player to use unusual/less used pokemon. Giving us a legendary somewhat destroys this. Sure I won't be forced to use it, but if you bring it into PvP, well then it kinda ruins the whole ordeal. If I enjoyed battling legendaries in PvP I'd go back to challenging that kid with the all shiny team including primal Groudon, primal Kyogre, MegaSalamence etc. You probably know him as well. Anyways I know one of the key adverts for pokemon Reborn is the part where every pokemon will eventually be available, but imho I'd like to see the legendaries being pushed back into after-game content and excluded from PvP-

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