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Make Your Own Pokemon Fan Game


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I lack any technical skill to make a game, so this idea stays in my head and that's all.
But my idea is the following:
I would make a world based on the Netherlands (it's the country in come from) and i figured it would make a good map.
People are living in a time where gym leaders don't have some status or income from it, it doesn't mean a lot to be a gym leader. 
Every gymleader thus also has a job or is too young to work and therefore studies.
The evil team would want to bring the world back to nature and destroy humanmade things like dams, which will cause floodings etc. (since water is the main threat to the netherlands).
The evil team is extremist in that human are corrupting the world and it's environment and must be repelled from the lands that used to be water/forest etc.
You'll be having contact with the government, which is also trying to defeat the evil team (no name for it yet).
The Netherlands is divided by 12 provinces, so every province will have a gym leader. And then there are 6 more gym leaders not bound to a province.
The story should be dark en involve some (major) deaths. 
Also, I don't have a name for the game.

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