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[QUIZ] Your bending


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(Sorry to add more to your workload here, feel free to take your time.)

On a scale of 1-10...

How important do you find direct confrontation (either verbal or physical) to achieving your goals?


For the most part I tend to shy away from conflict, which I do consider a flaw of mine. But for better or worse, I get as much done as I can without direct conflict, unless I seriously lose my temper with someone (which happens rarely, but it has before).

How much do you prioritize yourself and your loved ones over "the greater good" in your daily decision-making?


I couldn’t place myself above a “greater good” in clear conscience. I do try to be as altruistic as I can, but I’m not sure if it comes from a healthy place.

On the other hand, the people who I honestly, truly care about are few in number, but I wouldn’t have the moral strength to prioritize some sort of abstract “greater good” over them - nor would I want to in the first place.

(... and, yes, I fully realize how hypocritical those two things sound together. Self-worth is something I’m aiming to improve on.)

How much do you think you are in control of your own emotions?


Most of the time I’m in control of my emotions. I’ve lost my temper and yelled at someone a couple times in the past, but losing complete control like that is rare for me. Normally, my emotions kind of drift off to the wayside and I can usually keep a harness on them - even when I’m having a breakdown, I can normally let it fade into the background for long enough to get somewhere private.

How important is money and its acquisition to your happiness and/or life goals?


It’s not everything, no, but it’s not going to be fun getting into medical school without it. For that and a couple other reasons, keeping a stable income is going to be necessary for my immediate future.

How afraid are you of death (your own or anyone else's)?


I would love to say that I’m completely at peace with the idea of dying, but… nope, that would be a lie. The idea that there’s nothing after you die, and that everything just… stops? That’s horrifying, and I can openly admit that I’m still far from at peace with it. I’m scared of dying myself, and I’d be a train wreck if anything happened to someone close to be.

Even besides that, I want to keep living, I want to see everything that we’ll discover in the future, I want to know what science will create ten, fifty, a hundred years into the future. I was more afraid of dying than anything else in my young teenage years, and I’m still far from ready to pass on anytime soon.

How well do you think you would manage alone in a desperate situtation (island exile, nuclear apocalypse, foreign invasion)?


I wouldn’t have the skills or mindset necessary. While I would like to think that I have some traits that could be useful in a group, I have nowhere close to the physical or mental strength you’d need to stay alive and sane in that kind of situation.

And again, on scale of 1-10...

How much greater than animals do you think the human being is?


As much as I love animals, it would take a lot for me to place one above a human. While I can’t forgive someone treating an animal unethically, I also think that they’re below humans by the virtue of humans being sapient.

How vital do you believe war is to the survival of a human community?


I won’t claim that I have enough experience to confidently say when war is or isn’t necessary, but I do believe that although it can be unavoidable at times, it should also be a last resort. While I accept that it can be necessary, I also believe that the loss of human life needs to be avoided whenever possible.

To what extent do you believe it is a human responsibility to cooperate with nature?


When I say that animals are below humans, I believe that also means that we as a species have a duty to protect them and, by extension, the planet we live on. Moral reasons aside, we’d be pretty screwed if we didn’t have a planet to live on anymore.

How great of a role do you believe tradition should play in shaping an individual's identity?


This one is more personal to me than the rest, but I would prefer having a more open perspective. I can’t say that I believe “it’s something we’ve always done” is a flawless reason for continuing to do something. Tradition can make you stall instead of striving for improvement, and above that, it can spark conflict and prejudice. I won’t say that it doesn’t have a place, but I’ve had more experiences of it harming than of it doing good.

And some bonus questions (not 1-10):

What is your favorite color?

Reddish-pink, light blue, dark blue, pretty much every shade of purple you can think of… alright, let’s go with reddish-pink.

What is your favorite kind of bending as seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender?

--- (I don't have any real preference, sorry.)

What is your favorite character from the series?

Toph, she was great. The sarcastic characters always seem to end up as my favorites.

Edited by MirrorTrick
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this is fun!

How important do you find direct confrontation (either verbal or physical) to achieving your goals?

  • 6. Direct communication is critical in almost everything. Physical confrontation is extraneous.

How much do you prioritize yourself and your loved ones over "the greater good" in your daily decision-making?

  • 9. Morality is subjective, so I'll just look out for those I care most about.

How much do you think you are in control of your own emotions?

  • 7. I convert negative emotions into physical pain. Although I can stay perfectly calm in any situation, it comes back to bite me.

How important is money and its acquisition to your happiness and/or life goals?

  • 6. For happiness, no. For goals, unfortunately, it's pretty necessary. Not all of them, but enough I have to be concerned.

How afraid are you of death (your own or anyone else's)?

  • 3. I had to accept the likelihood of my death a long time ago.

How well do you think you would manage alone in a desperate situtation (island exile, nuclear apocalypse, foreign invasion)?

  • 5. I'm used to being alone. I do better alone. But I do not do well in those situations where I can no longer get reliable access to my medication.

How much greater than animals do you think the human being is?

  • 6. Value is subjective, but we've built a magnificent world. Still, we forget our responsibility to protect animals.

How vital do you believe war is to the survival of a human community?

  • 1. Violence is primeval.

To what extent do you believe it is a human responsibility to cooperate with nature?

  • This sounds familiar to what I just said ;;; 10. This world protects us. It's foolish not to do the same.

How great of a role do you believe tradition should play in shaping an individual's identity?

  • 1. Traditions should shape culture, not individuals.

What is your favorite color?

  • Purple.

What is your favorite kind of bending as seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender?

  • Blood. I also really loved Ming Hua's aquatic limbs in Korra.

What is your favorite character from the series?

  • Ty Lee and Mae... and in Korra I really liked Ming Hua, Eska and Jinora.
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On a scale of 1-10...

How important do you find direct confrontation (either verbal or physical) to achieving your goals?

Verbal: 8

Physical: 1

I think being verbally direct is very important to communication. Getting physical during confrontation tends to do more harm than good in my experience.

How much do you prioritize yourself and your loved ones over "the greater good" in your daily decision-making?

7, I am not usually in a position to benefit the "greater good", and I care about my friends and family a lot. I don't tend to prioritize myself much, though.

How much do you think you are in control of your own emotions?

9. I am pretty calm, but if I fail repeatedly at something important, I panic.

How important is money and its acquisition to your happiness and/or life goals?

5. I wish it weren't the case, but money does make the world go 'round. I don't need to be rich, though. I just want enough to live fairly comfortably.

How afraid are you of death (your own or anyone else's)?

3. I don't fear my own death, but I don't want to lose my loved ones.

How well do you think you would manage alone in a desperate situtation (island exile, nuclear apocalypse, foreign invasion)?

3. I can deal with the loneliness pretty well, but I'm pretty bad at actual survival.

And again, on scale of 1-10...

How much greater than animals do you think the human being is?

7. We made the journey from sabretooth food to space flight, so I think we're pretty good. However, we still do rely on animals for many things.

How vital do you believe war is to the survival of a human community?

1. The only positive I can think of that came out of war is that WW2 got us out of the Great Depression. Other than that, we don't need it.

To what extent do you believe it is a human responsibility to cooperate with nature?

3. It's not so much a responsibility, but it is a high priority to maintain nature. I believe mankind and nature should have a degree of separation.

How great of a role do you believe tradition should play in shaping an individual's identity?

2. We should learn from our ancestors, but we should never let tradition control us.

And some bonus questions (not 1-10):

What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite kind of bending as seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender?

Combustion man's explosions :)

What is your favorite character from the series?

General Iroh. Anything else is the wrong answer.

Edited by EliteFlyingTaco
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Okay, I'll try!!

On a scale of 1-10...

How important do you find direct confrontation (either verbal or physical) to achieving your goals?

8. This question is tricky. I find it very important, but I can't. I mean, I would like to be able to confront problems directly, but my personality wouldn't let me. Instead, I tend to use passive-agressive behaviours to try and let other people know that I'm unconfortable with the situation. They usually don't work, though...

How much do you prioritize yourself and your loved ones over "the greater good" in your daily decision-making?

5. I do not prioritize myself nor "the greater good", I just... survive. I usually don't have much needs apart from breathing, eating... and therefore, if I have them covered, I tend not to interfere with anything else. One could say I'm neutral on making decisions or, more specifically, I try never to make them (I follow others instead). I feel more confortable without having to make decisions.

How much do you think you are in control of your own emotions?

8. I believe that I'm quite in control of them. I rarely show them to anyone and I tend to supress them internally. Anyway, when I feel something, I'm quite good at identifying it and maintaining it under control. I'm not impulsive at all. If any, I remain without doing nothing instead of following my impulses.

How important is money and its acquisition to your happiness and/or life goals?

1. As long as I have the basic neccesities covered (place for living, and food and drink for surviving), I think I wouldn't need anything else. True enough, I have a computer, I have a phone, I use electricity... But I think that if tomorrow we all awoke in a world without them, I wouldn't miss them at all. I have them because they're useful in the current system, because others depend on it too, and because if I were the only one without them, I'd be clearly disadvantadged in the present world.

How afraid are you of death (your own or anyone else's)?

9. I am not afraid of my death. But I do have a certain obsession with death of the ones I love. Perhaps it was a child trauma from when quite a bunch of people of my family died (coincidentially) when I was little. From then, I tend not to make strong bounds with people just in case they parted away too...

How well do you think you would manage alone in a desperate situtation (island exile, nuclear apocalypse, foreign invasion)?
8. I am a very autonomous and independent person. I wouldn't need support for others. I mean, I wouldn't collapse if I remained alone. On the other hand, if I were in a gropu, I think I could be useful too: I have a great knowledge of plants (edible, medicinal, poisonous...) and animals. I'm a very creative person, so I could also help on other areas. Finally, I'm trained at fighting and I've got an average-good physic endurance, so that wouldn't be a problem either.

And again, on scale of 1-10...

How much greater than animals do you think the human being is?

3. I think we're not greater nor worse. But, being all animals, I find it normal for us to kill them if we need food. It's the natural chain of events. I don't believe in extensive ranching, making animals suffer during all their lives, and I think that mankind has exceeded itself in terms of catching and killing too many animals for food. To sum up, I believe that animals ane not that different from us. What I don't believe is that they have rights whatsoever. It is a mistake to compare them with humans. That doesn't mean that they should not be respected. But the human arrogance is another issue...

How vital do you believe war is to the survival of a human community?

8. It is not a way to exhibit supremacy over other towns, but an effective population auto-regulator. For me, I mean. When there's so many people, societies tend to collapse. In modern times, the only effective way to reduce population would be either diminishing natality (which would be a problem for the income of retired people) or mass deaths. The latter could be due illnesses or war. Illnesses are quite useless nowadays, so war is the only practical solution to overopulation, and therefore survival of the communities. That's my logical conclusion.

To what extent do you believe it is a human responsibility to cooperate with nature?

9. I am not sure to fully undestand what "cooperate with nature" really means. If it means to respect it, and to stop destroying it, I completely agree. I think that we humans could be a bit more humble with nature and stop building stuff everywhere we can, claiming land for our own and making all the other living things to move away...

How great of a role do you believe tradition should play in shaping an individual's identity?
4. I like tradition. But I believe that if one doesn't feel confortable with it, there's no need to follow it. For example, I'm not confortable with a part of the tradition of my region; namely, religion. I'm an atheist, but I respect people who choose to believe in God. On the other hand, I may like to use words that are considered as archaisms, because I think that they should not be lost.

And some bonus questions (not 1-10):

What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite kind of bending as seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender?

Waterbending (including blood), although it doesn't mach my actual fighting style (which would be closer to earthbending).

What is your favorite character from the series?

Probably Azula, because she's very intelligent, but in the last chapters she just goes nuts... The character I feel more identified with would be Mai.

Edited by Alaris
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EXLink32, I have decided that you are an Earth bender, working most frequently with Lava. I believe you would have a lucrative business as an armor smith, selling both to the Earth Kingdom Army and to the private sector. Smith work is hard work, but you can find peace in the rhythmic and efficient nature of the forge.

Like Earth, you possess an inherently direct nature, realistic worldview, and patient attitude which all characterize you as potent and stalwart. However, burning like Fire within you is a sense of human power, expressed in your perspectives on technological superiority, the importance of war, and the auxiliary nature of tradition. This incalescence shifts your form to a more expressive, mobile, and nontraditional variant of the normally stagnant material.

I had a somewhat difficult time deciding whether the origin of your lavabending would be based in Earth or Fire, but decided on the former because most of your perspectives (both personally and in terms of worldview) seemed grounded in a sense of pragmatism.

Side note: I am considering lavabending an overlapping substyle of both firebending and earthbending, as was indicated in the show by firebending masters controlling volcanic activity.

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I'm putting this on hiatus for a few days. Thanks to everyone who has submitted responses thus far.

Here is the current wait list:



Fantasy Warlock









At this point I won't be taking any further submissions, once these guys are through I'll be done. Thanks to everyone who has responded.

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1. While I would prefer to leave people alone I do know that sometimes you need to confront people to solve problems;

so if my goal is stop a bully from bothering me; then I find that a punch or two will be the most efficient way to solve

that problem; 7/10

2. Well to be honest I don't really believe in using vague words such as "the greater good" to justify making decisions

so I would say that I prioritize myself and the people I tolerate over the greater good ten times out of ten

3. I would say that I am very much in control of my own emotions, but that would be a lie; you can't really control something

when it's not really there can't you? 6/10

4.Very important; I'm the kind of person that can't really be happy without all of those little things that you can only

get with money, and since most of my life goals involve studying or creating something 8/10

5. I'm more than a bit afraid you know? sometimes I feel like there is not enough time in the world; that some of the things

I want to do can't really be achieved in just one lifetime. 8/10

6.Not very well; I have no real survival skills; I need a lot of food just to get through the day, and I am quite lazy; in the

event of a nuclear apocalypse I would die of dehydration or starvation, I would get shot to death if anyone decided to invade,

and I have no chance of making it out of the island because I can't swim, and it's not like I'm any good at carpentry or hunting.


7. I think that humanity is awesome; especially when you compare us to pretty much every single animal in existance; I mean pretty

much every animal we haven't tamed; has either adapted to living with us (Cockroaches, Rats, Spiders), or becoming endangered, and that is why

I think that science is awesome; 9/10

8. I think that war is something that won't go away anytime soon; because your average human being is wired to survive, and we still needlessly

divide ourselves into opposing camps, and while war has produced some rather hellish things; the computer I'm writing this post on exists

because a bunch of germans created a machine that can encode messages in such a way that they can't be decoded in time by a human being;

thus leading to the british creating a computer that can decode the aforementioned messages; so I'd say that it was pretty important;


9. Well I believe that we need to stop using so much plastic bags, and that we need to stop setting forests on fire to obtain farmland, but

I'm pretty moderate when it comes to global warming. 6/10

10. I believe that it shouldn't be that important; since people generally use tradition as an excuse to start being really hateful to other people.


11. My favourite colour is black if that counts as a colour; purple if it doesn't

12. Fire bending; I mean imagine being able to set things and people on fire with your mind; that just seems awesome!

13. I liked the monkey from the first series; it was just so cute.

Fantasy warlock you need to add [*spoiler] without the star before whatever you wanted to type in order to add a spoiler, and [*/spoiler] without the star at the end of the spoilered bit so that it won't cover everything you wrote.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

1. 3 I love my computer which is where I am answering this without a lick of confrontation.

2. 6 somewhat selfish

3. 7 meh

4. 4 I could get more, but that's work

5. Mine 2, others 10

6. 4 would die in a week

7. 8 some animals are pretty clever

8. 2 conflict will occur

9. 9 we are stewards of the earth

10. 6 traditions are worth continuing, but society changes

11. Maroon (for non art people, a mix of red and purple)

12. Earth bending. It has great power and potential

13. Toph

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