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How are you voting?

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Hello, before anything else comes of this thread I'd like to say I don't want it turning into one of THOSE threads in which people yell and scream and get angry at each other. So while I think conversation is good and all most of the time, I'm going to ask that you don't try and break down each other's post and outwit one another, at least not in this thread.

I've noticed more in this election than any other the #NeverTrump and #NeverHillary mantra, and a notion of black and white being pushed onto us. I'd like to get a feel for how much this truly differs This thread is open to any whether you are eligible to vote in the US election or not, to voice your opinions.

So it's quite simple, two questions, you're also allowed to answer why you picked what you did for each, but I ask that you don't go after other members in regards to their answers.

1. What best describes how you are going about voting in the 2016 Presidential Election?

A. For Hillary Clinton

B. For Donald Trump

C. Against Hillary Clinton

D. Against Donald Trump

E. Undecided

F. Third Party

G. Not Voting

2. If this were a more typical election, and randomly picked Democrat faced off against randomly picked Republican, how are you going about voting?

A. For Random Democrat

B. For Random Republican

C. Against Random Democrat

D. Against Random Republican

E. Undecided (Cop out :P)

F. Third Party

G. No Vote

Once again, please don't go and turn this into a debate thread of sorts. I ask that you keep interaction with other posters to a minimum, preferably not at all. If it even starts to get out of hand, I'll have this locked.

PS, yes I know this could be a poll, but if someone can't be bothered to make a post then they probably wouldn't usually vote anyways.

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Screw your bubble-the-letter instructions, Mike!

Question one's answer is "Third Party" because HughJ brings up a bigger point of call than being afraid of either of these two clowns. America - despite being the so-called "bastion of freedom" - has the most undemocratic electoral process if I've ever seen one. Both candidates being absolutely garbage nominees only makes fighting the system a much easier decision than it should be. On top of that, voting for the RIGHT third party candidate is actually somewhat viable so long as enough votes are cast to prevent Drumpf and Shillary from getting 270 electoral votes.

House of Representatives gets the election put on it's shoulders. It's held by Republicans currently - but many of the Republicans holding seats aren't on Team Trump and would likely clamor for Gary Johnson as a "reconciliation" vote. Democrats - who automatically lose their horse by being the minority party in the House - either jump on Johnson's bandwagon or risk electing Trump.

That being said, Question two's answer is likely voting for the Republican in the race -or- the Third Party candidate, depending on the values and policies held by said Republican. Swims brings up a very valid point about bigotry and Trump should serve as a reminder - should he lose in humiliating fashion - that bigotry is too big a weight to carry on your platform for it to be possibly victorious in elections. Republicans quite honestly need to think deeply about abandoning strong religious lobbies and contesting communities such as LGBTQ and various ethnic groups. Peter Thiel, and Caitlyn Jenner are HUGE examples of "conservative" people that are pidgeonholed into voting Democratic for their causes because the GOP actively campaigns against their way of life. That's writing the textbook on how to not get votes, and it will continue to cause harm to the Republican Party if it holds up.

Me voting for Democrats isn't an impossibility, but there are things that said candidate needs to do.

  • That candidate needs to be a candidate that is at-best a moderate liberal that focuses mostly on the American Justice System, Education, and Scientific Advancement (fighting Global Warming, encouraging renewable fuel usage, Space exploration) as opposed to dividing government and country by focusing on identity politics.
  • That candidate needs to be HEAD AND SHOULDERS better than the Republican opponent (I.e. NOT Hillary.)
  • That candidate needs to have a spotless resume. (I.e. NOT Hillary.)
  • That candidate needs to be perceived as an honest person by as many people as possible. (I.e. NOT Hillary.)
  • That candidate needs to enthuse bi-partisanship over overusing executive orders to bypass gridlock.
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1G and 2E.
I haven't really taken the time to look in depth at this years candidates (Thus voiding my moral right to vote) but from what I've seen/heard the whole campaign seems to be a gigantic act of childish slander aimed toward's each competitor, not only on the candidate's parts, but also found amongst supporters and media outlets. With all this dirt being tossed around the country I really can't raise a hand to anyone.

On the topic of this debate though I shift towards the second question of who I would vote for outside of this debate, or more importantly, why this election is so special. The answer? It's not.
Every election that I have witnessed always seemed to have a sort of "bad guy" or evil picture painted of one of the candidates, it just so happens that this one has two especially potent individuals who equally enjoy taking such an approach. If in the next election, we're given a more intellectual rivalry, I'd be more than happy to vote for whatever individual held the most compelling ideals and goals.

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Given the election happened in seven more months so I could vote, I'd be on the 1A and 2A camps, most likely. As for the former, I do believe Clinton would lead this country effectively regardless of her opponent. Then again I'm raised in super-liberal California, so I might be just a little bit biased ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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The people of USA really need to break this 2-party system by abolishing the overcomplicated 'Byzantine' procedure of voting that limits who you can even vote for. Gerrymandering aside, being forced to choose between two equally bad contestants, with so many people unaware of what the other parties' views are, is a lose-lose situation.

Given USA's influence on the world, it is naive for us non-Americans to believe we will be unaffected, or even feel joy we didn't have such a dillemma.

That said, in this election I would vote 1F, if I could.

In general, with good candidates on both sides, I would be more inclined towards voting 2A, but that's also fluid.

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1 neither. My vote for Hillary comes down to the state of the Supreme Court. We've got an empty seat and two seats opening up in the near future. I'all be damned if the balance gets shifted and huge rulings get overturned.

2. Between third party/democrat. As a black person neither party really has my best interests in mind. But it'll be a cold day in hell before the modern day GOP gets my vote

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I can't since I live in Europe.

But know that we follow your elections too. A lot of us because it's a big point in the news anyway.

So please America. I think I can say this in the name of the rest of the world.

Just don't elect Trump.

Outside the US nobody likes him (maybe Putin does tho...).

I don't like Clinton either but she is the least bad choice you can make since a Third Party candidate is not really realistic.

And better luck in 2020 I guess.

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