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Good morning, good afternoon, good evening! Good time-agnostic meeting event!

I'm Kasran. (Kas is acceptable. Kassy is less acceptable. Kasamatazz, Kasarang, Kasper the Friendly Fox, et al. are right out.) I saw someone in one of my classes this semester playing some rad-looking Pokémon fangame, and upon inquiring I was told it was called "Pokémon Reborn". So, I went to go check it out, and now here I am! It took me a couple weeks to get around to registering here, and I still haven't... uh, actually played Reborn yet... you know, college responsibilities and all. But the community seemed friendly enough that I figured I should come and hang out.

There isn't too much special about me. I'm some college nerd who's studying computer science, with an interest in systems programming. My main passion is video game development, though I've never actually made anything yet; I'm also interested in retrocomputing, music, worldbuilding, writing, logic, linguistics, conlangs, math, puzzles, and just a hair of philosophy and some other stuff.

My favorite Pokémon is Typhlosion. Rayquaza is a close second. Fight me. (Don't actually fight me. I don't know anything about competitive battling.)

It's good to meet you all! Hopefully I'll be able to sink my teeth into this community, as it were, and make a decent contribution.

Edited by Kasran
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Welcome to Reborn! Always nice to find another interested in CS. I'm looking at studying it in college as well, but I'm more of a sysadmin myself.

Also, I urge you to check out the Showdown server. It's a place to battle and chat with the community; I don't battle, but neither do I, and plenty of people don't either. It's mostly a place to talk with others. There's a link in the top left of this page.

Enjoy your stay!

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Welcome to Reborn! Always nice to find another interested in CS. I'm looking at studying it in college as well, but I'm more of a sysadmin myself.

Also, I urge you to check out the Showdown server. It's a place to battle and chat with the community; I don't battle, but neither do I, and plenty of people don't either. It's mostly a place to talk with others. There's a link in the top left of this page.

Enjoy your stay!

Hey, go for it! Comp sci is a tough but satisfying discipline if it's something you're into, I think.

I'll have to check out the Showdown server, I suppose, if that's where people are. I was probably going to inquire eventually whether there was some community IRC channel or something of the sort, so I suppose that answers my question.

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