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Skyrim Special Edition Discussion Thread


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So there's been talk about who to side with for Skyrim, and with Skyrim's Special Edition officially released, I decided to actually make a thread about Skyrim. There might have been one before, but I'm bringing it back with the newly remastered Special Edition.

With mods being added constantly, what mods do you all currently enjoy? Do you prefer mods, or just like playing without them? I played without them on the 360, but now that I am allowed to use mods on the Xbox One, I kinda went mod crazy.

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I always liked mods that tried to be consistent with the lore. (Okay, I also liked mods that weren't consistent with the lore, but I like the lore-friendly ones better.) But since I haven't played Skyrim in a million years, I can't think of much.

I can't remember what it was called, but there was a mod I enjoyed that added a hypothermia sort of mechanic, in which you have to manage your temperature. So you'd have to wear warm clothing when going to cold snowy areas, getting too cold has negative status effects, and you can also set up camps anywhere with a little campfire to stave off the cold for a time. It wasn't too intrusive, for the most part, but it added a little layer of planning that I appreciated.

There was another one that just gives you lanterns that are portable light sources. Very, very useful.

Maybe I should play Skyrim again so I can get a better sense for what mods are good...

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I got a cool companion mod that lets you recruit any named NPC into a party. The actual recruitment system is pretty primitive (you give them jewelry and then they become your 'friend') but I guess you just have to imagine a better story over the interaction

I like recruiting Jaree-Ra and Deeja (with the help of a few console commands) from the Blackblood mercenary plotline in Solitude

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Skyrim is already a great game without mods, but if I were to use some it would probably be just aesthetic mods designed to make the surroundings even more beautiful and believable.

When Fallout 4 finally got mods for XB1, I went "mod crazy" for a while and later ended up erasing most of the stuff I downloaded, because eventually it killed the experience and immersion for me (not to mention random crashes and game breaking stuff). Since then I haven't been fond of mods other than aesthetics or bug fixing.

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I can't play it on my PC since it's an old PC, but on my Xbox One, I can. I'm really liking the intro overhaul so far, except with the lack of Hadvar's mouth moving. Maybe after I do the intro the first time, I'll start using the Start Another Life mod to just skip it since it's so long. Only when the Thomas the Train mod returns will I then go through the intro again.

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I have it for PC, and I am positive that I can run it on at least high settings.

I just don't want to install it at the moment because all of my big mods that I use require SKSE and it has not updated for TESV:SE just yet.

As soon as it does and my mods update for it, I'll be golden and putting another 180+ hours into it.

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I can't play it on my PC since it's an old PC, but on my Xbox One, I can. I'm really liking the intro overhaul so far, except with the lack of Hadvar's mouth moving. Maybe after I do the intro the first time, I'll start using the Start Another Life mod to just skip it since it's so long. Only when the Thomas the Train mod returns will I then go through the intro again.

Yea but I only have my PC, Ps3 and Xbox360 for the new games since I get jack shit for money to buy the new expensive ass consoles OTL Tho after S/M comes out I'm saving for the Switch so then I'll probs be able to play new Skyrim (on the toilet).

Edited by Wendel
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