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Ranking the 9 Star Wars Movies that I have seen.


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I am your standard Star Wars Fan, and as such, i have my own ranking of the Star Wars films.

Bear with me, This is not your Standard

7. Prequel Film Sucks

6. Prequel Film Sucks

5. Prequel Film Sucks

4. TFA saved the Franchise,

3. OT film was perfect

2. OT film was perfect

1. OT film was perfect

I actually have a list that is unique to me. I'm pretty sure that No one else shares my opinion.

Please do remember that this is my opinion. You can respect it, write an essay on why I'm wrong or shove Mr. Plinkett's reviews down my throat, or you can ignore it.

Number 9: Star Wars episode VII: The Force Awakens- I despise this movie. The Weird thing is that people overuse the argument that it's a rehash of a New Hope, but I don't think that was the worst part. Sure, it does indicate an attempt to pander to OT lovers and Prequel Haters, but my main issue is that the Writing was bad. It doesn't work because of the poor world building and the lack of explanation for anything. The Film knows that it’s going to have a sequel, so it just throws in a bunch of plotholes and sits back while people say, “It’s going to be explained in the Next movie! Give it a chance!” I mean, A New Hope stands as its own movie. The Phantom Menace at least explained enough to give context to what we were watching. Did I mention that the Characters were poorly developed and it was impossible for me to like them? And they completely ignored how the force worked? Or that they ruined Luke and Han Solo’s Characters? I could go on and on, but, you probably know all the complaints.

Number 8- The Holiday Special- At least it had the decency to be Non- Canon. I can appreciate it for that, at least.

Number 7- The Clone Wars Movie- the CGI in this movie was terrible compared to the Clone Wars Show, but it didn’t ruin any of the characters, and it didn’t call itself Star Wars Episode II and a half. And it gave us Ahsoka Tano. I like her character.

Number 6- Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones- the CGI was subpar, but I didn’t hate the Story. I know that people like to bash this one (And all of dem Prequels) for Yoda being arrogant and fearful, but I felt as if this actually made Yoda a dynamic Character. And besides, if Yoda was always a wise old character in the original trilogy, wouldn’t that have correlated badly with the fall of the Jedi order? It would have been better if they cut out the Love Story, but as it is right now, it’s a 6/10. At least this and every film above it has earned the right to be called Star Wars films. (Cough, Cough, TFA)

Number 5- A New Hope- This is a Film that I consider Overrated. I don’t think the acting or dialogue was as good as people say it is (The Only real notable performance was Harrison Ford as Han Solo). The Visual effects have not aged well. I could almost laugh at Tarkin blowing up Alderaan. The old man duel didn’t really have much Emotional Intensity to it (despite what a lot of Prequel Haters would say). But it still has the charm of a Star Wars film. And I can’t get past that.

Number 4- The Phantom Menace- I don’t hate this movie. I actually enjoyed it. I kind of liked to see the political meetings, despite others telling me that it was boring. The Lightsaber Fight at the end was one of the most unforgettable scenes I’ve watched. The Atmosphere in that fight was perfect. The Acting was… terrible in this one. But the CGI, while overused, felt more legit than the effects in A New Hope. I liked Otoh Gunga. Sure, there is Jar Jar, but I feel sorry that his character was subject to so much negativity. He doesn’t make my top ten worst Star Wars characters, and he did more in the Phantom Menace than Chewbacca did in the entire Original Trilogy. Jake Lloyd as Young Anakin wasn’t that bad; It was his Dialogue that ruined everything. I think I’ll take the Jar-Jar, Young Anakin, Midichlorians, and… Trade Negotiations over the Force Awakens Any day.

Number 3- Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back- Yeah, Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. “This should have been number one” and “You put this under one of the darn PREQUELS?” But the thing is, I have my own problems with the film, such as weak character motivations and that the plot moved slowly. I know that people loved the Plot Twist that Luke Was Vader’s father (The Atmosphere at that moment was perfect), but even that scene has problems. I think that Lucas and Kershner threw that Twist in for the sake of having a shocking plot twist, but it didn’t really do well since it essentially turned Obi Wan into a liar. It still felt like a Star Wars movie, though. And I really liked the overall tone of the Film and the duel on Cloud City, As well as Luke’s training on Dagobah.

Number 2- Star Wars episode VI: Return of the Jedi- I know that this is often known as the worst of the Original trilogy, and had Ewoks, and Harrison Ford didn’t put up a strong performance, and the writing was messy and rushed, but I genuinely enjoy this film. There was that last fight, which had a lot of meaning, and the Death of Darth Vader was a genuinely touching scene. Ewoks over the Force Awakens, anyday.

Number 1- Star Wars episode III: Revenge of the Sith- I just love the Dark Atmosphere in this one. Sure, the writing was messy, but I also didn’t have a problem with Hayden Christiansen as Anakin Skywalker. I loved watching all 5 lightsaber Duels, and I love how the Death of Count Dooku set the mood for the film, as well as bring Skywalker one step closer to the dark side. The Order 66 scenes were done really well, and the 2 lightsaber duels at the end, while overly long, did engage me. I also think that this film is where John Williams was at his strongest in the Star Wars movies.

So, There you have it! My ranking of the Star Wars Films. Again, This is my opinion, so do what you want. Accept my opinion, write an essay on why I am wrong, or shove Plinkett’s reviews down my throat.

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Your ranking is pretty good and well argumented imo. Of course that doesn't mean I agree with everything, but still that's definitely an opinion I can respect.

Personally I really don't know what to do with TFA. I feel like it's a decent, generic action-sci-fi movie and a disapponting SW overall. I kinda want to love it like the other movies, but I can't see past its narration flaws, its shameless use of exactly the same scenes as New Hope and terrible character dev. I kinda want to despise it as well, but I can't bring myself to do that because I objectively didn't have a bad time watching it. Sooo... yeah.

Revenge of the Sith is one of my faves as well, because it's the only one that made me cry when I first watched it I was 11 pls don't judge me

Phantom Menace is hated for a lot of good reasons, but it's the first one I saw in a cinema, it made me love the franchise, and it has its share of memorable moments. So I still love it despite everything.

Attack of the Clones felt cheesy and childish, but the later parts were extremely enjoyable.

Return of the Jedi felt cheesy and childish, but the later parts were extremely enjoyable (notice a pattern here?).

New Hope was good, but like you said, it didn't age well. Let's not forget it's a relatively low-budget, 40 years old movie.

The Empire Strikes Back is still my favorite. I do agree about the plot twist being awkwardly thrown into the movie though. Hell, it wasn't even supposed to be there when the scene was filmed. Vader's dialogue was changed in post prod.

I couldn't rank them in a specific order, even if I wanted to (which I don't), but I guess I could seperate them between awesome (TESB, ROTS), not as awesome (the rest of them bar TFA), and mediocre (TFA).

Still hyped for Rogue One tho.

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