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Breeding with a Ditto


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Yes you can get a female mudkip. However, as with all starters, you only have a 12.5% chance of getting one. Also, the characteristics of an egg are determined when you first pick it up from the day care man. So if save before the egg hatches but after picking it up, it will have the same gender, ability, ivs, and nature every time you attempt to hatch it.

Edited by Lucky1998
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Any pokemon as long as it has an Egg group regardless of its gender can breed with ditto to create and EGG and it can result in any gendered ,Ivd ,and be shiny.

AS for this case Mudkip along with all starters has a 75 to 25 male/female ratio so its more common to find males so keep at it and eventually you will find a female one it just takes slightly longer.

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Hi Joquim, yes you can get females by breeeding mudkip with ditto, just you have 87.5% chances to get a male and 12.5% to get a female like most of the starters so you just need to be patient ! You should get at least a female every ten eggs hatched.

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Thanks to you all. So I must save before I receive the egg and not before it hatches...

I'll do that now :)

Why would you do that? unless it takes longer to receive an egg then to hatch it , you might as well keep going instead of resetting.

Edited by FairFamily
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wow we can breed in reborn? how do i breed?

Take any two pokemon that are opposite genders and are in the same egg-group and leave them at the daycare center.

Then go take a walk in-game and check with the old man waiting near the front of the daycare center.

Every step you take has a random chance of making an egg appear.

Once you eventually get an egg, keep it on your party and run around.

In the summary, it'll tell you how close the egg is to hatching.

Protip: have another pokemon with the Flame Body ability in your party and the egg will hatch sooner.

And yeah thats how you breed pokemon.

Edited by 5hift
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