InnocentSerenity Posted November 11, 2016 Share Posted November 11, 2016 (edited) “So, never forget what I said... or I'll never forgive you." Karik said nothing as she passed by him. Nothing much he could say, anyway. Searching your mind for a completely defined moral compass wasn’t the easiest thing for a child. All he could do was heed the lance-wielding woman’s words. They’re humans. Not monstrous demons for us to kill. Kill when necessary, not otherwise. Karik looked at his axe. With it, he’d been able to disarm people, and let them go without the need to kill. There were lives he didn’t need to end, but there were those he would need to. Karik didn’t end up giving Cadence a response. He didn’t feel like she was expecting one from him, though. "Are your pains gone? Don't work yourself too hard you just started fighting. Oh and I'm Emilee! I almost forgot to introduce myself." Karik was so deep in thought, he didn’t see the woman coming to heal his wounds. The healing spirits felt so soothing as his wounds closed up, nothing like the Vulneraries he was used to taking. “Oh, um, thanks.” Karik shifted his body around, looking at the woman’s face, rather than the floor boards he had been focusing on for too long. “I’m Karik. Nice to meet you.” The woman’s giggle served well to calm him down. Staying so down wouldn’t help him, anyway. Edited November 11, 2016 by InnocentBoy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grasssnake485 Posted November 11, 2016 Share Posted November 11, 2016 Chirya felt queasy again as the boy brought down his axe. Not from the blood and gore of the scene; she'd been forced to grow a thicker skin to the blood of her enemies by Lenn, her childhood friend-turned-assassin. He had joined an assassin's guild not long after she'd picked up dancing, and he taught her how to defend herself, both with martial arts and with the knives she always kept tucked in her gloves. Always think about yourself, he had said. There are men who will think of nothing to kidnap a pretty girl. And you fit the bill pretty well. Don't even think about killing if you can't handle it. Just injure them, distract them, do whatever it takes to get them off your tail for a second. And that's when you run. At first, Chirya had blanched at spilling blood, but before long, she'd grown out of passing out and throwing up - mostly. Even before then, she was used to answering fights with the bullies that liked to pick on her mismatching features, and her dancer acrobatics helped her slip out of sticky situations unharmed. But there was another reason why she'd been reminded of Lenn. Steeling herself, she eased herself out of her locked knees and frozen muscles and walked towards the boy. "You remind me of my friend, an assassin," she said as she passed him. "You have the same look in your eyes after your first kill. But I hope you'll end up fighting for what you think is right, not just killing to have a roof over your head and food in your belly." Chirya felt slightly guilty after saying that. After all, her family at least had some money to leave her, while Lenn had none. She'd also been either extremely lucky or extremely skilled at gambling, for between that and her dancing career, she always had enough to live comfortably. And she'd never even thought to share. Move to J14 and try to loosen up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetaark Posted November 11, 2016 Share Posted November 11, 2016 [Enemy Phase] "So then, those pests managed to take out Wakin eh? No matter, if it comes to it I'll take em on myself. MEN! Ready yourselves for battle!" Gonzap yelled, seeing the men he had on the opposing boat all taken down. Pirate 7 Moves to L24 Pirate 8 Moves to N20 Pirate 9 Moves to M26 Archer 3 Moves to M22 From the stairs of the pirate ship, another pirate appears, clearly unaware of the situation before him. "Ey everyone. Why are you all on deck? We have another meeti-" the pirate pauses before taking a glance at the situation around him, realizing that the others have been in the middle of a fight. "O-oh. Did I miss all of the fighting? Oops. Well uh...I'm here now I guess," the pirate says, trying to save what little face he had. Pirate 5 Arrives on J25 "What a worthless fool," Gonzap sighed. "At least the little runt had some might in em." [Ally Phase] "Look's like they're coming this way. Let's give them a grand reception," Madante states, readying his blade as he moves closer. Madante Moves to M16 Turn 5 Cheat Sheet Reveal hidden contents Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon Pirate 1: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 2: (0/22) (H7) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 3: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (43/45) Pirate 4: (0/22) (J8) Iron Club (44/45) Wakin: (0/24) (O14) Pirate 5: (22/22) (J25) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 7: (22/22) (L24) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 8: (22/22) (N20) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 9: (22/22) (M26) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 10: (22/22) (S21) Iron Club (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Pirate 11: (22/22)(U15) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Lance (Droppable Pirate 12: (22/22)(G20) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Knife (Droppable) Mercenary 1: (0/21) (J11) Released Mercenary 2: (0/21) (H13) Iron Sword (43/45) Mercenary 3: (0/21) (K15) Iron Sword (44/45) Mercenary 4: (21/21) (T28) Iron Sword (45/45) Mercenary 5: (21/21) (T23) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Mercenary 6: (21/21) (U21) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Archer 1: (0/20) (H8) Iron Bow (42/45) Archer 2 (Agrev): (0/20) (K10) Iron Bow (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Archer 3: (20/20) (M22) Iron Bow (45/45) Archer 4: (20/20) (P27) Iron Bow (45/45), Iron Longbow (30/30) Gonzap: (26/26) (U28) Airmd (30/30), Hatchet (35/35) Enemy Stats Reveal hidden contents Pirate Reveal hidden contents Note: 2 speed Wakin Reveal hidden contents Note: Wakin w/ Hatchet will have 12 Might and 94 Base Hit 2 speed Gonzap Reveal hidden contents Note: Gonzap w/ Hatchet will have 13 Might and 92 Base Hit 5 speed Mercenary Reveal hidden contents Note: 5 speed Archer Reveal hidden contents Note: Archer 4 w/ Longbow may have 11 Might, 79 Base Hit, and 10 Evasion 5 speed Players: Health, Location, Weapons Rayne: (18/19) (M12) Iron Javelin (43/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Dismounted Belros: (19/19) (K12) Iron Dagger (42/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Sword (41/45) Cadence: (20/20) (L13) Iron Rapier (31/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Emilee: (17/17) (K11) Heal (26/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Darius: (19/20) (K14) Flux (38/40), Vulnerary (3/3) Idei: (18/19) (J11) Iron Bow (39/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Chirya: (16/20) (J14) Vulnerary (3/3) Karik: (23/23) (L11) Iron Axe (42/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Iron Club (45/45), Hatchet (33/35) Allies: Health, Location, Weapons Madante: (21/22) (M16) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (3/3) Exp Tracker: 33/100 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted November 11, 2016 Share Posted November 11, 2016 "They'll regret their mistake this day..." She unsheathed her weapon and left Karik's side without a word, taking a place beside the commander. She had been right, really... these really were an ugly lot, So much so she could see the yellow, snaggle toothed scowls and smirks even from all the way over here "half their number is already dead, and yet instead of doing the sensible thing and retreating, they just up the same strategy and mindlessly throw themselves at us. Either their captain is utterly oblivious, or far too confident in the ability of his men...or both." Move to L16 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted November 11, 2016 Share Posted November 11, 2016 Belros looked back to see Karik taking his first life. While Belros was already used to killing he never enjoyed it. It's a necessary evil in this world sadly and this would've happened eventually. Still, it is sad to the innocence of children be ripped away. An innocence he tried to protect not too long ago, but for now he has another more important issue at had. He needs information and fast before it's too late "I'm sorry Karik, I wish I could help but I can't say anything that hasn't already been said." "they just up the same strategy and mindlessly throw themselves at us. Either their captain is utterly oblivious, or far too confident in the ability of his men...or both." "Well we've taken back the ship, so lets just block the planks. Can't get past a wall of people without jumping into the water." Belros moved over towards the last empty plank. For now most of them can't get through and attack the people behind them with Cadence, Madante, and himself in the way. But once they get close enough they'll probably just swim around them, so this defense isn't impenetrable . Move to N16 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anstane Posted November 11, 2016 Share Posted November 11, 2016 After repelling the invaders from their own ship, Darius expected the remaining brigands to give up and run away with their lives. And yet...they still come at them. Either they are more foolhardy or more idiotic then the shaman expected. He moves over and takes a defensive position right behind Madante and prepares his tome to strike at any hostiles who dare come close. "Looks like these guys aren't giving up just yet. If they are so stupid to think they can defeat us, then let's show them the error of their ways." Darius said to his comrades who have already set up a defensive position on the planks. Move to M15. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rokubiraijuu Posted November 11, 2016 Share Posted November 11, 2016 From a vantage point behind one of their swordsmen, he could safely weaken the enemy with arrows from far away to help his allies. It's only natural for archers to take up position away from the direct line of attack, lest he end up with more wounds like the one he'd sustained earlier from the axe blow. Even at the thought, the ribs on his left side still twinge despite their healer's work, as though to warn him not to try attempting something like that again. A light tug on the reins and he tries to redirect Kite with his legs, but the stallion stays stubbornly still, huffing a hot breath through his nostrils and tossing his head. It's obvious he knows his rider wants to pull him closer to the edge of the ship, and if this is how it's going to be, Idei doesn't want to think about trying to coerce the steed into crossing the planks to the other ship, but this is the only way across. "We have to help, Kite. Don't be a coward." Eventually, with enough cajoling, he moves, albeit reluctantly. Move to L15. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 12, 2016 Share Posted November 12, 2016 "Well, I can help away from the others for a bit. Maybe that'll let me get my mind off things." Rayne thought to herself. But to do that she was going to have to get Beau to come back. Luckily, she knew just the thing. She started to whistle a tune one that she knew that Beau would recognize and come to her side. Reveal hidden contents It was a simple melody, but a very upbeat one. Rayne would always whistle it to herself as she found herself with idle time, and a lot of time ended up whistling it around Beau. She was around him a lot after all, so while she was idly brushing his mane, or something of the like she would tend to whistle. He'd recognize it for sure. "About damned timed Girlie! I was startin' to get mighty bored floatin' about behind hidin' and stuff. It ain't fittin' for one with as fiery blood as meself." Beau thought to himself as he sped back to the ship. Move to O15, and Remount. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InnocentSerenity Posted November 13, 2016 Share Posted November 13, 2016 (edited) "You remind me of my friend, an assassin." “Um… thanks...” Karik was nearly taken aback by the Dancer’s words. Karik tried not to think too much about their words. They probably didn’t mean anything, but… Why would you tell a child who just nearly fell into tears from killing someone for the first time that they remind you of an assassin? “But, don’t ye worry. Aye don’t think it be necessary for me to kill for money.” In any case, Karik had to follow behind his allies. Picking up the Iron Club laid out on the floor, Karik stuck behind the rest of them. “Aye’d best save me axe for later.” Karik brought out his new Hatchet, enjoying not lugging around such a heavy weapon for once. Move to K15 and equip the Fancy Boomerang Hatchet Edited November 14, 2016 by InnocentBoy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~ Posted November 13, 2016 Share Posted November 13, 2016 Running towards Chirya, Emilee began her healing staff routine. It really was tiering work, she started to day dream of someone carrying her instead of having to run around. She had to snap herself out of it before she started to drool. "All done!" Emilee said when she noticed Chirya's wounds re-opening. "Keep helping everyone out and I'll do my part too." Move to J13 and heal Chirya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grasssnake485 Posted November 17, 2016 Share Posted November 17, 2016 Chirya watched that pirate-boy line up with the rest of his new allies, hefting up his new hatchet. "Yeah," she nodded to the boy as he passed her. Before she could say more, she noticed a golden glow around her arm, magically knitting up tissue and banishing the pain in her arm. Chirya was overcome with a wave of nausea again, looking at the blood caked in her sash. If only the healing spirits could take away blood along with the wounds, but she was thankful for the healing nonetheless. "Thanks!" she smiled at the healer before she jogged off to perform to the pegasus rider, doing a front flip along the way to loosen herself up a bit more. Move to N15 and dance to Rayne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 17, 2016 Share Posted November 17, 2016 "Huh... I suddenly feel much better for some reason. I wonder why?" Rayne thought to herself, not even noticing Chirya's presence. Rayne was rather in her own little world at the moment anyway. She, wasn't entirely sure what had happened back therbut she was surely not happy about it. That kid... he was just too young for this. But... he'd already been exposed to this. She hoped that he'd be okay. They were at least getting him away from criminals and their ilk. Those of the Royal Guard would be much more responsible and better examples for one as young as him if he must live this life. So, there was at least some small modicum of comfort in that. It wasn't much though. "Might as well used this surge of energy to help out some more." Rayne aimed Beau to go off the deck of the ship and flew out over the water. She saw a Pirate swimming, probably one that was going to try and sneak on board. She swooped down, poised and ready to make an attack against the the poor bastard. Move to to S15, drop the payload ((attack with Iron Jav)), and then Canto to Q15 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetaark Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 (edited) Reveal hidden contents (Rayne is going on overdrive!) (Pirate 11 is at sea) Rayne: Attack: 6 Hit: 64% Crit: 2% Pirate 11: Attack: - Hit: - Crit: - Rayne's Attack 1: 47, hit! (Rayne's eyes glimmer: 77) Pirate 11 takes 6 damage! Rayne's Attack 2: 35, hit! (Rayne's eyes glimmer: 43) Pirate 11 takes 6 damage! Despite being at sea, the only benefits he got were a duo of javelins, striking the pirate in the torso as he watches as the pegasus rider fly back to safety. [Enemy Phase] Pirate 8 Moves to N17 and attacks Belros Reveal hidden contents (Belros is inspired) (Belros has the advantage) (Belros will attack twice) (Belros is Loyal) Pirate 8: Attack: 12 Hit: 35% Crit: 0% Belros: Attack: 10 Hit: 100% Crit: 3 Pirate 8's Attack: 79, miss. Belros' Attack 1: 72, hit! Pirate 8 takes 10 damage Belros' Attack 2: 14, hit! Pirate 8 takes 10 damage The pirate's strike goes wide, slashing instead at the side of the boat. While trying to retrieve his axe from the wood it was embedded in, Belros gets two strikes off onto the attacker. Archer 3 Moves to M18 and attacks Madante Reveal hidden contents (Madante is inspiring others) Archer 3 Attack: 8 Hit: 82% Crit: 1% Madante: Attack: - Hit: - Crit: - Archer 3's Attack: 97, miss. The archer tried to aim his shot, but aimed it a bit too high, shooting it past his head and across the boat. Pirate 7 Moves to L19 Pirate 9 Moves to M21 Pirate 5 Moves to N24 [Ally Phase] "Hah, these pirates can barely land a shot it looks like. Here, allow me to show you how its done," Madante boasts before rushing towards the archer. Reveal hidden contents (Madante is inspiring others) Madante: Attack: 6 Hit: 94% Crit: 9% Archer 3: Attack: - Hit: - Crit: - Madante's Attack: 9, hit! (Madante's sword glows: 54) Archer 3 takes 6 damage! Readying his blade, Madante strikes the archer, leaving a wound on his shoulder. Turn 6 Cheat Sheet Reveal hidden contents Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon Pirate 1: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 2: (0/22) (H7) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 3: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (43/45) Pirate 4: (0/22) (J8) Iron Club (44/45) Wakin: (0/24) (O14) Pirate 5: (22/22) (N24) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 7: (22/22) (L19) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 8: (2/22) (N20) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 9: (22/22) (M21) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 10: (22/22) (S21) Iron Club (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Pirate 11: (10/22)(U15) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Lance (Droppable Pirate 12: (22/22)(G20) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Knife (Droppable) Mercenary 1: (0/21) (J11) Released Mercenary 2: (0/21) (H13) Iron Sword (43/45) Mercenary 3: (0/21) (K15) Iron Sword (44/45) Mercenary 4: (21/21) (T28) Iron Sword (45/45) Mercenary 5: (21/21) (T23) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Mercenary 6: (21/21) (U21) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Archer 1: (0/20) (H8) Iron Bow (42/45) Archer 2 (Agrev): (0/20) (K10) Iron Bow (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Archer 3: (14/20) (M22) Iron Bow (44/45) Archer 4: (20/20) (P27) Iron Bow (45/45), Iron Longbow (30/30) Gonzap: (26/26) (U28) Airmd (30/30), Hatchet (35/35) Enemy Stats Reveal hidden contents Pirate Reveal hidden contents Note: 2 speed Wakin Reveal hidden contents Note: Wakin w/ Hatchet will have 12 Might and 94 Base Hit 2 speed Gonzap Reveal hidden contents Note: Gonzap w/ Hatchet will have 13 Might and 92 Base Hit 5 speed Mercenary Reveal hidden contents Note: 5 speed Archer Reveal hidden contents Note: Archer 4 w/ Longbow may have 11 Might, 79 Base Hit, and 10 Evasion 5 speed Players: Health, Location, Weapons Rayne: (18/19) (Q15) Iron Javelin (41/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Belros: (19/19) (N16) Iron Dagger (42/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Sword (39/45) E Cadence: (20/20) (L16) Iron Rapier (31/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Emilee: (17/17) (J13) Heal (26/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Darius: (19/20) (M15) Flux (38/40), Vulnerary (3/3) Idei: (18/19) (L15) Iron Bow (39/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Chirya: (20/20) (N15) Vulnerary (3/3) Karik: (23/23) (K15) Iron Axe (42/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Iron Club (45/45), Hatchet (33/35)E Allies: Health, Location, Weapons Madante: (21/22) (M17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (3/3) Exp Tracker: 53/100 Edited November 18, 2016 by Zetaark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InnocentSerenity Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 “There be only so much room on those planks. I shouldn’t try to take too much.” Karik searched his mind for how to approach the enemies on the ship. Then he remembered what he learned during his time on the water. “Hey, that could work.” Looking toward the edge of the boat, Karik took a running start before leaping off the ship, moving into a dive position before hitting the water. Rising back to the surface, Karik gave himself a breath of air before diving back underwater, swimming towards one of the enemy Pirates. “Can’t incapacitate him, guess there be only one thing to do.” His enemy in sights, Karik took out his Iron Axe, sneaking onto the planks before striking at the Pirate. Move to K19 with Super Swimming Powers and strike Pirate 7 with the Iron Axe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetaark Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 Reveal hidden contents (Karik is ready to send the enemy to the Locker) (Karik will attack twice) (Karik is at sea) (Pirate 7 is ready to deflect) Karik: Attack: 15 Hit: 67% Crit: 2% Pirate 7: Attack: 9 Hit: 39% Crit: 3 Karik's attack 1: 3, hit! Pirate 7 takes 15 damage! Pirate 7's attack: 76, miss. Karik's attack 2: 71, miss. (This time be different is active) Karik's first strike from the water catches the pirate off guard, striking him in the leg. Knocked off balance, the pirate's retaliation failed to hit its mark. Karik attempts to go for a second strike, but the pirate, seeing it coming, manages to deflect it with his club. Cheat Sheet Reveal hidden contents Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon Pirate 1: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 2: (0/22) (H7) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 3: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (43/45) Pirate 4: (0/22) (J8) Iron Club (44/45) Wakin: (0/24) (O14) Pirate 5: (22/22) (N24) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 7: (7/22) (L19) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 8: (2/22) (N20) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 9: (22/22) (M21) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 10: (22/22) (S21) Iron Club (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Pirate 11: (10/22)(U15) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Lance (Droppable Pirate 12: (22/22)(G20) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Knife (Droppable) Mercenary 1: (0/21) (J11) Released Mercenary 2: (0/21) (H13) Iron Sword (43/45) Mercenary 3: (0/21) (K15) Iron Sword (44/45) Mercenary 4: (21/21) (T28) Iron Sword (45/45) Mercenary 5: (21/21) (T23) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Mercenary 6: (21/21) (U21) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Archer 1: (0/20) (H8) Iron Bow (42/45) Archer 2 (Agrev): (0/20) (K10) Iron Bow (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Archer 3: (14/20) (M22) Iron Bow (44/45) Archer 4: (20/20) (P27) Iron Bow (45/45), Iron Longbow (30/30) Gonzap: (26/26) (U28) Airmd (30/30), Hatchet (35/35) Enemy Stats Reveal hidden contents Pirate Reveal hidden contents Note: 2 speed Wakin Reveal hidden contents Note: Wakin w/ Hatchet will have 12 Might and 94 Base Hit 2 speed Gonzap Reveal hidden contents Note: Gonzap w/ Hatchet will have 13 Might and 92 Base Hit 5 speed Mercenary Reveal hidden contents Note: 5 speed Archer Reveal hidden contents Note: Archer 4 w/ Longbow may have 11 Might, 79 Base Hit, and 10 Evasion 5 speed Players: Health, Location, Weapons Rayne: (18/19) (Q15) Iron Javelin (41/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Belros: (19/19) (N16) Iron Dagger (42/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Sword (39/45) E Cadence: (20/20) (L16) Iron Rapier (31/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Emilee: (17/17) (J13) Heal (26/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Darius: (19/20) (M15) Flux (38/40), Vulnerary (3/3) Idei: (18/19) (L15) Iron Bow (39/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Chirya: (20/20) (N15) Vulnerary (3/3) Karik: (23/23) (K19) Iron Axe (40/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3) Iron Club (45/45), Hatchet (33/35)E Allies: Health, Location, Weapons Madante: (21/22) (M17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (3/3) Exp Tracker: 56/100 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 Cadence wastes no time as she sees the man lose his balance and his blood alike. With a single sprinting step followed by a spring into the air, she instantly shifts her weight about and turns midway through the maneuver, rapier in hand with the edge aimed right for the man's jugular... the raw momentum of the technique hopefully granting it enough speed to carry through and end his blight upon the seas... Because if there was one thing she was getting fed up with more than anything, it was the amount of skill these thieving bastards showed in blocking the same strikes and maneuvers she'd been forced to practice over so many years...with a god damn axe of all things. Truly, it was perplexing... even with the strength to lift it up and heft it into one's opponent, the damn things were so heavy that managing to get it up in time to catch and redirect the edge of such a lighter and faster weapon was...ridiculous, really... But then again... what physical weapons weren't ridiculous in some way? Cade had never found an answer to that, no matter how hard she'd looked over the years. Steel always faltered before the spirits anyway...Magic ruled all in the end. She only used this worthless bit of iron because it was what she'd been taught with... Move to L18, Pirouette-Slice Pirate 7's unwashed, heathen neck open Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetaark Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 Reveal hidden contents (Cadence is inspired) (Cadence will attack twice) (Cadence has the advantage) (Cadence has Ember Glint) (Pirate 7 is ready to deflect) Cadence: Attack: 7 Hit: 98% Crit: 3% Pirate 7: Attack: 12 Hit: 25% Crit: 0% Cadence's Attack 1: 76, hit! Cadence defeats Pirate 7 with 7 damage! Cadence's thrust runs right through the pirate's throat, taking him down instantly and sending him down into the ocean below. Cheat Sheet Reveal hidden contents Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon Pirate 1: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 2: (0/22) (H7) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 3: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (43/45) Pirate 4: (0/22) (J8) Iron Club (44/45) Wakin: (0/24) (O14) Pirate 5: (22/22) (N24) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 7: (0/22) (L19) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 8: (2/22) (N20) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 9: (22/22) (M21) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 10: (22/22) (S21) Iron Club (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Pirate 11: (10/22)(U15) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Lance (Droppable Pirate 12: (22/22)(G20) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Knife (Droppable) Mercenary 1: (0/21) (J11) Released Mercenary 2: (0/21) (H13) Iron Sword (43/45) Mercenary 3: (0/21) (K15) Iron Sword (44/45) Mercenary 4: (21/21) (T28) Iron Sword (45/45) Mercenary 5: (21/21) (T23) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Mercenary 6: (21/21) (U21) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Archer 1: (0/20) (H8) Iron Bow (42/45) Archer 2 (Agrev): (0/20) (K10) Iron Bow (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Archer 3: (14/20) (M22) Iron Bow (44/45) Archer 4: (20/20) (P27) Iron Bow (45/45), Iron Longbow (30/30) Gonzap: (26/26) (U28) Airmd (30/30), Hatchet (35/35) Enemy Stats Reveal hidden contents Pirate Reveal hidden contents Note: 2 speed Wakin Reveal hidden contents Note: Wakin w/ Hatchet will have 12 Might and 94 Base Hit 2 speed Gonzap Reveal hidden contents Note: Gonzap w/ Hatchet will have 13 Might and 92 Base Hit 5 speed Mercenary Reveal hidden contents Note: 5 speed Archer Reveal hidden contents Note: Archer 4 w/ Longbow may have 11 Might, 79 Base Hit, and 10 Evasion 5 speed Players: Health, Location, Weapons Rayne: (18/19) (Q15) Iron Javelin (41/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Belros: (19/19) (N16) Iron Dagger (42/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Sword (39/45) E Cadence: (20/20) (L18) Iron Rapier (30/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Emilee: (17/17) (J13) Heal (26/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Darius: (19/20) (M15) Flux (38/40), Vulnerary (3/3) Idei: (18/19) (L15) Iron Bow (39/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Chirya: (20/20) (N15) Vulnerary (3/3) Karik: (23/23) (K19) Iron Axe (40/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3) Iron Club (45/45), Hatchet (33/35)E Allies: Health, Location, Weapons Madante: (21/22) (M17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (3/3) Exp Tracker: 59/100 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rokubiraijuu Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 Idei spends the time that Karik and the fencer are using to topple the pirate overboard wrangling with his mount. Embarrassment burns his ears a little as he gives the reins a firm tug, muttering under his breath. "Kite, you're making me look like an idiot in front of everyone else. Don't be stubborn." In response, the stallion pins his ears back, straining his neck against the bridle to make it clear that he is not excited about going forward onto the planks before him. This is not unexpected, but . . . an unfortunate setback, even so. Eventually, the nomad relents, loosening his grip on the reins. He mustn't let his own obstinance set him into a battle of wills; his father had taught him that the horse, in such a situation, almost always wins. "Shadow of Black Kite . . . you are champion of my uncle's herds, his bravest and finest, chief to nearly thirty mares and their foals. Why are you afraid now?" Ears twitching more upright now that he is not being forced, Kite stamps a hoof against the wooden plank, tail flicking. "I can't help my allies unless you go forward. Don't you trust me to guide you?" It takes a few more gentler attempts at encouraging him and several more seconds, but finally Kite steps one hoof onto the wooden plank, and Idei can sense that he has calmed down -- or, at the very least, steeled himself as a warhorse of his blood is born to do, allowing him to advance and ready his bow for his own steady strike. Move to L17 and shoot Pirate 8. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetaark Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 Reveal hidden contents (Idei is inspired) (Idei will attack twice) Idei: Attack: 9 Hit: 100% Crit: 3% Pirate 8: Attack: - Hit: - Crit: - Idei's Attack 1: 88, hit! Idei defeats Pirate 8 with 9 damage! Having gotten his mount to go onto the planks, Idei takes aim at the wounded pirate. Unable to dodge or deflect, the pirate is shot down into the water. Cheat Sheet Reveal hidden contents Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon Pirate 1: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 2: (0/22) (H7) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 3: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (43/45) Pirate 4: (0/22) (J8) Iron Club (44/45) Wakin: (0/24) (O14) Pirate 5: (22/22) (N24) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 7: (0/22) (L19) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 8: (0/22) (N20) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 9: (22/22) (M21) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 10: (22/22) (S21) Iron Club (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Pirate 11: (10/22)(U15) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Lance (Droppable Pirate 12: (22/22)(G20) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Knife (Droppable) Mercenary 1: (0/21) (J11) Released Mercenary 2: (0/21) (H13) Iron Sword (43/45) Mercenary 3: (0/21) (K15) Iron Sword (44/45) Mercenary 4: (21/21) (T28) Iron Sword (45/45) Mercenary 5: (21/21) (T23) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Mercenary 6: (21/21) (U21) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Archer 1: (0/20) (H8) Iron Bow (42/45) Archer 2 (Agrev): (0/20) (K10) Iron Bow (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Archer 3: (14/20) (M22) Iron Bow (44/45) Archer 4: (20/20) (P27) Iron Bow (45/45), Iron Longbow (30/30) Gonzap: (26/26) (U28) Airmd (30/30), Hatchet (35/35) Enemy Stats Reveal hidden contents Pirate Reveal hidden contents Note: 2 speed Wakin Reveal hidden contents Note: Wakin w/ Hatchet will have 12 Might and 94 Base Hit 2 speed Gonzap Reveal hidden contents Note: Gonzap w/ Hatchet will have 13 Might and 92 Base Hit 5 speed Mercenary Reveal hidden contents Note: 5 speed Archer Reveal hidden contents Note: Archer 4 w/ Longbow may have 11 Might, 79 Base Hit, and 10 Evasion 5 speed Players: Health, Location, Weapons Rayne: (18/19) (Q15) Iron Javelin (41/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Belros: (19/19) (N16) Iron Dagger (42/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Sword (39/45) E Cadence: (20/20) (L18) Iron Rapier (30/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Emilee: (17/17) (J13) Heal (26/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Darius: (19/20) (M15) Flux (38/40), Vulnerary (3/3) Idei: (18/19) (L17) Iron Bow (38/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Chirya: (20/20) (N15) Vulnerary (3/3) Karik: (23/23) (K19) Iron Axe (40/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3) Iron Club (45/45), Hatchet (33/35)E Allies: Health, Location, Weapons Madante: (21/22) (M17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (3/3) Exp Tracker: 62/100 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anstane Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 (edited) Darius ducked slightly as the arrow flew over Madante's - and, as he was standing right behing him, Darius' - heads. Seeing his nomadic ally shoot the axe-wielding brigand into the water, he saw his opportunity to make the archer suffer. "Let us see how well you fare when you are not able to use that bow of yours, shall we? I'm going to enjoy seeing you squirm..." Darius chuckled as he walked over to the foolish bowyer and opened his dark book, once again chanting the ancient runes inscribed in it. Move to N18 and inflict pure agony upon Archer 3. Edited November 18, 2016 by Anstane Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetaark Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 Reveal hidden contents (Darius has Momentary Bliss) (Darius is inspired) (Darius is enjoying the suffering) Darius: Attack: 16 Hit: 70% Crit: 0% Archer 3: Attack: - Hit: - Crit: - Darius' Attack: 10, hit! Darius defeats Archer 3 with 16 damage! (Anthropomancy activates) Darius steps right in front of the archer before enveloping him in dark magic. The archer is unable to fend of the shadows, and he falls into the ocean, dead. Cheat Sheet Reveal hidden contents Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon Pirate 1: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 2: (0/22) (H7) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 3: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (43/45) Pirate 4: (0/22) (J8) Iron Club (44/45) Wakin: (0/24) (O14) Pirate 5: (22/22) (N24) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 7: (0/22) (L19) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 8: (0/22) (N20) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 9: (22/22) (M21) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 10: (22/22) (S21) Iron Club (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Pirate 11: (10/22)(U15) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Lance (Droppable Pirate 12: (22/22)(G20) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Knife (Droppable) Mercenary 1: (0/21) (J11) Released Mercenary 2: (0/21) (H13) Iron Sword (43/45) Mercenary 3: (0/21) (K15) Iron Sword (44/45) Mercenary 4: (21/21) (T28) Iron Sword (45/45) Mercenary 5: (21/21) (T23) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Mercenary 6: (21/21) (U21) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Archer 1: (0/20) (H8) Iron Bow (42/45) Archer 2 (Agrev): (0/20) (K10) Iron Bow (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Archer 3: (0/20) (M22) Iron Bow (44/45) Archer 4: (20/20) (P27) Iron Bow (45/45), Iron Longbow (30/30) Gonzap: (26/26) (U28) Airmd (30/30), Hatchet (35/35) Enemy Stats Reveal hidden contents Pirate Reveal hidden contents Note: 2 speed Wakin Reveal hidden contents Note: Wakin w/ Hatchet will have 12 Might and 94 Base Hit 2 speed Gonzap Reveal hidden contents Note: Gonzap w/ Hatchet will have 13 Might and 92 Base Hit 5 speed Mercenary Reveal hidden contents Note: 5 speed Archer Reveal hidden contents Note: Archer 4 w/ Longbow may have 11 Might, 79 Base Hit, and 10 Evasion 5 speed Players: Health, Location, Weapons Rayne: (18/19) (Q15) Iron Javelin (41/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Belros: (19/19) (N16) Iron Dagger (42/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Sword (39/45) E Cadence: (20/20) (L18) Iron Rapier (30/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Emilee: (17/17) (J13) Heal (26/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Darius: (19/20) (N18) Flux (37/40), Vulnerary (3/3) Idei: (18/19) (L17) Iron Bow (38/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Chirya: (20/20) (N15) Vulnerary (3/3) Karik: (23/23) (K19) Iron Axe (40/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3) Iron Club (45/45), Hatchet (33/35)E Allies: Health, Location, Weapons Madante: (21/22) (M17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (3/3) Exp Tracker: 65/100 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 After the arrow struck the Pirate into the Ocean's waters Belros looked to his side towards the archer who took the shot. "Nice marksmanship! Thanks, this gives me a chance to go on ahead." Starring down the last Pirate on the planks between the group and the ship Belros quickly rushes forward aiming to make a few gashes on his legs. Maybe injuring him like that will make him loose his balance and fall of the ship. He was used to moveing quickly on thin walkways, skills needed for big heists and quick entries and escapes. Though he;d never have guessed he'd use his skills on a plank between two ships over the seas. Move to N21 and Cut Pirate 9 down a notch with the Iron Sword. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetaark Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 Reveal hidden contents (Belros has the advantage) (Belros will attack twice) (Pirate 9 is ready to deflect) Belros: Attack: 8 Hit: 97% Crit: 3% Pirate 9: Attack: 12 Hit: 40% Crit: 0% Belros' Attack 1: 82, hit! Pirate 9 takes 8 damage! Pirate 9's Attack: 85, miss. Belros' Attack 2: 29, hit! Pirate 9 takes 8 damage! Belros dashes besides the pirate, slashing him once with his iron sword. The pirate tries to fight back, but Belros dodges the strike aimed at his head and returns the gesture with a strike to the pirate's shoulder. Cheat Sheet Reveal hidden contents Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon Pirate 1: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 2: (0/22) (H7) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 3: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (43/45) Pirate 4: (0/22) (J8) Iron Club (44/45) Wakin: (0/24) (O14) Pirate 5: (22/22) (N24) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 7: (0/22) (L19) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 8: (0/22) (N20) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 9: (6/22) (M21) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 10: (22/22) (S21) Iron Club (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Pirate 11: (10/22)(U15) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Lance (Droppable Pirate 12: (22/22)(G20) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Knife (Droppable) Mercenary 1: (0/21) (J11) Released Mercenary 2: (0/21) (H13) Iron Sword (43/45) Mercenary 3: (0/21) (K15) Iron Sword (44/45) Mercenary 4: (21/21) (T28) Iron Sword (45/45) Mercenary 5: (21/21) (T23) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Mercenary 6: (21/21) (U21) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Archer 1: (0/20) (H8) Iron Bow (42/45) Archer 2 (Agrev): (0/20) (K10) Iron Bow (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Archer 3: (0/20) (M22) Iron Bow (44/45) Archer 4: (20/20) (P27) Iron Bow (45/45), Iron Longbow (30/30) Gonzap: (26/26) (U28) Airmd (30/30), Hatchet (35/35) Enemy Stats Reveal hidden contents Pirate Reveal hidden contents Note: 2 speed Wakin Reveal hidden contents Note: Wakin w/ Hatchet will have 12 Might and 94 Base Hit 2 speed Gonzap Reveal hidden contents Note: Gonzap w/ Hatchet will have 13 Might and 92 Base Hit 5 speed Mercenary Reveal hidden contents Note: 5 speed Archer Reveal hidden contents Note: Archer 4 w/ Longbow may have 11 Might, 79 Base Hit, and 10 Evasion 5 speed Players: Health, Location, Weapons Rayne: (18/19) (Q15) Iron Javelin (41/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Belros: (19/19) (N21) Iron Dagger (42/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Sword (37/45) E Cadence: (20/20) (L18) Iron Rapier (30/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Emilee: (17/17) (J13) Heal (26/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Darius: (19/20) (N18) Flux (37/40), Vulnerary (3/3) Idei: (18/19) (L17) Iron Bow (38/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Chirya: (20/20) (N15) Vulnerary (3/3) Karik: (23/23) (K19) Iron Axe (40/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3) Iron Club (45/45), Hatchet (33/35)E Allies: Health, Location, Weapons Madante: (21/22) (M17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (3/3) Exp Tracker: 68/100 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 "Ready for round two Beau? We're going to take another pass!" He snorted in reply. "Of course Girlie! Beau the Fabulous is always ready for battle!" he'd have said if he could talk. However, he had to settle for the snort of confidence. He stomped his front left hoof in approval, waiting for her to give the order for him to take off. Rayne clicked her heels against his side, and he took off to the skies once again. They would once again take a few sweeping passes on this pirate in the water. Move to S15 and send a few more Javelins this pirate's way. He looks like he could use a "present". ((holding onto Canto until I see the results of the move. Will use it once I see the results.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetaark Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 (edited) Reveal hidden contents (Rayne will attack twice) (Pirate 11 has the advantage) (Pirate 11 is at sea) Rayne: Attack: 6 Hit: 49% Crit: 2% Pirate 11: Attack: - Hit: - Crit: - Rayne's Attack 1: 59, miss. (Rayne's eyes glimmer: 4) Adept attack: 60, miss. Rayne's Attack 2: 95, miss. (Rayne's eyes glimmer: 22) Flying overhead, Rayne throws the first javelin, only to miss the initial hit. Suddenly, in a moment of focus, Rayne throws out a second javelin, only for it to be dodged by the pirate. She tries for one more shot, but her third was just another whiff. Cheat Sheet Reveal hidden contents Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon Pirate 1: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 2: (0/22) (H7) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 3: (0/22) (G10) Iron Club (43/45) Pirate 4: (0/22) (J8) Iron Club (44/45) Wakin: (0/24) (O14) Pirate 5: (22/22) (N24) Iron Club (45/45) Pirate 7: (0/22) (L19) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 8: (0/22) (N20) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 9: (6/22) (M21) Iron Club (44/45) Pirate 10: (22/22) (S21) Iron Club (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Pirate 11: (10/22)(U15) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Lance (Droppable Pirate 12: (22/22)(G20) Iron Club (45/45), Iron Knife (Droppable) Mercenary 1: (0/21) (J11) Released Mercenary 2: (0/21) (H13) Iron Sword (43/45) Mercenary 3: (0/21) (K15) Iron Sword (44/45) Mercenary 4: (21/21) (T28) Iron Sword (45/45) Mercenary 5: (21/21) (T23) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Mercenary 6: (21/21) (U21) Iron Sword (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3) (Droppable) Archer 1: (0/20) (H8) Iron Bow (42/45) Archer 2 (Agrev): (0/20) (K10) Iron Bow (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Archer 3: (0/20) (M22) Iron Bow (44/45) Archer 4: (20/20) (P27) Iron Bow (45/45), Iron Longbow (30/30) Gonzap: (26/26) (U28) Airmd (30/30), Hatchet (35/35) Enemy Stats Reveal hidden contents Pirate Reveal hidden contents Note: 2 speed Wakin Reveal hidden contents Note: Wakin w/ Hatchet will have 12 Might and 94 Base Hit 2 speed Gonzap Reveal hidden contents Note: Gonzap w/ Hatchet will have 13 Might and 92 Base Hit 5 speed Mercenary Reveal hidden contents Note: 5 speed Archer Reveal hidden contents Note: Archer 4 w/ Longbow may have 11 Might, 79 Base Hit, and 10 Evasion 5 speed Players: Health, Location, Weapons Rayne: (18/19) (S15) Iron Javelin (41/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Belros: (19/19) (N21) Iron Dagger (42/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Sword (37/45) E Cadence: (20/20) (L18) Iron Rapier (30/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Emilee: (17/17) (J13) Heal (26/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Darius: (19/20) (N18) Flux (37/40), Vulnerary (3/3) Idei: (18/19) (L17) Iron Bow (38/45), Vulnerary (3/3) Chirya: (20/20) (N15) Vulnerary (3/3) Karik: (23/23) (K19) Iron Axe (40/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3) Iron Club (45/45), Hatchet (33/35) Allies: Health, Location, Weapons Madante: (21/22) (M17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (3/3) Exp Tracker: 71/100 Edited November 20, 2016 by Zetaark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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