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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Sea of Crossroads [IC]


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"Judging by your reaction while talking to our captain, I'm guessing you found out something less then pleasant..." Darius spoke out after meeting up with Helena again, around halfway between where they were talking before and where Helena spoke to Madante.

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"Well...the next boat from here to Kabumu docks here in a little less than a month. Places like Kabumu aren't exactly the biggest travel spots, and Irvetos seems to be similar. Because of that, trying to find straight boat routes from here to there is...not simple. That's actually why we set out on one of the royal vessels. If we didn't, it could take quite a while for us to get places," Madante answered.



"I just had the pleasure of finding out that the boat I was supposed to catch left while I was coming back to this port town," Helena sighs. "When I got to the island, I took a look at the schedules to see when I should come back to get back home. Unfortunately for me, the boat schedule mix-up wasn't found out fully until a day or two later. But by that point I had already set out west to investigate a few things. So naturally when I came back and found that the boat I was looking for wasn't there, I found out the hard way about the issue. At least something decent came out of the trip, but there's still the matter of me getting back home that I need to figure out," Helena finishes, lying down on the grass.

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Darius pondered on Helena's words for a moment. Just how many people ended up getting stuck for extended periods of time because of those thugs...and then there is the matter of them continuing to Kabumu. The shaman sat down on the grass next to Helena and started to ponder what would be their next course of action. First things first, though, he decided to try and calm the mage down.


"I'm sure there will be a way to get back soon. Maybe there will be a boat to a more populous island coming in soon and we could use that to reach a busier port? I might need to check up with the captain a little later to find out..." the shaman sighed.

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"One of the tribalists, huh. Guess you people don't care much about money. You certainly didn't seem to care I took yours, heh." Cass says with a grin. Stretching his arms behind his back, he leans against a nearby house wall and crosses them. All the commotion around the boats didn't particularly concern him. He was now stuck with them either way, staying on this island or not. He hadn't been planning on leaving anytime soon anyways, so there was no rush. He also wasn't planning on returning the money to Idei. Nono, he'd definitely earned it by now.



"Also, no worries, it's Casserole. Beef Casserole."

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Beef Casserole. What a strange name. But he says nothing about it; after all, many have thought his name strange in the past before. "I prefer the term 'nomad'," he replies levelly, regarding to the man with a somewhat guarded closeness, trying to discern whether he had intended 'tribalist' to be as condescending as others often did. Since his arrival in Veritias, he's heard that term too many times from derogatory mouths to take it lightly anymore, though he had been ignorant at first, not realizing what others intended it to mean. 



"We have little use for vespers in the desert. If we need something, we exchange something else for it," he explains. Then, after a pause, as he finally dismounts from Kite's back now that the fighting has stopped, he continues with just a touch of a wry smile. "You've played enough for me to keep it, but don't steal from me again."


Money is one thing; should Casserole try to make off with any of his other belongings, however, he would not be so forgiving.

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"Sure, I ain't gonna steal, 'specially now that you've gotten me employed and everything, mwaha!" Cass laughs, though he can sense some sort of a social barrier around the guy. Sure, he'd come into contact with other nomads, in the past, 'twas always spiffy, but this one was different than the different that was their people in general. "Say then, how're ya liking these non-desert places, eh? Sometimes it feels like life in a desert'd be way easier than anything around these parts, am I right?"

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At the question, he looks away, fiddling uselessly with Kite's reins as though adjusting them, though there's nothing to be adjusted. He ends up idly combing his fingers through the wiry strands of the stallion's mane. "It is . . . more straightforward there, yes," he replies, feeling a longing for home come over him as he looks up briefly out over the nearby sea, as though he should be able to catch a glimpse of the island if he searches hard enough. "We ride, we hunt. Sometimes, we defend our lands from neighboring tribes, and the young men have the chance to test their skills."


He looks back to the man, unsure if he wants to tell him yet that he had not left of his own free will. "What about you? Are you actually a traveling musician?"

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"'Straightforward' is not a very straightforward way of putting it." Cass laughs, diverting his eyes to follow Idei's line of sight towards the sea. However, to him, it was only the sea. Kinda barren, even. "Y'know, I'd met some of your people a long time ago. Great taste in music and even better herbal medicine." He grins.


"Yep, as surprising as it is, I'm a traveling musician. Been that way since long, long ago. Wait, is it really so surprising..? I've got a guitar and all that on my back." He points at the guitar, raising an eyebrow.

Edited by Bfroger6
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"Oh, that could be a problem." Belros spoke worried about their current situation. Being stuck on an island for a month was not part of the plan. A lot can happen in a week let alone a month. He crossed his arms as he thought about what they could do. Maybe they could take a boat to a more popular location, would that take less than a month? As he was pondering he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He got on his knee and put his hand on his right hand on his chest. The location of the pain was where Scion previously lodged a dagger in his gut. 


"Damn! Ugh, I guess it hasn't fully healed... I shouldn't have been so careless to let this happen." Belros muttered as the wound send pulsing waves of pain throughout his chest. 

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"It must be hard," he remarks. His parents used to joke that if he couldn't become a warrior, he would not have a bad life as a traveling bard; Idei had always taken the comment as an insult in his youth, thinking that they had doubted his bowmanship, but over time had come to realize that they had truly been complimenting his voice, which, though unpolished, has some natural gift to it for song.



But Casserole's earlier words bring a rare light to his eyes. "You've met other nomads before?" He hasn't encountered a single one since leaving Arcadia, and had somehow been under the impression that he must be one of the only ones. " . . . To tell the truth, your music reminds me of my home. Not the same, exactly, but the feeling in it . . . " He thinks of something, and looks back up at the other. "Do you know any songs from my homeland?"

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"Yeah, I met a couple o' nomads. Some back on Arcadia, and one I actually traveled a bit together with. So if you hear some of your land's music in what I play, it ain't surprising. Also, I'd rather not play any of the songs." Cass looks to the side. It's noticeable something made him uncomfortable. He then shakes his head and sighs. "Sorry. I also can't really play anything right now." He extends an open palm to Idei. The fingers are cramping, just slightly. "It happens when you run electricity through your fingers during an entire battle. Magic hurts, don't try it at home."

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Confusion flickers briefly over his expression at the other's blunt refusal; it sounds like there's more to it than just that. But, respecting a man's right to his own secrets, Idei decides not to push the question further. He can't deny he's disappointed, though; it's been years now since he's heard the music of his homeland, and he had hoped that hearing it again might assuage the gnawing sensation that continues to bother him.



"So that's how you make that sound . . . " It explains, now, why there's never been anything like it before. He'd never thought of using magic to create music, and the admiration for such an innovation shows briefly in his face. "Did you come up with it on your own?"

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On 3/6/2017 at 9:24 PM, Hukuna the Undying said:

"You'd still probably look really heroic though so I think it works out in the end! I'd probably look pretty cute, I'm like... the cutest so that'd work." Rayne said adding in a curtsy afterwards, and spinning around. General cute things and what not. "So long as you get me to the right place I think that counts as defeating my airheadedness. I'd count it at least~"


"Huh, you said you started training as a kid huh? I started pretty late honestly... only about 2 years ago or so. It's not been all that long. Though I always dreamed of being a pegasus knight. Even since I was really little. AHHHHHH, they were always so cool! With their pegasuses... pegasi...?" she trailed off for a moment before regaining her train of thought. "Oh! And their lances... those were really cool too! They always reminded me of needles. My Ma always thought it was silly, but I couldn't help but make the comparison. Hmm... I have been sewing and tailoring since I was four though. So I guess I know what it's like to start something at a young age."


"Yeah, I started when I was like, seven. I wasn't supposed too, but my brother helped out. And yeah, pegasus knights are cool - I don't think I could be brave enough to get airborne at least. You've got that one over on me, I guess!"

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"Karik....Karik, we should get back to the others..." With the stave having been removed from her sight, a hideous thing it was indeed that she'd not miss, she busied herself trying to shake the boy awake. "Come on, I know you can't be that out of it just from picking it up." But then again... maybe the boy really could. Cadence had been exposed to that type of magic and several others for most of her life, had gotten so used to the residual energies of Staves and Light and Anima magic that tended to permeate consecrated sanctuaries and hollowed grounds that her body was virtually unfazed by it's presence... Karik though, apparently was not... 


The anima however, knew the perfect way to waken him. Cadence however, merely shook her head at their suggestion for now...

     "Enough, get up already... don't make me shock you..." as if to back up her words, a loud, snapping pop echoed as a small, sparking arc of lightning seemed to appear from nowhere and vanish just as suddenly a few feet away from them both, and the anima laughed in Cadence's mind all the while...she couldn't help but mentally scold the cheeky little bastards for how close they'd done their little demonstration to the grass and trees- last thing they needed was to set a fire...

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Everything was alright in the world; the day had been saved, Cass was getting along well with Idei which was a surprise given how little he spoke. Alls well that ends well and with everyone happy her job was done- RIGHT BELROS! Remembering that he had been hurt, Emilee looked around until she found him. She ran as fast as her legs would take her, and crouched next to him when she arrived. "Belros I'm sorry!" She reached her staff out to him and began healing, but tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm so sorry I promised I'd protect you but I wasn't there. Forgive me..."

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"Heh, wasn't I the one who was suppose to protect you?" Belros chuckled as Emilee started healing the wound. He didn't want to bother her but it seems he can't help it.


"Sorry for being a burden on you. I know how much you don't like affiliating yourself with people like me so I'll leave as quick as possible." Belros apologized to Emilee. He didn't want to end with a fight like last time. Last thing he wants is for this situation to become worse.

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"Oh, flying isn't really that scary. I thought it would be at first but... once I started the nerves melted away. The feeling of the wind is just... like nothing else." Rayne sorta paused for a moment, just standing there thinking about the feeling. It was one of the two she loved the most in this world. It felt natural to her, like one of the best places to be. Funny, her head was already always in the clouds before she learned to fly with Beau. 


"Hey, what if... I show you sometime? I'd have to convince Beau to like you though. That might be a little difficult. But I'm sure he'd come around eventually. I'm sure me liking you would count for something. Though... might have to settle with a general "I will mildly tolerate you cause Rayne is making me." from the big guy. It's better than most people get though." Beau was rather picky with people. She never really understood what his deal was. Why he only ever liked her. No one was. Beau snorted in response to all this, being close enough to hear him being discussed. He gave Clarisse a midly hariy eyeball before settling down. It was clear at the least he wasn't going to be hostile.

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"You aren't a burden..." Emilee said it quietly and then repeated. "You aren't a burden! I'm sorry Belros, not speaking to you was childish and silly. I was mad because I couldn't understand your point of view, and was having a hard time understanding... Well understanding you. But you are a good person, you helped us fight here and you protected us. And just like I won't let Cass be a bad person, I won't let you be one either."

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"Well at least that's good to hear." Belros responded relieved.  "Though I may have you work to keep up that last comment. I can't promise that I'll be good all the time but I'll make sure to think twice about doing a bad deed. Ha ha." He paused for a moment, thinking whether or not to ask this question, but decided to anyways.  "Say, in your opinion, is there ever a point where someone does something so bad that they could never go back to being a good person?"

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"Yep, well, kinda, and it took a helluwalot of practice to be able to do that without frying my fingers off, ha! The guitar ain't me, though. It was a gift, specially made to conduct the electricity and amplify the sound." Cass explains, stretching his fingers one by one with the help of his other hand. He notices the slight change in the archer's face and he grins in response.


"I'll play for you after I take a little breather. I once overdid it and it took me a month to get these things back in function." Cass adds as he wiggles his fingers.

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"All can be forgiven in the eyes of the Goddess;" She quoted a text, heavily ingrained in her memory. "I think as long as we try to be good people, we will be good people. But I mean really try, not say you will and then keep doing the same mistakes. I think as long as we have good intentions we will eventually reach the right path. So no, I think you can hurt other people but I don't anyone could ever permanently become bad, if they don't want to."

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Karik was having a nice dream. Just a calm view of the ocean from a ship’s crow’s nest. That Sleep Staff probably gave him the best sleep of his life. Sadly, the sound of Thunder Anima had to wake him up.


“Gah!” Karik bolted upright as he let out a yelp, quickly checking his belongings to see what had happened. Belt still around his waist, axes on his person, cloak still over his right arm, bandannas still comfortably over his head, and his ornament still attaching the cloak to his shoulder. Everything was in place, and no enemies in red around him. “Oh, good. Enemy Mages not coming for me..”


Karik looked beside him, finding the red-haired Fencer beside him. “Oh, did Aye fall asleep, Cadence?” Karik stretched his arms out, tired from being awoken his short nap. He started to rub the sleep out of his eyes as he spoke. “We headin’ out soon? Me legs have been feeling weird since we got on dry land. Aye don’t mind being a landlubber again, but it’s probably not the best for me.”

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"Is it really that easy though?" Belros felt a bit skeptical of the whole thing.  "Could you really justify calling a serial killer a good person because he decided to turn over a new leaf? He could never bring back the lives he took nor did he kill them by accident. I doubt many people would forgive him let alone let him walk around freely. So how could he possibly become a good person?"

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"If he really really wanted to turn over a new leaf he would find a way to makes amends. I don't think anyone could forgive them on earth but maybe the Goddess will. It's hard to understand that but I have a feeling it works like that."

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Glad to hear that the other hasn't turned him away completely, Idei's smile returns at the promise. Despite the roughness of their first meeting, he decides to trust the man to keep to his word. "And you won't be trying to pull a fast one on me this time, will you?" he parries back with a touch of wry humor and a turn of phrase he's only picked up during his years on Veritias, strange as it sounds coming out of a nomad's mouth. "I'll look forward to it. You're now a valuable ally, so you'll have to keep your hands in top shape from now on."

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