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Potential replacements for...


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Well, with E16 rapidly approaching release date, we got a chance to see what Pokemon are going to become available. Alas, the mon I was looking forward to the most - Breloom - is not available yet (Bar the Mystery egg, anyway). As such, I want to choose another mon to replace one of my mons.

Specifically, I want to replace Magnezone.

Now, I know what you're thinking: Why would I want to replace Magnezone? Well, the reason is simple: I don't like using it and I made a point of using mons I like over mons that are necessarily very good (That's why my team still has Emolga in it).

For reference, the rest of the team is as such:

Level 73 Swampert with Surf, Earthquake, Rock Slide and Hammer Arm, holding Earth Plate; (Torrent)

Level 70 Arcanine with Thunder Fang, Outrage, Flare Blitz and Crunch, holding Life Orb (Flash Fire)

Level 75 Glaceon with Frost Breath, Hail, Blizzard and Mirror Coat, holding Icicle Plate; (Snow Cloak)

Level 72 Meowstic-M with Psyshock, Light Screen, Dark Pulse and Reflect, holding Light Clay; (Prankster)

Level 71 Emolga with Nuzzle, Electro Ball, Acrobatics and Discharge, no held item. (Static)

As of the moment, there are three Pokemon that I am considering to replace Magnezone with either Scrafty, Sylveon or Gallade. However, I'd like to hear more opinions or suggestions on what I might want to use.

Thanks for your comments.

P.S. Yes, I am aware that the next gym leader is likely going to be Adrienn. Yes, I am aware of his potential weaknesses. No, I don't particularly care, I'll manage.

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It's your death wish...no, I don't mean Adrienn, I mean Viri. You better watch out.

Also, if you like being annoying with Emolga, you can run Air Slash instead of Acrobatics and bank on Paraflinch (even though no Serene Grace), plus you can neglect attack and run an item, like perhaps King's Rock?

You have nothing to combat fairies, so that might be a pain, and from the three suggestions you gave, Sylveon might fare the best. You already have Ground and Fire, so Fighting might give you only more coverage against Normal-types. Plus Pixilate Hyper Voice (or Nuke Trump Card) is pretty strong.
Can't I interest you in getting a Bisharp, though? You can catch Pawniard on the road to Charlotte.

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Get yourself a hard hitter. My personal favorites are toxicroak and hariyama. You can even get a staraptor by now too which gets close combat + reckless brave bird.

Or you could settle for a bisharp I guess :P

I would definitely recommend the bisharp. Defiant is an excellent ability, and can come in handy.

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A lot of suggestions to use Bisharp I see. I'll be honest, I was kind of hoping to avoid having a Steel-type altogether as I am not a huge fan of the type, but who knows, I might give the Dark Axe a shot. And like I said, yes, I don't really have much of anything for Fairies, but I think I will be able to manage. I might not be strong against them, but at the same time I'm not really weak against them either.

It's your death wish...no, I don't mean Adrienn, I mean Viri. You better watch out.

Also, if you like being annoying with Emolga, you can run Air Slash instead of Acrobatics and bank on Paraflinch (even though no Serene Grace), plus you can neglect attack and run an item, like perhaps King's Rock?

First of all, if he goes after me because I reject Magnezone, that's his problem and not mine. I made this choice, I'mma stick by it.

That is a possibility with Air Slash, though that would require both getting Air Slash and a King's Rock.

Get yourself a hard hitter. My personal favorites are toxicroak and hariyama. You can even get a staraptor by now too which gets close combat + reckless brave bird.

I have reasons for not wanting to use Toxicroak. Hariyama...mm, definitely a possibility.

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I made a point of using mons I like over mons that are necessarily very good

When the only criterion you consider for your selection is your own liking, others can't help you decide what your aesthetic preferences are any better than you yourself, can they?


Yes, I am aware that the next gym leader is likely going to be Adrienn. Yes, I am aware of his potential weaknesses. No, I don't particularly care, I'll manage.

Again, anything that anyone else says from any angle other than your own personal wishes (which no one else can be expected to know better than you) is immaterial for your decision making.


As of the moment, there are three Pokemon that I am considering to replace Magnezone with either Scrafty, Sylveon or Gallade. However, I'd like to hear more opinions or suggestions on what I might want to use.

You've answered yourself already with the first sentence. I don't see how anyone else can help you decide what you'd want to use, same situation as (1) above. People might suggest the one Mon there that is not weak to fairy and which has the highest special defense, but then again, see (1).


First of all, if he goes after me because I reject Magnezone, that's his problem and not mine. I made this choice, I'mma stick by it.

Unnecessary defensiveness. I've no vested interest in railing against your personal choices, especially given that I understand our criteria of selecting Pokemon are different. I have not exhorted you to personally use Magnezone, or any other Pokemon; it was you who were using it (or anything else based on whatever your desire was) already of your own volition.

5. I'm simply asking you to specify what you want us to tell you. You've turned down every suggestion people have given you yet, either on personal grounds (which none can be expected to understand better than you, see (2)) or because you wish to manage on your own in any eventuality as stated in (1), or simply because you already have your own answer as stated in (3). What is it that you want us to tell you? You do not ask for improving your movesets or making changes to your existing Pokemon. You specifically ask us to tell you to replace a Pokemon when you already know what you want and categorically state that you will pick only things that you like for your own reasons. This, I don't see how to do, without a more specific instruction/revision.

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Yes, let us cast off the tyranny of The Magnet. For he is evil, and his power is poison. For he corrupts all that his eye gazes upon, and decays all that is holy.

Replace it with Sylveon, the paragon of virtue bestowed upon us by Ame herself. Let Sylveon be your shinning beacon, let it smite all the dragon's that lie ahead, and let it devour any and all evils that Lin and Team Meteor may send against us.


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The reason why I made this thread is because I wanted to ask for other people's opinions and maybe to get reminded of other Pokemon that I might be interested in. I did not dismiss any suggestions (Except for Toxicroak for other reasons, namely the fact that I'm already using it in a different run of Reborn).

To that end, I thank the suggestions so far. I decided to have the last slot be shared for now between Bisharp and Sylveon. If there are other mons that you would like to suggest, feel free to do so.

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Choosing between Sylveon and Gallade? Why not best of both? If you don't have a female Kirlia, breed one and get a Gardevoir. EV train for Sp Atk and Sp Def or Spd. Misty Terrain to negate annoying field effects. Calm mind and Moonblast for sweeps. Plus the mega evolution whenever megas are implemented.

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Anstane has not given criteria on types or categories of pokemon he does not enjoy, but judging from all I see, he is not that keen on Poison and Steel types.

Sadly, those are the ones with STAB against Fairies and thus the first choices of many, given they assume that's the leader we face.

If you wish for your team to be rated as a whole, dimissing your Arcanine and replacing it with a Fire/Fighting pokemon of your choice would be the ideal choice while keeping Magnezone. Having 2 electric type mons is redundant, and with the lack of diversity in the type, harmful for your team in general. I guess you'd want to go for a cute mon, but using more than 1 Eeveelution is against all that I hold dear in this pokemon world, so that would be my last suggestion.

Ampharos is a wonderful addition, but it requires the elimination of Emolga and its replacement with a non-electric flier, namely Staraptor or Aerodactyl.


Arcanine --> Infernape/Emboar

Emolga --> Ampharos

Magnezone --> Staraptor/Aerodactyl

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If you don't like Steel types, maybe something like Roserade, Scolipede, Amoonguss or Dragalge could give you an edge for upcoming battles. (I don't suppose Ghastly is avaiable yet, neither Sludge Bomb, so that's not going to be fantastic atm.)
But if you don't like poison-types either, then go with a fairy like Sylveon or Clefable. Gardevoir overlaps with Meowstic, so idk if that's a good idea.

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Of those you listed, Gallade would be my pick, as my Gallade has done some serious damage with swords dance + close combatting entire teams to death. But if you wanted type coverage, I would do the prequest to get a beldum and train it to Metagross, as that gives you Psychic, Fighting, and Steel just on level-up moves. Aside from both of those, maximum bulk + type coverage is achieved by Scrafty, as you could either go Bulk Up or Dragon Dance (event only, you'd need to reset for the egg move) and end up destroying teams with Crunch / Hi Jump Kick / elemental punches.

Personally, I don't like Sylveon as much as the others, mostly because Glaceon is an insanely hard hitter (especially with frost breath) and I feel like it would be better for you to go with diverse type coverage over a hyper voice fairy type.

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Of those you listed, Gallade would be my pick, as my Gallade has done some serious damage with swords dance + close combatting entire teams to death. But if you wanted type coverage, I would do the prequest to get a beldum and train it to Metagross, as that gives you Psychic, Fighting, and Steel just on level-up moves. Aside from both of those, maximum bulk + type coverage is achieved by Scrafty, as you could either go Bulk Up or Dragon Dance (event only, you'd need to reset for the egg move) and end up destroying teams with Crunch / Hi Jump Kick / elemental punches.

Personally, I don't like Sylveon as much as the others, mostly because Glaceon is an insanely hard hitter (especially with frost breath) and I feel like it would be better for you to go with diverse type coverage over a hyper voice fairy type.

Allow me to show you the power of Nuke Sylveon.

Trump Card is a Normal (special) move that, the lower PP it has, the more damage it does. Its last attack is 190 Base Power, so with Pixilate it's as monstrous as Explosion.

As example: an OU Choice Specs Sylveon with Trump Card OHKOes 172HP/0SpD Primal Kyogre without any prior damage taken. (101,5%-119,7%) (I know there's no choice specs, but neither is there a Kyogre.) It's completely ridiculous, you should try it for yourself.

Also, you can breed Dragon Dance on Scraggy with an Altaria, Swablu is found close to evolution in trees somewhere at Route 1 (Aventurine Woods iirc), so don't worry if that's not the move you got initially.

What's also an option is Chandelure. Fire resist Fairy, and 145 base Special Attack could have its fair uses.

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Well, with E16 rapidly approaching release date, we got a chance to see what Pokemon are going to become available. Alas, the mon I was looking forward to the most - Breloom - is not available yet (Bar the Mystery egg, anyway). As such, I want to choose another mon to replace one of my mons.

Specifically, I want to replace Magnezone.

Now, I know what you're thinking: Why would I want to replace Magnezone? Well, the reason is simple: I don't like using it and I made a point of using mons I like over mons that are necessarily very good (That's why my team still has Emolga in it).

For reference, the rest of the team is as such:

Level 73 Swampert with Surf, Earthquake, Rock Slide and Hammer Arm, holding Earth Plate; (Torrent)

Level 70 Arcanine with Thunder Fang, Outrage, Flare Blitz and Crunch, holding Life Orb (Flash Fire)

Level 75 Glaceon with Frost Breath, Hail, Blizzard and Mirror Coat, holding Icicle Plate; (Snow Cloak)

Level 72 Meowstic-M with Psyshock, Light Screen, Dark Pulse and Reflect, holding Light Clay; (Prankster)

Level 71 Emolga with Nuzzle, Electro Ball, Acrobatics and Discharge, no held item. (Static)

As of the moment, there are three Pokemon that I am considering to replace Magnezone with either Scrafty, Sylveon or Gallade. However, I'd like to hear more opinions or suggestions on what I might want to use.

Thanks for your comments.

P.S. Yes, I am aware that the next gym leader is likely going to be Adrienn. Yes, I am aware of his potential weaknesses. No, I don't particularly care, I'll manage.

I assume surf on swampert is a convenience thing. I used to be like that.

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