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The Lavender Town Orphan

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Hey Everyone! I'm new to this whole Pokemon Reborn and forums in general shindig so I hope you can bare with me whilst I'm getting into the swing of things.

I'm Scott just for the sake of things and it does save everyone calling me Orphan as that just feels a little bit sad and I'm pretty sure we all know what goes on with orphans in this game. That being said, I've been playing Reborn for a few days now completely blind and whilst I'm remarkably pleased that I've managed to do as well as I have I'm stuck with Radomus' gym. i've looked through as much of the forums but there appears to be something markedly different with the gyms puzzle in my game compared with those in the multiple videos and tutorials I've come across.

I'm no expert on chess and as much as I've adored the puzzles in the game so far I can't get my head around it. The third puzzle contains only one Knight whereas all other walkthroughs of the puzzle that I've come across instead mine contains only one. i'm hoping that this isn't a problem with my particular download of the game and just so happens to be easily fixable on my end.

Thanks in advance (battle) and I fully intend to stick around and I'll tell you how I overcame both of the major battles that on the surface look nigh on impossible.

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Welcome to Reborn Scott!

Radomus' puzzles can be tricky if you're not familiar with chess. I do remember the third room being the hardest to clear in my opinion, but I can't really help you there because I haven't done that puzzle in ages. I'm sure someone will be able to help though!

Edit: I'm not sure but isn't the third room the one where you can move a pawn to the bottom row, turning it into whatever you want? If that's the case it could help with your Knight problem.

Edited by Alistair
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