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[OOC: READ FIRST] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2 (Accepting Signups)


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((don't worry, we can just let Aurora eat the TSA agents...))

I mean... you get what you paid for. Those of us who made our weapons and gave them bound should've set them up in such a way that even without upgrades, there would still be some use for them in the later game. why do you think I added the burn to Radiant Shard?

Really what it comes down too isn't whether it's more positive than negative, but whether in the context of the character if it makes sense that their gear is an integral part of them, and if the answer is yes, then it's no one fault than that of the player if they choose that quality, yet neglect to think ahead about how to set up the specs in order to keep it relevant during the later game.

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  On 11/16/2016 at 5:31 PM, Strider said:

So what does Aurora eat? Anything? or just humans?

In HS, the verse she's from (shout out to Huk for all that world building, it will be missed, truly) her species' primary prey was humans. But really... they'll eat nearly anything that is constituted of organic matter.

But as it stands... I kinda had to nerf the whole Man-eating killing machine aspect inherent in all members of the Arachni Blood, since... bunch of damn humans in the party. Hence... ya'll have to get the mentally damaged version of her, to keep certain stuff to a... minimum.

Like, I got an idea for a whole subplot around it already, just need to hammer out some finer details before I show the proposal to murdoc.

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Heartless Souls. It was an overly ambitious project where players played Monsters rather than your typical fantasy stuff. Basically, it was like the reverse of D&D, where the players were playing the monsters, stuff like undead, demons, etc etc... instead of humans dwarves... and that sorta faire from typical High Fantasy.

They also basically got near free reign to design abilities, classes, etc so it in some regards was similar to this system ((just without dice etc.)) at this point if I remade Heartless or redid it I'd probably run it using a system kinda like this probably.

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Heartless Souls... thing made by none other than Huk on here that's dead now.

The gist of it was that it was a DnDish styled world where there were a bunch of monsters trapped in an underground castle ruled by a lich lord. PCs would take the roles of a few of those munsters during the time period in which the castle finally reopened it's gates after over a century of isolation used as a defensive measure against an army composed of humans, elfs, dwarves, and other trash "Good guy" races.

EDIT: And the big man himself ninja'd me XD

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You know, if you didn't want to do the mentally damaged version, you could just have something along the lines of "doesn't want the universe destroyed because______ and is willing to temporarily work alongside the group." Also, it would be interesting to have everyone watching their backs to make sure that they aren't eaten in the night.

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  On 11/16/2016 at 5:59 PM, Strider said:

You know, if you didn't want to do the mentally damaged version, you could just have something along the lines of "doesn't want the universe destroyed because______ and is willing to temporarily work alongside the group." Also, it would be interesting to have everyone watching their backs to make sure that they aren't eaten in the night.

naaaah see.... the old her... that would never have worked out as a legitimate reason... like one of the things about the racial template for her kind was that they literally attack humans on sight simply due to genetic programming and instinct. Without me having done something serious to fuck her up to the point where both of those were effected enough to be negated... it would've been impossible for her to accompany an entire party mostly full of pure-blooded humans. Plus like I said, I have an idea for a sub plot much later down the line regarding it, and honestly her situation being what the way I ended up settling on prior to her being summoned, made a better story for her than the cliched "Well, guess I got no choice but to work with you people if I don't want to die too" excuse.

Like... if by some hypothetical, everyone had submitted monstrous PCs, using that excuse alone would've worked fine... not with humans though.

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Well it's not like human-monster relations were all that good in Heartless to begin with seeing as most of those in Castle Dour had been dealing with just how shitty the Free Races were treatin' them in the first place along with the you know... siege of Castle Dour being a pretty much unprovoked attack. Like, regardless of her genetics or natural predisposition... she had nearly no reason to like humans regardless in her HS version.

It's was humans that forced her to live in the sewers of Dour for like... a hundred years... etc... ((since the main bulk of the force was human.))

Let's just say... those that lived near or around Dour at the time had very very little reason to give humans even a chance, because most of them wouldn't give them one.

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  On 11/17/2016 at 12:35 AM, Cronos5010 said:

So Sutoratosu; in your earlier IC posts you mentioned something about a fish... What was that all about?

... what fish?

A squid maybe, but I recall nothing about ever talking about fish... fish have next to no significance to Aurora, really...

EDIT: oh wait...

the Big Fish? That's nothing but a metaphor to describe whatever set the trap we all kinda got caught in. And the thing Aurora was debating whether to hide and let the others try to handle it, then swoop in like a mothafucking bald eagle and steal the carcass, or to just stay out in the open and fight with them.

IE; Big Fish eat little fish... big fish in a small pond... etc

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After a great deal of thought and attempted balancing, it occurred to me that as much as I like the OCs I submitted before, all my rebalancing was doing was taking them closer and closer to being Reinhardt, from Overwatch. If I'm going to make a Reinhardt expy with most of his abilities, why not just cut out the middleman and play as Reinhardt? He's a fun character, it doesn't feel like pulling teeth to power him down to level one, and I was mechanically going to be playing as him anyways. Sorry for the repeated posting. I think this actually is my final character draft. Should I do something with the previous posts to signify them as no longer relevant?

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Oh. Ok then. In that case I will go back to the revised Alexandria build. My mistake. I did not see that. Are there any further problems with it, or can I go ahead and add it to the Google Docs character database?

Edited by Zoe_Walker
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so i got bored at work to day and calculated the max damage Bridgett could do with magic arrows if she still had a full clip of cartridges at this point which comes out to 32 to 44 damage if she concentrated it all on one enemy. I didn't take any RES into account since i don't know any enemy stats

(1D4+SYN{4}+SYN{4 from cartridge}+1D4+SYN{4}+SYN{4 from cartridge}+1D4+SYN{4}+SYN{4 from cartridge}+1D4+SYN{4}) though i would never use it on a single enemy unless we where only fighting one.

Edited by rustytengo
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