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Ask Ikaru! (Come at me, Cyrus)


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jk jk jk

Wait, what? "Rule 3, Ikaru"? What's that?

This was posted in a different subforum; it was extremely apparent that this was something different... I'm not so vain as to post one of those topics in a current-events-type subforum who do you think I am QQ

In all seriousness, this one's for the music people~

I read an article earlier (http://www.artistdir...d-more/10036700) and, well, among other things, I noticed it was mentioned that Flyleaf is coming out with a new album this year apparently, which is cool cause I had no idea and I love them <3

This reminded me that Lostprophets is releasing (actually I think they've already released it in some places) a new album as well, along with VersaEmerge, and a bunch of other things that I'd have to look for again which I'd rather not do on my mom's horrible computer (it still has Windows XP lawl and Internet Explorer like... 7) so instead, the reason for this topic existing:

Anything musical that the rest of this oh so lovely community is looking forward to this year? If not, anything in general?

I listen to like... ALL the things, so hopefully any replies will bring pretty awesome stuff into the light <3

If I get my laptop fixed before this thread dies a horrible, painful, slow death, I'll put together a list of my things maybe~

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...this wasn't supposed to actually be another ask thread, I'm just waiting for Cyrus to see it and then get trolled, but... I guess that's related?

It's an opinion thing, but to me, yes, she is more than "any good" <3

That link above was one of her songs, although I only linked it for the line at that time in the video lol.


^ if you want

She's a singer from Canada (and the perfect counter to anyone says Canada sucks because they gave us Justin Bieber) that has two albums out at the time of me typing this; "The Listening" and "Siberia."

I found her through an ad on Myspace about her touring with Owl City and I swear I was fated to click that link. Everyone here who likes her was introduced to her by me =p

Funny thing is, she's so amazing and so different from everything everyone knows that I listen to- she just has such an awesome voice and her songs are all so cheery and upbeat; she's the first artist I go to if I need to smile or something <3

tl;dr: yes.

EDIT: If it helps, she's also really cool in person, just saying << >>

right ame and inuki?

EDIT2: Also, she totally just released a new albumthing on iTunes with a bunch of songs recorded again and one song that was previously unreleased, a few days after me posting an FB status questioning why it wasn't an official song, which I guess is one thing I was looking forward to, though I didn't expect it at all lol. It's actually the song in the link I posted up there.

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EDIT2: Also, she totally just released a new albumthing on iTunes with a bunch of songs recorded again and one song that was previously unreleased

wait wat when which where

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Music thread?

Enter Shikari's new album came out and became one of my most listened albums ever for me.

But anything else, I guess whatever will come out of Arcade Fire this year/next year. Part 2 of the Parallax Hypersleep Dialogues by Between the Buried and Me (THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH NYU.) Anything else is most likely the HIDAMARI SKETCH X HONEYCOMB OP/ED SINGLES. OH MY GOD MY SWEET WIDE FACED MOE. <333333333333333

*calms down*


Any genre's you usually stay in, because me just recommending shit will get you to think I have shit tastes. I already have everyone thinking that so lolk

I say if you want something amazing. ALL THE HIDAMARI SKETCH OP/ED SINGLES. OH MY GOD or Nickelback Between the Buried and Me is a great stuff if you are into progressive death metal shitz. Fucking Nyu has great tastes in music.


How I got started in them.

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you mean we can ask ikaru all the questions we like =3

1. what is your favorite color other than black, grey, white, or purple.

2. what is the meaning of Christmas?

3. who is titania?

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This isn't an ask thread I just wanted to troll Cyrus with the misleading title QQ

...although one of those replies is music-themed, sooooo

Is Billy Jean your lover?

Nah she's just a girl who says that I am the one


@Cyrus, nyu does, doesn't he? =p

I talked with him about it once or twice; I remember hearing Protest the Hero but nothing else, really.

As for my own, uhhh... Anything except modern (aka bad) rap and songs that are nothing but screaming I guess. I listen to a lot of things so it's hard to pick a genre tbh. Basically if you go through the What Are You Listening To thread, you can get a pretty good idea.

To answer my own question about upcoming albums, I know for a fact that both Paramore and VersaEmerge are working on theirs, I already mentioned Flyleaf... I heard something about Search the City working on one as well, but nothing else outside of that; without looking extensively, the last thing I can think of is Parabelle's "Your Starry Eyes Will Never Make Us Even", not sure if final title. Last year was a good year for me, though, so we'll see if these are any better <3

And for you, Ame: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/itunes-session/id511951642?ls=1

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Amethyst, don't you remember that there is a thing called piracy.

Also @Ikaru

OhmygodProtesttheHero<3 Fucking need to get them on my iPod. Also, so you hate death metal. Aka: What I have been listening to lately. You loved Nickelback so you have no rights. ilyikaru<3

I've heard of VersaEmerge, but only though when they interviewed ADTR.

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OhmygodProtesttheHero<3 Fucking need to get them on my iPod. Also, so you hate death metal. Aka: What I have been listening to lately. You loved Nickelback so you have no rights. ilyikaru<3

one: lol, so what if I did :c

two: Nah, I try not to say I hate all of (insert genre here) because a friend told me to listen to Alesana's new album pretty much out of nowhere, and I loved it; I listen to them and ADTR as much as I listen to like... LIGHTS and Veela and NoneLikeJoshua and Evans Blue and Silverstein and, well, like I said. ALL the things.

Also, with a glance at their Facebook page and their Twitter, STC album is confirmed, yay <3

EDIT: And yeah, VersaEmerge has been involved with ADTR more than once, or, if anything I know Sierra has at least; she sang with them on a few songs, but the only one I know for sure is If It Means a Lot To You... Dunno the others, if any.

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Not an ask threeaaaaadddddddddddd

Besides the LIGHTS thing was like last-minute because Felipe saw Alvis' post on Facebook, I couldn't tell you what I have planned because I don't have anything planned

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