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How do you take care of yourself?


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I basically live online, so...

I watch youtube

I listen to music (whether uplifting or just fun)

I have an interesting 'Quirk' if you will, where I pace in my bedroom acting like I'm living in my own fantasy world, where everything is ideal, even if there's some anime-esque bad stuff going down. I generally only do this when I'm upset, which, unfortunately, has been often lately.

I'll go out and buy a Powerade (odd choice, I know. The watermelon strawberry flavor is actually pretty good.)

I'll eat a sandwich.

I'll text friends.

I'll go on Pokemon Showdown.

Or I'll come here!

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When I manage to shower and get dressed ahead of time in the morning I can reward myself with a treat from the bakery down the street and a cup of tea.

It probably sounds pitiful that I consider "have breakfast at home" to be a treat, but whoo boy, it's been a struggle for me to even introduce the concept of breakfast to my life instead of simply swallowing a couple glucose tablets. So it's nice to get to sit down and relax.

Buying a new book is also good. Sitting down with cocoa and reading is best.

And when I visit my family I like to block the bathroom for hours to take hot baths. Gotta take advantage of the fact that they've got a bathtub, yknow? Bubble baths are so good.

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Whenever it's a cold rainy day (as long as it's not heavy) or snowy day or just cloudy day, I go out for a stroll while listening to some relaxing music. Although I'll listen to more upbeat happy sounding music when it snows because where I'm at, it rarely snows.

Playing some Devil May Cry 3/4 always brings me joy because it always feels so good slaying hordes of demons in a stylish manner.

Experimenting with goofy builds in league (especially in URF) always gives me joy. no matter how bad they are

Listening to relaxing music while I sleep is also pretty nice. Especially with one song I've been listening to recently since so far every night I chose to have it play, I end up having a funny dream. Which is weird because I rarely have dreams.

aaaaand just chatting with people on here, Discord, Skype, or Showdown is always nice ^^

Edited by IronWraith
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Hmmm there's a lot that I do to take care of myself

- I eat a lot of food when I'm stressed out

- I meditate when I'm stressed out

- I do martial arts, more specifically, sports

- I hang out with my friends

- I write

- I try out new things, whether it's learning something new or anything else

- I come to the Reborn forums and Showdown

- I play a lot of video games

Edited by Cool Girl
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I always find a box of Raisinettes to be helpful in destressing :3 Other than that, there's a specific friend that I love hanging out with, but because busy lives we can't see each other much. Still, it's the most wonderful feeling in the world to meet up with them when the stars align and we're both free.

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I don't suppose it counts as spoiling myself, but it cheers me up - I spoil my little family :) the look on my little boys face when he comes home from school and sees a treat is nothing less than amazing :) and the most recent one was a spoon out of rice krispies, you would have thought it was a ferrari or something he got that excited :D

but for me? I read. a lot

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Let's see here:

- I take a nap whenever I'm sad. It usually helps.

- I try my best to only buy chocolate whenever I've really deserved it or are going to bake something.

- I always make tea to bring it with me to school so I won't be cold during winter and cold water with ice cubes to not dehydrate during summer.

- Take a walk through the forest I live nearby.

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The hell's a "reward"?

Well. It's always nice to keep all of my fingers when playing balisong.

Taking guns apart and putting them back together feels pretty nice.

I get to live in my parent's home until I turn 18... I would say that's a reward! Not really rewarding myself however.

(God why is this so difficult for me ._.)

When I examine the world around me and see something amazing I always get a strange tingling feeling in my head. It is extremely unique, and the world is still rather beautiful. I'll call that a reward I suppose. Being privileged enough to view it.

Nothing else... comes to mind really. Man girls have all the fun.

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I only eat food I like.

I sleep whenever I want.

I don't beat myself up when I make a mistake, mix things up, or forget something. Usually I laugh at it thinking "How can I be this scatterbrained? XD"

I don't push myself farther than I feel comfortable when it comes to doing things. I also don't have any strict routines I set myself to.

Most of my existence involves me taking care of/spoiling myself.

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Exercise. I couldn't be a bigger advocate for it. Lifting weight on a regular basis has improved virtually all aspects of my life, from superficial outward appearance to, more importantly, how I feel about myself.

I have had an astonishingly low self esteem throughout my life before I started lifting weight due to some past circumstances, but after you watch your own body change, it changes how you feel about yourself. How you feel about yourself is, what I learned too late in life, the most important aspect a person can have. If you hold yourself in high regard, that opinion of yourself is going to be directed outwardly. It does the mind and body so, so well.

Maintaining good hygiene is also very important, both on yourself and within your living quarters. Doesn't matter if you live in a house, apartment, or room in your parents place; If the place is clean, you feel clean. It might now sound like much, but it occupies your mind in the sense you're accomplishing something.

Occupying the mind with goal oriented work gives one a sense of accomplishment.

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Whenever I'm feeling sad I usually sit down in front of a book or my laptop, put on my headphones and listen to something nice and start reading or writing; I also like to just talk to people I like about unimportant and benign stuff like politics or religion, and maybe I'd meet some new people and pretend that I'm cool for a couple of minutes.

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I love waking up early, just relaxing, listening to some music (sometimes anime openings...), watching TV.

Chasing my dog around and then running from my dog so it won't kill me.

Trying out delicious recipes that I find online.

Practicing basketball or soccer, as a hobby, not competitively.

Sometimes just sitting back in peace and imaginating is a good way to relax and have new ideas.

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Hmm I really suck at this sort of thing. My answers would generally be food and computer, except having your eye twitch and back hurt aren't really good things, while food tends to cause me problems due to medical reasons (Not that it actually stops me doing so, but one day I may pay for those choices)

If I had to pick less depressing answers, it probably involves napping or just laying down and defocusing. I should probably try meditation because the ability to shut off my mind is a godsend given that I tend to overthink things. Walking also helps (about 1/2 hr does the trick).

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