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This is the polar opposite of what we're all about. Exclusion and hatred is exactly what we've faced for years and we prove nothing by turning it and throwing it back in other people's faces. Generalization of a person based off of one action is completely absurd, and you know it.

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You know, I thought that this thread was gonna be at least a little good and civil, but I was disappointed.

On another note, we'll need to see how he actually is when he gets inaugurated in January, so he has two months to prepare.

calm your tits! Its not that bad. I have yet to see any serious name calling. until then this board is fine

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The suggestion that voting for someone can never put you in the wrong is easier to tip over than a house of cards. If Hitler were running on the platform of rounding up and killing a bunch of groups if elected, and you voted in favor of that, do you seriously think that would be some noble fulfillment of your civic duty? No, it would just be depraved.

Well, you didn't vote for genocide, but you voted for some pretty bad things. You're as responsible for voting for them as a hypothetical Hitler voter would be for voting for concentration camps.

By the way, I'm fine with being labeled as a SJW. That's just a label apathetic (or worse) people throw around to try to diminish those who insist on the tiresome task of standing up for the disadvantaged.

I find it ironic that people who voted for a man who characterized Mexicans as "rapists" are now calling for civil discourse and decrying other people's opinions as poisonous.

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I'm trying here, Karpy. It -is- the day after Election Day. Every major city is outraged and is/was on the streets. I knew we wouldn't be anywhere close today. If anything this thread has been more effectual than the country right now at bringing left and right together.

I'm committed and determined to excaberate this wedging. Even if it's quixotic or flawed as Kuro says.

The conservatives need to be aware of emotional climates and implications. The liberals need to be open to scooting over and letting their deplorable fellow countrymen sit at the adult's table with them. Everyone needs to engage in discourse that is restorative and understanding and empathetic of one another.

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The suggestion that voting for someone can never put you in the wrong is easier to tip over than a house of cards. If Hitler were running on the platform of rounding up and killing a bunch of groups if elected, and you voted in favor of that, do you seriously think that would be some noble fulfillment of your civic duty? No, it would just be depraved.

Why does everyone fall back on Hitler like it's some kind of trump card? When Hitler ran for Reichspräsident, he spoke about uniting Germany, aiding children, and restoring German power. Here, watch some of his speeches. He drew on anti-Jewish sentiment like any other demagogue, and then proved himself the exception of anti-Other campaigns when, in a state of mass militarization, he passed horrifying legislation for the extermination of the Jewish people.

If he ran on the platform of literally "rounding up and killing" a bunch of Jews, he would not gotten nearly the amount of support he did. I'd say "he wouldn't have won" but he didn't even win that election.

Do you see now why Hitler isn't some godlike trump card for every campaigner relying on anti-Other sentiment? In many cases, including here, he's barely relevant.

Well, you didn't vote for genocide, but you voted for some pretty bad things. You're as responsible for voting for them as a hypothetical Hitler voter would be for voting for concentration camps.

Do you think it's not possible for a person to vote for Trump on his pro-reconstruction rhetoric, and then vote and speak out against any discriminatory reforms his cabinet promotes and tries to pass?

Do you not think it's possible for someone to go out and campaign for LGBTQ+ rights after voting for Trump?

News flash: this is a democracy, and a free country. You can do those things! It might be hard to believe in an era of duopoly, and especially hard to believe if you choose to oversimplify the world into black and white and then pride yourself on it. But it's possible.

I find it ironic that people who voted for a man who characterized Mexicans as "rapists" are now calling for civil discourse and decrying other people's opinions as poisonous.

Are you talking about me?

Edited by HughJ
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When did I say Hitler actually won an election based on that platform? The answer is never. Instead, I posed a hypothetical to show you that there is, indeed, a situation where casting a vote can be morally repugnant. I just used Hitler because he's someone we're all (hopefully...) going to agree is depraved.

What good exactly do you think speaking out is going to do? You had your chance to speak. It was yesterday. You spoke. Your voice only matters every once in a while in this nation. Now it will fall on deaf ears until the next election. The people up for re-election then won't have to worry about you. They'll offer you the same choice they just did, and you'll sacrifice the same people. And all the good will you talk about having in your heart will live and die there. Impotent. Irrelevant.

Edited by Eviora
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When did I say Hitler actually won an election based on that platform? The answer is never. Instead, I posed a hypothetical to show you that there is, indeed, a situation where casting a vote can be morally repugnant. I just used Hitler because he's someone we're all (hopefully...) going to agree is depraved.

To be fair you actually did use a comparison by saying that voting for Trump is like a hypothetical vote for Hitler

What good exactly do you think speaking out is going to do? You had your chance to speak. It was yesterday. You spoke. Your voice only matters every once in a while in this nation. Now it will fall on deaf ears until the next election. The people up for re-election then won't have to worry about you. They'll offer you the same choice they just did, and you'll sacrifice the same people. And all the good will you talk about having in your heart will live and die there. Impotent. Irrelevant.

Come on now, your voice still matters even after the election. Don't be so pessimistic.

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When did I say Hitler actually won an election based on that platform? The answer is never. Instead, I posed a hypothetical to show you that there is, indeed, a situation where casting a vote can be morally repugnant. I just used Hitler because he's someone we're all (hopefully...) going to agree is depraved.

What good exactly do you think speaking out is going to do? You had your chance to speak. It was yesterday. You spoke. Your voice only matters every once in a while in this nation. Now it will fall on deaf ears until the next election. The people up for re-election then won't have to worry about you. They'll offer you the same choice they just did, and you'll sacrifice the same people. And all the good will you talk about having in your heart will live and die there. Impotent. Irrelevant.

careful you might poke someones eye out with that edge you got there.

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By the way, I'm fine with being labeled as a SJW. That's just a label apathetic (or worse) people throw around to try to diminish those who insist on the tiresome task of standing up for the disadvantaged.

What good exactly do you think speaking out is going to do? ... Your voice only matters every once in a while in this nation. Now it will fall on deaf ears until the next election.

So do you speak out and stand up for the disadvantaged or do you just take that fatalistic approach and not do anything? You can't do both

The people up for re-election then won't have to worry about you. They'll offer you the same choice they just did, and you'll sacrifice the same people. And all the good will you talk about having in your heart will live and die there. Impotent. Irrelevant.

I didn't "sacrifice" anyone. Who are you even addressing? Come check my room, there's no altar or blood.

You're just not getting the point that exercising the right to vote is rarely a crime legally, and should almost never be considered one socially. And that it wasn't one here. If what you said about the intention about your "Hitler" analogy is true, it really does take someone actively promoting subjugation and genocide as a fundamental part of their ticket to justify this exaggerated reaction of social expulsion from a community intended to be inclusive. Not even Hitler voters fit that bill.

Whatever, all this is a waste only as far as you think it is. If you don't want to offer any valid justification for your desired expulsion of Trump supporters from the LGBTQ+ community, then we'll just disregard it and move on.

Edited by HughJ
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This is going to be a rough, painstaking experience.

hey bruh YOUR the one who made this! don't sit their and complain you knew this would happen! Or if you did not I hope you know now because its near impossible to post anything on the internet without some disagreements. So stop with the high and mighty act! I saw you arguing to during this election cycle.

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No. I work with children for a living and I probably needed a patience test anyways.

Half of us are not done gloating. The other half is still rightfully despondent.

Some of us may be asking the wrong questions right now.

Keep this in mind. Will y'all.

Please. I wanna like all of you guys.

... and now the election is over. Time to you know, do the 'Murica and stop campaigning.

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hey bruh YOUR the one who made this! don't sit their and complain you knew this would happen! Or if you did not I hope you know now because its near impossible to post anything on the internet without some disagreements. So stop with the high and mighty act! I saw you arguing to during this election cycle.

You don't have to be high and mighty to get your expectations dropped lol

Ah well as a YouTube veteran this is nothing

We should do a study on how the anonymity of the Internet has allowed for steadily escalating violence (in language especially) when it comes to any controversial issue. The unprecedented venom in this election cycle really was to be expected when you think about it

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hey bruh YOUR the one who made this! don't sit their and complain you knew this would happen! Or if you did not I hope you know now because its near impossible to post anything on the internet without some disagreements. So stop with the high and mighty act! I saw you arguing to during this election cycle.

He was just trying to keep everyone together considering how tough and extreme the election was, not trying to show how "high and mighty" he was

Please don't do this

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You don't have to be high and mighty to get your expectations dropped lol

Ah well as a YouTube veteran this is nothing

We should do a study on how the anonymity of the Internet has allowed for steadily escalating violence (in language especially) when it comes to any controversial issue. The unprecedented venom in this election cycle really was to be expected when you think about it

I know. But the high and mighty attitude of his when some arguments happened made it even worse. He argues and shit to back when he had his false hopes on ted cruz of all things winning. You should have seen the mental gymnastics this guy was pulling to make it seem like his droopy the dog looking ass candidate had a shot at winning. But I digress you people may think its bad but its a good thing people argue and shit on the internet. It helps break those pesky echo chambers. Or at least shake them a little bit.

Edited by Greed_Demon
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I know. But the high and mighty attitude of his made it even worse. Even when I saw him do the exact same thing back when he had his false hopes on ted cruz of all things winning. You should have seen the mental gymnastics this guy was pulling to make it seem like his droopy the dog looking ass candidate had a shot at winning. But I digress you people may think its bad but its a good thing people argue and shit on the internet. It helps break those pesky echo chambers. Or at least shake them a little bit.

Well there is a pretty big difference between constructive dialogue and death threats

All I'm saying is that the anonymity of the Internet has promoted the latter more than the former

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Oh, please. There are plenty of causes to take up that aren't directly related to the election or federal government. As for the ones that are related, I did what I could recently, just as you have.

Who said anything about voting being a legal crime? I certainly didn't. But as for whether it can be morally reprehensible, of course you wouldn't think so. By the sound of it, you also think it would be fine to vote for Hitler if he were going to build a tremendous wall and cut your taxes (and maybe engage in a little genocide in his spare time.) Just keep the killing in the fine print and it's okay, apparently.

It must be so traumatizing to feel excluded from an internet community just because you voted to exclude millions of people from their real life community.


By the way, Chase, you've started a lot of topics like this. I don't for one second believe you're stupid enough not to realize how this was going to go. So you can stop acting surprised.

And I don't care whether anyone here likes me.

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Yeah. I whiffed. In my defense. Cruz won Iowa (the first primary state), was a much better debator than Trump, and fared MUCH better than any other candidate the GOP offered in facing Trump.

Everyone was wrong about "45". I fail to see how this is an insult.

Unity topics? :)

I'm more just exasperated. Surprise would be hugging it out and everyone being on board the Trump Train by noon yesterday.

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