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Post pictures of your coffee, talk about coffee, drink coffee, praise coffee, laugh about coffee, make coffee puns, meme about coffee, enjoy the coffee, embrace the coffee, let the coffee flow through you, open your mind to the inner coffee, become one with the coffee!

Whatever you do, there must be coffee and it must be good.

Remember these wise words:


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Coffee is meh. I mean it can situationally be useful for its energizing properties, but under normal circumstances I would choose hot cocoa over coffee.

And most importantly, coffee completely prevents me to sleep at night if I drink it past 4pm. Because of this, I don't think I can be friends with coffee given how much I love sleeping.

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And this is a good time to elaborate on coffee.

Coffee is not merely a beverage, it's an art, a culture, a way of life. There is a huge difference between the perversity of chocolate coffee, milkiccino or whatever other monstrosity the inhuman conglomerate can think of, and between true coffee, pure, strong, undiluted and unsullied by foreign substances like sugar or cream or chocolate.

What do you say to fine filtered coffee, roast and ground, the best 'Indica' from Nilgiri? Or for those who prefer it, unfiltered Turkish, or roast Arabica, concentrated and black. There's even Elephant coffee, denser and yet with a distinct, mild nuttiness, for those who are of daring and adventurous spirit!

And before anyone says anything, if you haven't used a moka don't know a thing about the true heaven of coffee!

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For me it's not a way of life Viri but just a nice warm drink I like. Just GREAT on cold days like these.

All the kids out there, many of you will really enjoy a good cup of coffee in a few years from now. It was the same with me. Again, I'm pretty old for the most of you here at 26.

Now, the last thing I'm going to say now is that you can just keep that sugar and milk. Coffee doesn't need that.


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After a particular point, age is material as a mental figure, and not so much as a physical one. As such, my message is addressed to those of our friends who are as yet not biologically at their prime:

Coffee is the only way. You shall be thankful of it, though your young frames may not yet be up to the task of handling that divine gift, blessing of the Goddess Caffeina, that river of molten darkness, that kiss of pure cosmic energy!


Welcome to the Dark Side. We have Coffee.

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