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What does mean little Evi want?


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If Americans didn't discriminate against minorities and women in the first place, there would be no need for identity politics. This country has a long history of treating certain groups unfairly. Of course the sort of person who supports those oppressive policies would blame us for standing up for ourselves.

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Yeah, that failed spectacularly. It's mostly my fault, I suppose. I'm really bad at not taking the bait, especially when it comes to matters I'm passionate about.

Hey, I feel you. I used to be extremely bad at not taking the bait too. That's something I worked out over time, and I'm getting better at it but it's still a WIP (I think anyone's psyche is just a huge WIP actually).

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Okay what if we look at this another way. Republicans say Hillary is a criminal because of the email scam right. I assume you voted for her. Does that mean you endorse carelessly leaking out info government info?

Why it must mean you endorse being a criminal! You must be a criminal too! Does that seem fair?

Also while it is your body. You are not the only one it has value to. You appreciate the love from those close to you, so you should return that love and think of how it will affect them before you take any actions. You already said it would hurt them.

If the internet is an unfriendly place then go back to the people who love you and push the net aside for now. It is good for everyone once in a while.

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Hillary was never convicted of anything with regards to her emails. But given the alternative (a total bigot) Hillary could have posted her emails on Facebook and I would have found her preferable. Anyone with legitimate respect for minorities would not be willing to compromise those people's rights.

It doesn't seem fair to declare from on high that anyone is a criminal. I thought in this country we had that whole innocent until proven guilty thing going on. But even if she had been convicted, again, yes, I endorse someone who is criminally careless over someone who is morally bankrupt. In that case, I would be taking a risk with sensitive information, I admit it. Better that than someone who is purposefully malicious.


Believe it or not, I have already had this conversation with the few who are truly close to me. It would make them very sad if I died, but they would understand that it wasn't their fault. The sad truth is, they can't save me from being treated like shit if the government decides I should be.

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Now there you go, thats the point. Its not fair for people to assume she is a criminal. So why assume other people you dbt even know are out to get you or racist?

Even if Hillary is a criminal, you are not inderictly condoning criminal activity by voting for her. No more than someone is racist for voting Trump. Both sides need to look past media brainwashing and look past these labels. People are never so simple. There is always more to the story. Calling someone racist blindly will never allow you to open up your world.

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No, I was condoning Hillary's behavior by voting for her. Consider her pro-choice stance on abortion. I do not believe the earlier stage fetuses count as "human" because they lack the mental traits I associate with being human. But if I'm wrong somehow, then the deaths of all the aborted fetuses that Hillary allowed for would be in part on my hands the same as they would be on Hillary's. I may be a coward, but I am not so frightened that I cannot accept that reality.

If you voted for racist and homophobic policies, I'm not blindly calling you a racist/homophobe. I'm calling you that knowing what you did. I have no desire to "open up my world" if what that actually means is not holding those who have hurt me responsible for their actions.

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In most cases all the countries are going for the "Life starts at the point where the fetus is conceived".

Human thinking goes way deeper, and the choice of who is going to govern you for the next 4 years go as deep too. Will this president fight the other powers so all growth together? What are his/her economical measures? His/her views on the other countries? etc.

It doesn't stop on "Hey, he hate gays, insta vote him", also, in the case of this particular US elections, both candidates choice wa the "lesser evil", going hard on that particular point won't make you go anywhere.

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ok im gonna throw somethin out here awright.

if you voted for trump i think its safe to say youre somewhat racist and/or homophobic because he used that in his campaign to gain voters. use any excuse you want, youre endorsing that shit and you dam well know it. if you voted for hillary you cant assume that you love to leak emails and shit like that because its not really something she used to make people vote for her. she isnt trying to motivate people to go start emailing scandals. trump supporters seem to be motivated to stand up against minorities!! they want to deport people and agree on building a wall to keep people out the country!!! thats super harmful!!!!! emails dont mean shit my guy

and even if being racist wasnt your intention, by voting trump you empower the people who do have intentions like that. and they can really harm people when they want to. look at all those shootings for example!!!!

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I'm not going to pigeonhole myself into an "only post" scenario - but I'm not looking to quarrel with you, Evi.

The biggest reasoning to live is because killing yourself doesn't address the problems you face and is - to be quite frank - a disservice to those just like you who need the solidarity and confidence of having allies in these trying times.

If people in or very similar to your position were to take the easy way out, Amethyst would be dead, you would be dead, and every other trans person out there would be dead. All of the struggle of the past eight years of trying to legitimize trans people as human beings like everyone else would be for naught, and the only thing people would remember any of those people for is their cowardice and humiliating defeat they took.

Why? Because some conservative Oompa Loompa and his merry band of traditionalists won democratic elections fair and square in this country, and the words that he said (doesn't matter if he has yet to -really- act on them, or if President Obama is still currently the President) deeply hurt people's feelings.

I'm not going to take joy in having a worthy adversary off herself because of something that has not materialized yet. I'm not going to revel in losing people I call friends - people I LOVE - because of Donald John Trump. A man I didn't even vote for despite agreeing with him on several issues and appreciating his caring for "the forgotten man (as in humanity)"

Take my hand - my conservative, white, masculine, perhaps over-privileged, perhaps deplorable, perhaps uncaring hand - and do what I know you are good at doing as a result of this election.

Fight. With me this time.

Or don't, but if we're going to not challenge your argument that a majority of America doesn't give a damn about the LGBTQ community, then you'll need SOME conservative out there to help you.

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I'm glad you're not looking for a quarrel with me, because (having currently read only the first line of your post) I'm going to completely ignore any responses related to my feelings concerning Trump voters, like I should have done in this topic in the first place. I feel I've covered that ground more than enough and I don't think there's much to add.


Okay, read it all.

The #1 flaw in arguments people offer me in favor of not dying is that they assume I'm as noble as all my rhetoric. In reality, I'm selfish to the core, just like most people. As far as I'm concerned, the bulk of this country (I'm including those who couldn't get off their asses to vote) just spit in my face, including many members of my own community. You know that thing they say about a woman scorned? Yeah. As a feely type, I don't actually make my decisions based on the logical arguments I spew. I make them based on how I feel, and I feel betrayed. So when I consider my last sanctuary, the one thing they can't take from me, I don't really concern myself with how others would feel about it. Killing myself would solve the problem for me. If that's cowardice, then my action would only serve to confirm that I was exactly who I thought I was.

Of course, it's not an action I would necessarily recommend to others in a similar situation. People differ in all sorts of ways. How much do you enjoy life? How much pain can you take before it starts to break you? For me, the answers are both "not much". But others may be different. Ultimately, it's just a matter of preference.

And... you're wrong. I'm not good at fighting, I'm just good at arguing, As we've seen time and again, it's not a terribly helpful skill. And I'm also good at hiding, running away, building a defensive shell around myself that keeps everyone else out. I'm better at that than ever now, and worse than ever at trusting. And I don't need what you think I need. I can make my wall unbreakable, stifle my loneliness forever, and do it all on my own.

Of course, I don't really want to. But it's my safety net. My assurance that things can only get so bad.

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