DragonRage Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 "Not food? Different priorities, I suppose. And my life sensor is... completely nonfunctional. Brilliant. Heat? Ah, yes, there is an overwhelming, dragon-shaped source immediately... to... my right... And the radiation from all the cosmic entities is drowning out everything else. Well, if I should happen upon something expendable and made of meat, I shall endeavor to inform you promptly. Magical aid might be more to your tastes anyway. I am many things, but stealthy and fast are rarely among them," Alexandria scans the room, and notices that people seem to be slowly filtering out after the cloaked comedian with the map. "Hm. People seem to be leaving. Sir Dragon, did you copy that map you found? Because if you did not, the only copy is moving away from us at a fair pace." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetaark Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 Eon "Of course I made a copy before I gave the original map to him. For record keeping of course. Though they seem to be going back towards the castle? From what I'm gathering, the area upwards with the houses seems more promising. They are certainly less run down than this place," Eon remarked, recalling the paths that the map had shown. The way back to the castle didn't actually lead anywhere, while the path upwards more than likely went towards that town area. For reference, Eon opens his book to his copy of the map and shows it to Alexandria. "We seem to be at the bottom-most part of wherever it is we are, and up north there seems to be...something resembling a town area. I would have imagined that someone with more of an idea on where this place is may be present there. What do you think...Alexandra was it?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonRage Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 (edited) "Yes, I don't believe we have been introduced. I am Alexandria. Pleased to meet you, sir dragon," Alex bows respectfully, slightly deeper than she did with Venus. "And I must agree that a town seems like a more productive destination than a military fortress. We should be able to barter our skills and nonessentials for supplies, information, local gossip, and food for those of us who require it. Castles are unlikely to relinquish such without a local title, or equipment and hostile intent we do not possess at this time. Let the hot-heads invest the castle if they feel they must. They'll follow after a few days of frustration have tempered their impatience. If nothing else, I believe I am in possession of the only true siege weapon in our group, and I do not think I will be placing it at their disposal." "Also," She adds with a sly smile, "We ought to raise our spirits with a suitably inspiring shout before we embark. Something on the merits of friendship, science, and food would be ideal, based on my observations of our group. My friends back home seem convinced it increases their mission success rate, and I find myself possessing a great desire to prove that certain individuals in fact have no idea how the universe truly functions." Edited November 26, 2016 by Zoe_Walker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 The spider didn't respond to the call at first, leaving the connection silent as the dragon moved on to talk with the metal person. All the while though, she was searching, cropping and stiching, one by one. For just as speaking, it seemed forcing tangible words even across a mental link such as this one aggravated the strain...at a far quicker rate, even, as she'd discovered when she'd attempted the link earlier. Yes, there was a reason she'd used a raw memory instead...they seemed the only work around to it, the only things that didn't trigger the searing sting. "Town?" the Space dragon would've heard her call back... in an entirely different voice than her own wisp of one, and a few more stitched together rather stiffly in tone soon after. Strange in the delivery, given the often jarring changes in emotion, but overall hopefully clear enough to be understood "Headed to town?" 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 (edited) Quote "Hello Miss Singer," she greeted. Magna already knew her name from her introduction earlier, but there was nothing like a proper introduction to get acquainted. "I saw how well you fought back there. With all the uncertainty of what's going on and all the strangers, I think it'd be a good idea to form a... temporary alliance while we get things sorted out. What do you say about teaming up with me and Hellfire Knight over there?" "Huh? Wha?" Kagari glanced frantically around, searching for the source of the voice, settling her gaze on that strange lady with the mask and the glowy eyes. She frowned a little at the title. "Oh, it's you. Kagari's fine. I may be an idol, but I'd prefer not to be called by that job description. It brings back... painful memories." She chuckled slightly at Magna's suggestion. "An alliance, huh? I mean, considering that I'm pretty sure we're all supposed to be working together in this situation, an alliance is kind of redundant. Not that I'm averse to the idea, though. Always good to make more friends. Besides, I saw that little trick with the shadow creatures. Pretty strange ability, that. Haven't seen it in a while. Not too common these days. Definitely seems like it would come in handy for a ton of situations. Like doing household chores." Kagari grinned and held out her hand for a customary handshake. "Well then, pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'd love to take you up on your offer... Magna, was it? I hope we get along." Edited November 26, 2016 by Code: PIRULUK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strider Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 "I also would encourage us to seek information and supplies in town rather than the ruined castle. I have a few reasons: Firstly, if there was anything of value in that castle, it has likely been long since looted by others, unless of course the castle poses a significant danger to life and limb. Secondly, people in town could have valuable information for anyone insistent on exploring the castle. Finally, a more personal reason, I know, I also am terribly hungry." Edmond was rather anxious to leave behind the disquieting valley, where twice they had been assailed by the supernatural beasts. He was unused to, and wholly unprepared for this new world he had been propelled into. Information, which he was sorely lacking, would be the greatest weapon any one of them could use. "Who could be considered our most stealthy here? It might be wise to discover what sort of beings dwell in the village. They may consider us to be monsters." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yours Truly Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 The grey cloaked man pauses for a moment as. "Wait... Ruined castle? As in derelict, destroyed, devoid off any usable material? *Sighs* You're right, it's probably a better idea to invade the nearby town; I mean... Explore the nearby town... Yes, maybe we should send someone to scout ahead first? For all we know they sent those shadowy beasts that had assaulted us earlier." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 Jesse After traveling through the astral plane and taking a wrong turn at the sea of damned souls, An obscure and celestial beam of ectoplasm travels through the sky and quickly descends from the heavens above like a loose rocket spiraling out of control, whispers of tortured souls echoes within this vague presence as it makes its way into the ground below. Strangely enough, There was no sound of impact, nor a single thud from this free-falling object. It was silence, absolute silence. moments later A hazy apparition emerges from ground and takes the shape of a boy holding a rifle at hand. "well that one hell of a ride, where am i?" Jesse arrives in this strange new world and tries to grasp where the hell is he. "huh?" He quickly turns around and finds a group of oddities talking from the distance. Hmm..travelers, they appear to form a pack or something, most of them seem to look like a human tho and what in seven hells is that!? is that a dragon and a giant spider talking to each other!?...this is some bizarre realm if you ask me, and I've seen worse. They must be the survivors of this plane or something. The ethereal sniper thought to himself and remains invisible from this group. The ghost-like figure silently lurks them from the shadows, unseen, following them or should i say stalking them, trying to figure out where the hell this group of individuals are going. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zetaark Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 Eon "Indeed, I am Eon, and hopefully we'll manage to be on good terms," Eon stated. He decided to pass on the team shout for now, unsure of its actual benefits. At this point, Eon heard a spliced voice from the telepathic link he set up earlier. Eon figured that whatever prevented her from speaking also affected her telepathic communications as well. Eon made a mental note to record this at a later time before responding telepathically. "Yes, it appears that we are headed to the town, though we may need someone to scout ahead," Eon thought to Aurora, pleased to know that his ability to create telepathic links still worked. Once done, he decided to reply to Edmond as well. "I'm not fully sure which one of us is the stealthiest per say, but considering some of the basic reactions here, either a relatively inconspicuous human or something that can sneak around unseen would be our best bet. The former is somewhat likely to not be considered strange, and the latter wouldn't need to interact with whatever lives up there. Your call," Eon tells him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noir Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 Venus Everyone else seemed too busy to consent a moment of attention to the ever extravagant artist. After exchanging goodbyes with Alexandria, he silently peered his eyes across the gathered group of beings from beneath his mask, noting that not all of them were human; the peculiar, stimulating environment enticed Venus, knowing that it would be a pleasure to acquaint with them all soon -- yet with alliances being formed and business between the seemingly stronger people of the group ensued, perhaps that had to wait. Venus noticed a lone young man, with little to talk to as much as he did at the moment. Surely, he could entertain his cogitations and plans for the performances he would do there, or continue to make more paintings -- they appeased his mind well. The boy looked.....run-off-the mill; insipidly common, if Venus put it in his bluntest terms. Atypically a person who would a first, fail to gather Venus' interests. Yet interaction was important, and, like a pearl beneath the rigid, coarse shell of an oyster, perhaps something deeper resided within that plain exterior that would suffice in assuaging him at the moment. He approached Katsuo, bowing for the third time that day. "But a pleasure to acquaint with you, my boy. I see you and I aren't the most social ones, but perhaps it is such that would bind us together, like birds of a feather. My name is Venus." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 Jade O'Duffle "Well I'm definitely not the stealthy type but I'm human last time I checked and I know how to keep my head low." He spoke up tilting his hat down. He took one wuick look at everyone here and not many of them were human. The multiverse is a big place isn't it? Still between a spider lady, or robots a human was definitely the safest choice. "And honestly out of the lot of you I'm probably one of the ones who stands out the least. Ha ha ha." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinwolf Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 "Assuming that the people here are humans, that is. I can probably go too, I'll just switch back to normal outside the town." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElfCollaborator Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 "I could also come along, if you want!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yours Truly Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 "if the humanity of the village can be confirmed perhaps the four of us can go? If so we probably should split into teams of two though; to cover twice the groumd" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustytengo Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 (edited) "umm...I would like to go too. I mean if it's fine" Bridgett said doing he best to not fall in fright of the Dragon and what not. Edited November 26, 2016 by rustytengo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 Jesse "well, that sounds fun, count me in" An ethereal voice spoke out of nowhere and was later on followed by an eerie child-like laugh around the area. "Oh i'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound ominous and shit, dammit I forgot to cross between realms again. lemme try that again" An apparition of a boy appears steps forth out of the shadows as his skin magically turns into flesh, making Jesse more like human-like and visible to the naked eye. "Hello," the boy said with a normal voice this time and a wide smile on his face. "My name is Jesse, I'm kinda lost and i can't help but to overhear what you're saying.I was hoping if i tag along in your journey" the friendly specter introduce himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yours Truly Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 (edited) "Yes that is a great way to introduce yourself to a jittery group of armed people, by suddenly talking to them and popping in and out of existence before their eyes... First of all who the hell are you, and why are you dressed like a particularly lazy angel?" The Grey Cloaked man turns to face the rest of the group. "So far the volunteers have been, the green cowboy, a magical gi- Woman, another magical woman, a lady that can heal and strengthen, and what might as well be casper the friendly ghost; so that either means three teams of two, or two teams of three" "Now we can infiltrate the nearby village and explore the surroundings at our leisure, or we could ask the robot lady to ride the giant dragon into town and ask the residents for tribute" Edited November 26, 2016 by Cronos5010 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustytengo Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 "Umm...probably the two teams of three would be best. that way if anything happens we have back up." Bridgett said blushing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 "a friend" Jesse vaguely said to the man. "as for my clothing, well screw the stereotypes, I excel at my job so well, the gods i serve doesn't even give me their usual dress code for angels" He said with a playful smile said as he pats the heavenly rifle on his back. "I promise you i will protect this team, i swear it to the old gods and the new" Jesse said to the man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strider Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 (edited) "I'll go, if necessary. Unless of course, you're picky about the numbers in each group. However, we're still working off the assumption that this village is inhabited by humans. Is there anyone with particularly good eyesight, who might be able to tell things like the heights of the buildings, windows, or see anything else that might help us determine if the inhabitants are humanoid?" Edited November 26, 2016 by Strider Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yours Truly Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 "We don't need somebody with good eyesight; just send Casper the friendly ghost over there in his spectre form, and have him check to see if the villagers are human; granted some might see wisdom in not immediately trusting random strangers, but he has a glowing circle on his head; which is good enough for now" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strider Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 "Anybody could have a glowing circle...Anyway, we should ask him how he came to be here, and if his account is similar to ours, by all means, send him as a scout." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yours Truly Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 (edited) "A glowing circle that floats just above the head? Well if you insist" The grey cloaked man summons several books and stacks them into the shape of a chair, he motions for Casper to take a seat there. "Do not worry, we only have some rather benign questions to ask you, an extremely dangerous task that you have already volunteered for, and a chocolate coin will be given to you once everything is over" The grey cloaked man takes out his flashlight and shines the light it produces at the Haloed man's face. "Who are you? And how did you get here? Also do you have anything substantial to eat? I am really feeling quite famished" Edited November 26, 2016 by Cronos5010 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 god.. these humans are so demanding, why oh why did you ever created this pest. Jesse release an exasperated sighed and compose himself in front of the two. "I have a duty to fulfill, to serve and keep order to the realm, regardless wherever it might be" he said "Jezhreal, or Jesse," the angel said "and wait a minute there doc, i didn't say a such thing," Jesse immidiately objects "this is a foreign land to me and god knows what lies beyond that village, we go in teams remember? i'm not some dove messenger that you can send away, i'm just here to aid you guys if necessary" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strider Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 "I believe that he is simply saying that it would be extremely convenient if you could check quickly whether or not the inhabitants of the village resemble humans. Then after that, we would split into the teams suggested in order to gather information and food." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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