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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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"I hope none of you mind if I take this, for safekeeping?"

Edmond stepped over and pried the halberd out of the now unconscious Solomon's hands.

Well, I'm glad our guide is competent...The fact that none of intervened would have made this newcomer distrust us even more. Knowing that his attacker has been dealt with may increase his trust marginally.

"I don't think we really want Solomon gaining another weapon...right?"

Edmond hesitated for a moment, then pried the ring, which seemed to be the source of Solomon's power, from his finger.

It destroy any increased trust that this man may have gained from us when we incapacitated Solomon, if he saw that we still retained his weapon, but not Solomon's.

"If none of you object, I think that it's probably best if I hold onto this for a while as well. ...It that Embraces. You can prevent them from attacking me the moment they awaken, right? I would greatly appreciate that."

"I'll keep an eye on him i-if you'd like."

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"Defragmentation complete!" Alexandria announces brightly, "I should now be receptive to It That Embraces telepathic communication without needing to clean corrupted files for hours afterwards!" She looks around, taking in the unconscious guys, greatly different surroundings, and angel. "Huh. Maybe I should have waited on that. Checking sensor logs... Hm. Well, that's mildly disappointing. I think I have some Concussion-B-Gone left over from the last time I worked with organics. Unless anyone competent thinks it's a bad idea, I am going to give some to the unknown. But not to Solomon. He deserves his headache."

Edited by Zoe_Walker
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"I would suggest moving him to another location before resuscitating him. He'd likely be more open to reason if he awoke in a comfortable bed without a large android, a dragon, a...being, and other variously armed creatures staring at him."

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"These are some of the ones that I currently possess. I do have a few other colors in storage though if you're interested,"

"Pretty colors!" she called almost gleefully, like a child receiving a gift as she snatched up the ones already floating before her. Not even a second afterwards though, there she was, proceeding to... shove them into her mouth and swallow them whole. All three of them. It didn't seem to matter to her that they might not be entirely organic or even have that much taste. And within moments afterwards she tugged at something beneath the chitin of her wrist, pulling forth from the secondary spinnerets hidden there three long, monochromatic strands of silk shining a bright orange and green and blue, another soon after that shinned a deep crimson in the light... much like the ruby hue of the raptor steaks the dragon had fed her earlier. With a single flick of her fingers they all wove together into a single dazzling thread of alternating hue.

"More...color?" she asked, looking at the dragon expectantly, "can have more?"

She was playing with the thread all the while, as it danced and leapt in the suspended space through her hands with each invisible discharge of static from the microscopic sensory hairs lining her chitin...

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Snow, the Lady Ashford.

Snow just stood in the corner watching all of this shit unfold before her. Seriously... why did it have to be her of all the Divine Knights that chosen to deal with this idiots. Almost wished it was Ignacio at this point since he'd probably have killed half of them by now. He'd at least killed the book twit. After all, he was supposed to protect knowledge and if he saw it being used like this, even he'd get pissed off. Though, she'd not wish that bastard on any of the rest of them.

She mostly was annoyed that a fellow warrior one who was fighting to protect his home had to deal with this shitheads. One didn't deserve this kind of false hope. To see a group of fighters and then suddenly be exposed to the worst of them. Probably was quite the kicker to moral.

She followed the man down the stairs not really wanting to be around the others either. "I assume you lead this... group or are the closest thing to it's leader. I understand in part what you are feeling. I lead once. Against a similar foe. It's a precarious situation. Your home, the place you seek to defend is at stake, so taking this chance is a very hard thing to do. I won't apologize for the actions of others, for they are not my own. I do apologize that this team isn't as good as it could be. But we've been pulled from different corners of the Universe.The Great Encompassor. I understand not putting your trust in this group. I don't either. I have next to no information on them and barely know what they are capable of. But, if we're here it's for a reason. And I suspect it is for this. I know how it is trying to keep one's home from falling to despair. So, even if you will not take on this group for the mission I will fight alongside you and keep these beasts... from overrunning your home. It's the least I can do."
Snow conveniently left out the part that it was an entire nation she had to keep from collapsing. After all, when a god assaults the world you live in... one tends to think it the end. But... She got Aurora ((context: Continent in Graterras, not the spider lady.)) through the darkest days she'd ever seen, back in her human life, and it's why she was even standing here.
"So... rather than dwell on the... less than stellar impression of those... people... Instead let us proceed. TIme is of the essence I'm sure."
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Eon had offered the inspired artist the choice of dye or gold, the former of which the spider-like being took an immediate, profound interest in. Venus had contrasting thoughts, for he only appreciated his own tools of art to paint his canvases. He found other sources poor substitutes, but the very mention of gold managed to entice him.

"Gold is my power color. I suppose I may find something interesting amongst your wares. Exhibit your golden items, collective creature -- and I will paint for you in return. To what you may find interest in return, Eon?"

((OOC: If you wanna click these links tone down the volume. Also I might as well use Gold because it's a better color than red in text))

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Katsuo stayed silent through the latest events. Not because he had nothing to say, but because he had far too much to say, and most of it ended with, "Eat shit." Here they were, torn from their own realities and thrust into this strange, barren wasteland. This man in front of them was asking for help, and they were busy fighting amongst themselves. Even the probably man-eating spider was being more agreeable than some of these idiots, these morons, these fools, these imbeciles, these numbskulls, halfwits, asshats, dipshits. These fucking BAKAS

Gwaedu spun around furiously.

"Nincompoops." Katsuo agreed.

It wasn't so much their presumed lack of intelligence that was actually upsetting to Katsuo, it was the fact that they didn't seem to be taking the villager's plight seriously. These people were clearly in danger. Hell, it was starting to look like the universe had sent them there specifically to help the village. And while some people were sticking their minds in a cave and acting like the echo they heard was the opinions of those around them, Katsuo was busy wondering what he could do to provide that help. So he followed Leon as instructed; after all, the best way to find out how to help was to listen to what the person in need was asking for.

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Looking over, Eon found the sight of Aurora gleefully playing with what he assumed to be silk colored with the dyes he gave her both quite interesting, and very adorable. As such, he gave her some of the yellow, purple, and red dyes to mess around with at her leisure. His attention was then grabbed again by Venus, who expressed in interest in...gold?

In response, Eon opened a small rift just in front of Venus, and out poured an immense collection of gold, though nowhere near his total stores. Gold ingots, coins, dust, nuggets, crowns, ore, and other assorted gold goods poured out until the dragon closed off the rift. The total pile ended up being roughly as tall as Venus.

"Take whatever you fancy. No really, I have hardly any use for most of this. Thanks to some particular situations back in my own realm, the actual demand for gold has dropped off quite heavily. And yet people still insist on giving me gold for whatever reason. It's gotten so bad that at this point I'm no longer willing to take it. So please, feel free to help yourself to as much as you feel like taking. If you feel like painting something for me in return, you can, but you really don't need to." Eon said, honestly happy that someone actually wants this stuff.

"Oh, anyone else who feels like it can take some as well. I honestly have little use for the stuff personally, so if you happen to, feel free."

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Edmond stared. He had no real lust for gold, but it was rather incredible to see such an abundance of the substance which had incited so many wars.

"Well, I suppose I could use a little bit, for circuits and such. Thank you very much. If it isn't an inconvenience, do you have any high purity gold? Something along the lines of 99.9999% pure? It would probably be in a special container to maintain it's purity."

He reached out to the pile and took three one-ounce ingots, and placed them into his pack.

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Looking over, Eon found the sight of Aurora gleefully playing with what he assumed to be silk colored with the dyes he gave her both quite interesting, and very adorable. As such, he gave her some of the yellow, purple, and red dyes to mess around with at her leisure. His attention was then grabbed again by Venus, who expressed in interest in...gold?

In response, Eon opened a small rift just in front of Venus, and out poured an immense collection of gold, though nowhere near his total stores. Gold ingots, coins, dust, nuggets, crowns, ore, and other assorted gold goods poured out until the dragon closed off the rift. The total pile ended up being roughly as tall as Venus.

"Take whatever you fancy. No really, I have hardly any use for most of this. Thanks to some particular situations back in my own realm, the actual demand for gold has dropped off quite heavily. And yet people still insist on giving me gold for whatever reason. It's gotten so bad that at this point I'm no longer willing to take it. So please, feel free to help yourself to as much as you feel like taking. If you feel like painting something for me in return, you can, but you really don't need to." Eon said, honestly happy that someone actually wants this stuff.

"Oh, anyone else who feels like it can take some as well. I honestly have little use for the stuff personally, so if you happen to, feel free."

Sachi almost does a double-take at seeing the gold.

"W-wha?! W-when did you...w-what?!"

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"I might have some. I once helped some scientists with some projects involving gold, and some of them ended with some refined gold that I got to keep. That was a good world for me to go to when I needed to dump large sums of gold. Sadly, time consumed that system, so they're no longer around. But yes, give me one moment." Eon opens up a rift in front of him, and after a bit of digging, pulls out a small, sealed container labeled in some text.

"Ah yes, here's some." Eon says, floating the box towards the man. "Have fun with it."

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Jade O'Duffle

Jade couldn't help but burst into laughter after the too offs fighting got knocked out. This whole situation was so unnecessary but there it is. "Hah, I'm sorry. But this can't be happening right? Oh well, at least they might be good at parties." He then turned his gaze towards the pile of gold that the dragon just threw out. He was astounded. People would hold people at gun point, rob banks, and kill for gold and he's throwing it away like a sack horse manure. Well if this dragon doesn't want it, one man's junk is another man's retirement fund. "Well I mean, if you insist that it's no problem I guess I could take some of it off your hands." Jade then takes a couple of hand fulls of gold and put it in his coin bag with his 27 silver coins.

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Venus inspected the pile of gold that had been bestowed before him, comprising of various items from ore, dust, to other various goods that he would be able to utilize for his craft. The luxury of royal items such as the crowns were...mediocre, if ancient, in their craft, and so Venus simply opted for a few gold ores that the sack beneath his cloak could further stomach, and withdrew a small, empty sack to contain some of the dust. He would be able to utilize them in crafting beautiful items, refurnishing the delightful weapon that he hid tenderly beside him, or for other purposes when they made themselves prevalent.

Satisfied with the items he had obtained, Venus examined the finger he had used to paint for Alexandria and found that the blood had dried out, but the wound seemed to be new. Deciding that it wouldn't hurt, he pricked the healing finger again and withdrew the bullet containing the green liquid he had used for the previous piece he had made for the android. Considering the dragon had did him a favor, he decided to invest more in the piece he would make for him, this time drawing a field of trees and flowers with red spots adorning the marvelous shades of green to form a picturesque view of flora. He gratified himself again at another successful, albeit rushed, piece of art; they were to leave rather soon.

"A token of my appreciation," He courteously delivered the piece of work, hoping that it would suffice, albeit knowing that the dragon had little use for it. Perhaps it would be a reminder of his craft and acquainting. "Very much, I appreciate these fine pieces. I will see them put to good use when the time is right."

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Eon took the piece of work from Venus and was quite pleased. Sure, he wouldn't directly use it, but it was something of artistic value, so it had worth to him.

"Why thank you," he told the man, satisfied with what he had received. "Now, I do believe we'll need to catch up to Leon, so I'll be putting away the gold. As much as I'd like to leave it all here, I've seen what happens when certain areas get sudden influxes of precious metals. Things can get quite strange very fast." With that, all of the gold seems to fall through the ground, until only a small rift is left on the ground, which quickly closes.

"Now then, let's see what we can do about helping out this village shall we?"

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"I greatly hope they have multiple tasks that require our attention," Alexandria says, "We were likely summoned here for an important reason, as we are all highly capable beings. However, the problem with simply summoning a large group of 'heroes', which is usually what this sort of spell is keyed towards, is that part of the definition of being a hero is to have a strong, independent personality. Put simply, most of us think ourselves best suited to lead the group. Splitting into smaller teams will reduce interpersonal friction, and likely make us more effective."

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Looking over, Eon found the sight of Aurora gleefully playing with what he assumed to be silk colored with the dyes he gave her both quite interesting, and very adorable. As such, he gave her some of the yellow, purple, and red dyes to mess around with at her leisure.

No telepathic stitch-speech this time, just an outward exhale of gleeful air as Aurora caught the remaining dyes with her two foremost legs. Just as quickly as the first batch, she swallowed them whole. And like that, she pulled several new threads from her wrist, these one shinning in the same brilliant hues she'd just added to the collection. It had so long since she'd made colored thread, white just got so dreadfully boring and empty to look at after a while. The last time the old group had given her something colorful explicitly for her to color her silk with it, they'd spent the entire night before arguing about gold coins and how they were running out.

The wolf girl had been especially adamant against just getting more by robbing and eating passing humans, said something about how it would draw too much attention and get the authorities curious. Squiddy though... he'd been the one to finally break the stalemate, brought up how much worthless flesh bags, like humans, coveted luxury fabrics like silk, and how much more they lusted for the stuff when it was colored to their fancy...

There hadn't been an eye around that fire that hadn't fixed right on her. Took them a good while, a damn great effort to forage around for enough food as payment, but eventually she'd agreed to the plan. She'd never heard any of em complain about coin troubles after that, and they even started giving her a bigger share of the food, so.... It was a good proposition in the end, as far as she cared.

Regardless though, Aurora wove this group of strangs into a single thread as well, before quickly unraveling both of the combined rainbow threads and retracting their individual components back to their source, heading off towards the White One and the stranger from the settlement as she'd originally intended. She didn't even bother with the massive amounts of gold the dragon had plopped out of his pocket space. Afterall, she had an array glorious colors that she could touch up her silk with in any way she desired. What godd did she have for that dense, shinning metal that flesh bags constantly killed each other over?

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Red. Red red red.

Fire, crawling through the darkened blue.

Red red red.

Blood, dripping down the splintered brown...

Down down dow...

Visrii woke up. This time his conciousness trickled back in, the blackness creeping away. Urgh... again. He replayed the brief fight before his second knock-out. Beaten by an average mage! And not even an arch-mage either! This fact both infuriated and embarrassed him - never had he any trouble in killing anything in a dueling standpoint. But for now, Visrii had to swallow his pride. If a simple mage can knock him out, then he had no chance to knock anyone out if he kept about in his arrogant ways.

He never moved from his limp posture as he felt someone carrying him again. Alright, so these fools insist on dragging him to some place. Prison pits, gallows, dungeons, whatever some of these new inhabitants dumped their unwanted into. All he knew was that he wasn't in too much of a danger right now - at the very least, everyone was off-guard.

He searched for his familiar weight on his back. Shit, they've taken my halberd, he thought, though they haven't taken any of my daggers. Utility dagger at hilt. 2 daggers in his shoes and 1 needle inside the fabric of his clothes. He reserved one for the book-flinger and well, the others were a bit more troublesome. For now, he needed to wait and look for opportunities.

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"Sorry about that. W-we, err.....knocked him out after you went under. The weird book guy, I-I swear, we're not all trying to kill you. At least, that's the idea....."

Sachi tries to explain herself to Visrii in as quiet and calm a tone as possible. Of course, her shield is conveniently placed for her to block any attacks- and considering said shield is about her height, one would find themselves hard-pressed to hit her.

She was young, but not stupid. Years of fighting the Vertex had taught her not to underestimate anything. She knew; it had already cost her a lot before.

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Jesse remains neutral during this whole fiasco, he was there firsthand where Solomon throw his book at this guy, and everything else when to shit afterwards. Of course he could intervene but i don't think firing a divine weapon towards these two pillocks who be such a good idea, his immaterial bullets has a strange effects on humans, deepening their wound even more to the point its unhealable and damaging their soul completely.

"Told you not to do something that you might regret, Why do humans don't listen to celestial beings anymore, it like been the issue since the beginning of time" Jesse said as he walks beside the glowing entity, noticing the man having signs of life while being carried. The angelic sniper hugs his rifle and continues to follow their guide towards the stairs.

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"Excuse me. I have your halberd for the time being. You ought to know that not all of us are out to harm you."

Edmond could tell that this man was on edge.

"However, you did exert aggression towards a group of heavily armed people. That was rather thoughtless. If I may say so, you received a just fate for a fool. Now, wait. I'm not calling you a fool, it was simply a foolish act."

"I presume you were also summoned here alongside the rest of us? If you can set aside your quarrel with Solomon, or at least avoid him, I'll be giving you back your halberd momentarily."

Hopefully he can see that most of us aren't intent on harming us.

"We have disarmed your assailant, and we will not be returning his weapon until we see fit."

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Right, the haloed man.

Visrii silently noted that he'd have to kill the perceiver first before he did anything else in secret. He shoved off the strange white being who was carrying him and brandished his knife. A different cast was near his area, but he didn't put away his weapon. "Right, everyone's pretending to be harmless once again."

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