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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Fans whir to life deep within Alexandria's chest as the corners of her mouth begin to twitch. Her eyes snap back to their binocular configuration, and an odd clicking noise emanates from the back of her head.

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Visrii internally sighed. So much for paternalising, it seemed. He himself resorted many times into violence (actually most of the times) and threw around death as a joke, but this grey cloak seriously hated his guts, it seemed. "Right, let's leave those death threats in a neat little pile next to this fine young metal lady and I'll do the same with my attitude, shall we? In fact, I'll add one of my knives in the pile if that assures you."

Then he heard the strange clicking noise. Visrii turned his attention to the metal human. "Err, you... sure you're alright?"

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Working herself off the ground using Mornings Arrow as support do to her legs still being a bit shaky from being around Eon. "Well at least he doesn't seem interested in eating me. Maybe he's just looks scary like that other dragon." Bridgett thought to herself.

"It occurs to me that I don't actually know your name. I suppose introductions never got that far in, but that's a moot point now. I am Eon, you?

Blushing more out of embarrassment from realizing that she hadn't introduced herself to anyone one in the group. "B-Bridgett M-Myth." She did a small curtsy and put on the best smile should could well still being a bit scared. "and this is my partner Mornings Arrow." She finished indicating to the weapon in her had. In which the jewel lit up and out came the monotone voice. "Greetings. Its a pleasure to meet you." it said.

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"And I'm not trying to restrain you, young sir; I merely wish to have a very civil conversation over a hot cup of tea with some milk and honey, and civil conversation usually involves concealed weaponry not plainly visible ones of course; all though I do subscribe to the old school of pragmatic combat; where the only thing limiting yourself is your physical realities, and your imagination; now please sit down young man; I have yet to introduce myself properly."

the grey cloaked man notices the whirring of fans, and his mouth twists to an almost chesire grin.

"That; my dear friend; means that she is pissed off, now consider those metallic arms, and imagine one holding you down; while the other is currently breaking one of your arms while you try rather vainly to injure her with your knives; she is an android my young and foolish friend, and just like our dear old friend the robot; she feels no pain, but do you want to know what the difference is between an android and a robot my friend?"

the grey cloaked man motions for the mechanical lady to continue.

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"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Alexandria clamps both arms to where humans keep their guts with a hollow 'BOOM!' that reverberates throughout the house as she breaks down laughing. Her barrier flickers and ripples, but quickly restabilizes, "Oh, oh, this is too much. Now say you've got 30% more RAM than him! No, no, tell him your sword's bigger than his sword! Ahahahahahahaha! Oh my circuits I think I'm going to overheat. This is- This- Hahahahahaha!"

[OOC: Everyone who's anywhere near the house just heard a loud noise, like a thundercrack or a cannon going off. The poor bastards who were inside with Alexandria probably have tinnitus, although they wouldn't have lost their hearing.]

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"Indeed it is," Eon remarked, glad that introductions managed to work out relatively smoothly. Though, taking a look at the woman, he noticed that she didn't actually have anything from the shop.

"Oh, did I hold up your shopping at all, or did you already finish looking through the store," he inquired, wondering if he may have come to her right as she was beginning to shop around.

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Visrii winced slightly by the lady's sudden extremely loud, explosive laughter, though he was surprisingly unresponsive to the noise. He's heard louder explosions before, and he was mildly irritated by the after-sound left by her mirth. What caught his attention the most was what she was saying. "What is this ar-ay-em? Cerrcuts?" he mumbled, unsure of what to make of it. Visrii already suspected that the this lady wasn't just weird, she was of alien composition. But now he had a creeping suspicion that she was off kilter. Not that he was in any position to judge. He just'll have to ask her after this annoying after-sound went away.

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"Oh, did I hold up your shopping at all, or did you already finish looking through the store,"

even embarrassed some more Bridgett looks down to the ground "I...Ummm..." She beings mumbling something as Mornings Arrow chimed in "My Lady is very shy. She hasn't been able to talk to the merchant without running away. She has entered the shop a total of 5 times" the monotone voice said as Bridgett did her best to shrink down in more embarrassment.

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"Oh. I see," Eon remarked, chuckling a bit. It seems he had come across a shy one. As amusing as this situation could be, he figured that trying to help her manage this would eventually be beneficial to everyone...somehow.

"Is there any particular reason you get scared? Is the shopkeeper truly that intimidating, or do you just not know what to say?" Eon decided to inquire, thinking of potential ways to manage this situation all the while.

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The grey cloaked man smiled even wider at this; he could barely hear himself think, but that seemed to get the point across to the young man; he had no idea that the android had a sonic weapon, and he imagined her charging across a battlefield with an electric guitar and a microphone; heh, a literal symphony of death.

"Now my name is Solomon, and I am pretty sick and tired of listening to your aggressive 'I can kill everyone in this room if I wanted to'; sentiments; mostly because I find that to be quite impossible; now, do you want to know why you're not dead?"

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"Heheheh, Oh, how I needed that. You two are... Oh my," Alexandria scrapes at nonexistent tears with the back of her hand, "I haven't laughed so hard in decades. Now, if you're finished comparing the size of your genitalia, perhaps we can move on to civilized conversation? I think that's the expression..."

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The grey cloaked man smiled even wider at this; he could barely hear himself think, but that seemed to get the point across to the young man; he had no idea that the android had a sonic weapon, and he imagined her charging across a battlefield with an electric guitar and a microphone; heh, a literal symphony of death.

"Now my name is Solomon, and I am pretty sick and tired of listening to your aggressive 'I can kill everyone in this room if I wanted to'; sentiments; mostly because I find that to be quite impossible; now, do you want to know why you're not dead?"

As the after-sound went away, he could see the grey cloaked man talking. However, his attention had already turned away from the grey cloaked man, whom he had completely given up on. "Solomon, okay, cool. I don't want to know, thanks" he dismissed absentmindedly. This conversation was becoming stale anyway, going nowhere. At least he knew the guy's name though, despite his continued hostility. As for the strange words, however, it piqued his interest. Was it similar to the strange staff-like sticks that exploded at one end? "What's with all these strange words?" Visrii asked the android, whose mirth had trailed off now, "are these some sort of weapon you use?"

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"Is there any particular reason you get scared? Is the shopkeeper truly that intimidating, or do you just not know what to say?"

"It-s more that when i-i become the center of attention to people i-i get really scared and can't talk, but but Mornings Arrow usually can cover for me...when i don't run." Bridgett says with the initial fear of Eon dissipating a bit. "Of course i will. You My Lady." The device chimed in once more causing Bridgett to blush, but with with a happy small smile appearing on her face.

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"Ah. No. RAM is a type of memory that mechanical beings and advanced computers have. Circuits are a body part, similarly specific to mechanical entities, that serve the same purpose as an organic's nerves."

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"Now that you know my name we can move on to more civil things, such as having a polite conversation without trying to kill each other."

"I wonder... what the shopkeeper is thinking right now; heh a bunch of travelers entered his shop, nicked one of his beloved potions, had an argument, created a brand new translucent wall, and one of them made a sound reminiscent of thunder and laughter".

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"Ah. No. RAM is a type of memory that mechanical beings and advanced computers have. Circuits are a body part, similarly specific to mechanical entities, that serve the same purpose as an organic's nerves."

Okay, more confusing words. Visrii felt like he was missing an entire year of arcane studies lessons, having all these new words thrown out of the air at him. Not that he paid any attention to the normal lessons anyways. "Right, I have understood about zero amount of that. So what's a 'computer', and how does a mechanism have a 'memory'? Are mechanisms not pulleys or forges, not organic?"

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"Hmmm... firstly, might need your eyes checked if you think I'm a man, but I get it a lot cause apparently I'm too rough to be a woman.

"My apologies then, one could never be too certain~" Male, female, did it really matter? Perhaps Magna found that gender mattered less to her, especially since she didn't have any organic aspect to her for the distinction to matter.

Secondly to what end do you speak? The entirely of this situation... or our... rather eccentric companions...?"

"Both, either, or neither!" Magna beamed. She was a respectable distance from Snow, but she still couldn't see anything regarding her appearance. Odd. "Though, may I have your name first?"

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"I see. Morning Arrows must be very important to you," Eon said, slightly curious about the origins and design of the device. With that, he takes another look at the shop.

"You know, I was going to see if I could pick up something, but thinking on it, I'm not particularly sure of how well received I would be. And I'd rather not cause too much of a scene unnecessarily. I'm unsure if extra motivation would be beneficial, but perhaps you also picking up something for me may somehow let you complete your transaction without running away beforehand. What do you think of that idea?" Eon asked the girl. He had no idea how well this plan would work, or even if she would agree to the idea at all. Nevertheless, it was worth a shot at the very least.

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The grey cloaked man decided to try and sneak out of the building while the stranger was distracted, and he makes sure to whisper

"I'm going out to get some food, make sure that he can't take his weapon back from the engineer, I'll be back shortly".

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"Ah. Simpler then. Very well. Not everyone has the same education, after all. I am an intelligent machine. Every machine has a purpose for which it was created. Mine is to be able to think for myself. A computer can also think for itself, but it is far simpler. A computer is to me as a dog is to a human. I am able to remember things because I was designed with this ability. A thinking machine that cannot remember what it experiences would not be very useful. And an organic is quite simply anything that is alive."

"Do you promise to be civil to those you encounter, Solomon? Or do you require supervision to avoid inserting your boots into your mouth?"

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"If by civil you mean that I will not attack outside of self defense purposes; then yes, and no; despite their appearance; my shoes aren't made of chocolate; human beings don't wear chocolate shoes my android friend; that is a very silly thing to ask."

The grey cloaked man performs his version of sneaking out; which involves finding an uncovered spot and running as fast as possible outside of the room.

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"Ah. Simpler then. Very well. Not everyone has the same education, after all. I am an intelligent machine. Every machine has a purpose for which it was created. Mine is to be able to think for myself. A computer can also think for itself, but it is far simpler. A computer is to me as a dog is to a human. I am able to remember things because I was designed with this ability. A thinking machine that cannot remember what it experiences would not be very useful. And an organic is quite simply anything that is alive."

"Do you promise to be civil to those you encounter, Solomon? Or do you require supervision to avoid inserting your boots into your mouth?"

Visrii struggled to comprehend this new concept.

"Okay...so you're a pulley who is like a human. No wait, a human who's like a pulley - and you can do stuff like make arcane barriers and stuff. And ah, screw it, all I can ask is if you can back me up in battle, I guess...metallic lady...machine? As for Solomon..." He turned to Solomon, or where he was. He was gone, and he spotted him running out the shop. He didn't bother to give chase, wherever he was going. To him, this Solomon was all fangs and no bite; completely harmless. He dismissed the kid and turned back to the lady. "Right, I've never asked your name actually. Mine's Visrii."

(@Zoe_Walker - Whoops. I missed that description on your sheet; will adjust for future - he'll look up now, though he'll keep saying 'little lady' in dialog because of sarcasm reasons)

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The grey cloaked man rushed into the marketplace in search of the one most important thing on his mind right now; Food; granted he had just left some of his allies with a rather dangerous young man with a knife fetish,but he was fairly certain that dull knives would be beaten by android in any rock paper scissors inspired games; he stopped to smell the air, and he found no trace of that distinctive ocean smell; so seafood would be out of the way wouldn't it? he sighed; he could have really gone for some fish stew right about now.

The grey cloaked man continued wandering the marketplace, until he found a neat little shop selling cooked meat; it was a feast to remember, and he felt quite guilty over not paying for it.

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"I am Alexandria, and despite the unusual circumstances it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Magus," Alexandria inclines her head slightly in Visrii's direction, as the hard-light barrier falls apart into countless tiny hexagons that vanish as they hit the floor. "I find mages usually have fascinating views on reality, far different from my own."

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