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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Eon: 33/33 HP


Having found the machine creating the heartless after going through this mansion, Eon directed attention to the animated knight that had appeared before the party. While he was curious as to the forces that animated the armor, he could deal with that question for a less dangerous point in time.


Uses Orb of Infinity to attack the Animated Armor (1d6 + Int damage)

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Bridgett moved back as the the animated armor moved at them. Slowing her heart rate she concentrated on the equation for her spell as the light blue Mid Childa Circle appeared under her and four magic arrows shoot out at the armor.


(Bridgett uses all  four Magic Arrow's on the armor so four shots at 1d4+syn each.)

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Jade's bullets strike the Heartless being produced by the machine. It seems to have adjusted, however; the shots don't seem to do much, with the darkness rippling slightly at the assault and nothing else.


Hikari's magic shines forth, boosting the resilence of Sachi and herself and the power of Solomon and the Hellfire Knight.


Kurosawa hits the suit of armor with a staccato series of blasts, making it more vulnerable to succeeding attacks.


The suit of armor leaps into the fray with a whirling slash, slashing at Jesse, Kagari, Aurora, Bridgett, Mar, and Edmond. Kagari narrowly evades the assault, while the others are not so lucky. Jesse takes [23], Aurora takes [6], Bridgett takes [9], Mar takes [5], Edmond takes [9]. 


Jesse, despite the heavy wound, fires a round into the armor for [13] damage, cutting off its special powers. Hikari follows up for [9] damage.


Kagari viciously assaults the armor with her rear end for [10] damage.


Theodore uses the power of music to increase all of the party's stats by a whopping 1 point. 


Solomon prepares to defend himself using ancient lore, doubling his current RES.


The armor seems confused for a moment, before it swings its blade at Edmond for [12] damage.


Aurora fires a magical bolt into the gathering darkness. Similarly to Jade's bullets, it has no noticeable lasting effect.


Sachi takes a defensive stance before Hikari, halving incoming damage to both.


Visrii launches a bolt of lightning at the armor for [4] damage.


The armor leaps, slashing at Bridgett, who narrowly avoids taking another hit.


Venus fires a shot into the armor, inflicting another [5] damage.


Katsuo Pulse Dashes backward, setting himself into a better position. He will strike first for additional damage next round.


Kyle blasts his shotgun at the machine, attempting to knock something bolted to the floor off it's feet. Do I really have to say how well it works?


Bridgett peppers the armor with rays of magic for [9] total damage.


The armor attempts once more to swat Bridgett down, managing to strike her with the blade for [14] damage.


Mar breaks off a chunk of the machine. It doesn't seem to have a notable effect, but he does notice, through his rage, that the two large arms and the glowing piece seem to be doing most of the work.


Edmond analyzes the situation and discovers that being hit with swords seriously sucks ass when you're not wearing plate. +3 INT for [1] round.


Magna strikes the armor with her scythe for [5] damage, and it gives way beneath the combined assault, a vulnerable crack opening up in it. It almost seems like some kind of darkness is leaking out...


The Hellfire Knight aims her main cannon at the armor, melting through a portion of it for [17] damage. 


Eon blasts the armor for [7] damage.


Alexandria activates her barrier, creating a safe spot for an ally to hide.



Jade O'Duffle: 23
Takino Hikari: 23
Izumi Kurosawa: 21
???: 20
Jesse: 20
Koizumi Kagari: 19
Snow Ashford: 18
Theodore Murphy: 18
Solomon D.R.: 17
???: 15
Aurora: 13
Sachi Honda: 13
Visrii Lutheim: 11
???: 10
Venus Tireur: 8
Himura Katsuo: 7
Kyle Johnson: 7
Bridgett Myth: 6
???: 5
Mar: 4
Edmond Cooper: 4
Magna Sigyl: 2
Hellfire Knight: 1
Eon: 0
Alexandria: 0*

Party Status


All: +1 all stats (1 turn remaining)
Jade O'Duffle: Healthy
Takino Hikari: Healthy, +5 RES (2 turns remaining), Tower Stance
Izumi Kurosawa: Healthy
Jesse: 14/32 HP
Koizumi Kagari: Healthy
Snow Ashford: Healthy
Theodore Murphy: Healthy
Solomon D.R.: Healthy, +5 INT (2 turns remaining), Res x2 (1 turn remaining)
Aurora: 28/31 HP
Sachi Honda: Healthy, +5 RES (2 turns remaining), Tower Stance
Visrii Lutheim: Healthy
Venus Tireur: Healthy
Himura Katsuo: Healthy, Pulse Dash
Kyle Johnson: Healthy
Bridgett Myth: 8/32 HP
Mar: 28/33 HP, +1 STR/CON, -1 INT/DEX
Edmond Cooper: 12/32 HP, +3 INT (Ends next turn)
Magna Sigyl: Healthy
Hellfire Knight: Healthy, +5 SYN (2 turns remaining)
Eon: Healthy
Alexandria: Healthy 

Enemy Status (Player ver):


Robot Arm L: Intact
Robot Arm R: Intact
Suit of Armor A: Crumbling, -6 RES 0/12 (2 turns remaining)
Suit of Armor B: Intact
Reactor: Intact
???: ???

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Kyle just sighs and pulls out his phone. Soon, everyone  (yes, even the armor and machine) are assaulted by a deep voice talking loudly but not excessively so.

"Hey hey hey, turn off that shit you were listening too, it's time to listen to some music that doesn't make children cry! Before I crank out the tunes I wanna thank our generous sponsor Mr. Johnson for keeping us in buisness and making sure there aren't any proper ads on this station! Now let's hit you with some shit a weeb sent me with bottle of jack!"

The station goes silent for a moment. Then, the song starts. If you haven't guessed yet, Kyle uses Change the station.

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"Jesse, get behind the giant, glowing hexagon!"  Alexandria shouts, "Somebody patch his fuel lines before he loses power!  Edmond!  You're protected!  Get in there and slag that minion maker before we get buried in bodies!  And somebody get that sword away from it!"


Alexandria advises Jesse to seek shelter behind her Hard-light Barrier, and uses Projected Shield to give Edmond 12 temporary hit points, which will last until the encounter ends or he's dealt enough damage to deplete them. (5 round cooldown)

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Jade O'Duffle (33/33HP) (Healthy) (5/6 Cryo-Rounds)


Jade got a bit annoyed that his last shot seemingly did nothing at all to the creation of the heartless. "Damn, I guess if shooting the creations does nothing. How about I aim for the robotic arms making them!"  With his plan B now thought up, Jade takes aim the the Right Robotic Arm with a cryo-round. Hopefully this time it amounts to something.


Aim to Kill on the Right Robotic Arm (1d6 + Dex + (-1 initiation))

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Jesse can barely stand up on his feet as the possess armor did a number on him with its fancy whirling attack, sending the angel a one way trip to destination fucked. The angel was gushing out blood and fast, something that the sniper wouldn't expect to happen this early, it seems the gods has forsaken at this moment. He was careless and didn't see that one coming, That armor is much stronger than he thought it would be. 


By the looks of things, It's time for this heavenly host to ditch this heavily wounded meat suit. It's such an ashamed tho, This child was his favorite vessel ever since he step foot on earth, It was a special gift from his creator. Perhaps Jesse can manage to stabilize his vessel's injured condition in the midst of all of this. 


"Uh, thanks.." Jesse weakly struggles to get behind Alexandria's shield as he falls into the ground on all fours.


"I've marked that armor with magic, it should heal your injuries when you attack it. Unfortunately for me, I don't have the luxury to shoot right about now, It seems I'm too busy trying not to die at this very spot...Would you mind finishing the job for me?" The angel manages to smirk despite his condition as he takes a breather behind his teammates.


Jesse retreated behind Alexandria's shield and reached for his pockets and drank his potion. Jesse restores 10 of his health. 1 potion used.


Health: 24/32

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Visrii Lutheim, (33HP Healthy)


Visrii watched in frustration as his attack did little damage to the set of armour. If he had been in Stravaga, the armour would have blown up in one hit, especially after all the assault from the other, more powerful members of the team.

Shit, I'm much weaker here. Guess I do need backup, then.

Visrii focuses on the battle - one armour was ravaging through the party, another was standing passively by.

"Get Edmond safe, Alexandria!" he yelled as he saw Edmond get hit hard. He leaps in and sweeps with his blade.


Sharp Strike on Animated Armour

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Venus Tireur



By virtue of the team's combined efforts, the armor that Venus had attacked was now substantially damaged. Venus had the choice of continue his assault until it withered and ceased to be a nuisance, but the fervent swirling of magic in his bullets made him hesitate. He had only three bullets left, each ever stronger than the other, and he had every intention of spending them wisely. Surveying the battlefield, there was the reactor, and a total of two mechanical limb-like structures and two bodies of armor -- one undamaged and the other vitiated. He had little time for entertaining the choice of which target to beautify next.



The moment before the shot...is painful. Forced to make a quick decision, Venus decided that his augmented, increasingly powerful bullets of art would be better spent on the more durable targets, as he selected the unscathed piece of armor as his newest target.


Venus fires his second Basic Attack onto Armour B (chance to crit, Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 2, B: = 1)


*T = Turns Elapsed

 B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)

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(Healthy, 33 HP out of 33, double total RES and +5 INT)

The grey cloaked man became estatic as the flying mage hit him with a spell that boosted his intelligence, he could already think of several perfectly cromulent words to use, but he felt that his time would be better spent summoning a book to strike the mechanism at high speeds (Fell from heaven, targeting robot arm L).


He noticed Edmond getting hit repeatedly by the rapidly deteriorating robot, and he said "Oy! Somebody better make sure it damn sure that he is still alive by the end of this", before charging at the heartless factory machine in his helicopter shaped book based platform.

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Snow, The Lady Ashford. Status Healthy: 33/33


"You know if I wanted to fight giant bullshit... I'd have stayed on Graterras. Aelia's Tits." said the armoured woman somewhere in the back of the group She was done watching and evaluating for now. She was relatively satisfied with their performance thus far, even if it had just be the small scathing mindless beasts, but even that was worth something. After all, she remembered just how many of her best soldiers fell to the Scales of Hatred. The vast hordes were the advantage. if 10 untrained fighters fight a single one they could probably overwhelm them. It was simple. Luckily they had the numbers advantage for now.


SNow snapped her fingers, a resonant and heavenly tone emanating through the room. Suddenly and quickly the air around their foe grew frigidly cold as most of the heat was drawn away. Ice exploded from several places on the machine.


Use Ice Calamity, targeting Arm L and R, and Armor A

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((I'm counting on the fact that only 1/3 of the people got attacked. Will the scald burn chance get Edmond? Wait and find out! I really have nothing else to do, as everything Edmond does will happen towards the end, after the armor has attacked, whether that is attacking, drinking a potion, or defending, so if I get unlucky, there's really nothing to prevent death))

Okay...that hurt...a lot.
It was quite obvious to him now that being hit with a sword was something to avoid if possible. I really need to get some of those body plates...

((His kevlar vest does have an option to add light steel plating, as there's probably none of that around here, that might have to wait))

"Edmond!  You're protected!  Get in there and slag that minion maker before we get buried in bodies!  And somebody get that sword away from it!"

Protected? That's new.

"I hope you're right..."

With a groan, he lifted himself to his feet, snatched his welder, and dashed towards the armor that had attacked him unprovoked.

Use Weld on the armor (Snow will be using Ice calamity. Rapid heating and cooling for extra damage? :) )((level/2)d4 damage, and adds 2d4+INT(which is at 8 due to Analyze and Theo) to the next attack by an ally)

If the suit of armor is destroyed or otherwise incapacitated before Edmond's turn, drink potion for +10 HP

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Katsuo 33/33, Bloody (-1INT)


Gwaedu blinked worriedly at Katsuo's retreat, it wasn't like him after all.

"Sorry girl, I just don't feel comfortable without Jenny here to hold me back." He explained, "But I suppose there's no real helping it, we'll just have to hope it works out."

Gwaedu blinked her agreement, but it was withdrawn and uncertain. Uncertain looked like it would have to do. He dropped a cartridge out of his sleeve and tossed into into Gwaedu, she began to glow with energy. They charged forward, targeting the less injured of the strange armored enemies that stood before them. A magic triangle spread out from Katsuo's feet as he swung his partner towards the target, collapsing inwards again as the magic discharged into its metal frame


Bleeding Moon on Suit B

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For what it was worth, Magna's efforts seemed to have done something. Her strike had managed to make at least a meaningful dent (or so she'd like to believe) in the suit of armor, as the armor started to show some signs of wear. Just a little more, and they could start to see some meaningful progress. With as much renewed vigor as a skeleton could have, Magna redoubled her efforts to see the armor fall. With any luck, she would be able to bring it under her control.


Reave Suit of Armor A

If Suit of Armor A dies before Magna's turn, use Reanimate the Dead instead.

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Mending Ray on Bridgett (Heal Syn+1d4 Health, cure up to 1 status ailment) ((and if she somehow manages to croak before then, just target the Machine's Reactor with a ranged attack instead))


The radiant fire did nothing as it simply passed through the blob, much to the spider's chagrin. But there were yet other concerns at the moment, it was becoming a bit of a bother how soft some of these flesh bags were, how utterly terrible they took a hit. Truly, it was pathetic. Barely any headway into the battle, and already some of them seemed too close to death for comfort- once more, if she didn't want to end up having to pull their weight as well, it would be in her best interest to intervene...


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Bridgett reals back from the blows of the suit of armor only save by the timely intervention of Mornings Arrow. Boosting Bridgett at the right time. "Thanks."  Bridgett said as she held her side from the last blow."My Pleasure My Lady" Bridgett smiled and pulled out the potion she got earlier and drank it as she maneuvered around trying not to get hit.


(Bridgett Drinks her potion +10 Hp - one potion from inventory)  

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Kagari cupped her red and tender butt. If she'd been a normal human, repeatedly and quickly hitting a piece of metal with her butt would have been rather uncomfortable. Thankfully, her ass was as soft and gelatinous as the rest of her - even if it didn't look the part. She wound up and struck again.


Kagari uses Hip Gatling on Suit of Armor A. If it fails, use it on a random other armor. ((Hip Gatling Deals Xd3 damage, where X is (DEX/2), rounded down. In Akizuki Mode, so has 6*1.2 = 8 DEX after rounding up. Hip Gatling is a butt attack, so Keijo Pro activates, improving base damage prior to modifiers by 8. Final damage roll = 4d3 + 8))

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Turn 2


Katsuo leaps forward into combat, smashing at the currently-inactive armor with magically enhanced strength for [11] damage.


Hikari casts a spell to heal Edmond for [8] health. 


Jade fires a [5] deadly round into the right robotic arm, jarring it and dealing [44] damage. Hikari follows up for [5] damage.


Kurosawa blasts the armor for [8] damage. Hikari strikes again for [8] more damage. 


The suit of armor raises its shield against the onslaught. . .


Jesse retreats behind Alexandria's shield and drinks a potion.


Kagari goes for her signature rear-forward method of attack. She strikes the shield and [32 vs 14] is tossed backward, dazed and stunned.


Snow uses her Ice Calamity, striking the two robotic arms for [0] and [0] damage and the armor for [2]. It disrupts the motion of the other arm, and [12 vs 13] doesn't seem to slow down the armor.


Theodore blasts the right arm with sound for [7] damage. 


Solomon follows up with a torrent of books for [7] damage. 


The armor offers up one more whirling assault, targeting Kurosawa, the Hellfire Knight, Hikari, Jesse, Kagari, and Bridgett. They take [9], [4], [0], [16], [29] and [8] damage. It then slumps over a bit, but stays standing, immobile. 


Aurora hits Bridgett with an actual non-harmful beam which is sadly not actually powered by friendship for [8] health healed.


Sachi issues a bold challenge to the unmoving suit of armor. It doesn't react particularly strongly. Tower Stance ends. 


Visrii cleanly slices the battered suit of armor in half. It makes a loud clatter as it falls to the floor in pieces.


The glowing object on the machine sparks and sputters, heralding the bolt of lightning lancing out at Hikari. Electricity courses through her, stunning her and inflicting [24-RES] damage for 3 rounds. 


Venus fires a shot into the still-unmoving armor for [9] damage.


Kyle overrides the GM's choice of quality music that is both thematic and dramatic with his own alternative. It doesn't seem to do as much as he expected; probably a mistake somewhere in the process. +1 RES to the entire party for 2 turns. 


Bridgett quaffs a potion.


A jagged bolt lances out at Jade, but his lightning reflexes save him (and his friends) as it discharges into the ground. 


Mar gives Bridgett a. . . questionable Orcish healing concoction, and then Bop Fractures the left arm for [3] damage. He obtains a Heartless Machine fragment. 

Edmond drinks a potion. 


Magna attempts to reanimate the fallen suit of armor. It doesn't seem to stick, though. 


The Hellfire Knight retaliates against the assault with an expanding wave of fire, narrowly avoiding her allies, dealing [10] damage to Armor B, [10] to both arms, and [7] damage to the reactor. A slightly shimmering barrier of hexagons forms up around the device. 


Eon blasts both arms with shattered stars for [2] damage each. The third rebounds from the reactor, the barrier dissipating as the stardust strikes Eon himself for [1] damage.


Alexandria projects a shield covering the wounded mechanic. 



Jade O'Duffle: 23
Takino Hikari: 23
Izumi Kurosawa: 21
???: 20
Jesse: 20
Koizumi Kagari: 19
Snow Ashford: 18
Theodore Murphy: 18
Solomon D.R.: 17
???: 15
Aurora: 13
Sachi Honda: 13
Visrii Lutheim: 11
???: 10
Venus Tireur: 8
Himura Katsuo: 7
Kyle Johnson: 7
Bridgett Myth: 6
???: 5
Mar: 4
Edmond Cooper: 4
Magna Sigyl: 2
Hellfire Knight: 1
Eon: 0
Alexandria: 0*

Party Status


Jade O'Duffle: Healthy
Takino Hikari: 16/33, +5 RES (1 turns remaining), Stunned, Electrocuted (2 turns remaining)
Izumi Kurosawa: 24/32 HP
Jesse: 8/32 HP
Koizumi Kagari: 2/31 HP, Stunned
Snow Ashford: Healthy
Theodore Murphy: Healthy
Solomon D.R.: Healthy, +5 INT (1 turns remaining), Res x2 (1 turn remaining)
Aurora: 31/31 HP
Sachi Honda: Healthy, +5 RES (1 turns remaining), Tower Stance
Visrii Lutheim: Healthy
Venus Tireur: Healthy
Himura Katsuo: Healthy, Pulse Dash
Kyle Johnson: Healthy
Bridgett Myth: ? HP, Obscured Health, +2 RES, -2 Damage
Mar: 28/33 HP, +1 STR/CON, -1 INT/DEX
Edmond Cooper: 30/32 HP, 12 THP
Magna Sigyl: Healthy
Hellfire Knight: 31/35 HP, +5 SYN (1 turns remaining)
Eon: 32/33 HP
Alexandria: Healthy 

Enemy Status:


Robot Arm L: Damaged
Robot Arm R: Crumbling
Suit of Armor A: Destroyed
Suit of Armor B: Damaged
Reactor: Scratched
???: ???

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Kyle looks confused and shakes his phone about. Seeing as that doesn't do much he sighs again. He assesses the situation and finds that given everyone is going before him and will probably deal with everything before he can get to it, it's probably best that he just minimizes the risk to himself.

Kyle takes cover.

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Alexandria taunts the thing that is shooting lightning.  "Hey!  Discount spark plug!  Give me your best shot!"


[OOC:  Projected Barrier has 4 turns of cooldown left.]


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