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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Kyle blinks. Then he covers face and takes a few deep breathes. Finally he drops his hands.

"It's not just me that thinks that a letter would have been more useful right? Like, it could have answered everything we needed, wouldn't have ended with a "Actually, I have time to slowly walk up to you but no time to answer all your questions" you know, stuff like that?"


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" Even if he answered all the questions, it wouldn't change what we have to do." Kenta says to Kyle and scratches his head. "Were stuck together till this war is over. Some of us may end up dying, some of us may live. It's hard to say, point is we are in it for the long haul."  Kenta starts walking back toward the Castle shoving his list in his pocket. His hands shake because he had watched as the thing walked off, he had watched himself die again and this time he wasn't sure what scared him more that he knew he was bound in death or that his roommate would be left alone for the rest of her life. 

"Gunna need some serious shit to get over this..." He murmurs to himself wiping a hand down his face as sat down outside looking at the group. "This isn't gunna be easy."  

Edited by Amoris Verienium
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1 hour ago, Strider said:

Edmond listened carefully, but could think of nothing to ask. Most questions that appeared in his mind would hopefully be answered in time. So...I was called here...

He was still not comfortable, not certain why he in particular had been chosen. He glanced around uncomfortably as the man departed. Almost everyone appeared to be shaken, and...Did someone just turn into a puddle?!

Edmond turned away, utterly bewildered, and noticed Sachi leaning against the wall, retching.

He reached into his bag, and shoved around until he found the canteen he had received in town.

"You saw yourself..." He trailed off, and grimaced.

"Do you need a drink?"

He proffered the full canteen of water.

Sachi gratefully takes it, chugging the water down to wash the burning sensation of acrid vomit away. She's breathing a little easier now, but she's still clearly shaken. She's standing a little straighter now, if a bit hunched over.

"T-thank you....and sorry...."

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"You're welcome...and what are you apologizing for? I don't know what you saw, but I'm certain it was horrific..."

He shuddered, and forced down the flood of images that had risen at that slight thought. He tossed the canteen back into his bag, and slung it back over his shoulder.

I don't know if she has any experience with this type of thing...I don't know if she's often been in situations facing death.

I could barely handle it...


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There's a silence from Isobel and LOTUS before the little AI speaks. "Wee-eee-elll, that was ominous. In fact, I think it quite literally doesn't get more ominous than that." Another pause from LOTUS, as Isobel remains silent. "If he's telling the truth, though, I'm ready to fight... or at least help you all fight, I'm not precisely capable of doing it on my own. But I can help win battles and I can help fight a war, which it sounds like this is. I... wish I wasn't disconnected from the rest of the Tactical Uplink, everything feels so awfully silent and everything would be better with that additonal data flow, but I'm not incapable. I've got people I want to protect, so I'll do what I can.


And if he isn't telling the truth? Well, then there's probably nothing I can do about it. So I'm just going to try to formulate a plan for fighting that war. Uh, question, though, he seems to have left out a fairly big piece of information. Does anyone have the slightest idea how we're going to get to these less "infected" worlds and clean them out? Or even how we're going to pick them out in the first place?"


Meanwhile, Isobel just stares at the ground miserably and still silently, pulling lightly on the leather fingers of her green-stained gloves while LOTUS chatters away.

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The adrenaline eventually thinned, as Soryn regained his senses. He spat distastefully, as if disgusted. He stood upright and dusted himself off, reverting his appearance. His fangs and nails shortened, and his pupils returned to their normal brown color. He combed his wiry fingers through his hair, sleeking it back to it's original shape. He hated reverting back to what he referred to his 'feral' form. It wasn't elegant, and certainly not suitable to blend into normal society. Looking around at his surroundings, it seemed that the others had experienced some similar agony. Provided no one was paying too much detail to him, they wouldn't have a cause for alarm. His eyes narrowed, as his attention was then directed to the cause of his distress. He had regained his senses long enough to hear the man's explanation. But after his explanation was done, he started to leave. Before he could get too far, Soryn tried to follow the man to find some answers.


"And who do you think you are?" Soryn said in a haughty tone. "To have presumably dragged us out here across universes, out of our own will, and fight for your cause? Something doesn't add up here."

Soryn walked up closer to the impaled man, but kept a wary distance of him. Whatever he- it was, it sent chills down Soryn's spine. 
"And for what reason should I help you? Are you going to threaten me with bodily harm, or outright kill me if I refuse?" he spat. Soryn was absolutely livid. He tried his best to hide the trembling in his hands; they hadn't subsided after the vision he had. His other hand clutched his arm to try and stop the shaking. His nails dug into his flesh, as a small trickle of blood ran down his hand. "You'd at least have one less fighter. So I think you'd best give me a good reason as to why I should do as you say."

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Edmond stared a moment as the words slowly sank in. She was apologizing for taking a drink.

"You...wait, what? The water? That's what you're apologizing for?"

Who does that? Who apologizes for drinking water!? Why would someone even think they had to?


"No...You don't need to worry about that. You needed it, and I offered it freely. There's no need for an apology..."

He lapsed into a puzzled silence.

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Halley noticed everyone cringing in horror. "Come on, guys. Mr. Porcupine sounded serious. We'll have to pep up for what we're about to face," She said. "Our mission may very well result in our sacrifices, which is why we need to overcome our fears! Whatever it may be, death or torture, we can't just let that stop us!"


She got a bit angry at the end, perhaps disappointed by the team's morale, utterly destroyed by mere illusions. But, then again, no one but her really asked for this, right?

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After Leon finally manage to pull himself together, he listen to what the guy have to say. He listen to him quietly, as he once again, question himself.


He want someone like me save the multiverse?


When the guy finally left. Leon grab his left arm where a blue ribbon is tied. Can he really do this? Can he save the multiverse? Can someone like him who twice can't even save the person he cared about, to actually saving the universe? What if he failed, again? So many thought pouring into Leon's head.


Not to mention, his vision. Is that how he's going to die? By that bitch's hand? Or is that how I will mostly die? He could care less either way, but... she killed her... does that mean he would fail?


No... that's... Leon please... calm down... he took a deep breath as he trying to calm himself


"This is going to be a long ride." As he sighs to himself.

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"You have a point new girl. If we were recruited then that means we should probably have come to terms with the fact that we'll die some day. And we should come to terms with uh... ah hell what was it that that one website calls it..."

Kyle scratches his chin.

"The uh... the phone knows where you sleep? Eh, close enough. Basically you aren't gonna get out of this even if it weren't for the fact that it'll affect you even if you weren't here. So uh... Man the fuck up or something. I don't know. I'm not a psychologist."

Kyle goes back inside to ruminate.

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"O-oh, um....sorry...."


And that is when the sound of a small moped can be heard approaching the group.


As they turn to see what's going on, they see, atop a shiny new blue moped of indeterminate make, a red-haired lady, her hair tied in two ponytails, clothed in a formfitting sweater that seems to emphasise her rather large chest. Underneath, equally formfitting black jeans cover her from waist to ankle to her feet, which are clad in sandals. She draws up to the group, her vivid green eyes surveying the group. The girl clambers off the moped, pulling out her phone, which also seems to be of an unfamiliar model to the group.


Her eyes flit from the phone screen to the group, as if not quite sure what to think. After a few moments of this, she has to ask.

"Which one of you is......Cinna? Is that right? Not sure how you pronounce that. Cinna? Anyone?"

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Mar takes this in.  Suddenly, a wide grin splits his face.


"You all hear that? Do you really hear it?  This is the opportunity of a lifetime.  All that is, all that we love is under threat by a single banner, a banner which has no face, and has no heart, one which each and every one of us have been chosen for.  If this man speaks the truth, we will either die martyrs, or emerge heroes of every single thing.  I say we get our spirits high, and our hearts hot enough to burn!"


He chortles, then pounds his chest, his face starkly contrasting, and deadly serious.


"Each and everyone of us will be ready for this, Our souls will burn brighter than they ever have before, and Our hearts will be strong, and our minds will be wide open.  If the last of my life is spent pursuing it.  I'll swear it here."


"Who here is ready to walk the road to being Saviors of the Multiverse?!"


Mar shouts, and he is damn well expecting an answer as he rises up to his full height from his normally hunched over position.

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"Sounds fun, but can we go and find a drink or something first? Some of us look like we'd need a stiff one", Solomon shrugs as he walks over to Kyle "you know, if it would make you less trigger happy, would you want a golden necklace? It would be enchanted".

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"I wish I shared your enthusiasm for battle. But, seeing as there isn't exactly a way home right now, I guess I'll do my best to help."


Theo cheers up a bit at Mar's display. He starts playing music again, but this time something more quiet and hopeful. Maybe something with a little flute. 

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Gary had been just standing there. He was no stranger to going to new an exotic worlds; there were 5 of them that he knew of in his Overworld (being Nether, End, Aether, Deep Dark, and Void) ... but this place was not like those. If he had understood correctly, the near Enderman-sized mob just said this was a different Universe. Well, that explained why nothing here seemed to be based on 1m x 1m x 1m cubes, and why the rest of these mobs didn't appear to be made out of rectangular prisms. This was indeed another Universe. 

"E-Excuse me, but I feel as though I am missing some information here," Gary inquired, attempting to fully understand the scope of the situation, "Exactly how big is this multiverse? Oh, and I also have no idea who any of you are... thus I assume you have no idea who I am; so before the intense stuff, I feel an introduction would be more fitting: I am Gary S. Modd, and I have no idea where I am right now... all I have been able to deduce is that this isn't my ... Universe..."

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"YEAH!" Halley shouted, a loud and sure answer. "That's the spirit!"


She wasn't sure how she got here, but at least she knew why. Maybe not everyone wanted to be the savior of the multiverse, but it wasn't simply a job that could be refused. There wouldn't be a world to return to if no one took on the mantle. Despite how everyone's ultimate goal varied, they had a common obstacle, a shared objective. Perhaps that would finally unite them?


She smiled. There was nothing to be afraid of. Even the gloomy, putrid sky looked like it was clear.


She noticed a confused, blocky man, one of the newcomers. "You look like a doll, Gary. My name's Halley." She introduced herself in return. "I'm not sure where this is, either, but that's beside the point. We won't be here for long. There are more Heartless for us to destroy in other universes! Though... I'm not sure how that's going to happen."

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47 minutes ago, Astrorious said:

Gary had been just standing there. He was no stranger to going to new an exotic worlds; there were 5 of them that he knew of in his Overworld (being Nether, End, Aether, Deep Dark, and Void) ... but this place was not like those. If he had understood correctly, the near Enderman-sized mob just said this was a different Universe. Well, that explained why nothing here seemed to be based on 1m x 1m x 1m cubes, and why the rest of these mobs didn't appear to be made out of rectangular prisms. This was indeed another Universe. 

"E-Excuse me, but I feel as though I am missing some information here," Gary inquired, attempting to fully understand the scope of the situation, "Exactly how big is this multiverse? Oh, and I also have no idea who any of you are... thus I assume you have no idea who I am; so before the intense stuff, I feel an introduction would be more fitting: I am Gary S. Modd, and I have no idea where I am right now... all I have been able to deduce is that this isn't my ... Universe..."

Kenta who has finally found a way to compose himself pulled his folded list from his pocket and approaches the individual named Gary and the girl who he was talking to him. " Pick one." He says offering the folded fortune square list to Gary," I'll try and fill you in, it's a mess but it's gunna be your life till were done with this." Kenta tries to provide a warm bro like smile that says he can be trusted. 

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16 minutes ago, IntSys said:

"YEAH!" Halley shouted, a loud and sure answer. "That's the spirit!"


She wasn't sure how she got here, but at least she knew why. Maybe not everyone wanted to be the savior of the multiverse, but it wasn't simply a job that could be refused. There wouldn't be a world to return to if no one took on the mantle. Despite how everyone's ultimate goal varied, they had a common obstacle, a shared objective. Perhaps that would finally unite them?


She smiled. There was nothing to be afraid of. Even the gloomy, putrid sky looked like it was clear.


She noticed a confused, blocky man, one of the newcomers. "You look like a doll, Gary. My name's Halley." She introduced herself in return. "I'm not sure where this is, either, but that's beside the point. We won't be here for long. There are more Heartless for us to destroy in other universes! Though... I'm not sure how that's going to happen."

" Halley that's a very pretty name." Kenta says smiling at her warmly " would you like your dinnertime fortune told?"  He points at the hastily scribbled grocery list that he folded into a fortune teller. 

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The big guy was right. This was the chance of the lifetime. A chance to save everyone, a chance to prove once and for all that she was strong. Even if she'd thought she'd had it in Tempest. . . She trembled a bit. Probably because Kagari turned into goo. Yeah, it was that. Okay. Enough is enough. I don't need to hide anything from them, we're all on the same team. If they can take the ten year old seriously, they can take me seriously. A hand reached up to the Hellfire Knight's chin, and grabbed hold of something, then pulled. It was hard to tell what it was with how quickly it dropped with their hand.


"I am."

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"Ah, multiverse theory," Alexandria plods up to Gary, a friendly smile on her place, "An incredibly complex and contentious branch of science and magic.  I believe that the prevailing theory, in my home at least, is that every universe starts with a tiny change.  Perhaps a man who would one day be very important chose to go left rather than right down a path, and was eaten by a predator rather than raising a conquering army.  Perhaps random chance near the very beginning changed one or more rules of how the universe works.  Regardless, over time these single changes compound and continue to diverge as one change begets another, spawning an endless series of parallel worlds, one for each of the ways a scenario could have reasonably gone.  And if the first critical change was long enough ago, we get cubic people living in a world of computer code sitting in the same room as an android from the far future," She gestures to herself, "A savant from before the iron age," She indicates Mar, "And a Lung dragon made of stars," She nods politely in Eon's direction, "All sitting in the same room.  Each from a place fundamentally alien, yet of identical origins.  Of course, this is only a theory.  We could be completely wrong.  But I have yet to find evidence disproving it."


"And if the multiverse needs saving, you can count me in.  I have been sitting behind a desk for far too long.  It makes me feel old.  It is far past time I got out there cracked some heads.  Although, if anyone has mechanical engineering knowledge, I'd rather like your assistance.  This shrapnel is starting to itch, and fighting without depth perception is something I would prefer not to do.  Of course, you would be compensated for your services to the best of my abilities.  I doubt my Galactic Standard Credits are of much value here, but I believe we will be able to come to an agreement."



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42 minutes ago, IntSys said:

"YEAH!" Halley shouted, a loud and sure answer. "That's the spirit!"


She wasn't sure how she got here, but at least she knew why. Maybe not everyone wanted to be the savior of the multiverse, but it wasn't simply a job that could be refused. There wouldn't be a world to return to if no one took on the mantle. Despite how everyone's ultimate goal varied, they had a common obstacle, a shared objective. Perhaps that would finally unite them?


She smiled. There was nothing to be afraid of. Even the gloomy, putrid sky looked like it was clear.


She noticed a confused, blocky man, one of the newcomers. "You look like a doll, Gary. My name's Halley." She introduced herself in return. "I'm not sure where this is, either, but that's beside the point. We won't be here for long. There are more Heartless for us to destroy in other universes! Though... I'm not sure how that's going to happen."

Suddenly, one of the mobs, this one similar to an Iron Golem in material, but closer to his height, and apparently a female, approached him, calling herself 'Halley'. Apparently he looked like a doll, though he never saw himself looking like those odd pink mob-shaped decorative blocks one makes out of colored clay. she also called these 'Trespassers' the 'Heartless'; an interesting name, and also makes them sound a bit more evil.

"Hi, its nice to meet you..."


Kenta who has finally found a way to compose himself pulled his folded list from his pocket and approaches the individual. " Pick one." He says offering the folded fortune square list to him," I'll try and fill you in, it's a mess but it's gunna be your life till were done with this." Kenta tries to provide a warm bro like smile that says he can be trusted. 

then another mob, this one with purple hair, approached Gary in a friendly manner, though this one dose not introduce himself, he does seem like he is trying to lighten the mood. with some sort of simple game in his hands. 

"oh, ah, ok..."

after thinking for a short time, he chose the quadrent on the device in the upper left corner (the mob's lower right)

9 minutes ago, Zoe_Walker said:

"Ah, multiverse theory," Alexandria plods up to Gary, a friendly smile on her place, "An incredibly complex and contentious branch of science and magic.  I believe that the prevailing theory, in my home at least, is that every universe starts with a tiny change.  Perhaps a man who would one day be very important chose to go left rather than right down a path, and was eaten by a predator rather than raising a conquering army.  Perhaps random chance near the very beginning changed one or more rules of how the universe works.  Regardless, over time these single changes compound and continue to diverge as one change begets another, spawning an endless series of parallel worlds, one for each of the ways a scenario could have reasonably gone.  And if the first critical change was long enough ago, we get cubic people living in a world of computer code sitting in the same room as an android from the far future," She gestures to herself, "A savant from before the iron age," She indicates Mar, "And a Lung dragon made of stars," She nods politely in Eon's direction, "All sitting in the same room.  Each from a place fundamentally alien, yet of identical origins.  Of course, this is only a theory.  We could be completely wrong.  But I have yet to find evidence disproving it."


another... Golem-like mob spoke up, talking about the insane theory behind what the 'Multiverse' was. 

"That sounds like.... well... " He thought for a second "like we have a lot of space to search for these... 'Trespassers' or 'Heartless' or whatever you call them."


Edited by Astrorious
Quoted the wrong post... oops
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