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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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"Woahwoahwoah, are those engines going to be put onto the castle?" Halley asked, absolutely baffled. "And they're supposed to- " She stopped abruptly. Right... magic. Just believe in it...


She closed her eyes, imagining the sight of the castle tank rolling through a barren field at high speed, and vanish just when it was about to collide with a mountain, leaving a blazing trail in its wake. "Magic... magic..." She uttered.

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"Hm.  I believe I shall travel to the forges, and see what I can do about repairing my eye," Alexandria smirks, "No pun intended.  Anyone who wishes to assist me would be most appreciated.  And anyone who would like to upgrade their firearms is welcome to tag along.  I will be drawing gauss wire anyway to fix my integrated cannons, and it would not be difficult to also retrofit any firearms offered as gauss weapons.  They would require batteries for optimal function, but still be capable of use as a powder firearm.  Estimated muzzle velocity:  two thousand meters per second."

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Anyone entering the smithy would be met with Kyle curiously messing with the strange alloy. Privately he's perplexed by just what the fuck kind of metal it is anyways and why no one stole it when everything else of value was taken. Outwardly he's poking it with a shotgun like any good American would do.

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Gary had just entered the Castle, and heard the second Golem-like mob speak about a forge. 

"I will come. not sure how much help I can be, but I have used a forge before so maybe I can be of some use... maybe..."

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"I'll follow along."


Mar sees him poking at the giant metal lump.


"I see you have been looking at that.  Hally Melted all the ingots in the smithy into this monstrosity."


"I've been cracking Gear off of it for a while now."


"Kyle, what is your gun made of, now that I think about it?  May I test what Mana it makes?"


Mar asks, approaching.

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"I suppose I'll join you all as well," Ritsu remarked, mostly trying to check if the castle would be a decent base of operations. She wasn't quite accustomed to the new area, but she decided that she could probably deal with it.

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Alexandria pops her damaged eye out with a grimace, and starts examining it.  "Okay, that's busted, and that's busted...  That's slagged pretty good.  That looks intact though; it's a real pain to replace...  Hey, Kyle.  Do you know what a gauss gun is?"

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Eventually argent goes to claim a place to sleep, and finds himself settling down in one of the suites.

(we should get some more decor in here...)

(Like what, I know your not going to build me a shrine, and you should be worried about getting home)

(eh if I go home I'll probably just get dragged off agian. And people need help. I'll help for now, so I have a family to go home to.)


(we aren't haveing this conversation.)

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"If ya can't properly explain it beyond magic I ain't lettin' you have my gun."

Kyle turns to Alexandria.

"Yeah, basically it's a gun that uses a fancy magnet coiled around the barrel to accelerate the payload to extremely high speeds. Also, it's fun to say."

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Solomon walks slowly into the smithy with all of his golden foil wrapped chocolate and puts them on the nearest table, "Can we turn this into a light golden chesplate? I feel like I want to not get stabbed at or slashed at anymore".

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"Mana is a type of energy produced by a soul, a hole in reality to a plane of infinite energy, this energy changes in it's function based on the substance it touches, and commands from the soul that produced it, or is currently governing it.  Making Mana touch or infusing it into, gold for example, produces Solar Energy.  While applying it to Obsidian turns the Mana into Magma when it is infused into the obsidian."


Mar Crosses his arms.


Mar helps solomon, doing as he asks when working on the chestplate.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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In the background, a humorous moment occurs from some perspectives.


(15, 20) Mar infuses Mana into the gun, an arc of lighting shoots from it, Zapping Mar in the head.


"God Granite that hurt!"


Mar shouts, bleeding lightly from the cauterized wound on the ground.


Debuff Added: Cauterized Head Wound: Start at half Health next combat.  Wounds like that don't heal quickly or easily...

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"I do not believe I wish to marry anyone at this time.  But I have already begun drawing the necessary wires.  In the mean-time, this is a fuel cell.  Water goes in, electricity comes out.  Its adapter should be compatible with most electronics, and it will power the magnetic coils once installed."


Alexandria provides Kyle with the miscellaneous item "6013 fuel cell".

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Gary observes the few projects happening in the room, involving very different levels of knowledge in magic, technology, and smiting. Suddenly, the one using magic reals in pain after being shocked by the weapon he was trying to enchant.

"Hey, you alright?"

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Still thoroughly perplexed as to what the hell was actually going on, the battered heroes brief exposition of dying universes and eldritch creatures hell bent on devouring everything they touched only serving to intensify her disorientation, Tesla ultimately made her way into the castle proper once the stranger had left. The words he'd spoken rang through her mind all the while however. Multiverses? It wasn't exactly something that sounded that far fetched, that different planes and worlds could be interconnected to one another if one knew how to cross their boundaries. Hell, Tempest was literally the perfect example with it's multiple planes of existence, even Favor had it's own native realm that was simply tapped into when needed, and then there were the legends and stories of The People of the Sphere to boot. 

      Quite honestly however, had she not been standing right there at that precise moment in another reality, another world entirely, she still wouldn't have believed a place so utterly different from the geology of Tempest could exist. There, nothing but grey, mostly empty wastes met those who dared ventured beyond the proximity of an Anchor, dotted with the occasional growth of Void Moss on an outcropping or, if one were lucky and depending on whatever Plane they'd managed to wander into without even knowing, the sight of another random Anchor or some settlement built around it. She knew the Wastes all too well, had practically been born in them for all that it mattered, molded by it's harsh emptiness. She hadn't even seen another Anchored Location until she'd already spent years wandering aimlessly and foraging the moss, and by then, the sheer, unadulterated contrast between the apathetic emptiness of the wilderness she'd come to know, and the living colors and activity of the erected facades and their inhabitants, was utterly blinding.


This place though. It reminded her of home in a way, despite the vast differences. It in essence, had seemed just a barren when she'd been walking with the man in the bomber jacket and the others he'd found. Not a single plant growing wild anywhere, nothing but barren facades and desolate ground. Not a single river or stream in sight beyond the Town's boundaries, probably tapped from some underground source if Tesla had to guess. But still. This place had color. Except for Wrath and it's star, Tempest was grayer than the most washed out Slate. 


She took a peek into some of the chambers as she walked, most notably the barracks and throne room. Aside from the array of controls and monitors connected to the chair in the latter- something to look at later on for certain -nothing truly caught her eye...


until she walked into the Engineering Bay, that is. She nearly did a double take as she saw the sheer disrepair of the engines - how the hell this group apparently managed to drive this thing at all with the systems looking this utterly shite was beyond her, had to have been at least several decades without maintenance for the rust to pile on so severely, though... from the condition of all the other parts of the castle she had passed, she wouldn't have been surprised if this thing had been left to sit and corrode for far longer than even that.

      "T...This...this is terrible. Probably the worse case of Neglect I've ever seen..." She took a step back, taking it all in again, the disrepair surrounding her. "Wait... wasn't there some blond guy and a few others who said they were coming to hook something to... this? This peice of shit? By the gods of tempest..."


She sighed. Even as the exasperation set in however, so too did the drive from the prospective challenge. This could've easily been the one project most in dire need of some elbow grease and effort she'd ever come across, and if those guys were already on their way down here, maybe they could use a hand. 


Maybe they had no actual idea just how bad this thing had gotten over the years. 


Either way, she knew precisely what she'd be spending her time on for the next while. Beginning to rifle through the Menu of the Void Sphere in her mind's connection, she headed into the adjoined offices, hoping to perhaps find some type of leftover and forgotten records on just what or who had built this thing so long ago...


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"I need the bottle."


Mar moans. trying to get up.  There is no Orcish Brew, his efforts are in vain.


Need to solve the problem.


Mar goes over to the Lump.


Smashing a rock on top of it, A pot and a Pile of cubes are made.


He takes the nasty water from the quenching tank, Oil from the same, Crushed up coal, and A healthy helping of Mana.


"Going to get stuff for painkiller.  Come if you're quiet and curious."


He heaps this up on top of the furnace, and stalks outside, clutching his head.



    Name: Orcish Brewery
    Description: A crude metal pot full of questionable liquids.  Used to produce higher quality and replacement Orcish Medicine.
    Type: Ship Bauble
    Minimum Stats: 0
    Weight: 0
    SYN/INT Threshold/Bonus:
    Special Qualities:



Mar wanders off into the wilderness, searching for plants.


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Solomon follows Mar outside of the castle out of curiosity, and also because he wanted to make sure that the man was alright, the man had just been blasted by lightning after all, he cursed his own lack of healing skill or potions, and the general barren nature of the wasteland they were in, "Hey Mar, I don't think that you can find any plants here, maybe you can obtain some in the town?".

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