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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Izumi Kurosawa, Rendezvous Point

Kurosawa returned the the meeting point, having tailed the absurd helicopter, awaiting what she could presume to its fiery end, an end that now seemed far less inevitable than she had first thought. Whatever the madman had in mind, he didn't seem to accomplish it, it was almost, disappointing, though she knew better than to admit that, there could have been far worse outcomes after all. Nodding to Sif, she brushes past Solomon, returning to her spot near Leon as before.

Edited by Empiricist
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The grey cloaked man nodded at Theodore's statement, and the helicopter faded to nonexistence, leaving only a floating seat; which Solomon moved inside of the meeting hall, as he entered he finally noticed the rickety looking bookcase, and he said "Hey, does anyone here have a ballpoint pen I could borrow?".

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Katsuo took one look at the piece of art and immediately recognized that it was well crafted. He wasn't any form of expert, but he could see that there was passion on this paper, and passion was art in itself. Or at least it was when he was from. But there was a problem in accepting the gift.

"I'm sorry, I'm not really one for trinkets." He explained, "I only carry what fits in my pockets. It's probably best if you find some way to keep it more permanently than in my pocket. Although if you really insist I'll hold onto it as long as I can."

Katsuo considered for a moment giving the sedatives to Venus, but quickly decided against that. He hadn't seen Venus in combat at all, and something told him the artist might get just as out of hand as he would, if not more.

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Solomon took the pen that Edmond had been offering with a mumbled word of thanksgiving, and he examined the volumes that were displayed in front of him, and as he leaned back on his makeshift throne, and opened the book he had been carrying, and he flicked the pages until he found the one he had wanted, the good old Table of Contents; he opened the cap on the pen, and tried to write down the name of the nearest book.

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Venus' work was posh, but also practical. He hid a frown directed at Katsuo, knowing how simple the problem would be solved, and he had a few ways he could make it much less burdening for the younger boy to carry it. Taking a piece of string from his sack hidden beneath his cloak, he rolled the piece of paper into a relatively thin cylinder, enough for one to store in a pocket (the notebook's pages are no bigger than the average exercise book) before securing it with the piece of string. 


"Here-" He handed the piece of work, as such that it was now much more convenient to be carried to Katsuo's likings. "Now it would suffice."

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Jade O'Duffle


Jade wasn't too much into mingling with the others at the moment. Instead he headed for the shop to pick up some stuff for their mission. He walks up to one of the stalls. He didn't want to take more than necessary from this town so he just took a single potion. With that finished he headed towards the meeting place and kept himself away from most f the conversations. He just wanted some alone time before the mission. Though he made sure to keep an eye out for when they would begin to head out.


(+1 potion)

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Leon popped in after everyone had gathered in the room. "Alright, everyone listening? I'm only gonna say this once, so pay attention. 


We've narrowed down the general direction that the Heartless are coming from. You all will be going down the main path while we sweep up anything that slips past you through the side tunnels. We're not sure what exactly you'll be looking for, but it'll be a building of some kind, or maybe a portal. Either way, you need to stop the Heartless from coming through. If it's a portal, you need to figure a way to close it, or secure the area so we can get Merlin over there to do it. If it's a building, then we're dealing with a Heartless factory. You need to go in, and look for the main machine that Heartless seem to be coming from. Turn it off, somehow, or just, you know, smash it to unrecognizable pieces. Do the latter, actually, then no one can turn it back on. I'll take you to the gate and open it up for you."


With that, the man didn't even pause for questions. He simply exited the same way he'd come in, giving the group no choice besides following him if they didn't want to be left behind. He took them to a different entrance than the one they'd used previously; this one had a massive iron portcullis with a few magical-looking scribblings on it. He threw a lever, and the sound of various chains and pulleys moving echoed in the gateway before the thing ratcheted upward. 


As the group proceeded through the path - seemingly what was left of some aged castle hallways, roof torn off and exposed to the air, and mixed jaggedly with canyons through rock similar to the ones they'd followed to get to the town - a heavy downpour started, seemingly to announce the appearance of their enemies.


[Freeform Battle Initiated]


Objective: Reach the end of the path!


Among the foes that appeared, a there were a large number of small, skittering things, vaguely humanoid with glowing yellow eyes. There was a smaller number of versions that seemed to be more "matured" or similar, with larger frames. There was also the occasional large, spiked thing, round and green, with that red and black heart emblem emblazoned on it. Backing them up from the air were strange birdlike things, making trumpeting sounds upon sighting the heroes. It wouldn't be easy going, following the path.


((Basically, this isn't going to be straight mechanics, just freeform combat RP. You can auto-hit things and such, these are weak enemies, but your goal isn't to beat them all.))

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Kyle shrugs at the weird creatures as he reaches into his jacket. He returns with a baseball sized cylindrical green thingy. Some would reckon this as a grenade. He helpfully signs out a warning to stay back before pulling the pin and tossing it at a group of the little ones. Those are always the most annoying. He's played Training Mission after all. Weirdwork was always banned in his house.

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"I suggest you follow me and fend off flankers," Alexandria states, "I will be proceeding down the path."  She then deploys her hard-light shield and rocket hammer, and wades into the fray, bulldozing the small fry aside.


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"Huff, Huff, Huff, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa...!"


Mar is Breathing heavily, he lifts up his sword, and his body seems to be bulking up.




He charges, swinging wildly and charging through them, he might not even see right now, as half of his swings hit nothing at all as he barrels forward.


Sharp Stone crashes into darkness, glowing bursts fly from the stone sword as it chips into sharper and sharper pieces.  Orcish Magic shows it's face as the blade is made sharper than what a whetstone can offer.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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Jade O'Duffle


Staying in the middle of the group, rather than focusing on the grounded enemies Jade aims his gun towards the sky at the strange look birds. He can't really deal with mass swarms of enemies but he can pick things off one by one. Which out everything here, enemies in the sky are the most difficult to hit. Using just basic bullets he shoots the ducks birds with great precision. As each bird fell, for some reason, he expected a dog to pick them up with a happy tune. Either way clearing the sky is his main priority, as well as making sure to reload when needed. 

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"no it can't be...these humanoids, they remind me of something with their strange eyes, A powerful yellow eyed demon named Azazel that my uncles vanquished back in the days and trap his sorry ass inside a soulstone. hmm, these malevolent things, could it be his doing?" Jesse asked no one in particular and draw his gun.


"anyways, I'm pretty sure Azazel doesn't have a reach on this plane..so it doesn't matter. Also, It's too late now to get some salt and perform an exorcism on these poor souls.. might as well shoot these things and chase them back to hell where they belong.." The angel said and level his gun. With a deadly precision and a steady aim. The sniper fires a regular silver bullet that travels at a supersonic speed, piercing through the medium size heartless's thick skull and jumps onto another align to it,  blasting both creatures with one shot.


"I can do this with my eyes close" Jesse snorted and level his gun once more at the incoming mob.

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"In the end, we're the ones left with the heavy lifting," Magna sighed, as she batted away one of the smaller Heartless with her scythe. Magna kept walking at a casual pace, with no real urgency to her stride. The small ones, at least, didn't seem to be that strong. Magna wanted to conserve her energy as much as possible, given that the only thing about these creatures were their numbers, which didn't seem to dwindle no matter how many of them they cleared. Somehow she had imagined their journey to be more exciting, but it was nothing but clearing small fry at this point in time. But perhaps there was an end-boss lying ahead in wait for them! As that thought crossed her mind, her mood immediately perked up, her step suddenly having a step to it. "Come on Kagarin~ Snow~ H.K.~ Adventure awaits us!"


Another of the smaller Heartless lunged at her, but she swung her scythe in a wide arc behind her, eliminating it from existence. She really wanted to find a proper minion. A strong one, preferably, as these cannon-fodder simply weren't going to cut it.

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Hikari had preemptively transformed again, once they moved out. She hefts her spear - or Ivory, one supposes. "Most of you can't fly, right? I'll help out in the air, signal if you need some help." she says, before raising her spear in the air. The air around her hummed for a moment, and a portal opened in the air behind her. Out of it came a... thing, of black metal, shaped like a wyvern except with jets replacing it's hind legs. It zoomed beside her, and Hikari hopped on as it ascended towards the flying creatures. 

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"Holy shit that's a lot of baddies! Let's turn up the beat!"


Theo removes his headphones and folds them into their combat shape. He casts good vibrations on the party, then casts raw resonance on the shadows small monsters. 

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Izumi Kurosawa, Canyon Path 

Rain. Familiar, yet strange, alien. Heavier, far heavier, it lacked that quintessential feel, that sensation of her worries slowly washing away, of purification.


Kurosawa sighs. She really wasn't sober enough for this. 


The air darkens. Reality bleeds. Clouds, storm clouds, roiling with the howling gale, bleeding forth from invisible wounds. Spinning and spiralling, shifting and churning, a miniature cyclone, whispering with the promise of violence. 


The Crow, the Shepherd, the Storm. They call CivSec by many names, but to his  servants lies a common theme. At times, they were called lapdogs, at other times, mongrels, Kurosawa was just glad "bitches" just didn't roll off the tongue as well, otherwise she'd be hearing plenty of that too. But for the most part, they called them Hounds. Every shepherd needs a sheepdog after all, or so the (blatantly false) saying goes. 


Of course regardless of what one calls them, their veils always meant death, for what else would the Hounds deliver? The domestic and the banal, those were for the police, or whatever corporate department passes for police in your neighbourhood, to decide. Civil Security on the other hand, is for what threatens the public interest as a whole. For the terrorists, the conspirators, the crime lords. That is to say, it is for those who have made themselves enemies of too many corporations. For the public interest is a matter of corporate interest. And that corporate interest, is often measured in body bags. Protect and serve indeed.


Flicking off the safety, she glides into the fray, with something resembling a grace, trying not to stare too much at the figure swinging around a gardening tool as she passed by. Emphasis on trying. 


The first monster to try flanking Alexandra finds itself greeted with a twelve-gauge shell discharged into its knee, the blast as strange as it may sound, dealing surprisingly little damage for something that just tore through a limb. Not that it mattered much in the grand scheme of things - thrown off balance and carried forwards by its own momentum, its head impacts the barrel of a gun, the ensuing discharge proving to be decidedly more lethal. 


As the grenade detonates, shrapnel crashing against the barrier, she dives out, swinging out her weapon, white-hot metal crashing from black clouds like thunder. The sheer density of her foes apparently giving her premise to forsake silly things such as aiming, recoil, and magazine capacity. 

Edited by Empiricist
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Recent events had happened rather quickly. Leon had given them brief orders, and immediately moved out. The group had followed en masse with little to no discussion, and now found themselves before the rapidly advancing swarm of Heartless.

Edmond had been following Alexandria, when this swarm of enemies appeared. He flipped a switch on his welder, and a bead of incandescent plasma burst from the tip. Whenever one of these fell creatures approached, he jabbed quickly at their eyes (or equivalent body parts).


He listened attentively to Alexandria's brief statement.

So she's moving on? I suppose we just need to get through and stop the release of more Heartless. Then we can pick them off, I suppose...we need to know how to find this portal or what ever it may be...

"You! In the air! Hikari was it? Do you see anything that might be the portal ahead?" he shouted.We need to find the shortest path to that generator thing. I suppose there to help shut this down...just destroying it outright could release a catastrophic amount of energy. I might be able to prevent that...


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Solomon had listened to Leon's plan, and he smiled when the man mentioned smashing things into little pieces; that bit sounded easy enough.


After walking onto the path Solomon noticed that the promised rain had finally come, he laughed as he realized that this dimension might have a sense of narrative, he knew that he could not possibly fly in this weather, and he responded with "Nah, I'm afraid something like that is beyond me at the moment".

Solomom started firing at the odd creatures announcing their presence, when in doubt, always go for the alarm.

Edited by Cronos5010
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Bridgett setup again as they where heading out and she was glad that she did.


As the others started to charge into battle and started to do there best in clearing a way for the others she flew up and started bombarding the horde of creatures heartless as Leon called. Mainly targeting the big green ones further a head of the group. Hoping that she was making it e at least a littler easier for those on foot.

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Visrii looked at his pitiful knife, then at the black creatures that swarmed him and the group.

Well, shit.

He analysed the situation quickly, as the others charged into battle with whatever weapons they had. 4 knives. And one needle. That was not nearly enough to kill anyone at range.

Though the rain was great for lightning attacks. Everyone was soaked, and if he had a catalyst, he could fry everyone here at once. Ah! His staff! He spotted the engineer who possessed his halberd.

Maybe he could knock out the guy out? He tossed the idea up, but declined - later, perhaps, not while everyone was looking.

Very well. Stick to daggers

He swiftly approached a humanoid creature closest to him and slashed at its glowing eyes. Screaming pitifully, it clutched its bleeding eyes and struggled - until Visrii contemptuously stepped on it.


Okay, so these weren't a challenge at all! He thought to himself, annoyed with the lack of difficulty with his encounter. At least he could take out those bird looking things, then.

He brought up his knives and stuck each of them on the flying creatures, whilst kneeing a flanking midget and stepping on him for good measure. 

The flying ones were tougher material, staggered but still savage. One of them attempted a dive-bomb, but he swiftly dodged and punched it out of the way.


Whilst dodging the swipes from the ground, he charged up a magic attack, ignoring the pain building up in his arms.

Of course, his attack would in no way be focused without his staff, but that didn't matter because of the daggers - they were made of iron and designed to conduct.

With a swift crack! he ripped out his discharge, the entire area engulfed in webs lightning 

The lightning homed in on the daggers, electrocuting the flying enemies and all who were unfortunate enough to fly next to them.

With a snort he watched as the Heartless collapsed around him, fizzling and smoking. His attack had cleared a large chunk of enemies, but there were plenty more left.

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