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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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2 hours ago, Hukuna the Undying said:

Snow, The Lady Ashford.


"Hmm, the girl who... fights rather interestingly. No. I have not. I do not know caused that reaction. I'm sure she has her reasons. I'd rather not push the issue though. I tend to find that makes situations worse instead of helping them."


"Then that's fine then. I'm sure Kagarin will eventually warm up to you with time. Or perhaps cool down, in your case," Magna said with no regret. 


2 hours ago, Hukuna the Undying said:

"I thought you weren't into handshakes. Turned down mine earlier." Snow said an air of frostbitten snark lingering on her words. Her grip, most definitely firm and strong.


"Forgive me, a girl's got to have some secrets, am I right?" Magna said playfully. She grimaced a little at the lack of restraint Snow showed with her grip. Either she didn't know the meaning of "gentle", or this was actually her restraining herself. She hoped that despite Snow's armored hand, the point would get across. "I hope you understand my reasons for doing so, as my kind aren't quite... welcome, in many circumstances. Also, I'm technically not supposed to be fooling around like this, but I was brought here out of thin air, as it seems like the rest of us were. Maybe the universe has a sense of humor."

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"Given Obsidian, I can make tools which do the same, cutting through metal like air.  The humans refer to it as a Monomolecular edge attached to molecularly fused hardened surfaces."


"I have been trained in spears, bows, dart throwers and the atlatl"

Edited by Hal Henderics
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[7 vs 11] The pillar turns out to not quite be stable enough, with the flames puttering out as they're knocked away from the core of the pillar. The core itself does so as soon as Argent stops maintaining it. Perhaps this would be more doable later, with a bit more time to focus. 


The Hellfire Knight offers a polite bow to Alexandria, despite the powered armor's bulk, and then drapes the cloak overtop of themselves before the armor vanishes, leaving a notably smaller figure beneath - shorter than the previous times they'd been out of the armor, by a bit, and looking less hunched. 

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"that's a good idea. We will have to try that later, perhaps we could put up some target dummies. And I think that with a bit of practice we can get this to work. For now, I guess we should uh...what are we doing right now?"

Argent looks at the rest of the group, wondering what exactly the current plan is.

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"Waiting I suppose."


Next, Mar checks Obsidian's Mana Type, Channeling mana into the obsidian biface.


(10, 19) A small rivulet of magma appears on the obsidian's surface, cracking it and wasting a charge, it seems this mana type grows magma on obsidian.


Mar uses the obsidian shard that broke off to experiment further.


(18, 11) The next experiment has Mar using Obsidian Mana on a piece of Heartless Armor Fragment, Transmuting the Fragment into an Iron Volcanic Glass fragment, Nearly pitch black and green in color, it is too small to be of any use to Mar.

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Solomon decides to start conversing with the newer team member, the first thing he did was hand a potion bottle and a bottle of beer to the driver, before slamming down a book near the man, if Kyle had bothered to read it's cover, he would see the words "The uncomfortably big book of not safe for children puns", he then walked over to Edmond and decided to give him a book meant to introduce a small child to the concept of magic, he then finished off by placing a copy of The Lesser Key Of Solomon beside the quite possibly delusional, if obviously magical in nature child, gods don't exist after all, just the chittering abominations on the other side.

"Tell me, is anyone else not drunk enough for this?".

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(The names, offices, and orders of all of the demons/spirits that King Solomon has ever summoned, and various other demonological and sorcerous items about the 72 demons).

"To you Sir Mar, I have a question, earlier today I set off in a flying device in search of a certain man, a man who is said to have the biggest collection of alcoholic drinks this side of the wasteland, but I did not find him then, the question is, would you be willing to help me find him later?", Solomon takes out his water filled canteen and hands it to the boy "Drink, I do not know why anyone would want to play as a 10 year old boy, but I don't really care, as long as you set the correct people on fire", Solomon sits down on the floor and opens the book he always carries, while singing a certain song.

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"Shit..." Visrii murmured. "Greenhorns."

Visrii scratched his hair, and decided to reluctantly go over and greet the new members.

"Hello, my name is Visrii. Blackflame Visrii, though the title most likely means nothing to you.

It is best to have the most numbers on our side, and reinforcement was well needed after our previous encounter."

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Battle was over a little half a tick ago, and we're already celebrating where the enemy can ambush any moment? Ha! Sounds like the last time I travelled with mercs.

"So...a demon, huh?" Visrii looked down at the small child with a tail. "I had a demon companion back in my own realms. Hmph, though he was no wiser than a rock. So what can you do?"

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Solomon slides over his last bottle of beer to Theodore "Eh, I can always get more, hero discounts are quite neat", he nods at Mar "If that is a party, then this guy" points at Theodore "Is the DJ", Solomon takes the canteen from the young devil "Heh, of course you don't".

Edited by Cronos5010
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This group, it seems I can trust them... for now.


The only weapon Leon have is Darkness Clasher. His other weapons... he accidentally left them back on his hideout. Good thing Leon always strap Darkness Clasher on his back.


He began to look around and see a hooded man.


"I think I haven't introduce myself to you. Call me Leon. Leon Vermillion."

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(OOC: I am assuming that you talked to Solomon), Solomon looks at the man that had approached him, and his twin swords, and wordlessly handed him a book entitled "Why Dual wielding is inferior to other forms of sword fighting".

"Oh of course you can't handle holy magic, it's sort of obvious why".

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Aurora had been observing in relatively unnoticed silence as she always did, as yet more strangers had apparently been introduced and began conversing among themselves. She saw no point in bothering with any of them at this point, after all, their arrival just meant she'd have even more squishies she'd inevitably end up propping up with healing; how these fleshbags managed to stay intact despite most of them being so easy to bloody and batter from what she'd seen so far, was beyond her. Come to think of it actually, there were quite a few things about this congregation that left her at a loss.

     Such as the race of most of the fleshbags. Alot of em looked like the arrogant and hairless bipedal chimps that so heavily dominated the surface world back home... just with much different attire and weaponry. Yet they smelled... so terribly different in fact, that had it not been for near identical racial appearances, she'd likely have nothing to associate the two together at all. And the smell didn't just differ that heavily between them and the hairless chimps either, but from each other as well, as if each of them carried the air of whatever strange places they hailed from... 

     So many questions. So many implications. Too many things that didn't quite add up about it all. Lost in her own thoughts, she found herself idly beginning to weave the silk from her wrists as the activity in the room continued, their threads just as vibrantly diverse and colorful as when the Dragon had given her the dyes earlier. The Spidryc Demi-god wasn't even quite sure of what, exactly, she was making, but regardless was already well into laying out the garment's design and pattern within a few moments.

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