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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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"That guy with the diapers who shoot love arrows, eh forget it.." Jesse sighed and wave his hand. "Seriously you don't know what a rifle is?,  how long have you been out of hell, demon?" Jesse asked bluntly.

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"Oh" Jesse rapidly blinks his eyes, surprised by the demon child's answer "So this is your first exposure on the outside world. does your mother know about this?" he asked. "Well, we don't exactly have the proper 'rolemodels' around here since this group is mostly compose of mercenaries, gangsters and creatures i can't even begin to comprehend, But meh i think you'll be just fine fitting in here.." Jesse awkwardly said and scratches his head.

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Isobel moves back from Kyle now that she can see he is in fact okay.

"How's your wound doing?"

"Love is a lie, the man's keeping me down, just the stuff like that. You actually cornered Cloaky over there to tell them about how love is terrible, it was something to see."

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Having decided that none of the newcomers particularly struck his interest at the moment, Eon looked around for the Hellfire Knight. The individual seemed interesting enough, and their world seemed to have some curious aspects of it. After looking around a bit, Eon went towards them once again.


"I hope you don't mind me stopping by for a little chat once more," Eon said to the Hellfire Knight, who he noticed had acquired a new cloak.

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The Hellfire Knight side-eyed the strange creature known as Eon from beneath their cowl. He's. . . actually pretty neat to look at. Stars and all that. I've seen paintings that tried to imitate the night sky but it looks like he's made out of a piece of it or something. "Most people don't talk to me unless it's required for formality."


[25 vs 17] Mar, after some focusing, creates a Well-Made Golden Chain Gun. 

Name: Golden Chaingun (Well-Made)
Description: An Arm Covering Hookshot made of Golden Stone, High Carbon Steel, and tipped with Magic Obsidian, This Device fires a Chain Encased in a rod of Holy Solar Magic and tipped with an Orcish Spearhead hook, not as sharp as one freshly replaced often, but still sharp and strong enough to pierce almost anything, and sharp enough that only extremely durable targets can be hooked onto with it.
Type: Weapon
Damage: 1d8+Dex
Minimum Stats: 0
Weight: 2
SYN Threshold/Bonus:
Special Qualities: This weapon can grant the user first strike next turn, disabling it for next turn and the one after as it drags the user around.

Sharp: Damage dealt with this weapon ignores 25% of RES.


Hikari explores the Castle Tank as it grinds toward the town, the great machine slowing as they draw near. She discovers it is made of six primary divisions, along with some towers topped with what looked like battleship cannons(!) near the corners of the structure:

The Barracks: A set of sparse, functional rooms meant to house squads of soldiers, connected to an armory, smithy, and mess hall. Unfortunately, the armory has largely been stripped clean, as has the mess, but the smithy still has a few miscellaneous mundane ingots and such left behind. 

The Engineering Bay: The "tank" part of the castle, this contains two offices and an extended room housing the majority of the workings that power the immense vehicle's movement. The engines are rusted and badly in need of attention, and it smells of burned grease, metal, and a bit of smoke.

The Throne Hall: A massive set of three rooms, and the scene of the party's main intrusion. An entrance hall leads to an antechamber which leads to the throne room and the controls for the castle tank; the antechamber has been converted into a Heartless manufactory, which was recently dismantled by the party.

The Servant's Quarters: A set of smaller chambers meant to house the staff that kept the castle maintained when it was inhabited. The bedrooms are functional, but not quite as spartan as the barracks, and unlike the former are individual; there's also a dining room that the servants likely used to take their meals when this was the seat of some feudal power.

The Suites: A few luxurious bedrooms that housed guests of high standing; they have borne the brunt of time's assault on the castle, with many of the furnishings mostly dismantled or carried off a long time ago. Still, what was left behind speaks to great wealth.

The Ballroom: The main event center of the castle, it consists of a massive room with a dance floor and fine engraved decor about the walls, connected by side doors to the main kitchen of the place, in order to make serving food to the esteemed guests faster and more efficient. 

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"Is that right? If you don't particularly mind me asking, was that due to personal preference or some other circumstances?" he inquired, hoping to either learn about the knight's story or the world they lived in. 

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"Ah. Good. To both of those things. Uh... did I say anything about my personal life? Because... What I'm going to say next will sound kind of out of no where otherwise."

Kyle starts walking as he speaks, apparently intent on exploring his new baby while he talks.

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"Apparently, ah... apparently your wife shot you in the back."

Isobel follows out of general concern (remaining, at LOTUS' insistence to grab the chaingun and then thanking the orc for it), LOTUS taken along for the ride.

"Yeah, you made sure to mention that one twice."

Edited by Powder Miner
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"Simple curiosity really. Towards both yourself and the state of your world. I believe at some earlier point we discussed the role of favor in your world. That conversation had me a little interested in any other intricacies that may exist there also. Now about this tournament, does this have anything to do with you fighting to become the eleventh god in your realm?" Eon asked, remembering that detail from one of their earlier conversations.

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"Those electronic loins I mentioned tingling? Yeah, they don't actually exist, I haven't got the slightest opinion on attractiveness."

"I, uh... how old are you?"

"And I meant that your main obstacle there is more the "stranded in some faraway universe" thing than your wife."

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"I see. Ruling a plane seems like it could be quite the reward, though it could also be a bit of a burden I would think. Then again, I can't claim to be all too aware of the particular state of your world, so maybe it could be different," Eon paused a bit. Though he himself never ruled over a world or galaxy specifically, he had come into contact with a great many individuals who had at one point or another, each with their own methods of ruling. Some of them came out worse for wear, while others managed things rather well.


"I suppose I should ask though, if you do win the tournament and become the eleventh god, what then? Do you have plans for what you would do afterwards?"

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