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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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While Mar goes off on his ingredient gathering quest, Theo wanders a little bit, eventually coming to one of the cannons. As he examines it, he gets the idea to use it as a kind of sound-funnel.

"Hey, Alexandria, mind helping me with something?"

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Solomon took a few steps back after watching Mar start to construct his uhh, "brew", so far the entire concoction seemed a bit too toxic for any organic creature to consume, and Solomon was willing to bet that it would corrode through most metallic objects, and he examined his golden long coat once more, and coughed rather loudly to obtain Mar's attention.

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"May I ask for some armor then? I may be able to find someone else to fuse it with the spider silk somehow, and any help would be much appreciated", Solomon glances at the brew that Mar had been making "Um, how is that coming along?".

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Hikari frowns. "That's awful... but sounds like what humans would do, really. We don't have a nice history in terms of coexistence with other species. Or even with ourselves. I can definitely see why you're cautious." Hikari was pretty sure that slimes didn't exist in her world. No historical records at least. And she'd played  RPGs, attacked the slimes like everything else, but Kagari's species seemed different. For one, sentience - the slimes in RPGs tend to not do anything but attack people, which evidently Kagari doesn't do. "I hope you can learn to... if not trust us, know that we don't really intend to kill you."

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Andre looks like he's won the lottery as he inventorizes his cheeseburger. He hops about giddly as he speaks.

"I mean, I knew you were sentient, I just thought that you were hurt. Most slimes where I'm from lose cohesion when they get knocked out. Sad fact of life but some slimes are hostile. No reason to hunt them either, anyone you've already fought either stops fighting you or isn't that tough after one fight. Anyways, you're a slime queen right? How big can you get? Do you debuff people? Can you turn other creatures into slimes? OH! OH! Do you know how to access the Slime Cat teleportation system? Can you heal people?"

Andre talks faster and faster as he excitedly talks to the "slime queen". It's not often you get to learn from a slime.

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1 hour ago, Twinwolf said:

Hikari frowns. "That's awful... but sounds like what humans would do, really. We don't have a nice history in terms of coexistence with other species. Or even with ourselves. I can definitely see why you're cautious." Hikari was pretty sure that slimes didn't exist in her world. No historical records at least. And she'd played  RPGs, attacked the slimes like everything else, but Kagari's species seemed different. For one, sentience - the slimes in RPGs tend to not do anything but attack people, which evidently Kagari doesn't do. "I hope you can learn to... if not trust us, know that we don't really intend to kill you."


The regal-looking Kagari nodded.


"Indeed. I share that hope, as well."


With that, she tipped her head, then spun around in a little pirouette. As she did, the regal dress metamorphosed into Kagari's swimsuit, the circlet vanishing from her head. She grinned at Hikari.


"This is much more comfortable. Hope you don't mind me taking on this form instead, it grants me a very welcome escape from the gravitas of my position. I'd like to trust you, at least. You're pretty cute. And... hmm..."


Kagari leaned to the side, inspecting Hikari's butt.


"It looks like you have a nice and firm butt. But your build isn't quite small enough for an outfighter... you'd make a great counter, I think."


The other Kagari, meanwhile, while waiting for the woman to give her a pen, turned to that disrespectful man and entertained his queries with an icy glare.


"Yes, I'm a Slime Queen. I can get as big as I want as long as there's water for me to absorb to increase my volume. I'm not sure what you mean by debuff. Yes, I can turn other creatures into slimes. No I have no idea what a Slime cat is. Are you done? Because I'm still annoyed at the hamburger thing."

Edited by Code: PIRULUK
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Venus and the group had been divulged with the information on multiple worlds and universes plagued by heartless beings known as Trespassers – they only continued to grow stronger in number and strength as they continued their leisurely stay in the castle. Venus and his subordinates were thus chosen to fight against them. The thought almost seemed hilarious – Venus had come here to save, when all he had done with his gun was kill. If he had fashioned himself a hero, many a thing in his life would not have come to occur, the madness that came with the unfortunate incident that instigated his profession as not only an actor, but also an assassin. Many a life he had taken, even if against most other criminals. Venus had sought to fill the void in his heart for what he had lost, and since the day many a year ago he had been faced with the ugly reality of death, sought to purify it, practition it in a way that seemed beautiful. 


But it was a seemingly suitable means of atonement. What he would kill and destroy would serve to save than deplete – the value of those black specters would add little to his already sullen conscience than a human life would. It would not reverse the impacts of his crimes, that, Venus knew, yet there was a tinge of self-gratification that came with the idea -- for the many lives he had once taken, he would aid in saving many more in many a mysterious and alien world unknown to him.


He had remained silent throughout what had happened, when the mysterious man gave his explanation. An answer of reaffirmation would be redundant; Venus was already stuck here, and he, at best, would make the most of it. It was natural that he would partake in this seemingly important, albeit vague affair, and he had his own benefits and reasons for contributing to it. Delivering a small nod in acquiescence as a response, he departed the room, wanting to attend to his previously interrupted business with Aurora. The spider had been aiding another by weaving a silk of gold and black, from what he could notice as he caught a glimpse of the taciturn arachnid. Mildly intrigued by the substance, though not enough for it for Venus to give it question, Venus decided to cut to the chase with what he wanted Aurora to do for him.


“I pray the wine is appeasing to your tastes,” He said, as Venus began to unload the plethora of golden items he had received from Eon, the cosmic dragon. He kept only the dust he had from him, and simultaneously retrieved an empty bullet shell casing from his sack of mixed items. Venus always stored materials that he perceived would be useful at later times, and as he inspected his sack of items more thoroughly, something he had not done for many a week, or month, he found himself surprised at the items he found in his inventory – apart from his daily valuables such as his roses, bullets, his notebook, and the like, Venus found more items put inside; a deed of which Venus did not know whether to bless or condemn his servants for. He found a few potatoes. Ideas formulated in his head, knowing that Venus now had a more diverse array of methods to reshape and use the gold.


“Deliquesce it,” He began. “In whatever way you are able. The bullet casing should work as a suitable crucible, but you’d have to break it in two first. Alternatively,” He said, withdrawing a potato from his deposit of items. Potatoes have always been a very useful food to Venus -- be it as a reliable energy food or electrical source, and in this case, gold casting. They were also flexible in that they could be shaped in the way Venus wanted them to.  In addition, a single small bullet case would not be able to store all of the molten gold; there was a mild hint of disappointment that he lacked a better resource, but he was mostly grateful that he had a sufficing, albeit inferior, alternative. He began carving the shape of a rose into the potato – though a glance, it simply resembled two oblong shapes, meant for a flower and a leaf, without significant detail. He then placed the impromptu crucible beside the pile of golden items. “This will store in the gold in a different desired shape, so I’d appreciate it if you’d put more focus on this one. Perhaps you might find potatoes flavored with the aftermath of molten gold satisfying to your tastes? Eat it, if you will. And one more thing – I’m not ascertained as to how potent your venom is, but mild enough as it may or may not be, it may be useful in cleansing impurities from the gold when it’s done. I detest impure gold, but nothing I will set my expectations too high on. A good job of which you may impress me with,” He said, withdrawing more potatoes from his sack, though keeping one for himself in case of future use, “And the rest of these potatoes you may have for your satiation. Hasten not on the job – art is but best done when it is unrushed. I will return anon, silent spider.”


With his business with Aurora complete, all the artist could do was to explore the room while waiting for Aurora to complete her end of the bargain. Appeasing his previous, sole interest that easily faded in the ballroom, he returned to find Hiroki in the corner of the room, seated with her cloak draped behind her. The Hellfire Knight was – what was most notable about her. He found the methods of which she killed and destroyed perhaps exceptionally gauche than the rest, as per the extent of her power her mechanical suit granted her. But Venus found something about the girl relatable – something he remembered her say, something he had perceived and collected out of coincidence when she revealed it to another. 


"I was severely disfigured as a child."


It was a similarity between the girl and the artist that in the two wore masks, hiding their physical appearances for their own individual reasons. Venus only knew then, however, that the young girl had hid her face and body to prevent whatever disfigurement lay beneath the complex, bulky suit of machinery blanketed by her cloak. It was an identity she assumed, much like the beloved persona of a star many back in his homeland saw Venus as. A being wearing a mask, instead of the one behind it. Venus wondered what the girl had seen when the party had witnessed glimpses of their own deaths – perhaps in part with her appearance she hid beneath her, Venus had found her response comparatively mild when juxtaposed with the rest of the group. Vulnerable she was still, but her response admittedly gave him a slight impression, especially considering her presumed age.


Venus approached her, looking for a place to seat himself nearby her. Venus knew that conversing with the Hellfire Knight would be no amiable exchange of greetings and merry banter; contrasting Venus' loquaciousness, the girl seemed taciturn, like Aurora, and Venus would rather not pry into a person that didn’t appreciate conversation. “May I?”





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The Item Sheet:


Name: Light Gold plated chest plate Description: A single chest plate that is affixed to an article of clothing, it sometimes emits sunlight, and the wielder may hear some voices.
Type: Armor
RES Bonus: ???
Minimum Stats: 1 STR
Weight: ????
SYN/INT Threshold bonuses: ????
Special Qualities: ????
Materials Used:
2 Gold foils taken from two chocolate coins
1 Heartless Armor Shard
1 Synthesized Black Rock
People Involved: Mar: 3 INT Solomon: 9 INT

Solomon takes out two chocolate coins and opens them, he hands both the chocolate and the gold foil to Mar, and he hands a Heartless Armor Shard he had in in his inventory over to Mar as well, and proceeds to cast the same spell from before on Mar, it seemed to work earlier, so why wouldn't it work again?

"Does anyone here know how to turn a spider silk coat into a bullet resistant vest?", he turns to ask Mar one more thing "And hey, can you make some more of that rock?".

Edited by Cronos5010
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"There are many things I can do with spider silk, but armor is not one of them... I don't think anyway..." Gary spoke up, snapping out of his thoughts of what to call the others, as he felt 'mob' was probably not a good term to use for other sentient beings.

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51 minutes ago, Twinwolf said:

"It's fine, if you're more comfortable like that." Hikari says, followed by a light blush at the compliment and butt-inspection. "T-Thank you. You look nice too... uh... Counter? Outfighter?"


"Yeah. You know, a Keijo counter?"


Then a thought occurred to Kagari. A shocking, startling, painful thought.


"Wait, don't tell me... your world doesn't have Keijo?!?! Please tell me I'm wrong! A world without Keijo is just too painful to imagine!"

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The red-haired girl produces a notebook and a pen after typing for a moment in her phone. She carefully took mental notes on what was up with Kagari and Hikari; after all, what with Venus' new outsourcing program, maybe she'd have to hook these two up. Preferably not with each other; she could tell from just looking at them they wouldn't be the best match.


"Uh.....here, please."

Alright, that situation's hopefully settled and the big muscly guy probably isn't stupid enough to keep pissing her off. As soon as that's done, back to finding out where this Cinna is.

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"Well..." Gary Started, "most of what I can make with spider silk are just baubles with various effects... most of them however require expensive resources such as diamonds and glowstone dust. other than that, its a crafting component of backpacks, bows, cloths, wool, and a few other random things"

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25 minutes ago, kj1225 said:

Andre stares blankly. After a moment he blinks and pulls a new burger out.

"Do you not want it? It's really good you know."

It does smell good. And it looks picturesque of course.



5 minutes ago, ElfCollaborator said:

The red-haired girl produces a notebook and a pen after typing for a moment in her phone. She carefully took mental notes on what was up with Kagari and Hikari; after all, what with Venus' new outsourcing program, maybe she'd have to hook these two up. Preferably not with each other; she could tell from just looking at them they wouldn't be the best match.


"Uh.....here, please."

Alright, that situation's hopefully settled and the big muscly guy probably isn't stupid enough to keep pissing her off. As soon as that's done, back to finding out where this Cinna is.


Kagari took the pen and flipped it through the air, catching it neatly between her butt cheeks - through her swimsuit, of course, for sanitory reasons. She jumped up into the air and, exercising remarkable control and dexterity, scribbled her signature in neat cursive writing across the book using her posterior.


8 minutes ago, Twinwolf said:

Hikari shook her head. "Sorry. Never heard of it. What does it have to do with my... butt?"

"Perhaps that is what she does to fight? She does make extensive use of her rear." Ivory supplies.

((phone post, so no colors)


Kagari shook her head, dismayed.


"Keijo is the greatest sport, ever! Basically, it's a bit like sumo wrestling, if sumo wrestling were a girls-only sport, took place on a ring that was suspended in the middle of the pool, and had only our butts and boobs as a point of contact. You do have sumo wrestling, right?"


Sumo was such a quintessentially Japanese thing that Kagari just assumed that Hikari's world had it. After all, if it had Japanese names, it almost certainly had sumo wrestling.


"Outfighter and Counter are classifications for Keijo competitors. Outfighters move quickly and rely on agility to win, like myself."


To demonstrate her point, Kagari performed a rudimentary Hip Gatling on the empty air, thrusting out her butt thirty times in ten seconds.


"While counters rely on turning their opponents' force against them. Counters are a pretty rare sight in the sport. You should try it out, it'll be fun!"

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"Most of my experience with spider silk usually results more in clothing or bedding for the mansion I looked over. A vest is possible, but more materials may be needed for it to be bulletproof I would think," Ritsu responded to Solomon, her tail swaying lazily as she observes the individuals present.

Edited by Zetaark
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Kenta wanders through town stopping every now and then and looking at various fruits and veggies as he goes. " Halley is there anything you think would go over well in the kitchen?" He asks as they stop and he is looking at what kinda is a potato but isn't the same shape or color. 

Kenta has succesfully bartered with several people and already has various shopping bags filled with meat and other goodies to stock the kitchen with. He's really just trying to kill a little more time before he has to go back and deal with the intresting characters that seem to be growing not just in number but also in personality. 

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10 hours ago, rustytengo said:


As the girls face approached Bridgett's a light blue field surrounded Bridgett bouncing the new girls face away. "If you are to assist My Lady. Please do so without doing anything untowards to My Lady"  Mornings Arrow chimed in a slightly more forceful monotone at the new girl as it kept up the barrier  around Bridgett.  



Nyahiro's face went dark for a moment, but immediately sprung back to being overly cheerful.

"Do not worry, Disembodied Voice-san," She said happily, "I would never do anything bad to Bridgett-san, I love Bridgett-san more than anything!"

To prove her point, Nyahiro pulled a bento out of the air and presented it to Bridgett's shielded body as a peace offering.

"You see?" She explained, "I even made her a boxed lunch. It's filled with love."

Nyahiro's ahoge formed a heart at the end as she said this. She did seem legitimately concerned about Bridgett in her own way, but her intentions were still questionable.


(OOC: The lunch inside looks perfectly normal, in fact it looks delicious. It also tastes amazing. It's spicy so it might wake Bridgett up, but also it will freeze her in terror for a few minutes)

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