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Which type combination is your favourite?


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Are we talking about theoretical combinations or about existing mons. I'll just assume the former.

Let's see, Ghost/Fighting would be amazing offensively (defensively it's not bad either, just nothing special). I really like Ice, sadly it's garbage defensively, however it's good offensively, Ice/Electric is amazing offensive coverage (BoltBeam is pretty popular), I would like to see a good offensive Ice/Electric type mon someday. I also really like Dark, Dark/Dragon is pretty good offensively (see Hydreigon) and still packs some nice resists, just avoid Fairies like the plague.

Let's see, Defensively Ghost/Steel is pretty good as demonstrated by Aegislash, a Ghost/Steel type with Levitate would be amazing (and probably Ubers if it has half-decent stats). Dragon/Steel would be strong defensively as well (offensively it would be hard-walled by steel types barring coverage, Earthquake is a pretty common coverage option however, so a potential Steel/Dragon might get it). Normal/Ghost would be amazing as well.

Hmm, out of these I would like to see Ice/Electric and Ghost/Fighting the most I think, followed by a new Ghost/Normal and maybe something with Dark. Ooh, a better Poison/Dark would be cool (Drapion has some issues).

Edited by Wavesteel
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Steel/Water, with a bit of Psychic thrown in. There's a long-winded meaning behind it but sue me, I don't have the time or coffee to elaborate at the moment.

Also pretty sure something like this existed somewhere already. I remember elaborating said long-winded meaning sometime before.

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Steel/Water, with a bit of Psychic thrown in. There's a long-winded meaning behind it but sue me, I don't have the time or coffee to elaborate at the moment.

Also pretty sure something like this existed somewhere already. I remember elaborating said long-winded meaning sometime before.

Do you mean Empoleon?

My favorite type combo would be fire, ghost. Both awesome types, :)

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of the existing types i would say bug/steel or poison/ground.these are some fantastic combos..on typing that are not yet intoduced i would say that normal ghost would be pretty cool,because i would like to see which pokemon design could be compatible with that typing

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