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Hi, I normally dislike forums, but I needed to say something so I signed up to say...


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To the devs, writers, community and everyone else that made this gem possible. I've spent around 70 hours in the past two months blasting through the first 15 episodes of Reborn, and it's been the most fun I've had with a Pokemon game since mini-me received his first copy of Blue almost 20 years ago (yup, I'm old).

I got intrigued by Reborn after seeing a screenshot of the choice of 18 starters with the caption "And you thought you had it rough", which created an itch. I figured I'd scratch that itch by giving the game a couple of hours to disappoint me so I could never think of it again. That uhh... didn't happen.

From the start, this adventure has been everything I've ever hoped for from a Pokemon game. It

- develops an interesting cast of quirky and relatable characters (and Fern)

- has a high difficulty level (I still have nightmares of L75 ditto's)

- remains beatable through creative strategy (I still dream of the three sturdy Gravelers in a Crystal Cavern)

- forces me to continuously build and expand my team (First chapters: "Meowstic for MVP!". Recent chapters: "Meowstic for Box 3!")

- stimulates use of more than 6 mon (and breaks my heart whenever I have to decide who gets rotated out for a gym)

- introduces a new strategic element that makes different pokemon viable ("Vileplume for MVP!", wait, what?)

- uses clever puzzles (always knew those chess lessons would pay off someday)

- has a community to help you whenever you get stuck (mad props to all the guide makers and question-answerers)

Due to my being-way-too-old-for-this-shit, I probably won't be spending much time around the forum after this, but it felt wrong to not thank everyone involved here. Thanks again, and I'm really looking forward to Episode 16.

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Welcome brainstorm!

Over 20? Usually not a forums guy? Started with Blue? Blasting through Reborn before making an account here? Knowing of the game after seeing an 18 starters screenshot? Oh boy...


Not telling you what to do, but you should try and stick around, most people here are friendly.

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Welcome to Reborn, brainstorm! Perhaps you'll stay a bit, and have a nice time?

If forums aren't your thing, but IRC is, Reborn has a Showdown server (Pokemon simulator that gets used as an IRC more oft than not), which is linked on the top of the sidebar.

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Welcome! And thank you so much for your support, and for playing.

I think it is very important not to let age dictate the things we enjoy. Games like this are marketed towards children but they are enjoyable by people of all ages. So I think it is important not to limit what we can enjoy -- especially with something that has already been such a huge part of our lives in the past-- based on something arbitrary like how old we are.

A certain quote that comes to mind...

“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” - CS Lewis

You're in good company. I hope you choose to stick around and embrace it. Your child self just might be proud of you!
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