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My Mono Psychic Team


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Hi guys. Here is my current mono-psychic team. I'm at 7th badge (i have defeated El) when writing this post.


Delphox (M)

Ability: Magician

Fire Pledge




Meowstic (M)

Ability: Prankster


Misty Terrain

Light Screen


Meowstic (F)

Ability: Infiltrator



Signal Beam

Shadow Ball

Mr. Mime (M)

Ability: Filter


Magical Leaf

Icy Wind

Misty Terrain (before defeating El, it was Trick)

Swoobat (F)

Ability: Simple


Charge Beam

Air Slash

Calm Mind

Malamar (F)

Ability: Contrary

Psycho Cut


Night Slash

Switcheroo (what is good move to replace this one?)


And i have these pokemon in PC:

Lunatone, Hypno, Grumpig, Baltoy, Ralts (M), Elgyem


Any idea to improve my team?

Idk if i should change my filter Mr Mime to Technician one, so the icy wind and magical leaf will get their power being increased by x2.25. What do you think guys?

Edited by esu
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Once you get to the bit where you're escaping from the Doctor; you can smash a wall in the underground and find a Ralts in a pokeball; go to the store that only sells pokeball variations to fix the broken pokeball with magnet powder, Gardevoir is so much better than Mr. mime

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I'd probably replace Meowstic-F with an Espeon. A much better ability (Magic Bounce) and overall I feel like it's a much stronger Mon.

I would also suggest a Gallade so you're not relying solely on Malamar for physical damage.

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I feel like you can replace both Meowstics with a better 'mon later on.

Espeon's a good choice because it has a better ability, higher base stat total, and has access to Moonlight for recovery. And you'll probably need another physical attacker other than Malamar. I rec Gallade because he's decently bulky and gets access to Swords Dance, Psyho Cut and Close Combat all whilst natural level-up.

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Thanks guys.

I add gardevoir to my team. For espeon, magic bounce is good, but since it has not good levelup moveset i wont add it.

My current team is

Delphox, Meowstic-M, Gardevoir, Malamar, Mr. Mime (now with technician), Swoobat.

I will replace Swoobat with beldum, once i get that, since i think i dont really need flying coverage.


Btw, is staryu obtainable in wild? I got pawniard from mystery egg.

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Beldum is not a necessity and I find all the work to get it tiresome.

No medicham?

i havent reached location where i can get meditite.

And for beldum, it seems i will change plan, since i have bronzong now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I just finished eps 16.


(Hidden thing below is containing spoiler. Like its name "spoiler")





So, i was frustrated because i cant beat Adrienn team, athough already tried 4 times. So i just decided to train my metagross from level 50ish.

I also let my Dephox to learn Skill Swap. And you know what, i was able to win because of Delphox's Skill Swap, not metagross, what a waste of time. -_-

Oh yeah, in this battle, Bella killed everything XD


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