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Consider balance changes ?


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I know OP pokemon were made unobtainable, but did the developers consider at some point changing pokemon stats, moves, abilities to "buff" weaker pokemon and/or nerf stronger ones to make every pokemon "usable"?

I made a list of buffs/nerfs going from Gen 1 to 6 as example.



- Primeape: +10 Sp.Def. +5 Def. +10Hp. Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch by lvl up.

- Victreebel: Giga Drain, Worry Seed, Synthesis, Ingrain by lvl up. +15 Hp.

  • Golem: -20 Sp.Atk. -5 Spd. +25 Sp.Def. Gyro Ball by leveling,

  • Raticate: Poison/Normal. +9 Atk, +7 Sp.Def, +15 Def. Poison Tail, Astonish, Thunder Fang, Thief, Poison Fang, Bug Bite, Gunk Shot, Endure by lvl up.
  • Sandslash: +20 Spd.
  • Hypno: +10 Spd. +5 Sp.Atk. +5 Def. Wish, Thunder Wave by lvl up.
  • Beedrill: +15 Atk. +25 Spd. +30 Def. Air Cutter, Drill Run, Cross Poison, Night Slash by lvl up.
  • Venomoth: Change to Psychic/Bug (always felt like that) +10 HP, +10 Sp.Atk.
  • Butterfree: Air Slash, Energy Ball and Shadow Ball by lvl up. +15HP, +10 Sp.Atk, +5 Sp.Def +15 Spd. (evolves at lvl 22 instead of 10)
  • Fearow: +10 HP. +5 Def. +4 Sp.Def. Slash by lvl up.
  • Farfetched: +23HP. +20 Atk. +15Def. +13 Sp.Def. +17 SP.Atk. +20Spd. Close Combat, Feather Dance, Tailwind, Trump Card and Steel Wing by lvl up.
  • Muk: Posion/Ground. 3rd ability Regenerator. Sand Tomb, Magnitude, Bulldoze While lvl up. Earthquake by TM.
  • Dodrio: +10 HP +5 Atk, +5 Def, +5 Spd. Run Away changed for Anger Point. Outrage, Brave Bird by lvl Up.
  • Weezing: Hidden ability Aftermath. +5 HP. Pain Split, Spikes, Will o Wisp and Curse by lvl up..
  • Onix: Type Rock.
  • Steelix: Type Rock/Steel.
  • Vileplume: +10HP. Can be taught Surf.
  • Bellossom: -10 Atk. +10 Sp.Def. +5 Def. +5Hp. Leech Seed by lvl up.
  • Arbok: +25 Spd. +25 HP.
  • Wigglytuff: Hidden ability: Fairy Aura (friend guard could work as secondary ability, but fur coat just seems too out of theme). Perish Song, Wish and Spikes by lvl up. +10Def. +10 Sp.Def
  • Nidoqueen: -27 Atk. +17 Sp. Atk. +10 HP
  • Parasect:. +45HP. +15 Spd +5 Atk.. Gyro Ball, Clamp, Crabhammer by lvl up.
  • Dewgong: +20Hp, Horn Attack and Megahorn by lvl up.
  • Poliwrath: -5 Sp.Atk. +10 Atk. Superpower and Drain Punch by lvl up.
  • Golduck: -7 Atk. +5 Sp.Atk. +5 Sp.Def. +6 Hp.
  • Electrode: Volt Absorb ability instead of Soundproof, +10 Hp. +15 Sp.Atk, Iron Head, Volt Switch, Mirror Shot by lvl up..
  • Marowak: +15 Spd. Lightning Rod changed for Sand Force ability. Iron Head, Knock Off by lvl up.
  • Seaking: +10 Atk, +10 Def
  • Tauros: +10 HP, Megahorn, Iron Tail, Horn Leech, Superpower, Wild Charge, Outrage by lvl up.
  • Ditto: +35 to all stats.
  • Rapidash: -25 Sp.Atk. +10Spd. +10Hp +5Atk. Speed Boost ability.
  • Omastar: Change Shell Armor for Sturdy.
  • Kabutops:. -10 Sp.Atk, +10 Spd. Change Swift Swim for Hyper Cutter, Fury Cutter, False Swipe, Clamp, Razor Shell, Rock Blast, Stealth Rock by lvl up.
  • Kangaskhan: All abilities replaced for Parental Bond.
  • Dragonite: -30 Atk, -20 Sp. Atk.
  • Himonlee: +11 HP, +14Spd.
  • Hitmonchan: +20HP, +5 Atk.
  • Hitmontop: +20Def. +5 Sp.Def.
  • Ninetales: Fire/Fairy. +6 HP. Morning Sun, Wish, Destiny Bond by lvl up
  • Exeggutor: -20 Atk. +15 Spd, +5 HP.
  • Persian: Infiltrator ability. +25 Sp. Def.
  • Kingler: +15 HP
  • Raichu: +35 Hp.
  • Jynx: +20Hp. Psychic, Lightscreen, Taunt, Frost Breath, Ice Beam, Energy Ball, ThunderBolt and Shadow Ball when lvl up
  • Lapras: Shell Smash, Dragon Pulse, Horn Leech, Zap Cannon, Freeze Dry, Ancient Power, Future Sight, Signal Beam, Defog, Haze by lvl up.
  • Mr. Mime: +25 HP


  • Meganium: -5 Atk, +10 Sp.Atk. Leaf Guard changed for Chlorophyll. Type changed to Grass/Fairy after evolving. Play rough, Aromatic Mist, Sweet Kiss, Fairy Wind, Perish Song by lvl up. Dazzling Gleam, Surf by TM.
  • - Furret: Prankster ability.
  • Noctowl : Prothean ability instead of Keen Eye. Air Cutter, Foul Play, Thief, Pluck, Nasty Plot, Ominous Wind when lvl up.
  • Sunflora: +30 Hp. +20 Sp.Def. Early Bird changed for Heatproof. Solar Beam, Flamethrower by lvl up.
  • Lanturn: +10 Sp.Atk + 10Sp.Def, +4 Spd.. Swift Swim as hidden ability
  • Magcargo: +15 All Stats. Magma armor changed to Sturdy.
  • Ariados: Bug/Dark. Imsomnia & Sniper changed for Poison Point. +15 Atk. +35 Spd. +20 Def. + 10 Sp.Def..Pursuit, Electroweb, Megahorn, Horn Attack, Night Slash, Knock Off.
  • Xatu: +5 HP, Sp.Def, Def. , Silver Wind and Drill Peck, Topsy-Turvy, Reflect up.
  • Sudowoodo: +25 Sp. Def +35 Hp. +5 Atk. Ingrain, Seed Bomb, Horn Leech, Leech Seed, Head Smash, Megahorn, Camouflage, Amnesia by lvl up.
  • Jumpluff: Current abilities replaced by: Chlorophyll as hidden ability, Drought and Drizzle as abilities. HP +5. Cotton Guard, Wish, Aromatherapy and Baton Pass. by lvl up.
  • Quagsire: +15 Spd, +15 HPg. Change Damp for Contrary and Water Absorb for Dry Skin.. Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Aqua Ring, Curse, Seismic Toss, Superpower by lvl up.
  • Unown: All stats changed to 90.
  • Wobbufet: -20 HP
  • Ledian: Bug/Fighting. Swarm and Iron Fist abilities changed for Adaptability. .+50 Atk. +20 HP, +5 Sp.Atk . +14 Spd. Power –up Punch, Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, Dynamic Punch, U-Turn, Beat Up. by lvl up. (evolves at lvl 22)
  • Girafarig: Head Charge, Flame Charge, Wild Charge, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Wish while lvl up. HP +10. Def +6, Sp. Def. +6, +10 Spd.
  • Forretress: +10 Sp.Def. U-Turn while leveling up.
  • Qwilfish: +5 Sp.Def +5 HP, + Intimidate replaced by Aftermath ability,
  • Corsola: Ability Hustle changed for Rough Skin. Spikes, Amnesia, Wish, Trump Card, Magical Leaf, Disarming Voice while leveling up. +15 Def. +15 Sp. Def +15 Spd.
  • Octillery: +5 HP, +5 Def, +5 Sp.def. +13 Spd. Headbutt, SmokeScreen, Gyro Ball when lvl up.
  • Donphan: Spd +10.
  • Dunsparce: +15 to all stats. Sand Stream as hidden ability, Sand Veil, Headbutt, Protect, ThunderWave, Charge Beam, Amnesia, Secret Power, Fire Blast, Aerial Ace while lvl up.
  • Tyranitar: -20 HP, -20 Sp. Atk. -5 Spd
  • Granbull: +15 Hp. +15 Def. Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang by lvl up.
  • Stantler: +7 Hp , +8 Defense , +5. Sp.Def. Frisk changed for Quick Feet, Headbutt, Wild Charge, Feint Attack, Megahorn when leveling up.
  • Miltank: +10 HP +5 Def, +5 Sp.Def Curse, Iron Tail, Dizzy Punch, Heart Stamp by level up.
  • Smeargle: +25 to all stats.
  • Delibird: +65 Hp, +55 Sp.Def.. +10 Sp.Atk. Hustle & Vital Spirit Changed for Swift Swim & Snow Cloak. Peck, Swift, Trick Room, Spikes, Frost Breath, Magic Room, Pluck, Wonder Room, Rain Dance, Hail, Wish, Will-o-Wisp, Play Rough, Thunder Wave.
  • Mantine: +15 HP, +5 Sp Atk. Water Veil replaced for Lightning Rod. Rain Dance, Muddy Water, Tailwind, Whirlwind, Ice Beam, Iron Head, Amnesia while leveling.


  • Mightyena: + 25 Spd, + 10 Sp.Def, +10 Atk, +5 HP, Mud Slap, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang and Poison Fang by lvl up.
  • Linoone: Change Gluttony for Pickpocket, +12 HP, +18 Atk, +19 Def, +11 Sp. Atk, Double Team , Final Gambit by lvl up.
  • Beautifly: Type Bug/Fairy, +30 Def, +35 Sp.Def, +5 HP, +5 Atk, +5 St.Atk, Fairy Wind, Misty Terrain, Moonlight, Sweet Kiss, Crafty Shield, Struggle Bug, Attract, U-Turn by lvl up. (evolves at lvl 23 instead of 10)
  • Dustox: +30 Def, +25 Sp.Def ,+35.Spd +5 HP., Leech Life, Infestation by lvl up. (evolves at lvl 23 instead of 10)
  • Shiftry: +17 Def.
  • Swellow: +15 HP, +8 Atk, +15 Sp. Atk, +5 Def. +5 Sp.Def
  • Pelipper: Pickpocket ability, +45 Hp. Defog by lvl up.
  • Masquerain: Add Dry Skin as another ability, +10 to all stats, Bubble Beam by lvl up, Surf by TM. (Making it Bug/Water as you wrote is a good alternative as well)
  • Ninjask: +15 HP, +10 Sp.Def, Shadow Claw, U-Turn, Steel Wing by lvl up.
  • Shedinja: +20 Spd, +5 Atk.
  • Exploud: +10 Def.
  • Hariyama: +16 Def., Counter, Rest, Sleep Talk by lvl up
  • Probopass: Gyroball and Curse by lvl up.-5 Atk +5 Hp.
  • Sableye: Payback by lvl up.
  • Mawile: +50 Hp +5 Atk, +10 Sp.Def. Hyper Cutter and Huge Power (from Mega) replaced by Heatproof,
  • Manectric: +5 Hp.
  • Plusle: All stats +10. Metronome and Minimize by lvl up.
  • Minun: All stats -10 (jk, also +10). Metronome and Minimize by lvl up.
  • Volbeat: Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Rain Dance, Volt Switch by lvl up. +10 (HP, Def, Sp.Atk.) +15 (Atk, Sp.Def, Spd.)
  • Illumise: Wonder Room, Light Screen, Reflect, Substitute, Baton Pass by lvl up. +10 (Hp, Def, Atk) +15 (Sp.Atk, Sp.Def, Spd.)
  • Swalot: +33 HP. Shed Skin 3rd ability, Muddy Water, Dig, Bulldoze, Acid Armor, Substitute by lvl up.
  • Wailord: Change Oblivious for Hydration, and Water Veil for Thick Fat. +8 (Def., Sp.Def.) Body Slam, Sleep Talk, Curse by lvl up.
  • Camerupt: Flame Charge, Rollout, Overheat, Rock Tomb, Stomp by lvl up. +10 HP, +15 Spd.
  • Torkoal: +15 Def, +5 Sp.Def. +10 HP, Gyro Ball, Sludge Bomb, Earthquake by lvl up.
  • Blaziken: Speed Boost changed for Defiant.
  • Grumpig: +10 (HP, Sp.Def) Mud Shot, Earth Power by lvl up.
  • - Luvdisk: Fairy/Water +47 HP, +35 Sp. Def. + 13 Spd. +25 Sp.Ark Cute Charm ability, learns, Aromatherapy, Wish, Heart Stamp, Healing Wish, Rain Dance, Baton Pass by leveling.
  • Spinda: +20 All Stats. Amnesia, Substitute, Guard Split, Trick, Role Play by lvl up.
  • Cacturne: +5 (Atk. Sp.Atk, HP.). Trick Room, Knock Off by lvl up.
  • Altaria: (Mega form: Change Pixilate for Fur Coat), Magic Room, Frost Breath, Moonlight Charm by lvl up. +10 HP.
  • Zangoose: Super Luck ability, +10 Spd. Payback, Pay Day, Thunder Wave, Shadow Claw, Night Slash , Cross Poison, by lvl up.
  • Seviper: +22 HP, +15 Spd. Thunder Fang, Iron Tail, Body Slam by lvl up.
  • Solrock: +5HP, +15 Atk, +25 Def. Iron Defense, Gyro Ball, Sunny Day, Morning Sun, Light Screen, Zen Headbutt by lvl up.
  • Lunatone: +5HP, +15Sp.Atk, +25 Sp.Def. Moonlight, Reflect, Nightmare, Night Daze by lvl up.
  • Whiscash: Static ability. Dragon Dance, Thunder Wave by lvl up. +18 Hp.
  • Claydol: +15 Hp.
  • Cradily: -11 Atk, -5 Spd +16 HP. Stealth Rock, Endure, Infestation, Clamp by lvl up
  • Armaldo: -20 Sp. Atk, +10Hp, +5 Sp.Def, Curse, Iron Defense, Dig, Stone Edge, Iron Tail, Dragon Tail by lvl up..
  • Castform: +10 All Stats, Cosmic Power, Ominous Wind, Nature Power, Tailwind by lvl up.
  • Kecleron: +60 Spd.
  • Banette: +5 Atk, +40 Spd. Shadow Force, Astonish, Pursuit, Disable, Skill Swap, Trick by lvl up. (IMO, Banette doesn’t look like having the Normal subtype)
  • Dusknoir: Bad Dreams Ability, Hypnosis by lvl up.
  • Tropius: +26 HP, Heavy Slam, Bullet Seed, Substitute, Leech Seed, Protect, Quiver Dance, Dragon Dance, Sunny Day by lvl up.
  • Chimecho: Cloud Nine and Drought abilities. Ominous wind, Tailwind, Calm Mind , Misty Terrain, Skill Swap, Perish Song, Thunder Wave, Disarming Voice, Light Screen by lvl up. (I think that if it must become a dual type, then Fairy/Psychic or Fly/Psychic would fit it more than Normal/Psychic, your stat changes seem good)
  • Absol: +5 Hp, +10 Sp.Def. Play Rough by lvl up.
  • Glalie: +5 All Stats. Spikes, Taunt, Explosion, Thunder Fang, Lick, Flash Cannon by lvl up.
  • Froslass: Fake Tears, Sweet Kiss, Charm, Volt Switch. by lvl up.
  • Walrein: -20 Atk, -5 Spd. +15 Def, +10 Sp.Def. Body Slam by lvl up.
  • Huntail: +15 HP, Curse by lvl up.
  • Gorebyss: +15 HP. Charm, Brine, Aqua Tail by lvl up.
  • Relicanth: +5Hp, Aqua Tail, Magnitude, Sleep Talk, Ice Fang, Protect lvl up.
  • Metagross: -20 Spd., -25 Sp. Atk -5 Sp.Def.
  • Salamence: -20 HP, -15 Def, -15 Sp.Def
  • Flygon: Bug/Dragon. No longer leans Earthquake and Bulldoze.. Learns Bug Bite, Fell Stinger, Quiver Dance, Silver Wind, Steamroller, Poison Tail, Wing Attack, Power Whip, Signal Beam, U-Turn by lvl up.


  • Bibarel: +16 Hp, +30 Def. Wood Hammer, Aqua Tail, Water Pulse, Water Sport, Taunt, Tail Whip, Substitute, Stealth Rock, Sleep Talk by lvl up.

  • Kricketune: +49 Sp.Def, +5 Spd. +8 HP. +15 Sp.Atk. +9 Def. Light Screen by lvl up. (evolves at lvl 22)
  • Luxray: -9 Sp.Def, +9 Spd.
  • Rampardos: -15 Sp.Atk, -10 Sp.Def, +12 Spd., +13 Def.. Dragon Tail, Iron Head, Head Charge by lvl up.
  • Bastiodon: -7 Sp.Ark, +7 HP, Heavy Metal as second ability. (weight increased) Crunch, Head Charge, Thunder Wave, Body Slam, Stomp, Bulldoze, Crafty Shield by lvl up.
  • Wormadam: Plant From: +10 Hp, Sp.Def + 50. Sand Form: +10 HP, +50 Def. Trash Form: +10 HP, +25 Def, +25 , Sp.Def.
  • Mothim: +6 Atk, +6 Sp. Atk, +34 Spd.
  • Vespiquen: +16 Atk.
  • Pachirisu: Run Away changed for Cute Charm. Defense Curl, Rollout , Volt Switch, Iron Tail, Play Rough by lvl up. +10 Def. +10 Sp.Def, +10 Hp. +20 Atk, +20 Sp. Atk.
  • Floatzel: Rain Dance, Poison Fang by lvl up.
  • Cherrim: +20 HP, +10 Sp Atk, +10 Sp.Def. Synthesis, Protect, Nature Power, Healing Wish, Misty Terrain, Bestow by lvl up.
  • Gastrodon: +10 HP.
  • Ambipom: +7 Def.
  • Drifblim: +6 Sp.Def. +5 HP. Gyro Ball, Rapid Spin by lvl up.
  • Mismagius: Ghost/Fairy. Thunder Wave, Moonblast, Taunt, Magical Leaf by lvl up.
  • Purugly: +29 HP.
  • Skuntank: +16 Def.
  • Chatot: +12 Atk., +10 Def, +10 Sp.Def.
  • Spiritomb: Aftermath ability.
  • Garchomp: -23 Hp. -15 Sp.Def. –7 Sp.Atk, - 5 Def.
  • Lucario: -25 Sp.Def, + 10 HP.
  • Hippowdon: -7 Spd.
  • Toxicroak: +5 Def.
  • Carnivine: +10 Spd. +16 HP, Gunk Shot, Acid Armor, Knock Off, Grass Whistle, Uproar, Clamp, Aqua Jet, Leaf Blade, Synthesis, Body Slam, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, U-Turn by lvl up. Can learn Waterfall by TM.
  • Lumineon: +11 HP, +9 Sp.Def.
  • Abomasnow: + 17 HP.
  • Weavile: -5 Def, -5 Sp.Def.
  • Lickilicky: Change Own Tempo for Thick Fat. Amnesia, Belly Drum, Curse, Poison Tail, Focus Punch, Body Slam by lvl up.
  • Electivire: -30 Sp.Atk., -10 Sp.Def +15 Hp + 20 Def.
  • Magmortar: -30 Atk, -10 Sp.Def, +15 HP, +20 Def.
  • Togekiss: -10 Sp.Atk.
  • Gliscor: -5 HP.


  • Serperior: Change Contrary for Regenerator.

  • Watchog: +9 HP, Analitic and Technician as only abilities. Curse, Feint, Quick Attack, Fake Out, Covet, Facade, Glare, Headbutt, Payday, Rage, Tail Slap, Double Team by lvl up.
  • Stoutland; +5 HP, +5 Spd.
  • Simisage, Simisear & Simipour: +10 HP.
  • Liepard: + 8 HP. +15 Sp.Def. +5 Spd. Charm, Fake Tears, Payday, Foulplay, Iron Tail, Poison Tail by lvl up.
  • Musharna: Fairy/Psychic. Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Moonblast, Barrier by lvl up.
  • Unfezant: +10 HP.
  • Zebstrika: Abilities changed for Speed Boost.
  • Gigalith: Geomancy, Heavy Slam, Gyro Ball, Rest, Stomp, Crafty Shield, Diamond Storm, Rock Tomb, by lvl up.
  • Swoobat: +15Hp, +10Sp.Atk, +15 Def. +5 Sp.Def. Stored Power, Double Team, Draining Kiss by lvl up.
  • Excadrill: -8 HP, -10 Spd.
  • Audino: +15 Def, +15 Sp.Def. Perish Song, Supersonic, Hyper Voice by lvl up.

(Mega Audino): Ability changed to Magic Bounce.

  • Throh: +5 Sp. Def, +5 Def. +5 Atk.

  • Sawk: +10 Sp.Atk, +5 Spd.
  • Leavanny: All abilities changed to Filter. Synthesis by lvl up.
  • Scolipede: -10 Spd.
  • Lilligant: +5 Hp, +10 Sp.Def. Rain Dance by lvl up.
  • Basculin: +25 Hp.
  • Darmanitan: +5 Sp.Def.
  • Maractus: +35 HP. + 5 Sp.Atk. Change Water Absorb for Rough Skin. Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Worry Seed, Leech Seed, Substitute, Minimize, Aromatic Mist, Disarming Voice by lvl up.
  • Crustle: +10 Def. +20 Sp.Def.
  • Scrafty: +9 Atk. Dragon Dance by lvl up.
  • Sigilyph: -3 Def. + 13 Sp.Def.
  • Carracosta: -28 Sp.Atk. +15 Sp.Def. +13 Atk.
  • Archeops: -20 Sp.Atk, +20HP. Aerial Ace, Dragon Tail, Steel Wing by lvl up.
  • Garbodor: +30 HP. Knock Off by lvl up. Abilities changed to Weak Armor, Rough Skin, Shed Skin, (hidden ability) Stench.
  • Zoroark: +5 Hp.
  • Swanna: +8 Def, +8 Sp.Def
  • Vanilluxe: -30 Atk. +20 Def.
  • Sawsbuck: +15 Def.
  • Emolga: +15 Atk, +15 Sp.Atk. +10 HP. Minimize, Fairy Wind, Play Rough, Iron Tail, Aeroblast by lvl up.
  • Escavalier: + 5 HP.
  • Jellicent: +15 HP.
  • Galvantula: +8 Hp. +5 Sp.Atk. +3 Def. +3 Sp.Def. Change Swarm ability for Static. Poison Fang, Acid Spray, Venoshock by lvl up.
  • Ferrothorn: -6 HP.
  • Klingklang: Change Minus & Plus for Levitate.
  • Eelektross: Water/Electric. Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail, Poison Tail, Sludge Bomb, Mud Bomb, Dragon Dance by lvl up. Can learn TM Dive.
  • Beheeyem: Rock/Psychic. +25 Spd. Power Gem, Ancient Power, Stealth Rock, Rock Polish by lvl up.
  • Beartic: +10 Spd. +5 HP.
  • Cryogonal: +40 Def. Rock Polish, Scary Face, Flash Cannon by lvl up.
  • Accelgor: +5 Def.
  • Stunfisk: +10 Sp.Def, +10 Hp. Changed Limber for Dry Skin.
  • Mienshao: -10 Sp. Atk, +6 Hp.
  • Druddigon: +30 Def. +10 HP.
  • Golurk: +17 Def. +17 Sp.Def.
  • Bisharp: -5 HP, -5 Sp.Def
  • Bouffalant: +10 Sp. Def. Sap Sipper ability changed for Defiant. Curse, Double Kick, Flame Charge, Amnesia, Outrage by lvl up.
  • Braviary: -7 Sp.Atk, +7 Def.
  • Heatmor: +14 Def. + 7 HP.
  • Durant: +5 HP.
  • Hydreigon: -5 Atk, - 25 Def. -20 Sp.Def.
  • Volcarona: -5 HP, -10 Sp.Atk – 10 Spd.


  • Talonflame: - 9 Sp.Def


  • Vivillon: +40 HP. Minimize, Camouflag, Signal Beam by lvl up.

  • Pyroar: Change Moxie ability for Intimidate. Flame Charge, Wild Charge by lvl up.
  • Florges: Grass/Fairy. Wish, Giga Drain by lvl up.
  • Gogoat: -37 Sp.Atk. +27 Spd.
  • Pangoro: Ice Punch by lvl up.
  • Furfrou: +15 Atk. Ice Fang, Tail Slap, Roar, Return, Endure by lvl up.
  • Meowstic F: +10 Spd. +5 Sp Atk. (removed Keen Eye, hidden ability made normal ability) Tail Slap, Fake Tears, Close Combat by lvl up.
  • Meowstic M: +10 Spd. +5 Sp.Atk. (removed Keen Eye, hidden ability made normal ability), Wonder Room, Trick, Hypnosis, Dream Eater by lvl up.
  • Aegislash: -15 Hp.
  • Aromatisse: +13 Hp. Teeter Dance, Feather Dance, Gyro Ball by lvl up.
  • Slurpuff: Regenerator ability. Belly Drum, Milk Drink, Sweet Kiss by lvl up.
  • Malamar: +14 HP.
  • Barbaracle: Sniper & Pickpocket abilities replaced for Rough Skin and Skill Link. Rock Blast, Arm Thrust, Spikes, Spike Cannon, Icicle Spear, Pin Missile by lvl up.
  • Clawitzer: +15 Sp.Atk Sludge Bomb, Mud Bomb by lvl up.
  • Heliolisk: +8 HP. Electric Terrain, Iron Tail by lvl up.
  • Auroros: Refrigerate removed, Ability Clear Body & Filter. Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Rock Polish, Earthquake by lvl up.
  • Dedenne: +64 Sp.Def. Substitute, Light Screen, disarming Voice by lvl up.
  • Carbink: +10Hp, Rough Skin ability. Rest, Sleep Talk, Drill Run, Gyro Ball by lvl up.
  • Goodra: -20 Def. -15 Spd -15 Sp.Def. Hydration & Sap Sipper changed for Regenerator and Liquid Ooze. Substitute, Poison Tail, Iron Tail, Acid Armor, Sludge Bomb by lvl up.
  • Trevenant: +16 Hp. Drain Punch, Knock Off by lvl up.
  • Gourgeist: Imsomnia replaced by Heatproof. Will-o-Wisp by lvl up.
  • Avalugg: +14 Sp.Def. Rock Polish, Heavy Slam, Rest, Ancient Power, Earthquake by lvl up.
Edited by iskelion
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Game Freak buffed or nerfed stats, added moves or abilities because they were implementing new content, mons and gameplay features with each new generation. They had to do it in order for the older mons to keep up and still have a role in the metagame.

The thing is, from what I've seen Reborn isn't trying to do that. Reborn doesn't create new mechanics or fakemons, so there's no need to add non canon buffs or nerfs and potentially break the game's balance.

Besides, nerfing pseudos or legendaries just to be able to use them earlier would cheapen the satisfaction of acquiring said pseudos and legendaries imo. I'd rather wait until e19 to finally be able to use the best mons at their full power. I trust Ame and the team to give us access to them in due time, so the game remains as balanced as possible.

Edit: my statement about Reborn not creating new mechanics isn't completely true, because there are the Field Effects. But I think the point still stands.

Edited by Alistair
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Whoa, that list must've taken quite a while to make O_o

But honestly, I would personally not want such a change from Reborn, where they rebalanced certain Pokémon. It would feel inauthentic to the real Pokémon experience. Technically it's probably not that difficult, as it's just about editing some lines of code, but the main thing is that it's kind of a pointless endeavour. You want certain Pokémon to be stronger than other's to have a good progression in the game. You go from being a hobo going through garbage, catching Ratattas and Pidgeys to having an A-tier Team of Amazing Pokémon. Were all pokémon to be equally viable this experience would disappear and all sense of progression would be lost.

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Game Freak buffed or nerfed stats, added moves or abilities because they were implementing new content, mons and gameplay features with each new generation. They had to do it in order for the older mons to keep up and still have a role in the metagame.

The thing is, from what I've seen Reborn isn't trying to do that. Reborn doesn't create new mechanics or fakemons, so there's no need to add non canon buffs or nerfs and potentially break the game's balance.

Besides, nerfing pseudos or legendaries just to be able to use them earlier would cheapen the satisfaction of acquiring said pseudos and legendaries imo. I'd rather wait until e19 to finally be able to use the best mons at their full power. I trust Ame and the team to give us access to them in due time, so the game remains as balanced as possible.

Edit: my statement about Reborn not creating new mechanics isn't completely true, because there are the Field Effects. But I think the point still stands.

Im talking more whats mentioned on the list, mostly buffing weaker pokemon (Farfetch'd, etc.) and nerfing 600 stat dragons a bit so they'll fulfill their roles without being OP, basically adding diversity and not ending up with everyone having similar teams.

Whoa, that list must've taken quite a while to make O_o

Almost 2 weeks i think :P, i checked stats, moves and abilities to polish each pokemon's identity.

I get the thing about progress, but even pokemon that become obtainable at the same time (lets say Froslass & Delibird or Blaziken and Meganium) show a no-brainer about which to choose, even leading to choose the one you "like less" just because it is extremely better.

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The Blaze Black and Volt White rom hacks do something similar by re-balancing pokemon stats, move pools (it mostly make them less reliant on tutors), moves (ie: Cut is a 60 power Grass) typings (ie: Golduck is Water/Psychic). It also give you the option to play the hack without any change for those who prefer vanilla mons.

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I can see you spent quite a bit of time on this, however as mentioned before. Amethyst wants to stay true to the framework laid out by game-freak for the pokemon themselves, hence why you don't see custom mega evolutions or fakemons. I read some of these and they're very well thought out.

With the exception of the Pulses of course.

I've found myself using Pokemon I've never considered using thanks to Reborn, all because we aren't given our desert before supper (aka, getting the best stuff immediately.) Many Pokemon are viable, so its kind of fun to learn the mechanics even more.

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I suppose the best way to put it is that not all Pokemon are supposed to be good or even "viable". Due to that, people can cripple or buff their teams based around how to use such a mon. Game designing for these mons is something reflected upon that. There are tiers for that very reason competitively. This actually works out very, very well for the player side giving so many options on what to do, which not all games have such a luxury.

Though on the opponent side, it's a little bit different as a crippling weakness is very crippling for them which is why in Hardcore I'm probably going to give a couple of the leader Aces stat buffs (because Volbeat and a couple others need it badly). It's moreso for a difficulty perspective over true to the original game.

I get what you're saying and doing, but how much a Pokemon is used isn't just based on how good or useful it is, but WHEN it can be obtained. Reborn, sorry to be blunt, punishes people who try to swap out their team due to the limited experience to the point anything post Aya is...really not worth using unless it is really, really good. So if you want to make mon's better in Reborn, make them available earlier in the game, not give them small buffs.

I just glanced through the list and while there was a lot of thought put into it, I could categorize quite a large number into the don't bother category. Anything will a small stat adjustment isn't going to really feel that different unless it's speed, and curse is...a gimmick that is very situational. Coverage moves definitely help some mons out, but many of them have mons on the just as good or way better which they'd lose against.

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I suppose the best way to put it is that not all Pokemon are supposed to be good or even "viable".

I get what you are saying and i even thought of that myself, i guess the strength of the buffs can be so not all pokes are equally strong, but that if you want to use, lets say Beautifly because it looks cute and you like it, it won't just be dead weight.

Also so if multiplayer becomes available, you won't be seeing just the same pokes over and over.

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This isn't gonna happen in the main game, partially because it would make balancing the game really hard if everything was about even. I've seen some fan games that have tried to make everything viable and they just get really tedious as every battle stretches out forever as everything is too good. Also changing around pokemon too much would make it really untrue to the original games which isn't the intention and by having all pokemon be equally good it would make the battles really bland. The way it is currently you can use weaker pokemon to give yourself a challenge or stronger ones if you aren't the most confident battler.

That being said, once the game is completed it will be fully open to user mods and editing pokemon stats is really quite easy, so if you're still around when its done you could implement this yourself and have fun with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This isn't gonna happen in the main game, partially because it would make balancing the game really hard if everything was about even. I've seen some fan games that have tried to make everything viable and they just get really tedious as every battle stretches out forever as everything is too good. Also changing around pokemon too much would make it really untrue to the original games which isn't the intention and by having all pokemon be equally good it would make the battles really bland. The way it is currently you can use weaker pokemon to give yourself a challenge or stronger ones if you aren't the most confident battler.

That being said, once the game is completed it will be fully open to user mods and editing pokemon stats is really quite easy, so if you're still around when its done you could implement this yourself and have fun with it.

But... don't things being more even be the definition of balance ?

The general idea of the changes is that if you like some pokemon, you can use it without it being dead weight (a waste of space) in your team.

I kinda disagree on a balanced game making battles bland, i think lack of balance makes them bland as they decrease versatility, reduces the amount of movesets used and makes most outcomes incredibly predictable.

You can still use "weaker pokemon" by just not evolving them.

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