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Sun and Moon Tier Discussion [WARNING: SPOILERS]

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  On 11/19/2016 at 9:55 AM, Nova said:

252+ Atk Choice Band Mega Rayquaza Dragon Ascent vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Bewear: 344-408 (77.4 - 91.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Just... just this.


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One needs to play with bulky teams to survive the new meta. I haven't seen any megas yet.



Specs Tapu-Koko is a beast. Might need a suspect.

Kartana needs to go. The scarf set is devastating for any team.

Lycanroc is the only thing to stop Scolipede.

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Heracross Reg:

80 HP 125 ATK 75 DEF 40 SpATK 95 SpDEF 85 SPD

Heracross Mega

80 HP 185 ATK 115 DEF 40 SpATK 105 SpDEF 75 SPD


107 HP 139 ATK 139 DEF 53 SpATK 53 SpDEF 79 SPD

So, just a quick grab of their stats and it'll be decently easy to compare them due to the fact that their typings are similar and even abilities in a way.

So Buzzswole is basically Mega Heracross if they kept it with Moxie in a way. Beast Boost will mostly likely always work like Moxie which Heracross has access to. most of their relevant stats are similar, as their distributions are very close other than in the defenses.

Actual Mega Heracross has much higher attack, though it loses Moxie, but also has access to Skill Link. It also has much more general bulk, Like it's barely less bulky on the defense side but it's a HELL of a lot bulkier on the Special Side ((it's has nearly double the effective defense on that side.)), However, Buzzswole is extremely tanky on the physical side if using Lunge as it always drops the opposing attack stat by a stage making it a lot harder to threaten with Physical attackers probably even those packing flying moves due to how bulky it's physical side is when taking Lunge into considerationas well as the possible Bulk Up on Buzzswole.

They have similar levels of speed and coverage ((and high power coverage in Mega Cross's situation.)) though maredly Buzzswole does have a lot of niche options I suppose but their usages would be insanely narrow ((other than Maybe Ice Punch.)) cause they seem mostly like 80ish BP or lower, which work ye, but only tend to topple 4x weaknesses or frail mons unboosted.

I dunno. I don't see Buzzswole being more than OU the same as Mega Hera, especially since it's forced into running Superpower, Dynamic Punch, Hammer Arm, or Focus Punch for a powerful Fighting STAB. THe only ones that don't drop your stats or have some drawback are Vital Throw, or Brick Break as it doesn't get access to Drain Punch etc... It has trouble finding a fighting move that doesn't have a big drawback to it ((unlike Pheromosa, who's got HJK.))

Dunno jsut of the Ultra Beasts, I feel like Buzzwole is... kinda one of the weaker ones due to another mon having a very similar niche to his without an insanely paper thin SpDef. I guess it hinges on just how strong Lunge is, but due to it not really helping with Buzzwole issues ((bad SpDef and painfully average speed.)) I just don't think he's that strong.

Keep in mind, you ahve to actually get a kill for Beast Boost to go off. I think people are forgetting that yes, while Beast Boost is good it's not as crazy as first seems cause you need to pick it up and then survive your opponent attacking your possibly weakened mon. I don't think a lot of the slower UBs will get banned jsut since their speed is exploitable enough to deal with them much better.

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Shift gear Magearna puts in a ton of work, it's typing is good to take hits, and even if you don't invest in spatk it can still be really threatening. Max Spdef and HP with modest nature and shift gear threatens a lot of things with stab + a coverage move (I prefer energy ball/tbolt/ice coverage). It doesn't like Scizor but with enough boosts it can get through it. It's even possible to run mixed with shift gear because it can scare people with its special stab then pull out a physical attack off about 300 atl after one shift gear (uninvested)

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Wait, people think Xuriktree is good? I mean it's SpAtk is insane but it's coverage is complete ass. It's gets Electric moves and a few grass ones, Dazzling Gleam and like Signal Beam. Not the greatest coverage tbh. Most of it's stats otherwise are also nothing to write home about. I guess it gets Tail Glow ((which is pretty freaking overkill tbh)) but it's bulk isn't really inspiring at 83/71/71 and it's speed is pretty awful too at 83. I imagine it nearly always runs Scarf to get around it's painfully average speed... but I'm not sure I really like the idea of locking into Electric types moves with things like Lando-T and I running around which I'm sure they are.

As solely Electric type, it's weak to Ground, and ye... only ground but Ground isn't exactly a great weakness to have, since... so many things run it as coverage. I was honestly thinking it'd be BL or lower jsut looking at it. Like just it doesn't look appealing at all.

On Kartana, Not as sure I can be as solid in that one seeing as I've yet to play yet I'm going more on the stuff I've seen thus far etc... But I think one point folks do need to realize while it's attack is insanity... it's got pretty low BP moves, with literally nothing over 90, and really jsut not a lot in general it cause use. Looks like the extent of the coverage it gets is Grass, Steel, and Fighting. Which ain't shabby but as Jeri said it's pretty predictable in that manner since it really doesn't seem like it has the movepool to draw from for really any decent surprises. It's got a real hefty Leaf Blade! Shame Grass is resisted by a buttload of types... dunno I'm skeptical on it myself as to jsut how good it is.

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celesteela is an amazing tank. Its typing allows it to resist a lot and avoid a few things. It can be given full defense on both stats and still provide some decent damage in physical or special. Giving it leftovers allows it to have some recover due to its recovery to live more. Or you can run assault vest and because it has access to leech seed, giga drain, ingrain. It weakness are the same as skarmory, but some are not really seen. It even has fire moves for some weird reason.

Celesteela is definitely good for ou. Shes not damage broken or defense broken, so she'll definitelybe seen a lot more in teams

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Let's see, Pheromosa, Aegislash and Genesect are probably going straight (back) to Ubers. For things that I like using:

Celesteela, a SpDef set with Leech Seed, Protect, Flamethrower and Heavy Slam is amazing at checking well a lot of things, it's like Skarmory but with better Spdef and less Def and no roost, but Leech Seed is pretty good. Flamethrower hits things like Ferro and Scizor while Heavy Slam destroys Fairies. [OU]

Alolan Marowak, this thing actually surprised me, but with Lightning Rod it checks all electrics so well because it resists all their coverage options, it can also check things like Scizor and Pheromosa and with an Adamant nature, 252 EV's and Thick Club it hits like a truck. Fire, Ghost, Ground is only resisted by Hydreigon so it is actually pretty hard to switch in to. [Won't be OU, but is definitely viable in OU]

Tapu Bulu, whether it is CB or LO SD, this thing hits like a truck and there are pretty much no entirely safe switchings aside from Defensive Skarmory (which still takes a ton from Banded Superpower), Grassy Terrain is also pretty nice for things like SubCM Raikou and ZardX, it takes away their EQ weakness and the recovery can help to set up on things. [OU for sure]

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Oh yeah on the subject of setup mons, Shell Smash Minior and SD Mimikyu are both pretty good.

Minior in its first form has the bulk to take a hit and set up a shell smash, white herb can take away the debuffs and make acrobatics better. Acrobatics +EdgeQuake is great coverage. Sash is another option.

Mimikyu is basically guaranteed to get off a free SD because of its ability, Fairy/Ghost is a great offensive combination and it has Shadow Sneak too, a pretty good late game cleaner. Also Sash sounds pretty troll, to take a guaranteed two hits.

Overall this meta is very interesting, after the dust settles the meta will become more clear (and probably less offensive), but I'm having fun for now (even though I refuse to use Pheromosa, Aegislash and Genesect, which might be a slight handicap).

Edited by Wavesteel
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Right now an intermediate tier between OU and Ubers or redefining Ubers as a whole needs to be made. The viable competitive stuff in one tier, and the OMGSOBROKENOPSHIT go to AG.

That said, I would love to use Minior and Mimikkyu in UU after all is said and done.

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Think I'll just list out some interesting things that get some rather Key moves just for the shits and giggles.

Rapid Spin:

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Will continue at a later time cause I needa go lel.

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Definitely, I just thought it was an interesting thing it got for sure. ((I think I did mention probably won't be used for that bu it's an option. I think if it had better recovery options it'd be more viable in that role.))

Few More for funsies.

Stealth Rock:

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Toxic Spikes:

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Sticky Web: None, cause Gamefreak wants it to remain unviable garbage apparently.

Volt Switch:

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  On 11/20/2016 at 8:33 PM, Jmanultrax1 said:

beware is a very good tank. it has access to pain split. By giving it high def and an assult vest and can deal good damage and survive hits and recover with pain split as its recovery. I just wish it was a little faster.

Assault Vest prohibits the use of Pain Split. Perhaps if it gets Drain Punch in the future.

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Ye, Drain Punch would be a BIG boon for it since it's sorta in need of that recovery. I can see it getting it, but Gamefreak might jsut be like "Na."

Also did a few more lists above. Mostly just cause I felt like it. ((also keep in mind I've yet to play much hence why my thoughts are rather all over the place XD. Haven't had the time to slap a team together.))

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Yes, it prohibits all status moves. You can only use attacks. If it's classified as status, it's unusable.

Think of it this way, Assault Vest permanently inflicts Taunt on the user. It cannot use any move that Taunt would not allow it too.

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