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If you could go back in time, to any time period, who would you want to meet?


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Okay, random question, but being OBSESSED with British history, I often think about this!!

Ill go first - I would have to say the very start of the plantaganet dynasty, Richard Couer de Lion would be my number one, and his famous Mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and also Llewellyn Fwar

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No one... I don't want to change 100 or thousands of earths history!

but.. you know... maybe... I would go back in time to meet myself and my self in the face for all the stupid things I've done in the meantime... you know like:


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My, that's a very interesting question. There are a bunch of important figures I would have liked to meet, but I think I'm with Cepheus on this one. Going back in time is way too risky because even if you're careful enough not to anything stupid, you might change the course of History in a major way without even knowing it. I wouldn't want to come back to our present time to see the Earth destroyed by war or disasters, or come back to a timeline where I don't even exist due to my ancestors never encountering each other (which would create a nasty time paradox).

Btw, it's Richard Cœur de Lion (French for Lion Heart). Understandable mistake because I can't think of any English word with "œ" in it ;)

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Obsessed with British history, eh?

Well, then, I should like to meet all of Lord and Lady Mountbatten, General Dyer, Lord Lytton, Lord Minto, Lord Bentinck, Sir John Simon, Lord Dalhousie, Lord Birkenhead, and others who had administered the enslavement and destruction of my country. Just to see exactly what species of bastard they had been.

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I guess I would start at 1800 and experience history until today. Also it would be interesting to pay a visit to some of my famous ancestors and actually experience their rise to power when things got real.

Edited by Josef
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...I won't say it. I fear it would be too much for Reborn to handle. But I enjoy attention whoring enough to post this message and leave a couple of you guessing and the rest thinking "what a smug bitch".

Are we playing freakin Guess Who? K.

... so do they have a mustache?

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just to find out how exactly he became the worldbuilding god he was.

But what about MY worldbuilding? c:

I'd go for something like the ancient Greeks or maybe Carthage, check me out some Dido or Sparta and Athens beating the shit outta eachother with the phalanx maybe become a rich man and play RTW in real life hue OH or maybe the beginning of the Roman Republic, that sounds fun too

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I'd go back and give myself some lottery numbers, split 50% with the previous winner to be fair, and take about 90% of what's left to set up a charitable foundation for insert cause that needs thing. I can live off of 5% of a lottery and enjoy a comfortable life knowing I've tried to make a difference.

step 1. Time Travel

step 2. ?????

step 3. Oh god trump wo- oh wait that happened without time travel.

step 4. Profit.

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I would really like to meet Brett Whitely. He is an artist who pretty much influenced me to do surreal art. I wouldn't mind doing a self portrait after a bottle of vodka with the guy. Although with that said, he might be the only person I would truly want to meet who I would have to go into the past for, or at least as of right now. My answer will most likely change once I've had sleep.

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