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The Random Rambling of a Semi-Drunken Maybe Madman


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So basically the title explains it all: I am semi-drunk, I think I might be slightly mad and I have too much filled up in my head to keep going like this so I'm basically going almost all out on alla dis.

I've been feeling like shit for like 4 years now, I couldn't apologize to my dad, I'm greatly contemplated with my crush cause I feel like we're drifting apart this year cause we now only have geography togheter and hardly ever really talk or sit next to eachother anymore, and even if we do sit next to eachother we kinda just do our own thing during class. I have my own personal traumas that I can't really tell anyone cause of my inherit fair of rejection, abandonment and disapproval. I've basically lost my ability to cry after my dad since even with the sad moments I never seem to be able to cry even when I want to.

Well this was less of a rant but I still don't really remember what else I'm bothered by but yea, that's it.

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  • Support Squad

I'm sorry you can't find peace from this tumult. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do. I'm confident you have the strength to find some resolution though Wendel. People are strong, so are you.

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The people of Reborn are there, and even if it's not much you'll find kind and accepting ears whenever you need. Like Dypatome said, don't hesitate to shoot any of us a PM if you feel like venting a bit.

That being said, we can only offer attention and sympathy. If you need more, turn to your loved ones and seek more competent help if needed.

Be safe Wendel. I hope things get better for you.

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Rant away, there are plenty of friendly ears willing to listen, the beauty of this community.

One of the best ways of release, for pent up emotions, in my opinion, is crying, and dont force yourself to stop just let it all out I find it helps a little

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The best way to deal with this is to let the steam out. Rant here or if you wish, in personal messages, since you seem not to want to share personal information in the open, even if it's anonymous. Know that we are here to support you, and if we can, even provide advice with how to deal with specific problems.

If you want to, you can send me a PM, and we can discuss about what's bothering you. Sometimes, ranting about your problems to a person who you know is not going to betray your trust can alleviate some of the emotional strain. What is much better is to discuss this with someone close to you in real life, as they know you better.

Don't be afraid to express your fears. Everyone deals with life in their own way, no matter how big or small the problem is.

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