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Optimistic or pessimistic?


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Idk where to post this

Overall you consider yourself more optimistic or pessimistic?

Personally, i'm 100% pessimistic for many reasons, mainly past experiences of important things went totally sh*t but whatever

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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I just had an epiphany as to why the glass is half empty is a stupid way to phrase something.

A glass by itself, what is its default state of being? Empty, yup.

A glass is filled with water (or liquid of choosing), otherwise it is empty. To refer to something that is not in it's default state as partially in it's default state is illogical. You can't be partly empty since the default state is in fact empty. It's either entirely empty or filled X amount...

I wonder what this analysis would leave me as in most peoples book??

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I just had an epiphany as to why the glass is half empty is a stupid way to phrase something.

A glass by itself, what is its default state of being? Empty, yup.

A glass is filled with water (or liquid of choosing), otherwise it is empty. To refer to something that is not in it's default state as partially in it's default state is illogical. You can't be partly empty since the default state is in fact empty. It's either entirely empty or filled X amount...

I wonder what this analysis would leave me as in most peoples book??

a guy who over thinks things

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Optimism and pessimism are different ways of dealing with uncertainty. If you have a good idea of the most probable outcome and act towards it, you are being realistic instead. Otherwise, optimism is just wishful thinking. And with wishful thinking and with a good go-getter approach, you can achieve much more than with conservatism, pessimism, etc. I choose to be positive when dealing with uncertainty. The risk is higher: I can be dissappointed. The reward is higher too: a much more satisfying and pleasant life.

The choice is easy for me, I'm an optimist. But generally, I try to be realistic.

About the glass half-full:




Edited by Busti
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I just had an epiphany as to why the glass is half empty is a stupid way to phrase something.

A glass by itself, what is its default state of being? Empty, yup.

A glass is filled with water (or liquid of choosing), otherwise it is empty. To refer to something that is not in it's default state as partially in it's default state is illogical. You can't be partly empty since the default state is in fact empty. It's either entirely empty or filled X amount...

I wonder what this analysis would leave me as in most peoples book??

I think the idea of pessimism vs. optimism is that they're general outlooks on life that don't concern themselves with facts like the default state of a glass

Even if you're faced with a bad situation that probably won't get better the optimist would still say it has a chance to get better, not just because the default state of a bad situation is to continue being bad

Edited by HughJ
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I learned in high school that nihilism is overrated. What's the fun in life if you believe that all of the actions that we do won't amount to anything in the end? I try to find the beauty in life as much as I can, since I believe our existences here in this time and place are a gift not to be squandered.

I try to be an "optimistic realist", since life isn't good all the time, and rationality plays a big part in living well. But it helps to keep your chin up as much as you can.

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It's complex to answer that question not only regarding myself but also, regarding people as a whole.

A optimistic approach/view or a pessimistic one, might be dictated by the individual's mindset at a certain point in their life or by the situation they happen to find themselves in, by the kind of problems they are dealing with or all of those at the same time. Therefore, i believe that being optimistic or pessimistic are circumstancial condititions in which no person, should permanently place themselves in.

If you're a hundred percent optimistic, you're in danger of being deceived, disapointed, tackling stuff that is beyound your abilities and sometimes making choices that could end up destroying you.

If you're downright pessimistic, you're in a breeding ground for lost opportunities, your enjoyment of life will be limited, your self confidence and esteem will eventually be in danger.

So where should people stand? On the middle ground called realism. You see problems and situations for what they are, think about how to act or solve them, then prepare yourself to deal with them always keeping the consequences of your actions in mind. Think about the possibilities, and if you ever find yourself in a situation where it seems you don't have a choice, look and think harder and perhaps, your choice will be under your nose or you will find a means to create yourself a choice.

If it's not a life threatening choice, or something that'll harm other people, and more importantly, if it's something that only depends on you, and you alone to have a very positive impact in your life, then do it. Do it giving your best to ensure that positive outcome.

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