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19 hours ago, vijaybatwing said:

Do you want any money

. For your projects?

It's not like I'm selling them or anything. I'm just trying to piece together an income to live off so I can dedicate myself to them fully.

14 hours ago, pbood2 said:

Hello Ame. Do you want people to share/tweet about this because Team Darkness can tweet about supporting a fellow amazing game creator if you would like?


I plan to help you a lot per month so I hope you continue to have lots of support from people. 


This was an awesome idea. I just hope it doesn't backfire later on somehow. :(

If you would like, then please, it would certainly be appreciated!

13 hours ago, kakoi said:

This Patreon is for all of my games, not just Reborn.


What other games you made? XD

Actually I've worked on a lot of different games when I was younger... but in truth it's nothing I want to share because I was very sm0l and had a lot to learn back then. I'm proud of how far I've come now, so I choose to focus on the future. I'm currently working on two projects besides Reborn, one being the else-mentioned Starlight Divide, and the other being something that is best kept behind as many closed doors as possible. 

11 hours ago, thedeath245 said:

For Reborn! and soon to be Starlight Divide. 

reading through patron page, does it mean reborn has been on your mind since you were 10 ?? 

Not quite. I was drawing Fakemon even before then, but I didn't have any real ambitions of making a Pokemon game... I didn't think it was possible for me. I tried Romhacking a couple times but wow that's an unholy disaster.

The earliest traces of Reborn were from when I was 14. I sprited the badges and came up with the leader names back then for a personal challenge for a friend. Then I made that challenge public years later as what became the Reborn League. Then that spiraled into all of this beautiful mess here.

Speaking of projects in the past though, Starlight Divide is also the evolution of a project I was working on when I was 16. So... in a way I'm still carrying forward some of my old games.


...Anyway, hi. It's 24 hours later and all of my expectations have been thoroughly exceeded. To everyone who was able to pledge, thank you guys so, so much! -- but you might've seen I already said so on that side. To everyone who wishes to pledge but can't, or can't yet-- I completely understand. It will mean just as much to me if you're able to in the future, but knowing that everyone has my back with this is a huge relief in itself too.


Thank you all for sticking with me through everything. 

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 I have been here for 3 years, still kinda newish because I haven't really been apart of the community lately (or not really all together). Really I come and go, but I can give 50 good reasons why to donate to Ame, but I am too lazy to type, so instead just shut up and take my money.

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I'm at a similar place as you, so unfortunately I can't donate, but if I had enough disposable income I'd easily choose the $100 option. Your free game is a better quality than most of these 40-50 dollar games out there, it'd be the least a person can do (if they have a lot of money). Your game may piss me off more than enough times, but damn is it good, and I want to see this through to the end. 

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I found reborn about a year ago and when I finished the orphanage part I started to feel wrong that I get to play such an amazing game for free. Almost like i stole it or something. I started to search for a way to pay anything back to the creators but without luck. 

I know that your situation in life forced you to start a patreon, but I am literally happy for an opportunity to give my thanks in any way. 


Good luck, and may your creativity never stop. 

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To anyone on the fence about whether to donate or not, because they feel that they cannot donate a sizeable amount, please don't be discouraged, don't feel obligated to donate large amounts because some have decided to pledge 10$<. Ame is happy with donations of any size, or none at all. Less than a dollar is better than nothing. In theory if everyone on this forum decided to give her 1$ a month, she'd practically have enough money to reach her goal of having the Patreon pay for all her living expenses. 

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you guysssss are really great and i appreciate you all! i

I have some really amazing patrons that take me incredibly far... there's so much I could say about that, but I'll try not to gush too much here. I am incredibly humbled though


but what Tartar says about not being discouraged if you can't give a lot is completely true! Although I totally understand life/financial situations not being conducive, even if a quarter of the people this site pledged a dollar, I'd be just fine! 

that said i am getting some streams going for my 3's and up, and with E17 on the horizon I intend to get some personal time in for my higher levels too so there is actually a lot to get in on here. i'm super excited to be able to do all of this for everyone!

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I am happy to help you too, Ame! I just want you to know that I appreciate the creative output and the passion you put into the game! I want this to become reality!

Edited by Busti
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I am seriously tempted to throw in that 1$ "I am helping :"D " in as a symbolic degree of assistance.


As someone else mentioned, it feels like a crime to play a game, which has brought me more memories, fun and inspiration than any 50 euro pokemon game nintendo ever coughed up, for free.


I am tempted, truly. 



After all, what is 1 euro per month to me? I daily spent that getting a completely unnecessary brownie at school.


It would be my first patreon pledge...


EDIT: Okay i've come around and decided to go for it but i don't have a credit card and my Paypal is a bit screwed on account of my account getting limited, and the page for phone authentication crashing whenever is try to access it :( can't even close down the account and start a new one because the bloody close down function is also bugged


EDIT 2: Paypal finally unfucked my account. Going through the motions to give Ame her extremely cheap and drawn-out christmas gift. Praise be, praise be. The bad news is that the 80 euros i tried to put on it 2 months ago while it was limited (god knows why thats even an option) is permanently gone.

Edited by colers25
Hello darkness my old friend
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Just wondering, why is this topic not pinned anywhere? I only know of it since I was on the forum during the community release, and I bookmarked the Patreon page. This post is difficult to find otherwise, and pinning it would be a good way to give it a little attention.


Anyways, best of luck to you with the Patreon Ame, and I hope this works out for you! Happy Holidays!

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On 24/12/2016 at 11:05 PM, Mint3kool said:

Just wondering, why is this topic not pinned anywhere?

Cuz Ame is a very nice person who doesn't want to show too much explicitly she needs money xD


Well, I agree with Mint3kool, maybe there are some people who have the possibility to patreon the author but don't know how to do it, and can't find this thread!


If only I had a credit card :(... Are there other possibilities for supporting like "paysafe card" or something similar as single donations?

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