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Happy late birthday Ama!!!


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Well, your birthday was two days ago, but the site was down, so you're getting your thread now :3 Happy birthday Amachen, you special special friend, my first one in Reborn too!!! I never gave up on you and I'm never regretting that: you're a darling, incredibly loving and caring, and very funny as well! Enjoy your belated wishes as much as the timely ones :3

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I don't usually do these buy figured I'd break my whole don't do post indirect bday wishes thing. ((mostly cuase you're never on Discord so I an't poke you at my leisure...)) but ye, happy birthday belated birthday Ama~ Hope it was a good one. ((and hope today is swell too.))

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Ahh, I'ma take this opportunity to once again thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday back on the 2nd, as well as a fresh new thank you to everyone who did so today! <3
It was a nice day except for when I almost blacked out on the street and considering I spent a large part of it online and talking to people, including on the Reborn server, I'd say y'all had a part in making it nice.

Struggle of the day: I know the rep system has been changed somehow to make spamming rep less likely, but but but I want to rep everyone ;A; Is this still a thing that can be done?


PS: I'll steal the Froot Loops when you're not looking, Spine. Locking them away won't stop me.

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you know I already wished you happy bday on your bday yourself but theres this topic and I must wish you happy bday after you bday again even though your bday has already bday'd


ive already told you numerous times that youre one of the only people able to keep in close contact with me, and #noregretti because ur fuken awesome. dont even try to argue this, its a well-known fact, and you cant argue with that.



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