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If You Could Make Your Own Mega Pokemon... (7th-Gen Update)

Lord Chespin

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Now, now, I know what you're thinking, "Don't we have enough of these Mega Flygon?" well, I think I may have found the solution to truly make a proper Mega Flygon.



(Not using the many premade Mega Flygon pics because I'm a hipster)

Mega Flygon

Type: Ground / Flying

Ability: Aerilate

HP: 80

Atk: 100 -> 110 (+10)

Def: 80 -> 90 (+10)

SpA: 80 -> 120 (+40)

SpD: 80 -> 90 (+10)

Spe: 100 -> 130 (+30)

BST: 520 -> 620 (+100)


Flygon brings the sandstorm into the battlefield! Now, at first glance, you may think that this is just an inferior Mega Salamence, but that's where you'd be WRONG! Mega Flygon's Boomburst actually hurts more than Mega Salamence's Double-Edge. Ground/Flying is also a nice type combination, only having merely two weaknesses, while boasting two immunities. On top of that, it also gets Quick Attack and Double-Edge to make use of its decent physical prowess, surprising special walls and taking out weakened foes.


Desert Siren (Standard, Special Attacker)


Flygon @ Flygonite
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Boomburst  
- Fire Blast  
- Earth Power  
- U-Turn / Tailwind


This set is what really sets Mega Flygon apart from the other Aerilate Pokemon. Max speed is recommended if you run U-Turn, allowing you to use Flygon with more versatility. However, if you choose to run Tailwind instead, you should use Modest nature.

Boomburst is the whole reason why you're using Mega Flygon. It OHKOs a lot of things, and can still get 2HKOs out of resisted opponents. Fire Blast and Earth Power are the coverage of choice, allowing Mega Flygon to hit harder against Pokemon that resist Boomburst. Do note that the given moves are all resisted by Rock/Flying types, but Boomburst can 2HKO all of those, so it doesn't really matter.


Poor Man's Mega Salamence? (Mixed Dragon Dance)


Flygon @ Flygonite  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Mild Nature  
- Boomburst  
- Double-Edge  
- Fire Blast / Earth Power
- Dragon Dance


A questionable set at a glance, but it actually works quite nicely. Mild is chosen as Mega Flygon can receive extra speed from Dragon Dance. Double-Edge at +1 2HKOs Chansey, while Boomburst nails everything else. Finally, Fire Blast rounds up the coverage, only leaving Heatran (Boomburst 3HKOs).

Earth Power can be used instead, but then you'll get walled by Celesteela.



Edited by IntSys
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Ahh...This Mega Slaking's ability is similar to the ability Lazy from Feliger in Pokemon Uranium.




This seems interesting! Let me give it a shot.


Image result for luxray


Mega Luxray

Type: Electric/Dark (as it should be)

Ability: Bloodthirster: All biting moves have an increased chance of getting a critical hit (Similar to the Sniper Ability)

Mega Stone: Luxrite

HP: 80

Atk: 120 -> 140 (+20)

Def: 79 -> 99 (+20)

SpA: 95 -> 115 (+20)

SpD: 79 -> 99 (+20)

Spe: 70 -> 90 (+20)

BST: 523 -> 623 (+100)


Mega Luxray has always been (at least to me) a Pokemon that was lacking in stats. Great design, good movepool, but it either had difficulty taking a hit or was too slow to dish one out to things that it could defeat. That is why I put 20 points in each of its stats. With this, it is a Pokemon that could hold its own without being broken lol.


With the ability Bloodthirster, he can utilize moves such as Bite, Thunder Fang, and Crunch (notice how the majority of these moves are now stab) by level up as well as Fire Fang and Ice Fang by breeding. It is majorly a Physical Attacker, but could also run as a special or mixed attacker. 


Hybrid Hunter


Luxray @ Luxrite

Ability: Intimidate

EVs: 252 Atk / 248 SpA  / 8 Spe
Brave/Naughty Nature  
-   Thunder Fang
-   Crunch
-   Wild Charge

-   Snarl

Wild Charge will be used to do maximum damage in case a person doesn't want to rely on a critical hit to finish off an opponent. Has both intimidate and snarl to put opponents stats down immediately.

The Devourer


Luxray @ Luxrite

Ability: Intimidate

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD

Adamant Nature

-   Crunch

-   Thunder Fang

-   Fire Fang

-   Ice Fang

If you want to rely on RNG, this would be the set to use. Heavily relies on its ability, but has great coverage.


Edited by ProjectIceman
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18 hours ago, ProjectIceman said:

Ahh...This Mega Slaking's ability is similar to the ability Lazy from Feliger in Pokemon Uranium.


That was part of the inspiration. Though, Feliger was rather mediocre for a Slaking lookalike.


As for your Mega Luxray, here are some notes:

18 hours ago, ProjectIceman said:

Ability: Bloodthirster: All biting moves have an increased chance of getting a critical hit (Similar to the Sniper Ability)

You meant Super Luck, not Sniper. It's also a pretty bad ability, considering how Luxray doesn't get Focus Energy and Mega Luxray can't hold Scope Lens. It's pretty much an inferior Strong Jaws. Its somehow mediocre stats spread doesn't help its cause, either; Electivire with a Life Orb is better than it in all regards other than bulk, ability, and dark-type STAB. Intimidate users like Krookodile, Incineroar, Salamence, Arcanine and Therian-form Landorus all sorely outclass it in utility, power and bulk, and they don't even need a Mega Stone.

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1 hour ago, IntSys said:


That was part of the inspiration. Though, Feliger was rather mediocre for a Slaking lookalike.


As for your Mega Luxray, here are some notes:

You meant Super Luck, not Sniper. It's also a pretty bad ability, considering how Luxray doesn't get Focus Energy and Mega Luxray can't hold Scope Lens. It's pretty much an inferior Strong Jaws. Its somehow mediocre stats spread doesn't help its cause, either; Electivire with a Life Orb is better than it in all regards other than bulk, ability, and dark-type STAB. Intimidate users like Krookodile, Incineroar, Salamence, Arcanine and Therian-form Landorus all sorely outclass it in utility, power and bulk, and they don't even need a Mega Stone.

Hmm, yes, those are some pretty good points. I tried not to make it broken, but it turns out that it still ended up weak. WELP! Back to the drawing board for me then lol. Thanks!

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@ProjectIceman Hey, glad to see some fresh blood in this thread! I think your Mega Luxray is actually kinda cool; Strong Jaw would work better with it, though. Still, just some minor tweaks like that and it's sure to be a well-balanced threat!


As for @IntSys' Mega Flygon, I actually had a very similar idea. Here's mine:


Mega Flygon

Type: Ground/Fairy

Ability: Pixilate


HP: 80

Attack: 130 (+30)

Defense: 80

Special Attack: 130 (+50)

Special Defense: 80

Speed: 120 (+20)


So, long story short, my Mega Flygon and IntSys' Mega Flygon have the same rough idea: Spam -ate Boomburst and watch everything fall beneath you. However, my Mega Flygon has a few key differences: it's a Fairy-Type, and trades some bulk, speed, and immunities for a massive power boost. It also faces less competition from other Pokemon, as there are no Pokemon with the Ground/Fairy type combination (Which, by the way, has almost-perfect coverage). However, below-average 80/80/80 Bulk means it can't take many hits, and it fails to outpace certain threats like Greninja, Weavile, and Gyrados after a Dragon Dance. Despite this, its raw, unbridled power and ability to go both Specially and Physically is sure to make it a top-tier threat.


Desert Song (Specially Offensive)


Flygon @ Flygonite

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Boomburst

- Earth Power

- Fire Blast / Flamethrower

- Tailwind


Boomburst is the main focus of this set, as it shreds to pieces pretty much anything that doesn't resist it. Together with Earth Power, it hits everything not named Celesteela, Skarmory, and Crobat for at least neutral damage. Fire Blast rounds out the coverage by hitting those three, but Flamethrower can be used instead for more accuracy, since a miss with something so frail could be catastrophic. The last slot is mostly filler, but Tailwind does help patch up Flygon's speed on predicted switches.


Erosion (Physical Setup Sweeper)


Flygon @ Flygonite

Ability: Levitiate

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Adamant / Jolly Nature

- Dragon Dance / Swords Dance

- Double-Edge / Return

- Earthquake

- Fire Punch / Quick Attack


Dragon Dance makes Flygon a terrifying setup sweeper, and should be used with an Adamant nature to get as much power as possible; Swords Dance, meanwhile, lets you wallbreak with scarily-high levels of power, and should be used with a Jolly nature to be as fast as possible with no boosts. Double-Edge is your strongest move, but Return can be used instead if the recoil is off-putting. Earthquake is your secondary STAB, which lets you hit Steel- and Poison-Types. The final slot should be modified based on your setup move; Fire Punch lets Dragon Dance sets plow through traditional counters, while Quick Attack gives Swords Dance sets some much-needed priority.


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@Lord Chespin I mostly went for Ground/Flying so it fits the theme better. Ground/Flying also allowed it to keep its Ground immunity from Levitate. I can see Ground/Fairy working, though.



Mega Regirock

Type: Rock

Ability: Remedy (Restores 1/8 HP at the end of each turn. Absorbs Stealth Rock (both the hazard and the move) and heals for 1/8 HP.)

HP: 80

Atk: 100 -> 130 (+30)

Def: 200 -> 250 (+50)

SpA: 50

SpD: 100 -> 120 (+20)

Spe: 50

BST: 580 -> 680


The legendary rock titan of Hoenn rises up to the challenge! Its newly-improved bulk makes it the second most physically bulky Pokemon in the entire metagame, only losing to 100% Zygarde by a tiny margin. Now, that's not its biggest selling point. Its unique ability to absorb Stealth Rock as well as providing decent passive recovery allows it to become one of the best anti-hazard Pokemon out there. However, a few problems persisted, such as a nasty weakness to special moves such as Focus Blast. It's also quite easy to set up on, as it lacks Roar.


Erosion (Toxic Stall)


Regirock @ Regirockite

Ability: Clear Body  
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def  
Impish Nature  
- Substitute  
- Protect
- Toxic  

- Earthquake

This set is designed to outlive pretty much every physical attacker with Toxic. Max Defense guarantees it to survive against two STAB SE hits and fire a Toxic in return. It can then use Protect and Substitute to initiate stalling. Finally, Earthquake is there to prevent Mega Regirock from being a sitting duck against Taunt users and Steel-types.


Rocky Mountains (Sweeper)


Regirock @ Regirockite
Ability: Clear Body  
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def  
Impish Nature  
- Curse  
- Substitute  
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide


This set focuses on setting up Curse in order to sweep instead. It aims to set up Substitutes on an opponent's switch, set up Curse and go from there. It does its job better with Will-O-Wisp and opposing Substitutes out of the way.


Geo Pebbles (Utility)


Regirock @ Regirockite
Ability: Clear Body  
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def  
Impish Nature  
- Thunder Wave  
- Stealth Rock  
- Earthquake  
- Rock Slide


It's like the Stall set, except this spreads paralysis and throws up rocks instead. Almost guaranteed to get rocks on the opponent's field, and can often be your saving grace when the opponent sets up their physical sweeper with its Thunder Wave.


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