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[Trading on demand only] Revenge's Shop!


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Heya folks! It's been a while, and since online features are out, i decided to trade them for some pokémon that i want/something else. Here it is:


Online play username: Bafabon


Wanted (also accepting other offers):


- Assault vest, Toxic orb, Flame orb, Eviolite

- Dittos obtained at E16

- Great IVs Pokémons that i don't have


Trading (most got 31's + egg move(s), pm for details!):


- Slowpoke

- Larvesta

- Togepi

- Shroomish

- Fennekin

- Bulbasaur

- Froakie

- Torchic

- Treecko

- Goomy

- Axew

- Timburr

- Croagunk

- Tynamo

- Bidoof

- Stunfisk

- Litwick

- Snover

- Sneasel

- Shuckle

- Mareep

- Shuppet

- Litleo

- Scraggy

- Corsola

- Tyrunt

- Hawlucha

- Mienfoo

- Zangoose

- Mudkip

- Omanyte

- Teddiursa

- Chansey

- Starly

- Yanma

- Onix

- Dwebble

- Trapinch


Edited by Bafabon
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Sure it is!


I might be able to come online at 8:00 pm EST today for it. I'll message you privately when i do so.


Exams are killing me =X but i'll do my hardest to come online


See you there!

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I would be totally willing to trade a Staryu, Larvesta, and Charmander (with Outrage!) for a Shroomish, Togepi, and Timburr because screw that puzzle 

IV's on Staryu and Larvesta should be decent (20-ish on average), Charmander would be better than that most likely.

PM me if you're interested!

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