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Avria's Breeding/Trading Shop (closing, sort of -- Small Giveaway)


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So, you probably saw that I'm closing my shop -- sort of, anyway. I no longer have the time to run it anymore, and I'm not really looking for anything in particular anyway, other than some shinies.


  • The old shop is closed
  • I still offer breeding services (but only three orders at a time, message me for this)
    • Only breeding services -- 5IVs, 6IVs, Hidden Powers
    • No nature/ability/Pokerus changes
    • Trades might take longer to complete (or might not, really depends)
  • All past trades are not affected (if we have yet to complete a trade, we will still do it)
  • More giveaways/raffles/free stuff!


Stuff That's Free All the Time



  • Starters
  • Mystery Egg Pokemon
  • Certain event Pokemon (ask if unsure)
  • Most wild Pokemon


IVs/Nature/etc. will be random, Pokerus is available though





USE THIS FORM (and post in the thread)


Trading Username:

Pokemon/Item(s) Requested:

Why you want it:



More Giveaways and Raffles to come later.

Old Shop


My name's Avria, and welcome to my shop!

Here you can pick up your favorite Pokemon, with some available as 5IV or 6IVs. I will also have raffles or giveaways from time to time, so keep an eye out for them.


Here the Pokemon for trade:


5-6IVs -- 


(hover to see egg moves and/or additional notes on blocks w/ the black triangle)


Keep in mind you can also put in a request for a Pokemon I don't have on there. It'll take a little longer, though. I don't breed for genderless Pokemon that aren't on the list, though, or for shinies. In addition, since 5IV genderless Pokemon are so hard to breed, I value them twice as much as a normal 5x31. A 4IV genderless has a normal value, though.

If you want to search for something specific, Ctrl + F is your friend. Keep in mind I put the lowest form of the Pokemon (whatever hatches when breeding). For example, I put Riolu instead of Lucario, and Marill instead of Azurill.


Shinies --



If I'm missing a higher evolved form of a Pokemon, you can trade me the base forms too. For example, if I'm missing Altaria, you can trade me Swablu. Exceptions to this are Porygon and Clamperl, where I do want the evolutions.


Here are some things I'm looking for:

  • 4-5IV Females I don't have
  • 5IV genderless Pokemon I don't have
    • Always looking for 6IV Genderless Pokemon
  • Rare Items
    • Ex: Focus Sash, Life Orb, Assault Vest (and other items not in stores)
    • Heart Scales, Ability Capsules
  • Shinies I don't have (goal: complete a ShinyDex!)
  • 5-6IV Shinies (even if I already have them)
  • Not looking for Pokemon not obtainable in game (other than Gastly and Magikarp)


About values:


Note: These come from trades I've done in the past. I'm pretty flexible with these though, by no means do you have to follow these.


  • Genderless 5x31s are worth twice as much as a normal 5x31
  • Normal 6x31 is worth twice as much as a normal 5x31
  • Shiny 5x31s are worth three times as much as a normal 5x31 (If they have the "x" in the right spot. If no, then two times)
  • Shiny 6x31s are worth four times as much as a normal 5x31
  • A Focus Sash = Life Orb = Assault Vest = Choice Band/Specs (and other rare items not in shops) = normal 5x31


And if you're just looking for a wild Pokemon or a more common limited one (ex: Torchic) those are free.


You can offer stuff not on the list too. Don't be afraid to ask, I don't bite!

Note: Please make sure all Pokemon or items you trade me are gotten by legitimate means (no RPGMaker XP, Gemini, etc.) All Pokemon I trade you will also be completely legitimate. Thank you.


Also, use this ORDER FORM!



Pokemon Requested:

Online Username:

Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional):

Nature (Optional, free):

Pokerus (Optional, free):

Ability (Optional, free):

Other (Optional):



Gender (Optional):

Egg Moves (Optional):

IVs (Optional if they're not high):

Other (Optional):


Also, my online username is Avria.

Pokerus, nature, and ability are a gift, since they are so easy to get/change. They don't affect the value of a Pokemon. :)


Trades in Progress





Edited by Avria
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I got a breloom and togepi to trade for riolu and torchic (way better if they're female ^^)



Pokemon Name: Riolu

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): Not required

Nature: Any

IVs: Any

Offering: Breloom (Female)


Pokemon Name: Torchic

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): Not required

Nature: Any

IVs: Any

Offering: Togepi (Male, 31 IV Sp.Atk)


#EDIT 2: Count me in for the raffle too xD

Edited by Bafabon
Damn, i didn't noticed the form, i'm sorry X_X.
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Please use the order form in the future. ^^

(Part of it is my fault, I should make it more noticeable. xD)


I already have the female Riolu, but the female Torchic will take some time to breed. I'll try to have it ready for you tomorrow by 7:00 pm EST.

Are there any particular natures, IVs, or egg moves you'd like?

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It looks like people have already offered you togepi, azurill, and shroomish, and those are the only pokemon on your wishlist that I actually have OTL. Would you like mine too/are there any other 'mons you want that aren't listed? I'm working to collect all the starters, and I really want to get tododile, chikorita and charmander. It's chill if you don't need my 'mons and don't want to trade though!


Pokemon Name: tododile, charmander, chikorita

Gender (Optional): N/A

Egg Moves (Optional): N/A

Ability (Optional): N/A

IVs (Optional; select a range): N/A

Nature: N/A

Offering: togetic, shroomish, azurill


I'd like to enter the raffle too lol. Trade name is Freya.

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I have a braixen  hypnosis.





and a few shiny too.



umbreon (egg move yawn)




















 other egg moves pokemons:



heracoss (rock blast)

abra (encore)

clefairy (wish)

lapras (dragon dance)

totodile (dragon dance)

drifloon (tailwind)

tepig (superpower)

eevee (yawn)

riolu (vaacum wave)


growlithe(close combat)

smoochun(nasty plot)




i just want a froakie. i dont care about ivs, just need one.

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I have:








High IV Pokemon (eevees + eeveelutions, Butterfree)


and I´m looking for Shinies!!! Not sure however, which of these are tradeable. Shroomish definitely is!

Edited by LilyX
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@CMV Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me!


@Vic  I'm interested in your shiny Umbreon, Gothitelle, Ponyta, Scatterbug, and Poliwag. I'm not interested in any of the egg move Pokemon, sorry. ^^"


@LilyX  I'd like to trade for your Snivy and Larvesta -- I think they're both tradeable. Which shinies would you like?

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Hey :) Id like to do some trading with you, i can offer:

Nearly perfect IVs on:
Charmander (Dragon Dance, Outrage, Dragon Pulse)


Torchic (31 all)

Growlithe (Close Combat)

Zubat (not thaat good, average of 28.6 or so, knows bravebird+hypnosis)
(Of most of those i could offer 2 versions so you can keep breeding for your Tradingshop :))

Then to the shineys (only listing some "cooler" ones):
2x Charmander (one of those with decent IVS for a Special-hitting Charizard, thats my greatest one x) )
1x Growlithe

1x Flabebe
1x Absol
1x Druddigon
1x Bouffalant
1x Bibor
1x Arbok (looks dope)

Also i can offer Larvesta and Axew, would have to breed them though.

Aaaand now i stumbled over your "order" thingy. A bit too tired, and also would need to write that stuff out like 10 times. I would prefer 1-2 PMs here if you are interested in anything here. I do not focus on nature or ability since you can edit those in reborn (costs 1 heartscale and a little patience), if you want i can trade my 'Mons with a heartscale / ability capsule each^^
Also, im keeping to work on good IVed pokemon, so we could share those in the future.

What im looking for:

Playable shineys (Zubat, Fennekin, Ralts, if IVs are good/decent)
Turtwig and Chespin
One Female of every good IVed pokemon ;)

Greetings, Maomaer
*Edit: I'd also like to join the raffle :D Trade name is Lumina.
*Edit 2: I also got the Pokerus hehe

Edited by Maomaer
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4 hours ago, Avria said:

@CMV Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me!


@Vic  I'm interested in your shiny Umbreon, Gothitelle, Ponyta, Scatterbug, and Poliwag. I'm not interested in any of the egg move Pokemon, sorry. ^^"


@LilyX  I'd like to trade for your Snivy and Larvesta -- I think they're both tradeable. Which shinies would you like?


Yea, they are both tradeable =) I would like Ralts and Swablu (!!!Swablu!!!). Would you like that?

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@Avria Hello


Pokemon You Want: Larvesta

Offering:  Shiny Shinx

Gender (Optional): Female

Egg Moves (Optional): n/a

Ability (Optional): Guts

IVs (Optional; select a range): 24+ on all 6

Nature (Optional): Calm 

I know you're also looking for larvest, I'm just hoping you can breed one for me too. I dont care about IV/gender / nature. 

Also, put me in on raffle please 

Edited by thedeath245
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Pokemon You Want: goomy

Offering: shiny arbok

Gender (Optional): male

Egg Moves (Optional): acid armor

Ability (Optional): hydration

IVs (Optional; select a range): decent

Nature (Optional): modest


I started over for episode 16 the shiny arbok is the most valuable pokemon i have.

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